Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 14

by McKayla Jade

  Archers were taking to the treetops. Big cat shifters were hiding in the lower branches. The wolves were hiding among the bushes and briars, crouched low waiting to pounce. They were as ready as they could be.

  From over the distant hill, they saw it. Just as Lucifer had said. It looked like a cloud of black smoke. She would have called it the same thing. Black Death. Hawk’s worry for her increased tenfold, she could feel it choking her. She took a deep breath. He needed to stop thinking of her and focus. Cassidy heard him warring with himself. She was glad he had kept his thoughts open to her. She would find a way to help him realize she would be fine.

  Gareth walked up to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. “I am here,friend.” Instantly Cassidy felt the tension release.

  HE SIGHED. “IT IS GOOD to have you.”

  “Alexandar said this is the witch that sent the first group to attack.” Gareth told him. “She deals black magic. She holds the souls of her soldiers. That’s why they fight with no emotion.”

  He glanced at him then. “Is that where you have been all day? With Alexandar?”

  Gareth grinned. “And Megan. We are teaching her to be a healer as well.”

  He smiled as they braced for the first of the attackers. As they got closer the black smoke at their feet seemed to just disappear and they rushed toward Hawk and his men. They had an unholy repulsive look to them. His sword sliced through the first of many bodies. This battle was gruesome to say the least. As each of the bodies were decapitated the body would burst into flame and disappear. Those only wounded would rise and attack again.

  He wondered how Cassidy and Jenna were but never once looked in their direction. To give away their hiding place could be a death sentence. If they had not been found it would be even better. It seemed as if his army were winning, but he would not yet let his guard down. Then he heard it. The only sound capable of stopping his heartbeat. Cassidy’s scream rent the air. They had found her. His heart pounded hard against his chest. His breath caught in his throat. Energy surged through him and he fought his way to the trees. Body after body fell before him, but they just kept coming. Gareth and Keith were just ahead of him, he hacked his way forward. At least one of them would get to her.

  Chapter 21

  Cassidy promised herself she would not do anything to distract Hawk. He was having enough trouble focusing with her near. If he thought she needed him, he would be wholly focused on her. She was strong. She could do this. These men were grotesque, and it took all she had not to retch, when her sword cut through one after the other. They oozed black blood and maggots. The wounded seemed to be worse. They were throwing that black sticky blood everywhere. It burned when it touched her skin.

  She was atop Lucifer until one of the unholy demons pulled her free of her saddle. Lucifer was still stomping him into the ground. She turned, putting her back to Lucifer’s side, there in front of her stood a witch. Dressed all in black. Her face charred black as if burned from a fire. Her eyes glowed a hideous red. The horrible smell coming from her was enough to make Cassidy gag. Before she could bring her sword up to defend herself, the witch brought out from behind her a large silver chain. Like the one her uncle had used to hang her with. The one from her nightmares.

  Horrible memories seized her. She hesitated. She could not move. Her feet seemed stuck to the ground. She thought she might have screamed, but everything stopped. Terror took over her body. Energy sizzled down her arms and raced up her spine. The hair on her body stood on end. She could not pull her focus from that chain. Her heartbeat pounded loud in her ears, drowning out all other sounds. Lucifer reared up on another of the demons and tried to get to her. They came from every direction. The witch flicked out her hand and Lucifer flew across the clearing, landing hard against a tree. She heard him scream in distress as only a horse can. She turned, intending to run to him but her feet would not move. She screamed his name and reached out her hand. Hoping to force all of herself into her own magic, she prayed to the gods that whatever this power was she had been given could save Lucifer. Energy pulsed inside her, it rose up strong and then faded.

  She heard Jenna yelling and felt the shift as all her army tried to get to her. She could feel their collective powers. How was that possible? The witch already had her within a spell. She could feel its icy fingers filling her from the inside out. There was nothing she could do to help anyone and if this witch killed her, Hawk would die too. The kingdom would fall. The enormity of it almost choked her. She gasped and stood there frozen, her sword useless. Tears streamed down her face. Her vision blurred. The chains started at her toes like ugly serpents and wrapped around each of her legs. The wind kissed her bare skin and suddenly she was standing in her uncle’s dungeon again, naked and covered in blood. All the humiliation she had felt before came rushing back. She could not face this again. She could not be abused. She was reliving her own personal nightmare, watching a whip sing in the air. Images of her not so distant past assaulting her. Her back was on fire, every lash mark she had received came back with a wicked vengeance.

  No. This must stop. She was stronger than this. There had to be a weakness within this black magic. She closed her eyes and took a deep calming breath. When she looked again the snake chains were gone. She raised her sword and charged the witch. She tried to find that weak spot, something to aim for. The witch had dark magic on her side. But she had to try. She would not be abused again. Not again. It was a chant she said to herself repeatedly, as she fought the witch. First with her sword until the witch flicked her wrist and tossed it away. The old crone had been toying with her. Letting her tire herself. She pulled the dagger she kept on her side. It too was tossed aside like it was nothing. Her bow was on her saddle with Lucifer. She took a few quick steps backward and slammed into an invisible wall. She looked over her shoulder. She could not get back to him either. Lucifer pranced back and forth. He was alive.

  The witch taunted her with the chains once again and she hesitated. The chains swirled around her like a dust devil. Dancing and chanting until all she saw was the dungeon. ‘Hawk Please!’ She called. ‘Gareth?’ ‘Marcus?’ ‘Keith?’ ‘Calum?’ She begged each warrior in turn. She could not do this alone. Those chains had her quivering with fear, and she could not overcome it. ‘Rance?’ ‘Dalton?’ They were all on the battlefield. If Lucifer could not get to her she knew, the warriors could not either. One last hope occurred to her as the witch let loose the chains. ‘Alexandar?’

  The bite of the chain whip hit her shoulder. She watched, in a daze as it cut deeply and then fell away. Powerless to stop it, she gritted her teeth, baring the pain it brought.

  HAWK BURST INTO THE woods to find everyone here still fighting the black demons. Cassidy was standing in front of a witch. Lucifer was rearing up on his hind legs pawing at an invisible wall. His hooves smashed into it and the magic lit up and sizzled across a sphere. Cassidy in the middle of it, seemed to be in a trance, unable or unwilling to move. His rage swamped him. The whip seemed to be glowing. The shouting of his army was almost deafening. They all tried to get to Cassidy. She crumpled to the ground. His heart stopped. His breath caught in his lungs. She raised herself up and her wings burst from her back. She lifted her head to glare at the witch and rose off the ground.

  He sucked air back into his lungs and raised his boot to step forward. Alexandar put a restraining hand on his shoulder. He looked down at the offending hand but did not say a word. It was not needed. It gave him a moment to focus. He knew how to kill this witch. He would never let another witch destroy him or his mate. He waited until the witch’s focus was on Gareth, as he hacked at the barrier with his sword.

  “Do you see her?” The witch screamed at him. “Do you see her suffering?”

  Gareth acted as Hawk would have if he had had no other options. He held his sword at the ready and tried to get to Cassidy through the barrier the witch had built. Chopping and hacking with his broad sword, yelling her name. Telling her he would get to her. Hawk did n
ot bother to tell Gareth his plan. It was working well for him to just keep the bitch occupied.

  “You cannot defeat me!” She screamed. “Watch your true love suffer and die by my hand as my sister died by yours!”

  His steps faltered. Now they knew why she was here and what had brought the black death to their realm. She was sister to the witch that had turned him into a dragon. That witch had brought her own death upon her, much like this one was doing. He made his way around behind her and approached without a sound. Raising his sword high he sliced through her head. Ending the threat. Cassidy’s wings lowered and her knees buckled, pitching her forward. He rushed to her, slid sideways on his knees and caught her before she hit the ground. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight to his chest. He loved this woman with all his might and everything he was, was because of this woman. This beautiful, stubborn, smart, and sassy woman. He would not now, trade anything, for the way his life had turned out. He had been so reluctant to let her have his heart, but she had it now. All of it.

  He held her tight, rocking her back and forth, trying to comfort her. Her silence worried him. She finally looked up at him and he pressed his lips to hers. Her fingertips touched the side of his face. He heard her thoughts clearly. She needed to know it was really him and she really was safe. Safe in his arms. Here was where she belonged. Once again, he had saved her. He could taste her salty tears as they kissed, and he pulled away slightly.

  “You are safe, little one. Our army surrounds us, and the demons are dead.” He pressed her tighter to his chest.

  “I am safe.” She whispered. “You saved me. Again. She had chains.”

  He was puzzled. Yes, the witch had a chain whip. Then it dawned on him. Cassidy had been whipped and chained by her uncle. The witch had combined the two worst things for her to see and tormented her with it. That is why she had been unable to fight back. His body caught fire. His rage took over. His entire body flexed around Cassidy where he held her. He wished he could kill the witch again. Her death had been too easy.

  Alexandar stepped forward. “Hawk. It is over with her. The witch is gone.” Putting a hand on his shoulder, asked. “Do you need help?”

  He shook his head. “No, I am just thanking my stars, this time I was able to save her.”

  He watched everyone, but his men leave the field and head toward the castle, he kissed Cassidy again.

  “I need you, Sire.” She whispered against his lips. He had started to stand and stumbled with her in his arms. Keith started to reach for him but, pulled his hand back quickly.

  “I’m sorry, M’ Lord.” Keith told him. “But you are bleeding all over your arm. I think your wing is cut as well.”

  “I am? I remember feeling the bite of a sword but had more important matters to attend to.” he stated.

  Cassidy tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Hawk if you are hurt, I need to help you. No one else can.”

  He touched his forehead to hers and whispered. “I am well aware of what only you can do, but first let me get you back to the keep. I need you safe.”

  She blushed and got quiet. She made no other protest while Gareth held her as he mounted his horse and then she was hoisted up with him. Together they rode back in silence. Lucifer trotting beside them. He shielded her eyes from the dead and already rotting corpses. She did not need to see any of that. She had witnessed enough. He wondered if it would hit her later that she had to kill. Sometimes, with new or young warriors it hit later with a vengeance. He would be there if it did. She should only feel proud of herself. She had fought well.

  As they dismounted, men and women came up to them, bowed and thanked them for a battle well fought. He was proud of the way everyone worked together to get the horses settled and armor taken off, so they could all sup. It was a grateful, but hungry group gathered in the hall. The cooks and servers had not left the castle, knowing the others were out training today. So, the meal was hot and ready for them. He was grateful for that.

  “Ledger room, M’ Lord.” Cassidy demanded and walked away. She seemed refreshed. Smiling, he followed her. The hot meal could wait. He liked this view of her. The pants she wore for battle hugged her backside nicely. She disappeared through the door and Gareth caught him before he could follow.

  “We will await you, to sup.”

  “Do not. We will be there soon.” He followed his wife.

  He found her waiting for him on the plush bench near the window. She was unbraiding her hair and combing her fingers through the tangles. He could watch her all day. Then his stomach growled, catching her attention. She turned to look over her shoulder at him. She smiled and he was caught. He was her slave, but hoped she had no idea. He cleared his throat, causing her to turn fully around to face him.

  “I was and am, proud of you today.” He was not good with words like this... he was no poet.

  “Thank you.” She whispered, her eyes still looking at her hands where they rested in her lap.

  “Cassidy. Look at me?” He implored her. He knew he had to stay across the room from her. If he touched her, he would kiss her and there would be no other words. “I mean it. You did very well. I have not even received all the reports back, but I know from what I saw.”

  “I froze. I could not move. I was afraid.” She shook her head.

  He could not stop himself, he went to her and knelt before her. “Cassidy, you fought. Yes, you froze, but before that you fought hard and even after, you pulled yourself out of it. Don’t you see? You’ve changed my mind.”

  She gasped. “No...”

  He nodded and reached to touch the side of her face. “Yes. I saw you hesitate and then you pulled free of it. Overcoming your fear is the sign of a true warrior. We all have fears, but what makes us better than most is we can put them aside and fight anyway.”

  Through tears she asked. “So, you truly believe in me?”

  “With my whole heart.” He could not keep from kissing her. Before he could press harder the magic called to him. He tilted her head to the side and sunk his fangs deep. Drawing out the poison and healing her shoulder. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Her fingers slid down his wings. He pulled back just slightly and kissed her once more.

  “We should join the others for dinner.” He murmured against her neck.

  “M’ Lord. Whatever your wish, lead on.” She teased him. “I am yours for all time.”

  He took her hand in his and with a smile on his face, led her from the room. At least he thought he was smiling. It was such a foreign concept. He was not at all sure he knew how. They could hear the celebrating in the hall before they reached it. The cheering and chanting were loud but joyous. As they appeared in the doorway however, everyone stopped momentarily.

  Chapter 22

  The cheer that came from everyone when they noticed their king and queen, was almost deafening. Cassidy moved in closer to Hawk as they made their way to the head table and their plates. Which were already full and their cups as well. She looked up and saw Jenna nod her head. So, she had filled their plates and cups. Hungrier than she had been in a long while, she ate her food more quickly than was proper, but if the noise in this hall was any indication, no one cared about propriety.

  Jenna made her way across the crowded room, with a pitcher of drink, and refilled her cup. Swallowing her food, she asked. “Jenna, how is Lucifer? Has the Stable Master finished looking him over?”

  Jenna answered. “Yes, he said Lucifer will be sore for a couple weeks but should be no worse for wear once the bruising heals.” She smiled. “I’m sure he’s just as stubborn as his rider.”

  Hawk took a moment between bites of his food to ask. “Cassidy, my wing was damaged in battle today. Could you...”

  She cut him off. “Oh my, I forgot! I am sorry, Sire!” With her heart threatening to choke her, she jumped up from her chair and moved around to his side. He was starting to heal, but it still bled. She had no idea how to aide him. His wings were not skin. They were more like dragon skin. Sc
aly in parts and smooth in others. She was not at all sure if she could even stitch it together. ‘Lick the wound’s edges. It will heal. Your saliva will stop the bleeding. Your tongue will heal it together as stitches do.’ Alexandar’s voice echoed in her mind.

  She closed her eyes for a moment and thanked him.

  Hawk leaned over the arm of his chair to whisper. “Whom do you speak with, love?”

  She grinned. She could read his thoughts of wanting to kill someone for conversing with his wife without his knowledge.

  “Alexandar.” She held back her giggle when she saw him regret his thoughts. “I must do something; I wish not to be seen by others.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Oh?”

  She blushed deep red. “Hawk. Please?”

  He signaled Gareth and Keith. “Spread your wings and stand facing the room.” The two warriors did as they were instructed. She smiled. This was his way of showing the room he was in command and giving her what she wanted. She swatted his arm.

  “That hurt! You are supposed to heal me!” He yelled loud enough for the whole room to hear him. Now it was her turn to cock an eyebrow at him.

  “Well hush and perhaps you should be a bit tougher. I thought you were leader of Elite Warriors.” She shouted. If he wanted to play this way, she was game. “You big bad warrior.” She whispered, so only he could hear her.


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