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Russian's Obsession: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 88)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  “You’re ready to hold me with another part of your body aren’t you?”

  I nod.

  “Hold me even tighter than that chokehold you had on me,” he says, his hand coming off mine.

  I nod again.

  “Then spread your legs wider and grab ahold of the sheets again, or something, because a tornado is about to roll through town and it’s going to wreak havoc, and it’s not leaving…ever.”

  I do as he says, readying myself for what’s seconds away, but for what I would have waited a lifetime just to experience once, but only with him.

  “Wider,” he says.

  He watches and waits until I’m as wide as I can go.

  “Now it’s my turn to see how wide you can really go,” he says. “Mine,” he growls and I feel the head of his cock slide inside me.

  I feel just a small bit of pain, but the pleasure overrides it by miles.

  “You feel so fucking beautifully perfect,” he says, as I feel the tip of his dick leave me, the void making me feel empty and angering me at the same time.

  I reach for his hips, but he’s already back inside me.

  “Don’t pull out, ever,” I demand, my need sending my confidence sky high.

  “Never,” he says. “You know I’m going to fill you,” he says as his hands possessively take hold of my hips. “I want to feel you come, your pussy milking my cock dry.”

  He slides in deeper, then pulls his hips back but stays in me just like I wanted.

  He rocks forward again, going deeper still, and then his torso comes forward as we make skin-to-skin contact.

  His pubic bone grinds on my clit while his cock enters me.

  I moan uncontrollably, unable to stop, which pulls a primal mating growl from the depths of his being.

  We’re like two wolves, howling in the forest as we breed on the hilltop under the moonlight.

  His mouth comes down hard on my pebbled nipple, flicking it, cranking up the speed of his thrusts.

  I feel his dick find my G-spot and I know I’m close.

  “Right there,” he says, knowing what he found even though this is the first time for both of us. That’s exactly why we’re so perfect together, so meant for each other in every way.

  “Relax into it and I’ll go even deeper,” he says into my ear.

  My back arches as I try and exhale hard, but something inside me is stuck. I’m too lost in the moment to relax. I open my mouth to tell him so, but nothing comes out but a whimper. “Deeper,” I finally say, to which he growls yet again.

  God he was huge, so huge it’s going to be difficult to ever get used to his big dick. Being a virgin only makes it more challenging, and more intense, memorable, and perfect.

  I give in to my temptation to take it all, now, unbridled.

  “Fuck me,” I say. “Fuck me good and hard like we both want you to.” Where in the hell did I get the courage to say those words?

  They’re out now and there’s no taking them back, not that I’d want to.

  His body goes vertical again and he lets loose, driving his cock home as I took the entirety of his length, losing myself in the process.

  My head flies from one side of the mattress to the other as I lose myself, my hair sticking to the sweat on my face.

  I feel my body lifting off the bed as he pulls me right into him, bouncing me up and down on his shaft as he kisses me hard.

  “This is it, baby. I’m gonna come inside you so hard, so long, so deep,” he says.

  “Is that a threat?” I say, feeling more powerful than I ever have before.

  “It’s a fucking promise,” he says and as the last syllable leaves his lips and enters my ear a volcanic eruption of hot juices explode from his cock, filling me instantly and sending me over the edge with him.

  I cover his cock with my cream, feeling his body tense against mine, and then shake as he squeezes me tight, making our skin touch in as many places as possible.

  His lips come down hard on mine, as he comes again, not letting go of my lips.

  I feel his come already seeping out of me. He filled me as full as he promised, and also just as he promised his long hard cock continues to throw hot creamy ropes deep inside me as the seconds stand still.

  My eyes are wide as his jets empty the last of what’s been brewing inside of him for the last thirty-one years.

  Just when I think he’s done my pussy releases its grip and then tightens again pulling out the last of his load.

  Suddenly I feel myself falling backwards towards the bed, but he rolls just before and we both land on our sides, his dick still hard, still buried inside me.

  “Mine,” he says in-between failed attempts to catch his breath.

  “Mine,” I say and he kisses me on the forehead.

  Without pulling out I feel his cock twist inside me as he maneuvers into position on top of me and slowly and deliberately enters me, causing each and every nerve inside me to receive a long, drawn out dose of immense pleasure.

  “I told you I’d always be hard for you. Even when you think you’ve milked me dry there will always be more with your name on it, and your name only.”

  “I’m ready for more,” I say, knowing the truth…I’m still full from the gift he just gave me.

  “Good, because we’re going to do this all night and into the morning. You’re going to take so much of my seed by then we’ll probably have sextuplets.”

  “Or just a bunch of sex,” I joke.

  “Never. It’s so much more than that. It’s everything.”

  “You’re everything,” I say.

  His hand slides up underneath my body and he takes a firm grip just below my jaw, turning my head back towards him just enough that he can kiss me softly…as he continues to ever so slowly slide in and out of me, still harder than a steel pipe.

  “Mine,” he says as his lips come off of mine for just the amount of time to say the word before he kisses me possessively again, our lips joined for minutes, just like the rest of us.

  He was right. There’s no telling where one of us ends and the other begins, because now we are one.

  And that’s how it’s going to be…forever.



  My eyes open at just after four in the morning.

  I carefully roll over and take in the sight of my angel sleeping.

  Damn it feels good to know that I’m the one that wore her out like that.

  I put a hand over her face just to make sure she’s breathing, the thought of it almost causes me to start laughing because of course she’s breathing. She breathed life into me and I put a life into her. I’m sure of it.

  Now I have to make sure to protect both of them.

  Carefully rolling out of bed I make my way into the living room, putting on my EarPods, so as not to wake her, and turn on the TV.

  It doesn’t take long to see exactly what I expected.

  The news is recapping the top stories and of course there is restaurant surveillance video of “Russia’s richest known man” and “unidentified woman” surviving a murder attempt.

  Damn right we survived. You think I’m going to let anyone lay a finger on her you’re crazy.

  The camera zooms in on the men as they replay the scene over and over again. I hit the pause and then zoom buttons on my remote, checking the ink on their hands. Just as I expected.

  Bratva, Russian mafia.

  I know that particular outfit they work for. The main guy, Vladimir Sokolov, has been trying to shake me down for cash for years. The TV calling me Russia’s richest known man and not by my name doesn’t help things at all.

  Now it’s time to help myself, to Sokolov, and end this once and for all.

  I go back into the bedroom and watch my woman sleep for a few minutes longer. I’m not worried at all about what I have to do, I just want to remember our first night together and how she looked when it was all finished.

  But we’re nowhere near close to being done today
. She will be mine again and again and again.

  I write out a quick note and leave it on the kitchen table, right in the center all by itself with only a glass holding it in place. She won’t miss it, assuming she’s awake before I get back.

  I grab the things I need, dress in all black which is very normal in Moscow, and decide against telling building security that I’m coming down.

  I take the stairwell directly into the garage, jumping on my motorcycle and leaving the building quickly.

  I know exactly what I have to do and where.

  Ten minutes later I pull up three blocks from Chaika Pool, a heated open-air pool. They don’t open until seven which gives me plenty of time to do what I need to do.

  I easily pick the front lock and show myself inside. It’s empty as expected, the janitors and opening staff won’t arrive until fifteen minutes before seven, leaving me more than enough time.

  The thing with these mobsters is they like to do their talking in places like this. An outdoor, public place, or a steam room works perfectly.

  And this one is Sokolov’s favorite. He comes here every morning, but little does he know today will be his last.

  I enter the men’s locker room, easily finding his “VIP” locker. I pick the lock, and remove his oversized bottle of cologne. How predictable.

  I quickly add a Novichok nerve agent known as A-234 into it. It’s the same chemical that was used in March 2018 on Sergei Skripal, a former Russian military officer and double agent for the UK's intelligence services, and his daughter Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, England.

  And it’s the perfect chemical for this job.

  The only patrons in the pool at that hour will be Sokolov and his men, and this particular chemical will make it look like the current administration tired of him and decided to do away with him.

  This will cause a domino effect for power where many of the other top guys will focus on taking the reins, versus trying to move up the hierarchy, not to mention the rival mobs will try to weaken them further.

  I search a few more lockers for names I know to be associated with Sokolov.


  By the time we’re having lunch this war will be over.

  I place a small pinhole camera in the upper corner of the room and head back downstairs.

  I’m on my bike and back home in under forty-five minutes.

  Taking the note off the table, I wad it up and throw it away.

  She’ll never even know, but she’ll see the story on the news and know she’s safe.

  It will be done the way a real man does it. A real man does what needs to be done to protect his family and doesn’t bring attention to it or ask for applause. A real man knows it’s his job.

  And I’m a real man, with a woman I’d die for without question, although that won’t be necessary, now or ever.

  Because I’ve got a long life to look forward to. A life that includes kids, dogs, family vacations and most importantly her.

  “Mine,” I say as I watch her there, so peaceful in our bed. “All mine.”



  I roll out of bed with the biggest smile ever. I’ve never been so happy to get out of bed or start my day.

  My confidence in my body is sky high after the way Sergey responded to me last night and this morning…over and over and over again.

  So much for the idea that I need to get a gym membership this year, or ever.

  I walk into the living room feeling refreshed and ready to go.

  “Mornin’, sunshine,” Sergey says from the bar in the kitchen.

  “Hey there,” I say.

  I look to my side seeing that the TV is on RT, formerly known as Russia Today. It’s the huge Russian international television network funded by the Russian government, so you can guess the kinds of slant the stories often take.

  Currently they seem to be giving a rundown of the news, in English which is normal, and the first thing I notice is that my face is plastered on the screen as “unidentified woman.”

  At first I want to laugh, but then it hits me just how serious it is, causing me to recoil back and right into his arms.

  I watch the replay of what happened until Sergey’s big arms, while still wrapped around me, come up and cover my face.

  “You might want to see this next part though, or at least listen,” he says lowering his hands, the violent scene finished.

  The reporter goes on to say that the group responsible for the attack saw their top five leaders poisoned this morning just after dawn at a Russian swimming pool.

  What the heck?

  She says some things about the chemicals used and I recognize them as a favorite of the Russian government.

  “Why would the government retaliate?” I ask, more of a question just to say it than to expect an actual answer.

  “In life it’s important to know the right people.”

  Something about the way he says it has me wondering. First instinct would tell me he’s referring to himself, but I almost feel like he’s talking about me.

  The fact that it was A-234 points the finger squarely at the Kremlin, but why would they get involved? Does Sergey have Putin’s ear, and that quickly as well?

  “How long have you been awake?” I ask.

  “Not too long,” he says.

  I try and piece together what happened after I fell asleep, but I don’t even remember falling asleep because I was so comfortable. I was just lying in his arms and we were talking and next thing I know I’m waking up.

  He looks completely awake and like he’s been up for longer than he’s letting on.

  I’m reminded of a scene from the Batman movie The Dark Knight where Coleman Reese, played by Joshua Harto, discovers that Bruce Wayne is actually Batman and smugly tells Lucius Fox, played by Morgan Freeman, “I want...ten million dollars a year, for the rest of my life.”

  To which Freeman replies, “Let me get this straight. You think that your client…one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands…and your plan is to blackmail this person?

  “Good luck.”

  I’m not saying Sergey Smirnov is Bruce Wayne, or Batman, but he’s about as close to both I’ve ever seen. And if he did what I think he did to those five men?

  Well, I’m not going to be the one to mention it, although I should be thanking him for doing what had to be done to keep me safe.

  “So what’s the plan for today?” I say, quick to talk about something else.

  “I was thinking it’s a nice day to ski. Have you ever tried skiing?”

  “Never. Are there places to ski close to Moscow?”

  “Not really, but there’s Sochi.”

  “Where the 2014 Winter Olympics were held?”

  “Yes, but it’s a ghost town now. We’ll have the place all to ourselves.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I say, turning to face him and bury the side of my face in his chest, “although I was hoping not to have to put clothes on today.”

  I feel his dick harden instantly in his dark gray cotton lounging sweatshorts.

  “We can delay that a bit longer,” he says scooping me back up and carrying me right back into the bedroom.



  After another romp in the sheets, followed up by a frisky clean up session in the shower that results in my third climax of the day we board a helicopter on Sergey’s rooftop and we’re off for Sochi.

  We make multiple stops along the way and the ride is long, but so enjoyable. The idea of being not too far off the ground provides the best of all worlds. It’s fast yet you get to see the entire countryside, all the cities and towns, and you get a feel for the country, as much as you can from a helicopter that is.

  The most important thing I don’t feel is cold. I had no idea helicopters could be heated.

  Sergey explains that in order to prevent aircraft com
ponents from freezing up or icing, and also to make sure that the cabins are the right temperature, a solution was developed by a company from Jena, Germany called Jenoptik came up with a solution.


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