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Legally Hot

Page 15

by Leigh, Lora

  “You look beautiful for someone who was just shot and in a fight with a rosebush,” he said as he smiled and crouched beside the bed.

  When he smiled, his dimple made him even more sexy, more desirable.

  “Thank you.” She struggled to sit up in bed as she spoke.

  Adam’s hands felt warm on her good arm and her shoulder as he helped her. She winced from the pain due to the wound, but she managed not to cry out.

  “The doc prescribed some pain meds,” he said when she was sitting up. “Want me to get you a couple?”

  She shook her head. “No thanks.”

  “You’re tough,” he said. “I know some pretty tough cops who’ve had lesser wounds but happily popped the drugs while they needed them.”

  “I have a fairly high pain tolerance,” Keri said as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. “And I want nothing to do with any kind of drug that can be addictive.”

  “Smart girl.” Adam got up from where he knelt beside the bed and grabbed a straight-back chair that was up against one wall. He brought it around and sat facing her.

  He braced his forearms on his thighs as he leaned forward, his warm brown eyes focused on her. His position was so familiar it was as if she had seen him do it a thousand times, even though she had only met him last night.

  The same feelings that had come over her when she had first met him returned as she studied him. On some deep, primitive level she not only wanted him, she needed him.

  A crazy thought.

  But as she looked at him, he had an intensity to his brown eyes that was mesmerizing. His short brown hair looked permanently tousled as if he had just woken and he had a day’s growth of stubble on his jaw.

  Today Adam wore a white T-shirt that was taut across his chest and his biceps stretched the sleeves. He wasn’t a large man, but he was tall and extremely fit, with an athletic build.

  And he had that adorable dimple when he smiled.

  “Fred is fine,” he said before she could ask. “The vet is keeping him for another night. He was afraid that Fred wouldn’t take it easy.”

  “The vet is right.” Keri smiled. “He wouldn’t take it easy at all.” Then she added, “Thank you. For being there last night. For everything you did for me and for Fred.”

  “I’m just glad I was there.” His voice was low, serious. “And very glad Fred was, too.” He pushed back his chair and stood. “Ready for dinner?”

  “Dinner?” Keri looked at him in surprise. “What time is it?”

  “Six.” He moved the chair away from the side of the bed. “Would you rather have me bring dinner up or would you prefer to eat downstairs?”

  “I can’t believe it’s so late.” Keri pushed down the covers. “I’ll eat downstairs. No reason at all to serve me in bed.”

  She swung her legs over the side. “But I do need to check on my parents. I usually call them every day and I obviously haven’t called yet.”

  “You can use my phone.” Adam helped her out of bed and she held her arm to her chest in its sling. She realized she was only in her panties and one of his T-shirts and it was bunched around her waist. She had forgotten that he had helped her out of her dirty and bloody T-shirt and jeans last night. Her face burned as she tugged the shirt down from her waist and it fell to her thighs.

  When they’d arrived at his house early this morning, she had cleaned up the best she could with a washcloth, warm water, and soap, but she really needed a shower. Or rather a bath, since she couldn’t get her bandages wet.

  “I’ll pick up some clothes from your house in the morning,” he said. “After dinner you can take a bath in the hall bathroom if you’d like.”

  The man was a mind reader.

  She nodded and let him guide her out of the room. The moment she stepped onto the landing she took a deep breath of delicious smells coming from below. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn’t had anything to eat for almost twenty-four hours.

  “Something smells wonnnnnderful,” she said as Adam helped her down the steep stairs that led to a small but very cozy kitchen.

  “Tacos.” He pulled out a chair and she took the seat, being careful not to bump her arm. “Along with salad and a nice cabernet I’ve been saving for the right time.”

  Keri’s stomach growled again and she grinned. “I love tacos.”

  Well, her stomach certainly was fine. She had always had a good appetite and she worked out hard enough every day that she could pretty much eat what she wanted without worrying about her weight.

  When she was seated, Adam handed her his phone and she dialed her parents while he brought dinner to the table. Her mother was in bed early, but her father talked with her for a few minutes until he said he was going to get some sleep.

  After she disconnected the call she said, “I need to check in on them tomorrow.”

  Adam nodded. “I’ll give you a hand with anything you need help with.”

  While they ate they talked about everything from the weather, the Yankees and Mets—he was born a Mets fan and she had been a lifetime Yankees fan—to current politics and the hottest Broadway play. Adam’s interest in cultural events delighted her and she found she enjoyed talking with him.

  * * *

  Adam started gathering the dishes from the table and motioned for her to remain in her seat. “You. Sit,” he said as he took the dishes to the sink and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher.

  As he sat back down at the table, he looked serious. “Do you mind if I ask you about how you ended up getting injured? I read the file about it, but tell me yourself.”

  The memories came over her, harsh and unwanted. “I think Edward got to the point where he felt he had enough control over me that he didn’t have to worry about me seeing something I shouldn’t.”

  She shook her head as she went on. “I started seeing him fly into rages with his employees, rages that were almost frightening. But then he would turn to me and be sweet and attentive. I started to become confused.

  “Then I found out what Edward really did for a living—that he was a big time drug dealer—and I told him it was over between us.”

  Keri tried not to flinch from the memory but it was hard. “He was furious—so full of the same incredible rage I’d seen in him at other times. He said I belonged to him and he threatened to make my life miserable if I tried to leave or if I went to the police.”

  She went on, “It was then that I realized how blinded I’d been. I hadn’t realized how controlling and possessive, how obsessed he was. It became really obvious from that point on.”

  Adam studied her with a police officer’s patience, but also with the understanding of a man who cared for her and her welfare. Really cared.

  A sick sensation that she hadn’t felt in a long time filled her belly as she went on. “One night he became enraged at me for nothing—for looking at another man wrong. He was so jealous, he would not quit. He actually hit me and I just lost it emotionally.

  “I started screaming,” she continued, “that I was going to go to the police with the information I had written out and documented. I told him I had what I needed to ruin him. It was so foolish to say, but I had lost it.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. “He went crazy on me. Just insane. He had a metal bar and swung it at my knee and completely blew it out. Said it was only my knee then. It would be my life if I talked about what I had seen or that he was responsible for the knee.”

  She swallowed. “I was in fear for my life, at that point. I couldn’t even tell anyone what actually happened to the knee. I had to make up a story.”

  Growing anger crossed Adam’s strong features as she continued. “The doctors said that with the type of injury … there was no way my knee would ever be the same to dance. That was almost seven years ago, when I was twenty. I can expect to have a replacement someday.”

  Adam dried off his hands on a dish towel, then came back to the table
and helped her to her feet. “Sorry to dredge up bad memories,” he said quietly.

  “It’s good to talk about it to someone who understands.” Keri was keenly aware that Adam was still holding her good hand after helping her stand. “Most people act like I might fall apart if the subject is even brought up.”

  Adam brushed strands of hair away from her face, catching her off guard and sending zinging sensations through her abdomen. “You’re a strong woman, Keri,” he said.

  Seeing the conviction in his eyes almost made her believe he was right.

  * * *

  Keri waited as Adam filled the tub with warm water and bubbles. She loved watching him. He had fluid, easy movements, and she could see and feel the controlled power in his body. She liked looking at the muscles flex in his forearms and beneath the T-shirt that stretched across his back.

  When he turned he saw she was watching him. He winked and heat rose to her cheeks. She had probably been staring at him like some schoolgirl with a crush.

  He smiled and gave Keri a couple of thick, fluffy towels and a washcloth. While keeping the towel between them, affording her some modesty, he helped her out of her T-shirt.

  “Make sure you don’t get your bandages wet,” he said and Keri nodded. “I’ll be in my office across from the bathroom,” he said. “Just call me if you need me. I’ll check in on you and help you out when you’re finished.”

  Keri nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Do you need help getting into the tub?” he asked.

  “Getting in is the easy part.” She shook her head. “I think getting out will be the challenge.”

  “Like I said, I’ll help you out.” Adam walked to the bathroom door and rested his hand on the doorknob. “Wait for me, okay? I don’t want you slipping and falling.”

  Adam closed the door behind him. Keri eased into the wonderfully warm water and sighed. This was exactly what she needed.

  Keri propped her bandaged arm on the rim of the tub while she bathed. She took her time, enjoying the feel of the warm water lapping her tired body. The cuts and scratches stung at first, but then gradually it all faded to a warm burn, like she had sunburned skin. She gently washed her body, doing her best without moving her arm too much.

  When she was finished she let the water out of the tub. A knock at the bathroom door was followed by Adam’s voice. “Okay in there, Keri?” He seemed to have a sixth sense for knowing what she was thinking and what she needed. “Ready to get out?”

  She reached for the towel on the bar to hide her naked body. As she was drawing it toward her it slipped out of her grasp at the moment she was already saying, “Ready.”

  The door opened and Keri’s face flushed as Adam walked in. He didn’t say anything, just took the towel off of the floor and covered her with it as if seeing her with nothing on wasn’t a big deal at all.

  “Thank you.” She clenched her jaw as Adam helped her to stand and climb out of the tub. “This looks just too strange with me dropping the towel as I told you to come in. I wasn’t trying…”

  “It’s all fine.” Adam smiled gently.

  As she arranged the towel around herself, Adam grabbed a second towel and began to dry her hair with it from behind. He didn’t say anything as he worked. The fog-shrouded mirror didn’t show their reflections, just a misty hint of an outline.

  When he finished towel-drying her hair, he tossed the towel onto the rim of the tub so that it hung half on, half off.

  “We need to change your bandage,” he said as he reached into a medicine cabinet and began taking out first-aid supplies.

  Adam removed the bandages carefully, but she still found herself gritting her teeth from the pain. Blood had seeped onto the bandage—a lot more than she had expected.

  With gentle hands he cleaned the wound. The entire time she tried to ignore how badly it hurt and to keep from flinching. After it was clean and he had applied antiseptic, he put a fresh bandage on it. She let her breath out in relief when he was finished.

  She started to move away from him, but he caught her by her good arm. “I’m not finished with you yet.” His tone was teasing and she smiled as he reached into a cabinet and brought out a comb.

  He had her sit on the vanity chair in front of the mirror, then began combing the tangles out of her hair. He was gentle with her, not tugging too hard, and falling into a rhythm as he combed.

  The feeling of Adam combing her hair was luxurious. It made her languid, relaxed to the point of feeling like she was slipping into another place and time.

  It had to be something to do with the trauma to make her feel this way now. So amazing.

  The gentle tug and pull of the comb felt good. Felt real. It grounded her, kept her from flying completely into a dream world.

  When Adam finished, he put away the comb, then took her hand and helped her to stand. The fuzzy dark blue rug felt soft beneath her feet.

  “Brought a T-shirt in for you.” Adam’s voice was husky. “Tomorrow I’ll pick up some of your own clothes.”

  “Can’t—” Keri sputtered then laughed as Adam tugged the T-shirt over her head. She let the towel drop as he pulled the shirt down. He helped her put her bandaged arm through its sleeve. Then he handed her panties to her and she stepped into them one-handed.

  When the clothing was on, she looked up at him. Her throat felt dry as she swallowed. “I can’t stay here.”

  Adam raised his eyebrows. “Says who?”

  “Says me.” She raised her good arm. “I’m not going to impose on you more than I already have.”

  “Who says you’re imposing?” Adam said as he smoothed his hands over her shoulders.

  “I mean…” Keri paused. “Thank you for everything. For being there last night at my house, then the hospital.” She raised her good hand. “For bringing me here and even making me dinner and for taking care of Fred.”

  Adam smiled. “You’re welcome.” He trailed his fingers along her arm.

  The most delicious sensations caused her to shiver.

  “Are you cold?” Adam looked so concerned it made her smile. “I’ll get you a bathrobe.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, but he was already opening the door of the bathroom.

  As soon as he did, cold air rushed over her and some of the steam dissipated.

  This time she did shiver from the cool air.

  Adam took her hand and led her down the hall. “I have a robe in here.”

  When he opened the door she saw that it must be the master bedroom. It was a great deal bigger than the guest room, had a huge king-sized bed and attractive cherry wood furniture. The bed was unmade, clothing hung over the back of a chair, and socks were on the floor.

  Keri smiled. It looked lived in and comfortable.

  “It’s a mess,” Adam said as he looked over her shoulder. “Maid’s day off.” He flashed a smile. “Truthfully, I need to hire one.”

  “Looks fine to me,” she said.

  After he grabbed an old terry robe he put it around her shoulders, careful not to bump her arm. When he had the robe arranged, he guided her out of his bedroom.

  “Let’s get you back to bed,” he said. “You’ve had a hell of a time of it.”

  “I just got up.” She came to a stop. “I slept all day.”

  “You needed that sleep.” He gestured to her arm. “Not only do you need to sleep to heal, but you just went through some serious trauma. It’s not every day that you get shot.”

  Adam had managed to steer her into the guest bedroom and to the bed.

  The thought of this man helping her, being there for her, caring for her in such a gentle way made her feel different than she had felt about anyone for a long time. That and the sight of Adam so close to the bed she would be sleeping in again made her stomach flutter.

  “Climb into bed and I’ll tuck you in,” he said with a smile.

  She obeyed and brought the covers up under her arms. He leaned down and
brushed his lips over her forehead.

  “Good night, Angel,” he said and left.


  “Tell Mom that I love her and I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Keri listened to her father for a few moments more as he said he would. “I love you, Dad,” she added before she closed her phone, disconnecting the call.

  Keri sighed and set her cell phone on the table in the small but roomy house in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn that her cousin Janice was letting her stay in until it was rented. The furnishings were bare since it was temporary and it felt sterile and not quite welcome.

  It had been a week since the break-in at her home in Brooklyn Heights, with no further incidents. But then she hadn’t been there since that night. Adam had picked up what she had needed him to.

  According to Adam, Edward was reportedly planning to head to his huge home in Miami. Keri had been to it when she and Edward dated and it was an impressive home with Grecian columns, everything made of white marble, from the floors to the pillars to the stairs.

  According to Adam’s sources, Edward would be making it a permanent move. She prayed every day that was true.

  Keri had stayed with Adam for a few days, then had agreed with him to move into a rental house for a while rather than returning to her own home. Edward would be less likely to find her in a different house if he was still after her.

  The remaining problem was how she would make it to work each day at her dance studio and how to make sure she wasn’t followed home. She’d had substitute teachers take over the classes that she normally taught … But she couldn’t, and didn’t want to, do that for long.

  I can’t live my life hiding or running. I just can’t.

  One of the hardest things had been that Adam had also made her promise not to visit her parents for a week. He wanted to make sure she wasn’t followed from their home in case Edward had located her parents. The thought of Edward having found her mother and father terrified her.


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