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Cyborg Romance Collection

Page 12

by Olivia Myers

  He sat in a lab chair as she kneeled in front of him and took his hardness in her mouth. They tried to reduce the volume of their moans, but they were both hungry for sex. They both needed to release their pent-up emotions and fatigue.

  As his manhood grew harder, she brought him out of her mouth and lay down on the floor, tugging at his hand so he would join her. Just beside the lab table amid shelves of chemicals, microscopes, and other gadgets and equipment, they made love.

  Later that afternoon, they took time off to enjoy each other's company once again. They strolled across the Mongarian gardens where they had first had sex. It was indeed a naturally exquisite place, now brimming with even more species of flora. Since it had been opened to the public, it had become a popular romantic destination for Mongarian couples.

  They settled on a patch of grass as far away from others as possible. The sun was beginning to set, coloring the sky beautifully. The lights lining the low wall had been lit, bathing the garden in a romantic, cozy ambience.

  "Thank you so much, Kimi," Khan-Min suddenly said. "Thanks for coming into my life."

  Kimi smiled in response. She was in love with him, but she felt guilty that she hadn’t been the best girlfriend in spite of everything he had done for her. "I should be the one to thank you, Khan-Min."

  He touched her cheek then, turning serious. "I can sense that you care about that cyborg," he said, making her eyes widen in alarm. Her heart beat furiously. "Please be honest with me. Do you love him?"

  Kimi shook her head at once. "It's only you that I love."

  "But you care for him, too, am I correct?"

  She opened her mouth to say no, but could not bear to lie to him or to herself. She closed her mouth again and kept quiet.

  "It's okay," Khan-Min whispered as their surroundings darkened. "I want this relationship to work and to last. That means we have to be very open with our feelings. We have to sort out our issues and discover if we are meant to be together."

  "I'm sorry," Kimi said.

  "You haven't done anything wrong," Khan-Min assured her. "But if you keep holding back, you might do something you'll later regret. I don't want to lose you, Kimi, but I can't have you halfway, either."

  "So what do you propose?" Kimi wondered.

  Khan-Min looked at her in the eye. He tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and then leaned forward to kiss her forehead. He made her feel so special and loved. He accepted and appreciated her for who she really was. Why was she being so unfair to him? She hated herself for it.

  "Kimi," he began. "Do you have feelings for him?"

  She hesitated for a second, and then nodded.

  "It's normal, so don't be ashamed," he told her. "We Mongarians are very open about these things. I want you to examine your feelings for me and for him, Kimi. I want you to be happy, no matter who you choose to be with."

  Kimi tried to blink back the tears that were gathering in her eyes. "You're amazing, Khan-Min. I really don't deserve you."

  "Don't talk that way, Kimi. You deserve so very much."

  "Thank you."

  Khan-Min took both of her hands in his. "You know, for some Mongarians in the same situation, they spend time with both men or women they care about so long as the other two agree. Did you hear that Lee 5 had been released from prison already? But they let him stay within the caves because he offered to share human and cyborg technologies with the security officers."

  It was the first time Kimi had heard the news. All along she had assumed that he would be sent back to Planet Venora.

  "Try to spend time with both of us, Kimi," Khan-Min suggested. "It might help you."

  Kimi was both thrilled and nervous at the idea of being with the two men at the same time. "I'll think about it."


  Dressed in a simple dark green dress that had been sewn by a friendly patient, Kimi fidgeted in the cave-like hallway as she waited for Lee 5 to open the door of his private cell. She kept clasping and unclasping her fists on her sides, nervous at what could happen.

  Right beside her, Khan-Min was at ease and self-assured. He wore his usual toga with matching leather sandals. His tanned chest was exposed as usual. But this time around, the sight of it didn’t cause any stirring in Kimi's loins. She was too preoccupied with her swirling thoughts and chaotic emotions.

  After a few seconds, the door swung open. Lee 5, now clad in a toga, too, showed off the same bulging muscles integrated with his solid, lustrous metal parts. To say that he was taken aback by their visit was an understatement. The shock was apparent in his eyes, although his ruggedly handsome face looked empty of feelings. "Yes?" he asked nonchalantly.

  "May we come in?" Khan-Min asked.

  He opened the door wider and let them in without a word. The room looked exactly like Kimi's.

  Khan-Min faced him squarely and got straight to the point. "I know we got off on the wrong foot. But I understand that you and Kimi used to be friendly with one another. It's also clear to me that you both have some feelings for each other."

  Lee 5 began to speak, but Khan-Min raised his hand to signal that he was not finished. "It is not a big deal, really. Kimi and I have agreed that it's best the three of us got together so that she could examine her feelings better and decide between us. That is, if you agree."

  Kimi looked down at the floor, feeling shy and embarrassed. She didn’t want to look at Lee 5 because she had no idea how he would react.

  "Kimi?" Lee 5 said.

  She had no choice but to raise her eyes and finally meet his gaze. She realized he was waiting for her to say something. Her throat suddenly felt parched. She shifted her weight from one foot to another as she thought of what to say.

  Twirling a strand of hair in nervousness, Kimi finally said, "Um. It's true, what Khan-Min said. I, uh, need that. I mean, it's not necessary if you don't really care about me and if you have no intentions of being with me."

  "I think we both know that I do want to be with you, or else I wouldn't be here," Lee 5 answered, his eyes fixed on her. He seemed to be studying her closely and memorizing her features.

  Kimi felt self-conscious as both men waited for her to respond. "I'm sorry we all have to go through this. It's just so awkward. It's not how things are done by humans."

  "It's okay, Kimi," Lee 5 said, his voice turning a bit gentler.

  "It's how Mongarians settle these things," Khan-Min explained. "I don't know about you cyborgs."

  "We have no need for such things because we do not engage in relationships with feelings, only physical ones." He hesitated before continuing. "But my situation with Kimi is sort of different. It's definitely a first for me since I turned into a cyborg."

  Kimi felt herself blush, and bowed her head again, trying to calm her racing heart. That was when she heard Khan-Min ask, "So what do you say? Are you in?"

  "Sure," Lee 5 answered. "If it's what's needed."

  That fateful day, the three of them decided to go hiking. After changing into regular hiking clothes, they made their way to the forest. Although it was a little uncomfortable, all of them were exerting the effort to get to know each other better. As they trudged through the woods, they got to talking about their lives before they had met one another.

  Since Khan-Min was the most open and expressive, it was easy for him to talk about his life as a doctor and even the women he'd been with before. He’d had only one serious girlfriend before Kimi, but he'd never had any relationship with non-Mongarian females in the past. Kimi was the first.

  Because his stories were so animated and filled with feeling, it had a big impact on Kimi. She not only pictured him better, but felt herself getting drawn to him more. Furthermore, as she asked questions and shared bits and pieces about her family and career back at The Dome, she began to relax and feel at ease.

  There were times when the two men had to hoist Kimi up an enormous rock or help her down a steep part of the trail. For her part, she made sure to give them both equal attention.
She'd prepared bottled waters and sandwiches for all of them, and she showered the men with care throughout the hike.

  On the way back to the Mongarian caves, Lee 5 seemed to be feeling more comfortable in their company. When he was asked about his past, he finally shared a story about his life as a male escort before he'd become a cyborg security officer.

  The story was brief, about how difficult life had been and how one older woman had hurt him badly because she had led him to believe that their sexual encounters had meant more. He'd been too young and naïve then. But the pain of being rejected toughened him and made him detached from the real world and from actual people. His heart had hardened because of this, as well as due to his life experiences. And all of these had helped make him a very good cyborg policeman.

  Khan-Min actually patted him on the back. "That's tough. I feel for you."

  "Yeah," Kimi seconded. In comparison, her life had seemed so easy and happy. She'd had a loving family, wonderful friends, and a booming career. Her only problem was finding a man who would actually accept her full body and who would love her despite her shortcomings.

  All of a sudden, she felt heavy raindrops spattering on her head and arms. "It's raining!" she exclaimed.

  The three of them dashed the rest of the way toward the caves. By the time they got to Lee 5's cell, which was the nearest to the cave entrance, they were all soaking wet. Lee 5 invited them in so they could dry themselves before going back to their respective rooms.

  Khan-Min went straight to the bathroom to wash away the mud on his ankles. Unlike Kimi and Lee 5 who had been wearing rubber shoes and pants, he had worn shorts and sandals.

  Kimi shivered as the flimsy fabric of her shirt clung to her skin. She wrapped her arms around her body as she watched Lee 5 take off his own shirt and then rummage for a towel in his cabinet. She couldn't help staring at the muscles on his back, remembering how she had run her hands across them long ago, and how her nails had dug into his skin as they pleasured each other.

  She reddened when he turned around and caught her gawking. His eyes lingered on her face for a while longer before dropping down to her drenched neck and then to her heaving breasts. Her bra was highly visible through the wet material of her shirt. Even though he couldn’t possibly see her actual breasts, she knew that he was stimulated by how she looked.

  She straightened up and looked away, still quivering from the cold. But then she felt strong arms creeping up inside her shirt. Warm, soft lips covered her neck with sensual kisses. She felt her body temperature increase, especially when he took off her shirt and opened her bra to reveal her full breasts.

  She wanted to stop him because Khan-Min might come out anytime and see them. But her body was lost in the sensation, overpowering her mind and willpower. All at once, she recalled the way Lee 5 had always affected her. Flashes of their past trysts appeared in her mind.

  She bit her lower lip from crying out when he softly nibbled and sucked on her nipples. Her hands were tangled in his black hair as she watched him devour her breasts with his mouth.

  The bathroom door opened at that very moment, making Kimi stiffen and push Lee 5 away. The expression on Khan-Min's face when he saw them was unreadable. He was wearing only a towel around his waist when he stepped out, perhaps because all his clothes had become soaked in the rain. Barefoot, he strode toward where they were standing and placed a finger on Kimi's lips to quiet her before she could utter an apology or explanation.

  Kimi was even more stunned when Khan-Min began to move his finger gently to trace her upper and lower lips. He parted them slightly and inserted his finger into her mouth. The entire time, he gazed at her with burning desire. In response, she sucked on the finger gently at first, then harder after a while.

  Then without warning, Khan-Min's lips were on hers, kissing her passionately. She kissed him back with the same earnestness and longing, not caring anymore if Lee 5 was still there.

  Her eyes automatically closed as she savored the kiss. She felt Khan-Min turn her slightly so that her back was on Lee 5, who had not made a move to leave the room, move away, or throw them out. The logic in her mind was struggling to the surface, urging her to stop. This isn't right, a voice inside her was screaming.

  But it felt so damn good, especially when Khan-Min's hands began to explore her body. His every touch seemed to ignite the fire of carnal craving inside of her, driving her crazy. She felt his hands eventually drop down to the tangle of hair in between her legs, twirling the short strands around while the other fingers tapped and rubbed the area at the same time.

  Her pants were being tugged down then, but the fingers fondling with the outer lips of her wetness remained. And when she somewhat opened her eyes, she saw a second pair of hands bringing down her pants. To her utmost shock and excitement, the hands belonged to Lee 5.

  At this time, she was standing naked in between the two men, enjoying the intense pleasure they were both giving her. Khan-Min's lips were now sucking her breasts as his fingers squirmed their way through the moist folds and pushed deep inside of her repeatedly. Lee 5's lips kissed her neck while his hands caressed her shoulders and back. He ran his tongue along her ears, licking the curves. She moaned, her entire body filled with overwhelming warmth and pleasure.

  What am I doing? She pushed the unwelcome thought away quickly and focused on the growing intensity of the warm sensation spreading through her body. She groaned with gratification as Khan-Min finally went on his knees and lapped at her vaginal folds with his tongue. Along with his fingers, his tongue flicked playfully from left to right and then moved up and down, inside and out, making her tremble uncontrollably. Her knees buckled, which Khan-Min took as a cue to lay her down on her back. She opened her legs and watched him shove his tongue and fingers inside her.

  She felt her head being pushed down then. It was Lee 5's face that greeted her. His eyes aflame with lust, he kissed her lips, pushing his tongue inside her mouth and meeting her tongue with erotic flicking movements. She could not believe she was kissing another man while someone else was kissing her down there.

  She closed her eyes and let herself forget the human morals and boundaries she had grown up with. She was in another world, after all, where making love with two men was acceptable. At that instant, she was greatly surprised when she felt Lee 5 breaking their torrid kiss. Her eyes flew open again just in time to see him in the nude. He kneeled above her head, opened his legs and dropped down on all fours so that his huge cock could graze Kimi's lips. She willingly opened her mouth and tasted his bittersweet stiffness.

  Consumed in the moment's stimulation, she felt herself rising to a higher state of pleasure. That was when Khan-Min stopped and pulled her legs. She also stopped the blow job for Lee 5 and wondered with dizzy excitement what was next.

  This time, Khan-Min turned her around so that she was the one on all fours. She lifted her head and saw that Lee 5 had moved closer to her, his cock in front of her face. She took him in her mouth again, her hands pressed on the floor as she moved back and forth in satisfying motion.

  When Khan-Min entered her from behind, it was all she could do not to shout with pleasure. He thrust his cock inside again and again, alternating gentle and aggressive shoves. She felt herself climbing higher and higher until she felt a burst of sensations surge throughout her limbs, making her shiver all over and shudder continually. She had come, but Khan-Min was just on his way.

  She struggled to give Lee 5 an enjoyable blow job even while Khan-Min was ramming inside of her. After another glorious minute, he let out a loud moan of satisfaction before pulling back completely.

  Her cyborg lover gripped her shoulders. He leaned down and lifted her from the waist, making her stand upright to face him. He pushed her to the nearby wall and lifted one of her legs before entering her. "Oh," she whimpered as his cock penetrated her dampness and seemed to reach long within her.

  He kept going and going as his arms pressed on the wall on either side of her. Soon his
eyes rolled up. His face actually transformed into an expression of bliss as he reached his climax. After a while, he stepped back and threw himself on the bed to rest. Kimi caught sight of Khan-Min lying on the ground, tired and spent. She closed her eyes then, her heart and body still wildly consumed with blazing passion and pleasure.


  Back in her own room, Kimi lay on her bed, exhausted yet fully awake. She could not fathom what had just happened and how she'd been able to do something like that. Even though she was quite a sexual person and had always been game about kinky experiments in the past, she had never actually had sex with two men at the same time.

  Her thoughts seemed to focus on her feelings for both men. She tried to segregate them in her mind and heart as she recalled their hike together as well as her individual moments with each of them in the past. She could not help getting image flashes of their wild sexual adventure, which seemed to arouse her over and over again.

  It was certainly difficult to choose. She probably needed more time.

  Throughout the week, Kimi found time to be with the two men separately. She shared intimate moments with them too, but not all together. She also continued to work with Khan-Min harmoniously and efficiently, surprised that the chemistry and connection between them was stronger and deeper. Little by little, she realized just how much she enjoyed the Mongarian's company, and most especially their conversations.

  Meanwhile, Lee 5 seemed to be getting along well with the Mongarians. He was only beginning to see their good side and was now pondering staying for good, too.

  Another week went by, with the three of them becoming very good friends. After Kimi and Khan-Min had finally discovered all of the disease-causing plants and had successfully carried out the antidote testing and trial period, they found themselves spending more quality time with each other.

  At times, they got carried away while with Lee 5, reveling in the carnal gratification of their threesome sexual encounters. But more and more, Kimi saw herself with both men. She couldn’t choose one. Living without Lee 5 at her side would make her feel like her heart was cut out. Living without Khan-Min would feel the same.


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