The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 23

by Siobhan Davis

  His mouth devours mine as he pounds into me, and I hardly feel my back scraping against the wall, because I’m too consumed with the way his cock is worshiping my pussy. Reality hits in a lucid moment, and I shove at his chest. “What?” he grunts, shifting me higher on his body and thrusting his cock in deeper.

  “Condom,” I rasp.

  “I’m clean, you’re clean, and you have the implant. We’re not using condoms anymore.”

  I shove his shoulders harder, stifling a moan as his cock presses against my G-spot and I see stars. “How the fuck do you know that?”

  “Theo pulled your medical records.” He pins me with a devilish grin. “Don’t get mad, baby. Just accept we know everything about you and relinquish control to me.”

  I bite down hard on his shoulder, and the moan that leaves his lips sends heat gushing through my core. I glare at him before his mouth descends on mine again, and then, I take it out on his tongue, biting and swatting it, and brutalize his lips with punishing kisses.

  He yanks me away from the wall, planting my feet on the ground in front of my dresser and draping me over the back of the chair. “Need to go deeper. Spread your legs, princess.”

  Panic builds inside me as his hands trace up my spine. I slip out from under him before he can plunge back in. “I want to ride you.” I grab his hand and tug him toward the bed, pushing him down. I move fast so he doesn’t have time to argue, straddling him quickly and lowering myself over his warm, hard length.

  “You’re so fucking bossy.” He grips my hips, digging his fingers into bone.

  I grind down on top of him, using my thighs to slide up and down his dick, gripping him hard with my inner muscles. “You fucking love it,” I pant.

  “Only with you,” he grunts, grabbing my arms and pulling me down toward him. “And one day, you’ll submit.”

  “You mean when hell freezes over?” I slam down hard on top of him, and he grunts.

  He flips me over superfast, pinning my arms above my head and thrusting deep inside me. “You’ll do it and you’ll love it.”

  “Keep dreaming, Saintly.”

  He smiles, and it’s the first genuine smile he’s ever given me. I doubt he even realizes he’s doing it. I gulp over the sudden lump of emotion wedged in my throat, feeling his every thrust and stroke straight through to my soul.

  No! This won’t happen. I can’t let it.

  I channel the unmentionable emotion, molding it into anger, and I arch my back, lifting up, biting and sucking his abs and his chest. He lets go of my wrists so I can sit up straighter, and I claw my nails up and down his back, feeling the prick of blood under the tips of my fingers as I go to town on him. He thrusts into me harder, cussing under his breath when I dig my nails into his sweet ass cheeks, lashing out at his body while inwardly screaming at myself.

  He takes it all, giving it back in spades, grazing his teeth over my nipples, leaving bite marks on my breasts and my collarbone, and sucking so hard on my neck I know I’m going to wake up covered in hickeys.

  We fuck one another hard, pounding and thrusting, scraping and clawing, our tongues and our lips fighting for supremacy as we battle our natural instincts. He’s got his tongue piercing in, and every time I feel the metal ball moving against my tongue or he licks the inside of my mouth, I let loose a primal moan drenched with sheer liquid lust. I drag my nails through his scalp, bite his earlobes, and scratch his face.

  He yanks my head back by my hair, pulling it so tight it makes my scalp sting, and then, he nips and bites along the edge of my jaw, the pleasure-pain sensation electrifying every cell and nerve ending in my body.

  It’s wild and out of control, and I’m loving every fucking second of it.

  He is too.

  We toss and tumble on the bed as we challenge each other for control, flipping one another over every few minutes. I slam up and down on his cock, and he pounds into my pussy, prodding my puckered hole with two fingers as his cock demolishes my cunt.

  When he pinches my clit, I explode underneath him, and a rainbow of vibrant colors and emotions bursts behind my retinas. I cling to him, feeling his hot cum spill inside me, and I grip his cock tighter, keeping him close to me, both hating and loving how intimate this moment feels.

  We hold on to one another as we ride the high and slowly come back down to earth. Our skin is sweaty, our breathing ragged, our heartbeats pounding, and the magnitude of the moment slams into me.

  Powerful emotion batters me on all sides, and I’m drowning.

  Tears prick my eyes, and for the first time since I was thirteen, I think I might cry on the outside.

  Oh fuck. He can’t bear witness to this.

  I push him off me and hop up, unlocking the door and yanking it open. “Get out.” My voice wobbles and my arm trembles as I point at the open door. “Get out and stay out.”

  He stands, watching me with that fucking, intrusive lens of his as he scoops up his clothes. He stops in the doorway and turns to face me, gripping my chin painfully. “Thanks for the fuck, princess.” He tweaks my nose. “Guess it sucks to realize you’re female after all.”

  I shove him out, slamming and locking the door behind him, grab a pillow, and scream into it in pure rage. Then, I lose it, tossing shit around my room, dragging the covers off my bed, pummeling my fists into the wall until the skin tears, and doing everything I can to purge the emotion lashing me on all sides.

  It’s preferable than giving in to the tears waiting in the wings, because I’ll be damned if I give Saint Lennox my first tears in five years.

  He can go fuck himself with an inflatable cock extender until his ass bleeds.

  I slump to the floor, burying my head in my hands, fighting the storm raging inside me.

  When I eventually calm down, I survey the chaos in my room with a sinking feeling, shaking my head as I internally berate myself for losing control.

  I’m glad I removed the camera earlier so the guys weren’t witness to my shame.

  I climb awkwardly to my feet, my body drained from the rough sex and the emotional aftermath, cleaning the mess up in between yawns. As soon as I put my bed back together, I flop onto the mattress, drag the comforter up over my head, and attempt to erase the last couple hours from my mind.


  “What the fuck happened to you?” Caz asks the following morning when he enters the kitchen, gawking at the multitude of hickeys covering my neck and my collarbone. He moves in closer, his brows knitting together as he inspects the faint bite marks dotting my jawline. I’ve tried my best to disguise the marks on my face with makeup, but the ones on my neck are harder to hide. Even if I wear a scarf, something that would draw attention itself, it won’t cover all of them because they go right up both sides of my neck.

  “The same affliction that did a number on our fearless leader,” Galen drawls, entering the kitchen with Saint in tow.

  Caz inspects Saint’s injuries with his jaw trailing the ground. Saint has hickeys all over his neck too and obvious scratches to his face that can’t be hidden.

  Guess we gave one another a real workout last night.

  Caz crosses his arm, narrowing his eyes at Saint, because it’s obvious as fuck what went down last night. “Is the rulebook thrown out, or are you making your own rules now?”

  “You didn’t go unsatisfied from what I remember,” Saint coldly replies, brushing past me without acknowledgment and reaching for the coffeepot.

  I’m already nursing my third cup of coffee, debating whether I should play hooky today. Yet hiding from the world feels like I’d be handing Saint a victory on a silver platter, and I’m in no mood to do that either.

  “Still would’ve appreciated an invite to the party,” Caz grumbles, popping some bread in the toaster.

  “And end up looking like Chris Brown and Rhianna after date night?” Galen says. “No thanks. You can keep that shit.”

  I gasp. “Take that back! That was domestic abuse, and he was arrested for assa
ulting her. It’s not something you should joke about.”

  “As opposed to you two angry fucking and slapping the shit out of one another?” Theo questions from his position by the doorway. He looks shocked and miserable, and he won’t meet my eyes.

  “It was consensual,” Saint says. “And it’s nothing the fuck to do with any of you.”

  “The hell it isn’t,” Caz shouts. “We’re not allowed to touch her! You went apeshit on my ass when you found us fucking in my room. Now, what, that’s suddenly okay?”

  Saint pushes Caz out of his face. “Let me make it clear for you.” He grinds his teeth, and anger rolls off him in waves. “The princess is mine to do with as I please. If you ask nicely, I might let you fuck her on occasion.”

  “Excuse me?” I bore a hole in the side of his skull. “I’ll fuck whomever I want whenever I want, and right now, you’re the last fucking cock I want to ride.”

  He smirks. “Try telling that to someone who believes it.”

  “This is fucking bullshit!” Galen roars, pushing his way in between them. “Can’t you see what she’s doing to us? She is going to rip us apart and then stand back and laugh.”

  “You have a mighty high opinion of me all of a sudden,” I retort.

  “I’m just calling it like I see it,” he says, shoving past all of us. “None of this shit is going to end well.”


  “You and Saint are all anyone’s talking about today,” Sariah tells me at lunch. We’re at a table at the back of the library pretending to study while we eat. I couldn’t stomach the cafeteria today. Not because of the nosy looks—my fellow classmates can take their judgmental opinions and shove them up their ass—because I need distance from the Saints.

  Things are becoming…intense.

  In a way I can’t explain.

  One part of me loves how much I feel like I belong with them.

  Another part of me hates how it feels like I’m losing my identity. Because I’m struggling to process my feelings when it comes to those guys, especially Saint.

  “Hey, baby.” Sean circles his arms around Sariah from behind as Emmett drops into a seat beside me.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” Emmett’s eyes pop wide as he scans my marked jawline and neck. His fists clench into balls as he jumps back up. “I don’t give a shit who that bastard is, he’s going down for this.”

  I tug on his arm, glaring at the few heads that lift and stare in our direction. “Sit back down.” When he doesn’t move, I peer up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, Emmett.” He reclaims his seat, and I thread my fingers through his. “Saint didn’t hurt me. It was consensual rough sex. Okay?”

  He stares at me like I’m a stranger. “You get off on that shit?”

  I sigh, rubbing a tense spot between my brows. “Things are complicated between us.”

  “I’ll say,” Sean supplies, slinging his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders. “And the step-sibling thing seems like the least of it.”

  “I should’ve just stayed in bed,” I deadpan, biting into an apple. “Because this day honestly couldn’t get any worse.”

  Famous last words.

  I’m in world history class, at the end of the day, when the door bursts open and Emmett pops his head in. Ignoring the teach—because it’s Shaking Sheila, thus known for her habit of shaking like a leaf whenever anyone raises their voice to her—he motions me forward with his fingers. “You need to come with me. Right now.”

  I don’t need to be told twice, shoving my books in my backpack and striding through the door, out into the empty hallway, conscious of footsteps following me.

  “Get lost!” Emmett snarls over my shoulder. “This doesn’t concern you.”

  “Lose the attitude, or I’ll gut you and spread your insides over the school walls,” Galen threatens, pulling a knife on my friend.

  I glare at Galen for a few beats until he relents, putting the knife away. I tug on Emmett’s arm. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Sariah,” he says, striking fear into my heart.

  “What happened?”

  He takes my hand, pulling me along the hallway, and the tormented, troubled look on his face elevates my heart rate to coronary-inducing level. “She was found in the girls’ bathroom over by the science lab, lying on the floor, unconscious, and beaten to a pulp.”


  I WRESTLE MY hand from Emmett’s and take off running in the direction of the bathroom. Two pairs of footsteps run after me. Blood thrums in my ears and pounds in my skull as potent fear whizzes through my veins. Rounding the corner, I slam to a halt at the scene that awaits me.

  Sariah is being carried out of the bathroom on a stretcher, surrounded by EMTs.

  Sean’s pale face is testament to his concern for his girlfriend.

  Vice Principal Pierson has her arms locked around her body, and she’s shaking her head in disbelief, her lips pinched tight, her expression a mix of sorrow and fear.

  “Sean!” I jog to his side. “Is Sariah okay?”

  He gulps, and his voice sounds scraped raw as he speaks. “I don’t know, Lo. Nobody knows exactly how long she’s been in there. Someone wedged a chair underneath the door before climbing out the window, so no one’s been in there for hours. Cleaning staff was concerned when they couldn’t get in, and they called Mrs. Pierson. Then, she came to get me, and Emmett came with.” He massages his temples. “I was sitting in fucking class while my girlfriend was bleeding out on the floor.”

  “You didn’t know, dude.” Emmett attempts to reassure him.

  “Step aside, please,” Mrs. Pierson says, gesturing us to one side. “We need to let the medical personnel do their jobs.”

  I clutch Emmett’s arm as the EMTs carry an unconscious Sariah away. She’s covered in blood, and there are bruises already appearing on her arms and her face. Her top is torn, and I glimpse more bruises on her torso.

  The vice principal clasps a hand over her mouth, shaking her head, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

  Sean is distraught and struggling to hold it together. “He shouldn’t drive,” I tell Emmett, nudging him toward his friend and teammate. “You drive, and I’ll follow you to the hospital.”

  “You sure you don’t want to come with us?” he asks, casting a wary glance at Galen. He’s thankfully kept his mouth shut, observing from the side as he fiddled with his phone.

  “It’s fine, Emmett. I’ll meet you there in a while.” I need to know who’s responsible for this, and that’s not something that can wait.

  He nods, walking to Sean and squeezing his shoulders. I watch them walk off, vowing to rip through whoever did this to my bestie.

  There are two prime suspects at the top of my list—it was either the bitchy cheerleaders who targeted her last year or this is Parker Brooks’ doing. My money is on Parker, because the cheerleaders haven’t caused any trouble for Sariah so far this semester. Parker’s words from the other day resurface in my mind. She knows she can’t touch me, so she went after my best friend instead.

  Stupid fucking bitch will pay for this.

  Gnawing guilt claws at my insides at the thought of my friend suffering for my sins.

  I will fucking kill Parker Brooks and throw her into the pit in Prestwick Forest until her bones rot alongside the others already lining the muddy floor.

  “Who did this?” I ask the vice principal, because I need confirmation before starting a new war.

  “We don’t know, but there will be a full investigation,” she says. Her eyes narrow as she looks behind me at the sound of approaching footfall.

  The fine hairs on my arms prickle, and I know Galen called in the cavalry.

  “We’ve got it from here, Mrs. P,” Saint says, snaking his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his body. “You can go now.”

  She opens her mouth to reprimand him but obviously thinks better of it. Tossing a poisonous glare in Saint’s direction, she walks off without a word.

p; “This was Parker and Finn’s doing,” Saint says.

  “You know for sure?”

  He nods. “There was a witness. She contacted us, and we left class immediately. We’ve just come from talking with her. She told us everything,” Theo replies.

  “Which is?” I ask, anger mushrooming inside me.

  “Parker paid this freshman to keep watch in the hallway while her, Beth McCoy, and a few others cornered Sariah,” Caz confirms.

  “She fought back,” Saint says. “But those aren’t good odds.”

  “How long was she lying unconscious for?”

  Saint squeezes my shoulder. “It happened at the end of lunch, just before the next period.”

  “Where the fuck is that freshman?” I seethe, my hands balling into fists. “That little bitch knew my best friend was lying beaten and bloody on the floor, and she waited hours to contact you? I’m going to make her wish she’d never been born.”

  “As much as that turns me the fuck on, we’ll handle her punishment,” Saint says.

  “It’s delicate,” Theo explains. “Our rule is still fresh. People need to feel comfortable coming to us with stuff, so we have to tread carefully.”

  “Beating her bloody would not send the right message,” Caz agrees.

  “And we need to keep her away from the authorities until we’ve handled it,” Saint says.

  “Fine. Forget the fucking twat. Just point me in Parker’s direction, and I’ll vent all my rage at her. She’ll be in a wheelchair for life by the time I’m through with her.” That goes for Beth and the other bitches too.

  “All in good time, princess.”

  “Do not fucking patronize me, Saint.” I shuck out of his hold. “If this was one of your guys, you’d have already smashed through the classroom door and gunned the bitch down.”

  “Actually, that’s the last thing he would do,” Galen cuts in. “Our violent rep may proceed us, but most of our attacks are skillfully planned in advance.”


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