Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 12

by McKayla Jade

  He loved her with every fiber of his being, but why did she have to be by his side in a battle. He wanted to keep her safe. It seemed as though the whole world was against his wants and his dreams and was only out to protect hers. Even his inner demon always wanted her with him, no matter what. He roared out his frustrations until his lungs hurt. Up here no one could hear him. For that, he was grateful. The night had always been his. On earth in the human realm he was an outcast. A demon. Here, he was not only accepted. Here, he was the king.

  He had been gone most of the night. The dawn was beginning to break over the horizon. He knew he needed to get back. As the thought occurred to him another slammed into his mind with the force of a gale, nearly knocking him from the skies. Cassidy may have need of him and he had shut her out of his mind. He had not wanted her to feel his rage or his confusion. Now in his thoughts, he reached for her. ‘Love, I am coming.’ Silence. There was no response. He deserved her silence. He had wronged her. So badly. Surely if something were wrong one of the others would have told him. Had he shut them all out when he had blocked her. He hadn’t meant to. This magic and all its tricks were too new for them to know all the answers.

  In only a few moments he landed with a gust of wind on the balcony of his chambers. The gust blew the curtains inward, grabbing the people in the room’s attention. Megan and Jenna stood at the top of the bed. Both looked worried. His heart stopped. He followed their stares. Gareth sat on the edge of the bed, with wings exposed, held a limp Cassidy in his arms. He seemed to be holding her neck too close to his mouth. What was happening?

  Why was Cassidy limp in Gareth’s arms? Why was everyone just standing there? Why weren’t they doing something? What was wrong with Cassidy? Why did Gareth hold her so close? His thoughts spun. He reached for Gareth’s thoughts before he had a chance to close them off. Fury ripped through his heart, sending it racing. His breath caught. Betrayal.

  “How dare you?! My friend! My Second! My most trusted....” His words trailed off when Gareth glared at him. Cassidy lay across his lap, limp and lifeless. Her auburn tresses cascaded over the side of the bed and her white wings lay beneath her.

  “How dare I?” Gareth was past the point of keeping his thoughts in check. His King. His Friend. Mattered not. He held no respect for Cassidy’s husband. Hawk read them clearly. “You left and closed everyone off. She needed you and now it is too late! She is dead because of you!” Gareth did not stop his tirade. He laid Cassidy back upon the bed. “I tried to save her! The only way left to us. I only tried to pull the poison from her myself!”

  Now Hawk noticed the blood on Gareth and the prick marks on Cassidy’s neck just above her collar bone. He looked to Jenna and Megan and finally saw their faces. Megan’s wet with tears. Jenna’s a mask of stone. It could not be. Cassidy could not be dead. He could feel her inside of him and Gareth’s rage as well. From the corner of his eye he caught Gareth’s movement, but was not quick enough.

  He staggered backward, not expecting the blow to his jaw. However, he rallied quickly and charged Gareth. Roaring out his rage and throwing his own fist, he was able to knock Gareth backward. Turning away from his former friend, he needed to touch Cassidy. She could not be gone.

  “This is nonsense. I suggest you say goodbye to your wife before it is too late for even that. I and Megan will be leaving in the morn. I am done.” Gareth yelled, but he ignored it. Gareth went to Megan, where she stood in the corner weeping. He wiped the blood from his cut lip, put his arm around her protectively and guided her from the room.

  Hawk watched as his once best friend walked away. He stood up and looked at where Cassidy lay upon the bed. Afraid to touch her. Dead? It could not be. How could he have been so thoughtless? This was all his fault. His doing. She lay so still and quiet there on the bed, blood covering her neck. He would have sworn he saw her pulse beat there. Cautiously, he approached her, whispering her name. “Cassidy? Love? I am here. I am so sorry.” He gently picked her up and the magic roared through him. Something clogged his throat and his eyes watered. She was alive. The gods had blessed him once again.

  His fangs exploded in his mouth and he sunk them deep in a moment that happened so fast the others in the room gasped. He saw Gareth, Megan and Jenna hesitate in the doorway. He could feel Cassidy’s life force. It was weak, but it was there. His magic was not the only thing calling to her. His heart as well, cried out for her. Making hers come alive. She was still here. She was still his. As the blood flowed from her into him, she slowly came awake. Blinking her eyes open, she murmured Gareth’s name. He instantly stopped and pulled himself away from her, as if she had burned him. He looked down into her eyes and told her. “No. It is I, Hawk. Your Husband and King.”

  She blushed. “Hawk. You came back. We all thought you had left us.”

  Her words stirred something in him. “I’m here.” Was all he could manage to say around the lump in his throat. “Why Cassidy? Why Gareth?” He could not hold back his questions.

  “He thought to save me. I could feel the magic pull away from him. It did not work.” She was getting stronger, but she still could not lift her head off his chest. “I’m sorry to have troubled you.”

  Something more was going on here. Why did Gareth try that way to save her? Why not Keith or Calum or Marcus? Why not one of them? Did it have to be the man he trusted most? Like a bolt of lightning it struck him. Gareth would never allow one of the other men near her out of respect to him. He rested his head in his hand. He had been such a fool. His friends were his friends because he trusted them. They did not get the title of Elite Warrior without his complete trust.

  He wrapped his arm under her, lifted her up and kissed her as she lay in his lap. He had been a fool. He had left, with no thought as to how it could affect her. She had deserved so much better. He had caused her pain. Again. And again, she forgave him. She forgave him for so much and asked for so little. He just could not let her near the battlefield. There had to be a way to keep her distant from it.

  “I hear your thoughts, Hawk.” She whispered. She was tired of defending herself. Tired of him not believing in her. Perhaps this was how things must be. She would just ignore her heart. Ignore him. Let him believe she was less than the warrior she knew she could be. Let him know loneliness. Let him feel rejection.

  He kissed her gently, as he replied. “I forget myself; I just want you safe.”

  She kissed him back. She could not help herself. She loved him with everything that she was. “I know you do; however, I will fight by your side.” When she said that the magic seemed to become stronger in her. Her heartbeat felt stronger. She blinked and said it again. “I will fight by your side.”

  HAWK BLINKED. HE FELT the magic growing within both of them. It felt right for her to say that. So why was he fighting it so hard? Like a slap to the face he knew. She might just be better than he expected. Then he might depend on her. She was supposed to depend on him. He was supposed to be her strength. Her protector. Her provider. He shook his head. His emotions did not make sense. His anger was uncalled for. Perhaps the power the mage had over him was greater than they knew. It was all too much to take in just now.

  “All of you! Out!” He waved his hand at the others gathered in his bedchamber. He wanted his wife. Every part of him seemed to be crying out for her. If she would have him, he would show her just how much he cared about her. And possibly just how sorry he was for leaving her like he had. He truly had no idea why he had been so cold and heartless to her. It was not his character. He was no poet, but he was no cad either.

  “Cassidy?” Gareth stopped at the doorway and she looked up at him. “Are you sure?”

  Hawk clenched his jaw so hard he swore his teeth would break. How dare Gareth step in. How dare Gareth think he would harm his wife. He relaxed when she nodded.

  “I’m sure. Leave one outside the door, and I will call out if I need to.”

  Gareth nodded and ushered the ladies out the door ahead of him.

sp; She sat up slowly and looked down at the bloody sheets. “What happened?”

  He growled as he told her. “I stopped Gareth from trying to help you, the only way he thought he could.” He touched her cheek; her skin was so soft. Her eyes looked swollen and red, as if she had been weeping.

  “What did Gareth do?” She asked him.

  “You don’t remember?”

  “I remember him trying to get me to drink some potion, but I do not think it worked. I remember he was very worried. I read his thoughts. He thought I was dying. That scared me.”

  He hung his head. How could he have let things get this way?

  “He did. He thought the only option left was to try to take the poison from you as I do.”

  She turned a dark shade of red. “But he is not you. He cannot.... I do not...” She stumbled over her words. “To speak so boldly feels wrong.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. Resting his palm on the side of her face, he felt her hands come up to hold his there. The tears he could feel on his palm, made his guts churn. It made his instincts to protect her roar. How could he protect her from himself? “Please, forgive me, little one.” He bowed his head to her. “I never meant to cause you this kind of pain, or to block everyone from my thoughts.” He took her hands in his and told her. “I blocked you, because I didn’t want you to be as confused and angry as I am. I will spend the rest of our lives begging your forgiveness.” She leaned into him, kissing him hard. Telling him without words, she forgave him. He loved how responsive to his touch she had become. She had been willing to accept him as husband in all ways. He was proud of her. Most women having been tortured like she had, never recovered.

  Pushing her back onto the bed, he deepened the kiss, probing gently with his tongue, she opened to his gentle assault. Her arms snaked around his neck. Their tongues tangled and danced together. He pulled away from her long enough to unbuckle his sword belt from his chest. He smiled at the way she pulled the covers up to her chin. Acting as though they had not loved before. Kissing her again, he whispered. “Relax, little one. I have seen all of you before.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed next to her, he wanted to take things slow this time. To teach her, to be less afraid. He reached for her chin and lifted her face, leaving her little choice but to look at him. “Little one. Do not close your eyes in fear. I am yours and you are mine. Nothing we do or say in this bed chamber is shameful or forbidden. Nothing will ever be forced upon you. You must know that. You have nothing to fear.” He tried to go slow for her. He knew it would be a long road, but he hoped well worth it. For them both. “Little one. All you need to do is follow your instincts and do what feels good. What feels right.”

  He took possession of her lips, a little more deeply with a little more force, making her purr. Slowly he glided his calloused palms up her arms to her shoulders. He kissed his way down her neck. Her nipples hardened as his thumb grazed them. He slid her nightgown down her shoulders to her waist. So soft and curvy, her body was just the right amount of soft but firm. His member twitched against his leg in anticipation. Her whimpers and moans were driving him mad, but he was determined to go slowly for her. He took a deep steadying breath. She deserved to be loved slowly and with passion.

  He scooped her up in his arms and moved her across the bed so he could lay beside her and continue. He kissed her breast. First one and then the other. Licking and sucking and nipping until she cried out and grabbed his hair pulling him up for a kiss. He kept her wrapped in his kiss and trailed his fingers down her curves to her velvet soft center. Rubbing softly on her secret nub, she was wet and ready for him, he slid one finger inside. She moaned against his lips. He broke their kiss to whisper, “You like that. Don’t you, little one?” Cassidy could only nod. That made him smile. He wanted her unable to think, just to feel.

  While his finger slid in and out of her velvet folds, he kissed a trail down to her belly, and then lower still. She gasped and tried to sit up. She realized, a bit too late, his intentions. Watching her face flush, he did not need to say a word. She understood and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Her thoughts were frantic. She was sure this was some kind of sin. He laughed to himself. She had a lot to learn yet. He gently licked where his finger entered.

  She gasped. His finger slid in and out slowly. His tongue licking softly at her center. Her moans driving him wild. His finger pulled away only to be replaced by his throbbing shaft. He knew if he did not take her soon, he would be undone while still outside of her silken heat. As he moved over her, her passion glazed eyes watched him. She was so close to her climax. He knew what she needed. Slowly he guided himself to her entrance.

  She whimpered and that was all it took. Unable to hold back, he slid into her harder than he had planned. She cried out making him hesitate, but her thoughts and her contented smile reassured him. She grabbed hold of his upper arms to anchor herself. He waited no longer. He began his rhythmic strokes in and out. Her hands were all over his chest and sliding down his wings. It sent little shocks all over him driving him onward. She matched him thrust for thrust. Arching her back to meet his strokes. His ballocks slamming against her sent him over the edge faster than he wanted. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight to his chest and roared as his body released his seed into her womb.

  She lay beneath him and whimpered. For the first time he wondered if he had hurt her. He started to ask her when he saw her face. Then he knew. She was well loved, not hurt and she confirmed it with her slow, shy smile.

  “I love you, little one.”

  “As I you, Sire.” She sighed and rubbed her cheek on his chest.

  He growled. He loved the way she said that. Something about the way she said it set him on fire, making something inside him burn. He kissed her deeply. Rolling to the side he pulled her with him. He held her until they both drifted into a contented sleep, limbs tangled together and his wings covering them both.

  Chapter 19

  He awoke in the middle of the night to find Cassidy gone from their bed. He stretched out with a smile on his face, she had probably sought the chamber pot in the other room. He waited for her to return. A cold chill settled over him. The room was quiet. Only his own heartbeat filled his ears. He reached out to her with his thoughts. He could feel her. She was heart sick and confused, but near. He could not yet tell where exactly, but he knew she was close. He wanted to get to her. How would he track her? He tried to just ask her but could not seem to reach her. Had she blocked him?

  If she were hurting, he wanted to help her, but how could he if he could not find her? He went to the door of their chamber and found Dalton there. “Did you see Cassidy leave this room?” He asked his warrior.

  Dalton replied calmly. “Yes, Sire. She said she simply needed to take a walk. I advised her to stay within the keep.”

  “Thank you.” At least he knew she did leave the room on her own. And she was walking. She had not tried to fly on her own yet. It surprised him how much he feared her flying. He hurriedly dressed, in his short pants. His mind racing with all manner of questions for her. Why did she leave their chamber? Why did she not tell him? Why could he not reach her thoughts? Was she trying to shut him out?

  He began his search in the kitchens. He had been known to head there himself in the middle of the night when hunger hit him. His demon side was always hungry it seemed. Not finding her there, he headed for the ledger room. She had mentioned wanting to read the books it contained. Perhaps she had ventured there. Still not finding her, he made his way to the top floor. Above their room was only one place, but it led to the battlements.

  Only the guards used this staircase and doorway. Why would she go up here? The nights were getting cooler. Surely, she would not have gone up here. Perhaps she had come up here to try her flight. His heart raced with the thought and he stumbled. He hoped not. As he got closer to the door a feeling of dread settled over him. He found himself reaching for his sword, that he did not have. The hair on
his arms stood on end. He could hear a couple whispering so as not to be heard by others. He paused mid-step. Who was up here? Cassidy’s laugh filled the cool night air. Why was she up here? Who was up here with her? His curiosity peaked, he rounded the corner, and stopped abruptly. His heart leapt into his throat, choking him and a red haze filled his vision.

  There before him, his best friend and his wife were locked in each other’s arms. He seemed to be whispering to her and she was clinging to him. Wrapped in his arms. His wings exploded from his back. His blood surged through his veins. His heart threatened to beat from his chest. He clenched his jaw so hard his teeth hurt. Gareth pushed Cassidy behind him, and his wings fanned out wide as he pulled his sword. So, he had a weapon. It did not matter. He would kill him with his bare hands. How dare he touch her.

  “Who’s there?” Gareth called out. “Declare yourself!”

  “’Tis your king and one-time friend.” He stepped from the shadows. “Your king wants to know why it is, you hold the queen as if she belongs to you?”

  “Stop, Hawk. You know me. You know Cassidy. I have told you. She is yours. I would never betray you!” Gareth growled.

  “Then why do I find my wife gone from my bed in the middle of the night, only to find her in your arms? Wrapped so protectively in your arms!” He demanded. He could not stop. All he could think was, betrayal. The only solid thought in his mind was to kill. He shook himself. Gareth was his lifelong friend.

  Gareth glanced over his shoulder at her and shook his head. To his amazement, he heard Gareth tell her it was not safe. Enraged, he yelled. “Why is she not safe with her own husband?”


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