The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 24

by Siobhan Davis

  “And we know just how to take Parker down,” Saint adds, grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine. He starts towing me away.

  “How?” I struggle against his hold, not willing to go anywhere until I know revenge will be mine.

  “Parker was the one who gave up the meth house,” Saint confirms, gesturing for me to keep walking.

  “Go on.”

  “Her and that idiot Finn thought it would buy their way into our good graces if they betrayed their source, enabling us to eliminate the competition.” Saint smirks.

  “They were given a choice at the beginning, and they chose poorly. Sainthood only offers second chances where it’s warranted,” Theo says as we head toward the main entrance.

  “And it would never be warranted in their case,” Galen says.

  “Finn didn’t have the balls to negotiate himself,” Saint adds. “Fucking pussy. And he made another mistake trusting his girl because she’s had her own agenda all along.”

  “Let me guess,” I say, pursing my lips. “She offered up the meth house and herself?”

  Galen smirks, confirming it. “They both reek of desperation.”

  “And The Sainthood doesn’t do desperation,” Saint adds.

  “So, you used them, they’ve just found out, and now, they’re pissed,” I surmise. Saint nods.

  “I don’t get why they came after Sariah though,” Galen muses.

  “Maybe, they found out about your little crush on her,” Caz jokes, but it falls on deaf ears.

  I send him a withering look. “My bestie just paid the price for your actions, and you think it’s okay to joke about it?”

  He has the decency to look sheepish as he tugs on his lip ring. “I was trying to lighten the tension. I meant no disrespect, Lo. Sariah’s cool.”

  “I have an idea,” Saint says, opening the double doors and pulling me outside onto the top step. “We’ll set it up after we drop you off at the hospital.”

  “I want in,” I say, walking down the steps. “This is my revenge as much as it’s yours.”

  Saint stares at me. “We wouldn’t dream of cutting you out.”

  “I want to end her,” I caution as we approach his Land Rover.

  “Agreed.” He pulls me over to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for me. “Now, get your sexy ass in the car, and let us put things in motion.”


  I spend the rest of the evening and most of the night at the hospital, waiting to talk to Sariah. But she’s in a coma, and no one can tell if or when she’ll come out of it. I share a taxi with Emmett when visiting hours end and we’re forced to leave. Sean and Lorna, Sar’s grandma, are with her, and I take some comfort from the fact she’s not alone. Emmett wraps his arms around me in the back seat of the car, and I lean my head on his shoulder, consumed with worry for my best friend.

  It’s quiet when I return to the house, and I wonder if Mom and Neo have left for their weekend yet. They weren’t around this morning, but sometimes, Mom leaves for work early, and that lazy butthead she’s marrying is known for sleeping in late.

  I’m yawning as I walk down the hallway, hunger gnawing at my insides, demanding to be fed. The lights are on in the kitchen, and the four guys are seated around the long dining table, devouring pizza.

  All four of them look up at me as I step inside. “You look exhausted,” Theo says, standing and pulling out a chair for me. Caz squeezes my shoulder as he brushes past me.

  “How is Sariah?” Saint asks.

  I drop down onto the chair. “She’s in a coma.”

  The guys emit a litany of cusses. Saint pulls me over onto his lap, circling his arms around me. I’m too tired, and too scared to fight it, so I curl into him, letting him comfort me.

  “You should eat.” Galen slides a plate in front of me with two slices of pepperoni pizza on it.

  Caz hands me a bottle of water before distributing beers to his friends.

  “Did you make any plans?” I ask, uncapping the water and sipping it.

  “We have everything set up,” Saint confirms, running his hand up and down my side. “We’re going to a club down by the docks in Fenton tomorrow night.”

  “Why? And don’t attempt to hold back. I need to know everything.”

  Caz’s lips kick up at the corners. Galen eyes me curiously while drinking his beer. Theo is watching my every move, his eyes radiating concern.

  This interaction is new and completely unsettling.

  I bite off a massive chunk of pizza, swallowing slowly, as I wait for Saint to explain.

  “It appears Luke McKenzie was tied up with The Bulls, a gang operating out of Fenton,” he says. “They’re out for blood, and we’re going to give them Parker and Finn on a platter.”

  I almost choke on a mouthful of pizza. I chew fast and swallow. “They didn’t murder that douche.”

  “No one knows that but us,” Theo says. The pizza sits in my stomach like a lead balloon. I’ve been cocky thinking the guys couldn’t use that evidence against me, but this changes things.

  “We’re not going to use it against you,” Saint adds, as if he’s read my mind.

  I peer into his eyes. “Why not?”

  “That’s something we can get into later. Right now, we focus on pinning the murder on Finn and Parker, and we let The Bulls deal with them.” He nods over my shoulder. “Wipe it clean.”

  I turn around in time to watch Theo rub a cloth over my gun, removing my fingerprints. He cleans the bullets too, leaning down as he inspects the casings with a sharp eye. He lifts his head slowly. “Where’d you get these bullets from?”

  “I found them in my dad’s office after he died. The gun too,” I lie. “Why?”

  He scratches the back of his head. “Just curious.” His false smile tells me everything he hasn’t said. Something on the bullets has caught his attention.

  Fuck. I need to ask Diesel where he got them and give him a heads-up.

  Saint stares at Theo, and they have one of their silent conversations as he pulls me in closer to his body, kissing the side of my head. I don’t think he realizes he’s done it. Galen’s mouth drops open, and Caz smothers a smile.

  “So, The Bulls will be at the club tomorrow, I guess?” I ask, redirecting the conversation as I pick a piece of pepperoni off the pizza and pop it in my mouth, while snuggling in closer to Saint.

  God, he smells divine. Like vanilla mixed with spice and orange blossom in a thoroughly masculine way. It’s both sweet and sour, just like him.

  “We’ve already arranged a meet,” Saint confirms. “We’ll give them an altered version of the truth and hand over the evidence. They’ll do the rest.”

  “What about Beth and the other bitches? They’re not getting out of this unscathed.”

  “We thought we’d let you and Theo work on that,” Saint adds. “Dig through their backgrounds, and find something we can use to bury them.”

  “I’d rather just bury a machete in their faces,” I say.

  Caz chuckles. “I’d pay good money to see that bitch fight.”

  “They’ll be expecting retaliation,” Saint says. “Let’s make them sweat a bit. And if we need to extract a blood debt, we can make that happen in a way that won’t get you arrested or expelled from school.”

  I lift my head up, staring directly into his blue eyes. “Why are you helping me? What’s in it for you?”

  “Your friend got caught up in our shit. She’s lying in a hospital bed because of it. We always exact payback,” Saint confirms.

  “And we always clean up our own mess,” Galen adds.


  I STARE AT my reflection in the mirror, knowing I’ll get a reaction from the guys in this dress. It’s a tight black mini with embellished sequins overlaid on velvet fabric that hugs my curves in all the right places. The spaghetti straps are different lengths because the top of the dress is higher on one side. The material is ruched around my middle, and I’ve pulled the a
djustable string tight over my left thigh, raising the hem higher on that side so I’m flashing a considerable amount of skin. High-heeled black ankle boots complete the look, elongating my long legs.

  My hair falls in straight lines over my shoulders, and I’ve gone heavy with the eyeliner and mascara, sporting my usual smoky eye and red lips look.

  With the hickeys coloring my skin, the scars on the tops of my arms, and half my back tattoo, on full display, I look pretty in a badass kinda way.

  Should be perfect to fit into the crowd at the club tonight.

  Grabbing my purse and my leather jacket, I leave my room, bolting the door behind me.

  Mom had shown a glimpse of fear when she’d walked past my room as I’d been fitting the new padlock to the front of my door, but she didn’t pass comment. I guess she truly doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

  “I think we should stay home,” Caz splutters the second I come into view in the doorway of the kitchen. All eyes turn in my direction, and I hold my head up high as I walk toward them. Theo runs his hands through his hair, Galen tries and fails to look immune, and Saint devours me with a look that should melt my clothes from my body.

  I haven’t seen Saint since he crawled out of my bed sometime this morning. All I know is when I woke, he was gone, and I almost thought I conjured last night up. But I didn’t imagine him holding me in his strong arms all night, offering silent comfort as I worried about my friend.

  I spent all day at the hospital, where there’s no change, and my bestie is still in a coma. I briefly considered ignoring the guys’ plans. Visualizing storming into Parker’s house and planting a bullet between her eyes. But I know that’s only emotion talking. The smart plan is the one we’re setting in motion tonight. I just need to be patient, and everyone will get what they deserve.

  “Holy fuck, princess.” Caz walks around me, inspecting every inch of my body. “You are the definition of sex on legs.”

  “Thanks, I think,” I joke.

  “You look stunning, Lo,” Theo says, and I tip my head politely at him. We need to present a united front tonight, and I don’t want to start the night off wrong, so I’m determined to be pleasant and amicable.

  Saint pours a line of shots, and everyone takes one, knocking them back fast.

  I surreptitiously check the guys out, and they all look hot as fuck in dark jeans, boots, and body-hugging T-shirts. They are wearing their gang-issued black leather jackets with The Sainthood emblem on the front. Combined with their tats, piercings, and ripped bodies, they exude “don’t mess with me” vibes by the bucket load.

  “Hey, you ever watch that movie Girls Trip?” Caz asks me out of the blue.

  “Can’t say that I have,” I admit, accepting another vodka shot from Saint.

  “Want to watch it with me tomorrow?”

  Why does this feel like some kind of trap?

  Still, I’m curious as fuck, so I’ll play ball. “Isn’t it a chick flick? Why’d you want to watch that?”

  “It’s got a scene with the grapefruit technique in it,” he says, grinning widely.

  Saint rolls his eyes, Theo smiles, and Galen groans as he hits his head repeatedly off the counter.

  A light bulb goes off in my head and I make the connection. “That’s your word of the day?”

  “He shoots. He scores!” Caz fist pumps the air, and I laugh.

  “You are such a dork.” I shake my head, still grinning as I knock back my shot. “But it’s weirdly endearing. And I actually know what that one means.” I waggle my brows suggestively.

  “You ever tried it?” His eyes light up.

  “Have you?”

  He shakes his head, and my grin expands. “Neither have I, but I’m down for trying anything in the bedroom at least once.”

  Galen splutters, and a wicked grin slips over Saint’s mouth. “You would seriously wear a grapefruit ring around your dick while she sucked you off?” Galen asks Caz.

  “Damn straight I would.” Caz adjusts himself in his jeans, and I can see the idea alone is enough to make him hard.

  “It’d be hot,” Theo agrees, looking like he might like to give it a try too.

  Although, I doubt he’d try it with me.

  “It’d be sticky and messy,” Galen protests, shuddering, and I crack up laughing.

  “How else is sex supposed to be?” I ask.

  “It sounds unhygienic,” he adds, because the guy just can’t let anyone win an argument.

  Caz and Saint snort with laughter. “You sound like a pussy,” Saint admits, screwing the cap back on the bottle of vodka.

  “And the secret is to warm the grapefruit up first and to wear a condom. Then, you avoid any potential infections or allergic reactions,” I clarify.

  “For someone so knowledgeable, I’m surprised you haven’t done it before,” Caz says.

  I snatch my purse up, fighting a fit of giggles. “I might’ve asked Darrow to try it one time.” Saint’s good humor evaporates, and he purses his lips. “But he’s as big a pussy as Galen,” I admit.

  Galen flips me the bird, and I lose my shit, laughing uncontrollably, bending over and clutching my stomach because I’m laughing so hard it physically hurts. I’m flashing a lot of cleavage bent over like this, and Saint and Caz notice, eyes fixed on my tits like they’ve never seen boobs before.

  The energy in the room shifts.

  My laughter dies, and I straighten up, my heated gaze bouncing between the two guys eye-fucking me like they wish they could strip me bare and sample my grapefruit.

  Galen snatches the keys from Saint’s hand, rolling his eyes. Saint hasn’t taken his eyes off me for a second, and he looks ready to jump my bones.

  I honestly wouldn’t complain.

  “I’ll drive and Theo can take shotgun so you two can drool all over the back seat.” Galen points between Saint and Caz, shaking his head as if he can’t understand it when we all know that’s bullshit.

  He avoids making eye contact as he walks past me out into the hallway, and that’s how I know he’s definitely affected.

  I drill a look at Saint as the others trail Galen out the door, waiting for him to say something. But he’s quiet as he slides his arm around my shoulders, ushering me out of the kitchen, down the hallway, and out through the front door. “Don’t leave my fucking side all night,” he eventually says. “This place will be crawling with shady fucks, and the second they lay eyes on you, they’ll descend like greedy vultures.”

  I think that’s as close to a compliment as I’ll get.

  “I can hold my own,” I say, raising the longer side of my dress to show the small knife strapped high on my thigh. “But I’ll stay close. I promise.”

  He helps me up into the car, his fingers brushing over the backs of my bare legs as I climb inside.

  I’m the meat in a Saint and Caz sandwich in the back seat, and I’m not, in any way, unhappy about it. Both of them ravish me with their eyes, and sexual tension sends sparks of electricity charging through the air. Saint places his hand on my thigh in a possessive gesture, but he doesn’t protest when Caz starts running his hand up and down my arm, across the swell of my breasts, and generally touching any exposed skin he can reach.

  I purposely spread my legs a little wide, knowing my lace panties are visible because my dress is just that short.

  Galen almost crashes at least three times as he struggles to keep his eyes on the road, while I struggle to keep the smug grin off my face.

  Saint pushes my thighs together, keeping my knees pinned shut as he levels me with a knowing look. “I’d rather get there alive,” he drawls, and I can’t contain my grin any longer.

  By the time we reach the docks, I’m hot and horny, and I’m betting the guys are too.

  “Remember what I said,” Saint reminds me, gripping my hand tight as we approach the entrance to the large warehouse the club is at. “Stay glued to my side. If we get separated, for any reason, stick with one of the other guys.” His beautiful blue eyes p
ierce me with a cautionary look. “Do not wander anywhere by yourself.”

  “Sheesh.” I swat his arm. “I’m not an idiot. I got it. Relax.”

  He palms my cheek. “I know you’re not an idiot. Just being here with us is risky enough without you looking like that.” He waves his hand in my general vicinity, and warmth spreads through my bones, heating every part of me.

  I stretch up and kiss him.

  Just because I feel like it, pulling back before it can develop into something we don’t have time to indulge. “I won’t wander off.”

  He nods, squeezing my hand, before focusing his attention on the two guys manning the entrance.

  “All right, man.” One of the burly bouncers raises his fist to Saint, and they do some elaborate knuckle-touch maneuver, before slapping each other on the backs. Then, Saint repeats the process with bouncer number two. The other guys move forward, and more knuckle touches and back slaps occur.

  Dudes are such idiots, but I manage to control the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Who’s this pretty lady?” The second bouncer asks, moving forward a couple steps, his eyes roaming my body like he’s mentally undressing me.

  I’m already regretting leaving my jacket in the car. I’m not shy about my body, far from it, but I hate assholes who believe they have a God-given right to objectify a woman just because she’s wearing a sexy dress. I should be able to wear whatever the hell I want without being perved on.

  His blatant drooling earns him a death stare from Saint, and he gulps, instantly stepping back and averting his gaze.

  “Harlow is with us. Spread the word. I’ll gut anyone who even looks at her,” Saint coolly replies, his words dripping with intent.

  “Ruben’s in the VIP area waiting for you,” the first bouncer says, his anxious gaze jumping between Saint and his colleague, trying to break the sudden tense atmosphere.

  Saint nods. “Thanks, bro.” He eyeballs the other jerk. “You’re lucky Ruben vouched for you.”

  “I’m sorry, man. It won’t happen again.”

  He looks half scared out of his wits, and it’s a timely reminder of how much power The Sainthood have around these parts. If this burly bouncer is terrified, and all he did was ogle my tits, what the fuck would they do to me if they knew everything I’ve done?


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