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Elsie and Her Namesakes

Page 19

by Martha Finley


  At Ion was now gathered as pleasant a family party as that now insession at Woodburn. Grandma Elsie was there with her father and hiswife, her son Edward with Zoe, his wife, and their two children, thetwins Laurie and Lily, Ion being their home. Herbert and Walter werealso present, and all the Fairview folk; for Mrs. Elsie Leland wanteda chat on family affairs and relatives with her mother, whom, untilto-day, she had not seen for several weeks; such a chat as they couldnot well take in the larger company of relatives and friends whosesociety they had just been enjoying at Woodburn. And Mr. Leland and hislittle daughters had naturally accompanied the wife and mother, knowingthat they were always welcome guests at Ion.

  They seemed to be enjoying themselves, the older ones in a quiet,cheerful way, the younger ones, gathered in a separate group at thefarther end of the veranda, with a good deal of fun and frolic untilAjax was seen coming round the corner of the house with the two littletee-tees in his arms and passing down the driveway in the direction ofthe front entrance to the grounds.

  "Ajax, what are you doing with those little monkeys? Where are youtaking them?" cried Lily, hurrying down the steps and running after him.

  "Ober to Woodburn, where dey b'long, Miss Lily," he answered, pausingin his walk and turning toward her.

  "Oh, I wish you wouldn't. I was most in hopes they'd let us keep them.They are such funny little fellows, I don't like to give them up."

  "But I'se tole to take 'em dar, an' I'se got to do it," replied Ajax ina regretful tone. "I'll fetch 'em back hyar ef de Woodburn folks 'lowme to."

  "But they won't. They'll be sure to keep them if they're there," sobbedthe little girl, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  But even as she spoke a hand was laid gently on her shoulder, and herfather's voice said in kindest tones, "Don't cry, daughter dear. Wemust let the tee-tees go home to their owners, but you and Laurie shallhave other pets in place of them. I have a pretty Maltese kitten boughtfor you and a fine dog for your brother. Come back to the veranda andthese new pets shall be brought out."

  "Oh, papa, how nice! Thank you ever so much!" cried Lily, brushing awayher tears and putting her hand in his to be led back to the veranda,where the new pets were speedily produced, to the evident delight ofthe young owners and the admiration of their guests.

  And when Ajax returned with Captain Raymond's kindly expressed thanks,Lily's grief seemed fully assuaged.

  The older people, who had paused in their more important conversationto observe what was going on among the children, now resumed it,Grandma Elsie asking Walter of his engagements during the past winter.He replied that he had been busy with his studies, but had found sometime for missionary work, especially on the Sabbath, among the poor anddegraded, particularly foreigners of the lower class.

  "And, mother," he added, "I have quite decided that I want to go intothe ministry. I want to be a missionary to the poor and needy, theignorant and helpless."

  "My dear son," she replied with emotion, "how glad I am to hear it! Iwant you to be a winner of souls, a helper of the helpless, in this,your own land, or in some other; preferably this, because you will benearer to me and I can see you oftener."

  "Yes, mother," he returned, "and I think I could hardly find a betterfield than among the mountains of Kentucky or Tennessee."

  "No, I don't believe you could," said his grandfather approvingly."Those mountaineers are our own people, destitute as regards bothtemporal and spiritual things, and have a prior claim to that ofthose in heathen lands; and love for our land and nation should drawus strongly to their aid, even if we did not care for their eternalsalvation."

  Others in the little company gave expression to similar views andfeelings, then they discussed ways and means of helping the workalready going on among those mountaineers, and there was a generalexpression of intention to do more for that corner of the Lord'svineyard than they had ever yet done.

  "And by way of carrying out our intentions, suppose we take up acollection now," suggested Edward Travilla.

  "I doubt if that would be our wisest course if we want to giveliberally," remarked his sister Elsie, "for I presume no one has muchin hand at this moment."

  "So I dare say our motto just now would better be a lazy one, 'Notto-day, we'll do it to-morrow," laughed Zoe.

  "Yes; let us appoint a collector for to-morrow," said her husband. "Ipropose Walter for the job. All in favor say 'aye.'" An invitationwhich all immediately accepted.

  "I am quite willing," he said, "and shall include Woodburn folks andmaybe some of the other nearby relatives in my list of hoped-forand tried-for subscribers. I expect to beg in good season to-morrowmorning. So please all be ready for prompt compliance with mysolicitation."

  Then Mr. Dinsmore suggested that it might be well now to have theevening family devotions ere the young folks grew too weary and sleepyto enjoy a share in them, and in response all were called within doorsand the service held.

  About the same time similar services were going on at Woodburn, afterwhich the Sunnyside folk bade good-night and sought their own homes,Chester drawing Ray in his new coach and a servant doing a like servicefor Baby Mary, her devoted mother walking close by the side of thedainty little vehicle.

  The next morning Chester set off for his place of business at his usualhour, and just as he disappeared down the road, Lucilla, still standingupon the veranda, saw, to her delight, her father approaching fromWoodburn.

  "Oh, father," she cried, "I am so glad to see you."

  "Are you?" he said, coming up the steps and taking her in his arms fora tender caress; "well, daughter dear, the joy is mutual. How is mylittle grandson this morning?"

  "Well, I believe, father, but still asleep. Won't you come in and havea cup of coffee?"

  He accepted the invitation, and they chatted together while shefinished her breakfast, Chester's hurried departure having called heraway from the table a trifle too soon.

  The nurse girl brought Ray in, ready washed and dressed for the day,just as they finished their meal.

  "Give him to me," said the captain, and taking him in his arms, carriedhim out to the veranda, Lucilla following.

  It was a warm morning, and they sat down there side by side.

  "To his grandfather he seems a lovely little darling," the captainsaid, caressing the child as he spoke. "Lucilla, my daughter, I hopeyou will prove a good, kind, patient, faithful mother, bringing him upin the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

  "Oh, father," she replied in tones tremulous with emotion, "I want todo so, but--oh, you know what a bad natural temper I have, and I verymuch fear that I shall not always be patient with him, dearly as I lovehim."

  "Watch and pray, daughter dear; ask the Lord daily, hourly forstrength, grace, wisdom according to your need. God is the hearer andanswerer of prayer. He says, 'Call upon me in the day of trouble; Iwill deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me.' Trust in Him, and He willdeliver you from the power of the tempter and your own evil nature."

  "I will, father; I do," she said; "and it helps and comforts me to knowthat you pray for me; especially remembering that gracious, preciouspromise of our Lord, 'If two of you shall agree on earth, as touchinganything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Fatherwhich is in heaven.'"

  "Yes, it is indeed a gracious, precious promise, and can never fail,"he said. "But now I must go, daughter. Do you and Eva come over toWoodburn again to-day as early as may suit your convenience," he added,putting the child into her arms and giving to each a good-by caress.

  Shortly after breakfast at Ion that morning Walter walked over toFairview and called upon the Lelands for their contributions for thebenefit of the Kentucky and Tennessee mountaineers. All, father andmother to youngest child, gave liberally in proportion to their ability.

  "Oh, I am delighted!" exclaimed Walter. "I think I shall go on andpresent the cause to all the kith and kin in this neighborhood."

  "Do," said his sister; "there won't be one who will not give acc
ordingto his or her ability. And when through with this, brother dear, comehere and pay us as long a visit as you can."

  "Thank you, I think I shall, especially if you get mother to be here atthe same time; but I don't want to miss a minute of her society."

  "Which you cannot love better than I do," returned his sister, with alook that said more than her words, "and as she is decidedly fond of usboth, I think she will not refuse to accompany you here at my earnestrequest, or to stay as long as you do."

  "No, indeed; I am very sure she won't. I am going back now to Ion, andmother will go with me in the gig to drive round to the home of each ofour relatives and near connections in this neighborhood, and ask themto give what they can or like to give to this good object. We will takeWoodburn last, and get either Harold or the captain to put the money inthe right shape--a check, I suppose--and mail it so that it will reachthe spot as soon as possible."

  With that Walter bade good-by and hastened to carry out his programme,which he, with his mother's help, did successfully, every one solicitedby them giving liberally to the good cause, and the captain attendingpromptly to the dispatch of the funds.


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