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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

Page 4

by McKayla Jade

  “Hawk...” Gareth did not finish his sentence. Hawk glanced over his shoulder to see him bar the door. “Holy! By all that is! Alexandar never said! M’ Lord forgive me! I cannot put thoughts into words!”

  When the bar on the door clicked into place, Cassidy relaxed into his arms with a deep sigh. His wings wrapped around her and he took pity on Gareth. “Calm yourself friend. It is a lot for me as well to take in, but it matters not.”

  “It is just unexpected. Forgive me. Cassidy. How are you?” Gareth turned his attention to her.

  Lifting her head off his chest she told Gareth, “I am fine now. I just had that ache in my head. I am afraid I had waited too long. I regret, I caused you all to worry.”

  Hawk kissed the top of her head.

  “Do not worry, love. We are all adjusting to this new way of life and this new realm.”

  “We knew when you rescued Cassidy your body finally transformed to fully demon, but now you are twice as big.” Gareth, being the scholar and healer, he was, marveled. He could not seem to stop looking Hawk over. He circled around him a couple of times, taking in every detail. “You still have those two thin gold bands around both upper arms. Your tail has gotten larger as well as your wings. I believe your skin is a shade darker.”

  THE UNEXPECTED KNOCK upon the door startled Cassidy. The men stood as still as stone. She snuggled tighter into Hawk’s chest. She was not strong enough just now, to defend herself and she was smart enough to admit it. None of the men moved. Hawk was still in demon form. From his clawed, dragon like feet, to his massive wings, to the now larger horns on his head. There was no way to hide him. Then they heard Gerard say.

  “If you will permit me entrance, I can put your minds at ease.”

  Gareth and Hawk exchanged nods. Hawk lifted his wings and moved her behind him, to draw his sword. She didn’t argue. One of the first things warriors learn, was when to get out of the way. Gareth stepped forward and opened the door, just enough to permit Gerard entrance.

  Gerard held up his hands, palms out and smirked. “You are as massive as the legends say you are, Sire. If I may show you something? I think it will ease your minds and calm your fears.”

  She knew Hawk’s other men were not far away, but Hawk would never let down his guard that easily. And true to form, he questioned Gerard.

  “Legends? Perhaps you can tell me. You will forgive my uneasiness. This whole realm is new to us, but it seems you know me better than I know you.”

  Gerard gave into his wishes and bowed to him. “Yes Sire.” He motioned to the bench near the rear of the room along the large windows. “Please. M’ Lady. Sit there, while I tell you all, what this realm is about.”

  She hesitated, but with reassurance from Hawk, she stepped from behind him. She raised an eyebrow at him and trailed her fingertips lightly across his wing. She heard the thoughts he couldn’t stop. He stopped himself just short of growling. Her mere touch sent sparks of energy shooting through him. She had never touched him like that before. With longing. With want. With pure need.

  ‘Let him feel that’. She smiled and sat demurely, on the cushioned bench, as if she had not been so bold as to provoke his lust. Gareth and Keith stood to the side of her, none the wiser.

  HAWK COULD NOT STOP himself from touching her shoulder as she sat there, like the queen she had become. Reading her thoughts, however, was a mistake. He choked. How could he have thought her naïve? It was a good thing he stood behind her, facing Gerard. His body was in need and it seemed to be taking the lead here.

  “So, begin.” Hawk told him a little more roughly than he intended.

  Gerard told them everything he knew and even things he thought to be true about this realm. He told them, Alexandar had been selectively gathering all the warriors that were now here. Each one from a different time, and different land. Each one had a different story to tell, and a different set of skills in battle. Each warrior had their own powers and talents. To each of them this place was known by another name. To Hawk and his men, it was Blood Haven. To the wolves, it was known as Pack Haven. To the cougars, it was known as Pride Haven. This place was what each of them needed it to be.

  It was a hard lesson learned but the men here had learned a woman could also be a warrior. No one here even questioned it anymore. Their lives could depend upon it. And as much as it may upset Hawk, in this realm, Cassidy is his equal in all things. Her words held as much power as his. The chain of command was a bit different, King, then Queen, Kings’ Second, Queens’ Second and so on.

  Cassidy looked up at him then, with a smug grin and turned her attention back to Gerard. New realm or no, he still did not like the idea of her on the battlefield.

  At a moments’ notice they could be called to battle. Only Alexandar knew when or where the battle would be. He had told them to train day and night, and no one here had merely one job. Gerard finished with. “There are no secrets here among us. Each of us knows the others have strengths and talents as well as weaknesses. We tell each other our weaknesses so we can better prepare for battle.”

  “So why me? Why us? Surely, I am not the only one deserving of a kingdom. Many here could hold the title. Is there a reason I was chosen? Do you know?”

  “There are many questions I cannot answer for you. I’m sure Alexandar will answer them for you.” He stood up. “Now, M’ Lord. M’ Lady. I have something I want to show you.” He took a step back, away from the group and in an instant shifted into the form of a Dire Wolf. He was huge and the same black color the hair on his head had been. Gareth and Keith drew their swords and stepped in front of he and Cassidy.

  CASSIDY’S CHEEKS BURNED with her embarrassment.

  ‘Tis no trouble M’ Lady. Tis not every day one sees a Dire Wolf in the ledger room of a castle.’ She heard him in her mind. Her breath caught in her throat and she gulped in air. She did not know others could communicate with her that way. Only she and Hawk were telepathic. Or so she had thought.

  ‘I can only communicate with one of you on a single link. I cannot hear what is said between you and King Hawkins.’

  ‘Hawk. Gerard and I can communicate as you and I do.’ Hawk’s possessive growl filled the room, adding a palpable layer of anger vibrating through her. She lowered her gaze to the floor and backed a step from him. ‘He says he cannot hear us communicate. He says he can only hear my thoughts to him.’

  Hawk stepped around her, blocking Gerard’s wolf form and said out loud. “It had better be that way. I will not hesitate to kill anyone I cannot trust.” Then he explained to Gareth what had been said.

  She was still reeling when they watched Gerard, still in wolf form, stalk out of the room toward the great hall. Her heart was racing. Panic filled her. He was about to walk out into the hall of warriors and face his own death. She called out to him. “Gerard! Wait! You can’t just....”

  He stopped and looked back at her. ‘Trust me.’

  Gerard continued, as if nothing were amiss. Hawk tucked his wings behind him, making them seem a bit smaller and draped over his shoulders like a cape. Gently pushing past her, he followed Gerard down the corridor, into the great hall where the celebration continued. As the Dire Wolf entered the great hall, her footsteps faltered, and they held their breaths. Her muscles clenched tight; all her scenes straining. No one even flinched. No one cried out when the wolf walked right to Gerard’s plate and took a leg of turkey from it. Hawk’s men sat there stunned, but not one had drawn a sword.

  Chapter 5

  Hawk wanted this to be real. This had to be real and still it was too great a thing to be. Gerard’s wolf form stepped into the light of the hall and nothing happened. This was something he never thought to see in all his days. The room was still as noisy and loud as when they left earlier. ‘Gareth. Keep her safe.’ It was all he needed to say. He took a deep breath and stepped into the light of the hall. Exposing himself, in his own demon form to the entire hall of people for the first time in his life. His heart pounded hard in his chest
the sound of his blood rushing through his veins filled his ears. For the first time in his life, he did not hear one gasp or whisper. Now he heard his men draw their swords. No one turned to stare at him. No one seemed to care, a demon had just entered the celebration.

  He took a deep breath. He had never before intentionally exposed his demon side this way. Hopefully, there would be no fight. To endanger innocents because he felt like telling the world his secret, was not fair to them. Thankfully, Cassidy had stayed behind him. Gareth, standing beside him, still held his sword at the ready. All of them tense and ready for anything. This could go bad fast and he wanted Cassidy safe above all else.

  Nothing happened.

  This was truly a new realm. No one sounded an alarm. No one cried out for help. They all seemed to accept Hawk in his demon form as if he were completely normal. There must be more shifters in this realm. They must be hiding in plain sight, as he had always done. Could it really be possible? He had to know. He stretched his wings out wide and commanded. “Hear me now. This is my kingdom and I, as your Lord and Master, command you to show yourselves for what you are.”

  The people in the hall looked at him and blinked. Then the music stopped, and dinner wear hit the tables. No one said a word.

  Gerard shifted back, pulled himself together and cracking his shoulders he said. “Sire. I mean no disrespect, however, that may not be what you want.”

  Hawk rolled his shoulders backward and took a deep breath, letting it out in a huff. He liked it better when Gerard was in human form. He was still uneasy about the mind link Gerard had made with Cassidy.

  “I can make a link with you as well and I need not be in that form. If it bothers you that much, I will refrain from speaking to the queen in such a private way, unless absolutely necessary.” Gerard told him.

  He dropped down heavily in his chair; his wings laid out on the sides. “How can that be? Gerard. You must tell me everything.” Everyone in the room seemed to take their cue from him, they relaxed as well, and sheathing their swords and weapons, sat back down to enjoy their meals.

  Gerard nodded to him. “Of course, Sire. Let me begin with properly introducing your people to you.” He waved his hand over the crowded room of cheerful people and said. “These people you see before you are all warriors. Even those serving the food and cleaning the hall and tending the fire.”

  That was new to him. His servants had been, just that, servants. They had no other task or talents, but it did explain why they all carried weapons.

  “Take Michael over there. He is deadly with a blade but also fantastic in the kitchen. So here, in this realm, he does both. He, like so many of us has had a difficult past, but it has shaped him into the warrior he is.” Gerard continued to explain. “Here, in this realm, he can start a new life. An immortal life.”

  “Ah and here is Jenna.” Gerard started to say more and then suddenly seemed to change his mind. “Her story is her own, but I will say, Alexandar could have picked no one, better suited to be Queen Cassidy’s second in command.”

  A tall slender woman, adorned in leather battle armor, several knives and swords strapped to her and her hair tied back in a long ebony braid. She had several small scars he could see peeking out of her clothing. As she approached the high table, her long strides moved her quickly and almost silently. This was a woman who knew her purpose. She carried herself more confidently than some warriors. To his astonishment, she completely ignored him and bowed to Cassidy. Standing tall once more, her emerald green eyes meeting Cassidy’s hazel ones, she said. “M’ Lady. I am Jenna, your Second, unless you deem me unworthy. I will teach you everything there is to know about this realm. If there is a skill, I cannot teach you, I will find one who can. I will also be here to train with you every day.”

  SHE WOULD NOT BE CODDLED. How could they doubt her abilities? Why did she need a second? Why did she need a teacher? Was she not good enough? What would she have to do to prove herself? Why would she need to prove herself in the first place? Was she not queen? Did it mean nothing to them? If not now, in this new realm, when? Was she blamed for not rescuing her own family in the massacre? She gasped. Did Alexandar think it was her fault they were all dead? Was that it? Had no one noticed she carried her own blades and weapons? Had they never seen a warrior queen before? Well, they were about to meet one.

  Sadness filled her and then anger, making her clench her jaw. She gritted her teeth, as every muscle clenched tight and pain roared through her entire body. She welcomed its fiery bite. She could not catch her breath. She gasped for air, her hand shot to her throat, and she fell to her knees. They cracked hard against the floor. Pain shot through her. She cried out and reached for the tabletop, missing it by mere inches. She fell forward, trying not to retch on the floor in front of her.

  “Cassidy.” Hawk jumped up from his seat and reached for her. “What is it?”

  He wanted to help her now? How could he? The pain was intense, she hissed air into her lungs, and sent him all her hurt. Let him feel it. Let him feel her muscles clenched tight and then rip from the bone. Let him know she was dying. His rough hands grabbed her under her arms and lifted her up. His face was drawn, and his brow furrowed. Was his skin paler? Was he sweating? His eyes shifted from her to the room often. Who was he looking for? Alexandar? Gareth? The fact he was looking for help, did nothing to calm her. He was supposed to know all the answers, he had been immortal far longer than she. He wanted to take away her pain but was not sure just how. She felt his uncertainty and it scared her. Her legs shook and she was sure, he was the only thing keeping her upright.

  From somewhere deep inside, she summoned the strength to lift her head and look into the face of the demon she loved with all her heart. Hers broke all over again, sending a fresh wave of pain coursing through her body. Reading his thoughts was a mistake. His lack of faith and confidence in her abilities was too much to bear. If he thought her too weak to bear this pain, he would never accept her fighting next to him. He would never trust her abilities. She gasped, trying to take in air. Her lungs burned. Her chest hurt. Tears formed in her eyes and she could not answer him. She did not have the words to express her heartbreak. She somehow heard Jenna in her mind, scolding Hawk. ‘She’s shifting, you dolt! One would think a winged, half man, dragon would know that.’ Could Jenna really be bold enough to speak to her king that way? She could not be sure, however, everything seemed blurred together.

  Her body convulsed, every muscle spasmed and she felt sick. Breathing was the last of her worries now. Her body was truly pulling itself apart. Could a broken heart physically tear you apart in this realm? It seemed as though it was happening. Her heart ache was tearing her apart. Everything hurt. Every joint. Every muscle. Her skin was on fire. Nothing mattered if Hawk couldn’t trust her or her abilities. Jenna said she was shifting, but how? She had not been cursed as Hawk had been. Was this what dying felt like? How could she be dying? Hawk had turned her immortal, just a week hence. Hadn’t he?

  His thoughts filled her. ‘My love, take a deep breath; the first shifting is not easy. You are not dying. I will not allow it. I’m here for you.’

  Sweat covered her body, soaking her clothes and she shivered. She gasped as another wave of pain coursed through her. She reached for his thickly corded arms, grasped tightly, and dug her nails deep. She did not care if she hurt him. She needed his strength to hold her. To make this pain go away. He pulled her up tight to his chest and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

  ‘Love, I know you are a great warrior. I do not doubt your abilities. Not anymore. I just don’t trust anyone but myself to watch your back.’

  She took another deep gulp of air.

  ‘Even I, as a mere Lord, had a second in command. If I could take the place of your second I would. None can protect you better than I, but I am willing to let others try and you must as well.’

  Blinding pain lanced through her as giant white wings exploded from her back, thrusting her into his chest. A thin
sheen of blood covered the white scales for a moment, then slid to the floor all around her. Like tiny glass beads, the drops shattered when they hit the stone floor, mirroring her broken heart.

  Hawk’s wings wrapped around her, protecting her. Part of her wanted to push him away, another stronger part of her wanted never to let go. Fear nearly choked her. Her body hurt all over. Every bone, every muscle felt broken and ripped apart. She was exhausted and afraid to let go and sleep, as her body demanded. It’s pull was so strong. She had no idea what would happen next and she needed him. He was all she had left. Her heart threatened to beat from her chest. Her cheeks caved in as bile rose in her throat.

  Chapter 6

  All he wanted to do was protect her. Instead, he had sentenced her to a life as a demon, like him. He knew it before he had asked her. It just seemed so unbelievable. Why had she been cursed too? What had she done to deserve this life? Had she not suffered enough? Alexandar would pay for this. All he could do was watch as her body broke and reformed. The helpless feeling swamping him did nothing to cool his anger. There was nothing he could do, except hide her behind his own wings. He kept the others in the great hall from watching, as she changed for the first time. At least he could do that for her. The first time he had changed the pain had been intense. He did not wish that torture on anyone. Least of all his mate. Least of all her. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and protect her.

  Cassidy was gasping for breath now, her shoulders heaving with the effort. “Breathe deeply and slowly little one. It will ease the pain.” He told her. “It is almost over now.” He held her face in his hands, amazed she had survived the change and wanting to kiss her. Her look stopped him abruptly. Ice blue eyes glared back at him. The warm hazel color of blues and greens was gone. He blinked. How could this be? Why did her eyes change color? His never had. What could it mean?


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