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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

Page 85

by Siobhan Davis

  I wait until the commissioner gets into position, and then I pull the special goggles down over my eyes, point the rifle at the infrared X marked on his chest, and take my shot.

  Bull’s-eye. I hit my mark dead on.

  Screams ring out as the commissioner drops to the asphalt, blood pooling around him from the pouches tied to the front of his bulletproof vest.

  As much as I’d love to stay and admire my handiwork, we can’t hang around. Saint and Bry work efficiently together to dismantle the stand, placing it and the rifle into the black carryall while I race around the roof, snatching up bottles of water and checking for any trace evidence we may have unwittingly left behind. Droplets of blood are drying where Taylor bled out, and I’m on my knees, ready to clean them up, when Saint calls out to me. “Leave them. We can use it to our advantage.”

  We exit the roof with the sounds of sirens blaring in the background. Taking the staff elevator to the parking lot, we slide the gun case into the bed of Bry’s truck, securing a few boxes and a blanket over it. Caz revs the engine of the Chevy, and Bry jumps in the passenger seat while Saint and I climb into the back of the Land Rover. Galen is behind the wheel, and Theo has his head stuck to his tablet from the passenger seat.

  Brakes screech as both vehicles peel out of there, using the rear entrance, and we encounter no problems as we journey the side roads back to Prestwick.


  “HOLY FUCK. THAT was nuts.” Bry grins like a madman as we enter the barn.

  “That’s one way of putting it,” I deadpan, jerking my head at Theo. “Put the news on. I want to hear what they’re saying.”

  Saint hands out beers as we watch a man with salt-and-pepper hair reporting from outside Lowell Public Library. The headline flashes COMMISSIONER LEYDON ASSASSINATED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, and we listen for a few minutes as they spout theories before nauseating eulogies to the commissioner start rolling in. Galen clicks it off because no one wants to hear that crap.

  “That went smooth despite the unexpected interruption,” Theo says, swallowing a mouthful of beer. “I almost had a fucking coronary when I heard Darrow’s voice.”

  “Speaking of.” Saint drains his beer, uncapping another one. “What are we going to do with dumb and dumber?”

  “I’ve had an idea.” I heave myself up onto the edge of the table, sipping my beer.

  “Thought you might.” Saint grins, and I blow him a kiss.

  “Taylor has to die, because she won’t stop coming after us.” I was charitable after she tried to kill me, and look where that got us.

  Everyone nods in agreement.

  “I say we use Darrow’s gun to kill her. Then we dump her on her father’s doorstep with the weapon and let him connect the dots.”

  Bry’s face scrunches up. “My fingerprints are on the gun.”

  I grin, waggling my brows. “I have two other guns belonging to Darrow with his fingerprints on them. We’ll use one of those.”

  “Damn, he’s a total moron.”

  “Yep,” I agree, popping the P.

  Saint traces his finger around the top of his beer bottle as he speaks. “I suggest we pin the commissioner’s murder on Taylor and kill two birds with one stone.”

  Although the commissioner isn’t actually dead, to the outside world and his police colleagues, he is. The cops won’t rest until they make an arrest, so handing Taylor over is a smart suggestion.

  “We can anonymously tip off the media,” Saint continues. “Explain how she’s been targeting gangs in the area in some kind of vigilante justice, because she blames local crews for her sister’s murder. When that failed, she set out to eliminate the commissioner, the man responsible for failing to keep crime from the streets of Lowell and Prestwick.” A smug grin appears on his lips. “With Diesel’s police contacts, and her blood on that roof, we can make that stick. Open and shut case. So even if her father or The Bulls try to hang us for this, no one will believe them.”

  “Damn, your devious mind never fails to get me horny,” I admit, sucking one finger into my mouth while I drill him with a heated look.

  Saint’s eyes darken with lust, and the urge to climb him like a spider monkey is riding me hard. “Trust me, queenie. It’s mutual.” Saint winks, and I sigh, realizing I’m stuck with the queenie nickname for life.

  Bry clears his throat, reminding us he’s in the room.

  “What about the moron?” Galen asks. “Do we kill him too?”

  “Keeping him alive is more advantageous,” I propose. “He told us earlier that Archer Quinn thinks he and Bry were Sainthood spies. I suggest we cut out his tongue and cut off his fingers, then send him back with a note that says he ratted them out and he’s the one who’s been spying for us. We can say he double-crossed us so he’s their problem to deal with.”

  “Damn, woman.” Caz whistles under his breath.

  “What if they don’t believe it?” Theo asks.

  “It doesn’t really matter. They’re hanging onto the ledge by their fingernails at this stage. And how can they disprove it if he can’t talk and he can’t write?” I smirk.

  Saint stalks across the room, grabs the nape of my neck, and slams his lips down on mine while settling between my thighs. I wrap my legs around him, tilting my head to the side, as he shoves his tongue between my lips. Holding his waist, I let him plunder my mouth as I drown in pleasurable sensation.

  “You have issues,” Bry drawls when we finally come up for air.

  “Aw, don’t be jealous of your nephew,” Caz pipes up. “I’m sure there’s some law about that.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Saint points his bottle at Caz. “I’m fucking older than him, and all that uncle-nephew shit is creeping me out.”

  Bry chuckles. “You really shouldn’t have said that.” His lips twitch. “Now I’m gonna remind you every chance I get.”

  “Then your attendance at Lowell High will be short-lived, because you breathe one word about that shit at school and I’ll knock you the fuck out. Don’t care if we’re related or not.” Saint crosses his arms, glaring at Bry, but there’s no real heat behind it.

  We wait for nightfall before dragging our prisoners from the trunk. They wriggle and writhe as we haul them into the forest at the side of the barn and deal with them.

  After, I head back to the house so I can get cleaned up because I’ve got Knight’s disgusting blood all over me, and I need a shower. Galen volunteers to stay with me while the others head out. Caz and Bry are going to round up a couple of minions to help deliver the bodies while Saint and Theo are going to Sainthood HQ to update Sinner.

  Galen and I shower together, taking our time washing each other, before he slams me into the tile wall, claiming my pussy and then my ass. We are passed out in our giant bed when the others eventually return, just before midnight, bringing Thai takeout with them. Bry isn’t with them because he chose to go home, and Theo and Saint swung by his house to pick Caz up on the way.

  “It’s handled?” Galen asks as I grab plates and silverware from the kitchen, carrying them to the table.

  “All done,” Saint confirms, unloading tons of paper cartons from two bags.

  “What did Sinner say?” I ask when we’re all seated and digging in.

  “He’s fucking ecstatic,” Theo replies. “You took out the commissioner. The Arrows are essentially no more, and he has The Bulls under his thumb. He rules the roost.”

  “And he intends to crow like a cock,” Saint says, pursing his lips. I lift one brow. Air expels from his mouth as he heaps food on his plate. “He’s throwing a celebratory party next weekend in our honor.”

  “Like that’s not shady as fuck,” I say over a mouthful of curry, sarcasm lacing my tone.

  “I don’t trust him for a second,” Saint agrees. “He’s up to something.”

  “How can you be sure?” Caz asks.

  “The party is at Galen’s house,” Saint confirms.

  “What the fuck?” Galen speaks over a mouthful
of food. “Why the hell is he throwing a party there and not at HQ?”

  “Because he’s fucking with us,” Saint grits out. “I knew he wouldn’t let Lo off the hook after this, and he’s pissed because we’ve sided with Lo over him, and helped Giana to escape his clutches.”

  “Then we should be nowhere near that fucking party,” Caz says, shoveling rice in his mouth.

  “We can’t not show,” I protest, sipping my water. “He’ll only hunt us down. I’m sick of whatever game he’s playing, and I say we go there and call his bluff. Let’s see what he comes at us with next.”

  “It’s dangerous as fuck,” Galen says.

  “Not if we prepare. It’s your house, which means we have the home turf advantage. We can switch off his cameras, raid his secret stash, and line up the audio recording we have of him telling me to kill the commissioner, so if he tries anything, we have leverage.”

  “Diesel called me a few minutes ago,” Theo says. “He agrees Sinner is planning something, and he thinks this is an opportunity we shouldn’t pass up. He’s setting up a meeting between all interested parties this week to discuss how to handle it.”

  “What, like with the FBI and VERO?” I ask, holding my fork in midair.

  Theo nods. “And he wants Howie there too. He thinks a joint task force working together will mean we end this thing quicker.”

  Saint scowls, predictably.

  “Having so many controlling dicks in one room should be interesting,” I joke.

  “Speaking of dicks.” Caz licks the back of his spoon, leering at me across the table. “I think it’s time we christened our new bed in style. Don’t you?”


  “Oh, God,” I moan, arching my back as Saint inserts a third finger in my pussy.

  “I prefer Saint, but God works.” I hear the grin in his smug tone. Good to know his ego is still soaring above the clouds.

  Caz snorts, tweaking one of my nipples while Theo sucks on the other one. Galen’s lips descend on my mouth, and his hands dive into my hair, rubbing my scalp. I moan into his mouth as he kisses me while my other three husbands continue their skilled ministrations, plucking my body like the strings of a guitar. My eyes pop wide when Saint lowers his hot mouth over my clit, sucking hard while he pumps his fingers in and out of my pussy, coating them with my juices.

  “Always so fucking wet,” he murmurs in between licks. Galen drags my lower lip between his teeth, piercing me with dark-emerald eyes as my fingers trace a path over the stubble on his face.

  Theo and Caz face one another across my naked body as they continue playing with my tits. I’m not sure if Saint and Galen have noticed the lingering looks between them or the crackle of electricity in the air, but I have, and I’m silently encouraging them to be brave.

  Galen grazes his teeth along the column of my neck, and I seize the opportunity to slyly watch the two men lavishing attention on my breasts.

  Caz’s eyes are glued to Theo’s mouth as he dips his head and his tongue darts out, tasting the sharp peak of my nipple. I bite back a pleasurable sigh, not wanting to distract them. Theo stares at Caz as he licks my nipple, and Caz’s grip on my other tit hardens. Both their dicks are pressed against my thighs, and they are as hard as rocks.

  “Aagh,” I call out as Saint drags me down the bed, nudging my legs wider to give him greater access. Galen crawls down to us, propping my head on a couple of pillows. Holding his long, hard, thick shaft in one hand, he directs it to my mouth. I open wide, and he slides between my lips, thrusting his hips and hitting the back of my throat.

  Grabbing his hips, I widen my mouth, taking him fully as he slides in and out. Cries of pleasure rip from his chest as I fondle his balls and suck his dick. Pressure coils tight in my belly as Saint continues to work my pussy and my clit with his tongue and his fingers, and I come apart on a scream when he shoves two fingers into my ass.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot when you come.” Galen fists a hand in my hair as he fucks my mouth harder.

  Behind us, sounds of kissing tell me Caz and Theo have succumbed to their lust, and a bubble of happiness spreads across my chest. I want to watch, but I’m afraid if they catch us looking they’ll feel self-conscious and stop. My eyes meet Saint’s as he lines his cock up to my entrance, and I see the truth in his baby blues.

  Tonight is a turning point.

  We all recognize that.

  Saint impales me on his cock, thrusting into me hard as Galen pulls out of my mouth with a pop. I moan his loss, and he grins, bending down to bite my lip. “I need to come inside you, angel.” Pushing my hair to one side, he drags his lips up and down my neck, sucking hard in a way I know will leave marks.

  I love when my guys brand me.

  Love the envious looks I pick up from all the girls in school when they spot the regular hickeys on my neck.

  I’m a lucky woman, and I know it.

  Galen moves behind me, and Saint pulls me up onto his lap, wrapping my legs around him, in a mirror of our position the night we fucked outside in the storm. “I think someone has a new favorite position,” I murmur, riding his cock.

  “Every way I’m inside you is my favorite position.” His piercing blue eyes pin me in place, and I’m lost for this guy.

  “Who knew my cousin was such a closet romantic,” Galen quips, teasing my ass with his slick fingers.

  I arch my head back as I bounce on Saint’s cock, looping my arm around Galen’s neck and pulling him closer as he inches into my ass. My eyes roll back in my head at the sense of fullness. Of complete ownership. I let go, trusting my pleasure to the Lennox cousins. “Don’t pretend you’re not romantic too. You gave me my angel daggers,” I purr, licking at the seam of his lips as he rocks in and out of my ass.

  “Because nothing says romance like daggers,” Saint deadpans, and a giggle bursts from my chest.

  A loud moan erupts behind us, followed by a slew of expletives, and I can’t contain my curiosity anymore. Galen and I twist our heads around at the same time while Saint’s jaw loosens as he stares over my shoulder.

  Holy fuck.

  Galen and Saint continue grinding inside me, albeit in a slower, less attentive fashion, as we watch Caz drive his cock into Theo’s ass. Theo is on all fours, facing the headrest, and Caz is hugging his back as he thrusts inside him, over and over again.

  It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and my pussy floods with warmth. Theo moans and hisses while Caz whispers shit in his ear as his powerful body pounds into Theo with years of pent-up lust.

  Reluctantly, I tear my gaze away, touching Galen’s jaw to bring him back to me. This has been a long time coming for Caz and Theo, and they deserve some privacy. Saint swings his gaze to mine, examining my flushed cheeks, excited eyes, and parted lips. His mouth pulls into a lopsided grin. “That turns you on,” he whispers, stabbing his hips into mine.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.” I decide to mess with them as they pick up their pace, fucking me in perfect sync. “You know what’d be the hottest thing ever?” I struggle to keep a straight face while I pose my question. Galen grabs my hips, drilling harder into my ass.

  “I’m afraid to ask,” Saint drolly replies.

  “All of you fucking. That would be like a dream come true.”

  “You do remember we’re cousins,” Galen says.

  “Well, duh. Not you two, obviously. But Saint could fuck Caz and you could fuck Theo.”

  “Not ever happening, queenie.” Saint pinches my tit. “I’m not into dick.”

  “I could be persuaded,” Galen blurts, trailing his fingers up my spine.

  “Really?” My gleeful screech confirms how fucking excited I am right now. I look back at him, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

  “No.” He smirks. “I was yanking your chain.”

  I slap his chest. “It’s mean to get me all excited like that.”

  “We’re addicted to pussy, babe,” Saint says, rocking up inside me. “Your pussy, and that will nev
er change.”

  Roars and shouts litter the air behind us, and I grin at Saint as Caz and Theo audibly come together. Saint leans in, kissing me softly. “I love that you support them. I know how much that will mean to Theo, in particular.”

  “Get the fuck away from me!” Theo screams, and the bed bounces behind us.

  All the blood freezes in my veins.

  “Theo.” Caz’s anguished tone slices through me. “Did I…” His choked voice trails off.

  Galen and Saint stop thrusting, and we share a concerned look. I don’t know whether to intervene or leave them to work it out themselves.

  “Don’t touch me!” Theo shrieks, and the headrest bangs against the wall. “Just leave me alone!”

  “Don’t do this,” Caz pleads.

  “I. Said. Don’t fucking touch me!” Theo screeches before a pained cry erupts from his throat.

  I slide off Saint, communicating with my eyes. He nods, jerking his head at Galen. Climbing off the end of the bed, I pad around it, heading for Theo.

  His back is flattened to the headrest, and his head is in his hands, his hair shielding his face, as his shoulders heave. Caz is standing beside the bed, looking dejected and full of remorse. I touch his arm, looking up at him, asking him to trust me with my eyes.

  To let me talk to Theo and help him get out of his head.

  The pained expression on Caz’s face guts me, and my heart hurts for him. “It will be okay,” I mouth even though I’ve no idea if it will. He stares at me with so much emotion, confusion coexisting with hurt and pain. Sweeping my fingers along his cheeks, I plead with my eyes, begging him to let me handle this.

  Reeling me into his arms, Caz holds me tight. I squeeze my eyes shut to ward off the tears that are building when I feel his strong, powerful body tremble against mine. His mouth wanders to my ear. “Tell him I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice steeped in raw agony. Abruptly, he lets me go, not looking at either of us as he walks out of the room with Saint and Galen.


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