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Love on Pointe Omnibus

Page 36

by Colette Davison

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Each evening, Mason ended up at David's house. David figured it was because Mason was still freaked out by Kirk following him home, but he wasn't going to complain. He loved having Mason there, and he quickly realised that doing all the mundane things together that had mattered so much to Mason, now mattered to him, too.

  They talked about the shit Mason was dealing with at the studio. His lover let off steam while David listened and made suggestions. More than once, he offered to talk to the offenders or to Veronica, but every time, Mason asked him not to. David understood why—he knew Mason didn't want to make things worse for himself by causing any more trouble—but it was still hard to stand back and do nothing. It was hard to be David, Mason's lover, rather than his choreographer, who could, would, and should do something about the harassment the young man was being subjected to. But despite their relationship being out in the open, those boundaries were still very much in place. When they stepped into the studio, they were colleagues, not lovers.

  They talked about other things, too, sometimes staying up far later than they should have, simply because they were engrossed in a debate on one topic or another. Sometimes, Mason played devil's advocate just for fun, to see how far he could push David into a heated debate. It was always done in good humour, neither one of them becoming frustrated or angry with the other. David was only too happy to engage in debates with Mason. His lover was intelligent and articulate, and he was also sure he was helping to keep Mason's mind off the crap he was dealing with during the day.

  On Friday evening, after they had cooked and eaten dinner together, they settled down on the sofa. David had work to do. He wanted to go over the rehearsal notes he'd made through the week, and he also had some promotion material that Veronica wanted him to give an opinion on, but Mason fell asleep with his head resting on David's lap. David had let him rest, slipping his hand into the back pocket of Mason's jeans while he spent the next couple of hours working.

  When he was done, he set his papers aside. He stared at Mason, using his free hand to stroke his lover's hair. It was quiet moments like these that really made him reflect on what he and Mason had. It had stopped being a purely physical relationship some weeks before. In fact, David wasn't entirely sure it had ever been purely physical. Even that first time they'd slept together, it was only after hours of talking and building furniture.

  He still caught himself wondering why someone so much younger than he was wanted to be with him, but Mason had shown no signs of tiring of him. He'd told Mason he couldn't promise him forever—and he was still standing by that—but he hoped they had a long future together, because he couldn't imagine not having his lover in his life.

  He wasn't sure he'd ever fallen so hopelessly in love with someone before. He should have been able to promise Mason more. Maybe that was why he’d asked his lover to move in with him. It was the biggest gesture of commitment he could make without uttering the promise he’d already broken twice in his life: until death do us part. He didn’t want to make that pact with Mason only to break it.

  Mason stirred, squeezing his eyes shut before slowly opening and blinking them. He rubbed his face and then lifted his head to peer up at David.

  "I fell asleep."

  David smiled. "Yes."

  "How long?"

  "A couple of hours. I didn't have the heart to wake you."

  Mason pushed himself upright, dislodging David's hand from his back pocket. "I'm sorry."

  "Why? I had work to do." David cradled Mason's face in his hand. "You still look tired. Want to go to bed?"

  Mason flopped back down, resting his head on David's lap again. "I'm good here." He curled his hand over David's knee and closed his eyes.

  Content, David slipped his hand back into Mason's pocket and caressed his arse cheek through his jeans. He relaxed back against the sofa cushions, allowing his own eyes to drift shut. He couldn't remember the last time he and a partner had been happy to simply spend time together. Not talking, not fucking, just being beside each other in comfortable silence. Even with his first wife, Rebecca, silences had never been comfortable. One of them had always tried to fill them, because silence had felt like they were drifting apart, like they didn't have enough in common with one another to connect. But with Mason, every moment they spent together, they were connecting in many different ways. Physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  "What are you thinking about?" Mason asked, his voice slurred by sleepiness.

  "How lucky I am to have you."

  "You're going to give me a big ego."

  "We can't have that, can we?"

  "No. There's only room for one huge ego in this house."

  David chuckled softly. "I'm glad a long, tough week hasn't got rid of your cheekiness."


  That single word gave David hope that Mason wouldn't get dragged down by other people's opinions of him, by spiteful words or wicked rumours.

  They lapsed into silence again. David thought they both might have dozed off for a while, but he didn't check his watch to be sure. They'd move eventually, probably going up to his room to fall asleep together. He moved his hand from Mason's pocket and slipped his fingers beneath Mason's T-shirt to stroke his lover's soft skin.

  "Are you sure it's too soon to move in with me?" he asked when Mason wriggled slightly beneath his light, teasing touch. "I enjoy having you here."

  "That's just so you don't have to call or text to have your wicked way with me."

  There it was again, that playful insolence David adored. "I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it…" He tickled Mason's side, making him writhe and laugh.

  Mason rolled onto his back, staring up into David's eyes. He raised his hand and traced the curves of David's jaw with his fingertips. "I like being here, but it is a bit soon."

  "You're practically here all the time, anyway," David pointed out. "And it's not just about fucking you or playing with you. Like you said that day at the coast, it's about doing all the silly, boring things together. Cooking, cleaning, shopping. I want to do all those things with you every day."

  "You're getting really soppy on me." Mason's brow tugged down a little. "You're talking about a pretty serious step, David. And with everything that's going on right now, I think it's too much. I'm sorry."

  David's stomach rolled. "Don't be sorry. I understand."

  "Do you?"

  "Yes." David leaned down to kiss Mason.

  "As I said on Sunday, ask me again when things aren't so crazy, okay?"


  David couldn't pretend he wasn't disappointed, but he did get it. He was realising the depths of his emotions at a really bad time for Mason and hadn't learned to rein in his desires. He'd always been the type of person to try and take what he wanted. Like that first night, with Mason. He'd wanted to fuck the young man, so the moment he knew Mason was interested, he'd gone for it. And he hadn't looked back or regretted that decision. Not once.

  "Let's go to bed," he said softly. "You are staying tonight, aren't you?"

  A slight smile curved Mason's lips. "If you'll have me."

  "Now, that's a stupid question." David pointed in the direction of the stairs. "Go on, get upstairs."

  "Yes, boss," Mason laughed, giving him a mock salute.

  God, that made David want to toss his sub over his lap so he could spank his arse. But he couldn't. He respected Mason's limits, and spanking was still a definite no-go for his lover—but that didn't stop him from fantasising about doing it. He tilted his head, keeping his stare fixed firmly on Mason's arse as the young man walked to the bottom of the staircase.

  "Are you coming?" Mason asked, pausing. "Otherwise, I'm going to be fast asleep by the time you get upstairs, old man."

  David chuckled as he stood to follow his lover. If Mason did ever relax his limits, David would enjoy the hell out of spanking him for making cheeky comments like that.

ter Twenty-Nine


  After two more weeks of suffering through snide whispers and lewd comments—none of which were ever made in the vicinity of Veronica, Andrea, or David—Mason had suffered enough. He hung around after rehearsals on Friday evening, taking his time to cool down until nearly everyone else had gone. Even David had left, but Mason knew Veronica was still in her office. She was always the one to lock up, which meant she was always the last to leave. He took a deep breath before knocking on her door.

  "Come in." She looked up, one eyebrow raised, as Mason went inside and shut the door behind him. "Mason, how can I help?" She gestured towards the chair on his side of the desk, clasping her hands together as she waited for him to sit down.

  Nerves made his knee bounce as he sat down, dropping his kit bag onto the floor beside him.

  "Is everything okay?"

  "Some of the other dancers have been giving me grief for a while. I thought they'd get bored and move on, but it's gone on and on, and I just can't take it anymore." The words rushed out of him more easily than he'd expected, although he was pretty sure he'd spoken too fast for Veronica to understand even half of what he'd said.

  "How long is 'a while'?"

  Mason clutched both sides of the chair and hung his head. "Too long. I've let it go on for too long."

  "How long?" Veronica asked again, her voice calm but firm.

  "Three weeks. For most of them, anyway."

  Veronica's eyes narrowed a fraction. "Go on."

  "One guy has been harassing me for a lot longer."

  She raised her eyebrows, prompting him to be more specific.

  He felt like a naughty schoolboy, and probably sounded like one, too. He knew he'd done nothing to help himself, that keeping silent had been the wrong thing to do. But at the time, it had felt like the only decision he could make. He'd been so concerned with making the season a success, with making a good impression and not making any enemies, that he'd made his own life miserable.

  He sighed. "Pretty much since I started. The day the casting was announced."

  She drew in a sharp breath. "You should have come to me sooner, Mason. I don't tolerate bullying here at BalletEast."

  "It's my word against theirs." Which was only part of the reason he'd kept his mouth shut for so long.

  She sighed. "Can I ask you something, Mason?"

  He nodded, even though he could guess what it was she wanted to ask, and he really didn't want to have to answer.

  "Does this have anything to do with David?"


  "How did they find out?"

  He rolled his eyes upwards so he was staring at the ceiling, unsure how much to say.

  "Mason, if I'm going to sort this out, I need to know everything."

  "The dancer who's been bothering me the longest…" He dragged in a ragged breath. "He followed me home one night."

  "He did what?" Veronica's surprise whipped out, making him wince.

  "He saw David and me together, so followed me home and confronted me about it."

  Veronica tapped her fingertips on the desk. "That's not okay, Mason."

  "I know."

  "Who is it?"

  Mason wasn't sure why he hesitated. It wasn't as if he could take back anything that he'd already said. Besides, Veronica was right. He didn't have to put up with being bullied. He had the right to feel safe both at work and at home. David had been pushing that point for weeks.


  Veronica's lips became tight. "And the rest?"

  Mason reeled off their names, feeling sicker with each one. There was a chance that nothing would happen. That they'd close ranks, deny everything, and get away with making his life hell. And if that happened, he knew things would get worse afterwards. But there was also a chance that Veronica would take all of them to task, especially Kirk, and that the bullying would end and he could dedicate all his energy to dancing again. With the opening night looming closer, that was what he really needed to do.

  "Will you tell me some of the things they've done or said?"

  She made notes as he talked, her expression becoming sourer, especially when he mentioned Kirk's homophobic remarks.

  "Okay," she said when he'd finished. "Leave it with me."

  And that was it. There was nothing more to be said. He didn't feel any better for having finally talked to her. He certainly didn't feel like anything was about to change anytime soon, but he'd stood up for himself, and that had to count for something. He nodded his thanks, grabbed his bag, and left.

  He'd barely stepped foot outside the building when he was grabbed, dragged round the corner, and slammed against the wall.

  "Getting all pally with Veronica, were you?" Kirk sneered.

  Mason tried to wriggle free, but Kirk had him pinned tight. The last thing he wanted was to get into a fight with the man.

  "Were you fucking her or screwing me over?"

  "Let go."

  "Not until you tell me which it was." Kirk hooked his upper lip into a snarl. "Can you even get it up for women, or is it only men that get you hard?"

  Mason pressed his lips together, refusing to rise to Kirk's bait.

  "Well?" Kirk demanded. "If you've ratted me out, you know no one will ever trust you again. You might as well quit."

  "That's what you want, isn't it?" Mason retorted. "Ever since I started, you've wanted me to leave. What intimidates you more? That I'm a better dancer than you, or that I'm gay? Because, trust me, you're not even close to being my type."

  "No, because you only let older men fuck you, don't you? Is it some kind of twisted daddy complex? Did your dad fiddle with you when you were a kid?"

  Mason ground his teeth together before he spat out, "Take that back."

  "Hit a nerve, have I?"

  Mason clenched his fists so tightly, his nails bit into his palms. He would hit Kirk if he didn't take back what he'd said. Mason could take a lot of things, be submissive most of the time, but he wouldn't let anyone bad-mouth his family. Especially not his dad, who had done everything for Mason and his siblings and had never once lifted a finger to hurt anyone.

  "Take it back."

  Kirk laughed. "Oh, wait 'til I tell everyone on Monday. Mason's dad screwed him."

  Mason lifted his arm to swing a punch, but Veronica's voice stopped him.

  "That's enough."

  Kirk let go of Mason and stepped away so fast, he might have been touching lava.

  "Kirk, my office, now," Veronica said.

  "He was about to punch me," Kirk said. "Didn't you see?"

  "Oh, I saw. And I heard. My office, now." She switched her stare to Mason. "I'll speak to you first thing Monday morning. Go home and cool off."

  Mason forced his fists to unclench as he nodded, but he was still seething with anger as Kirk followed Veronica around the corner towards the entrance to BalletEast.

  "I could have punched him," Mason growled. "I wanted to."

  "But you didn't," David said softly.

  "Only because Veronica showed up."

  He wasn't sure why it bothered him so much that he'd almost slammed his fist into Kirk's face. Maybe because he'd always taken the submissive route. In high school, he'd shrugged bullies off with a smile, pretending their cruel words didn't bother him. He'd danced away his anger and frustration. He'd done exactly the same with Kirk for months. He hadn't fought back. But this time, he'd been prepared to do exactly that.

  "What he said about your dad—"

  "Wasn't true," Mason snapped.

  David rubbed Mason's shoulder. "I didn't think for a second it was. I was going to say that it was cruel. But that's Kirk through and through, isn't it? He's jealous, vindictive, and cruel. But Ronnie caught him in the act. She won't let it go now. He won't be able to bluff his way out of trouble. She'll slap disciplinary action on him so fast, he won't know what's hit him."

  "Not me, that's for sure."

  "That's probably a good thing. I bet you've got a mean r
ight hook."

  Mason laughed, and for the first time since he'd knocked on Veronica's door, he felt a little less tense. "I know things aren't going to get better right away. Kirk and his friends aren't magically going to stop hating me. But now that I've stood up for myself, things will change, even if it's really slowly."

  "They will get better. Hopefully, faster than you think. Remember, it's only a small number of dancers who have a problem with you. Now that they know you're not just going to put up and shut up, they'll get bored and leave you alone."

  Mason figured if he told himself that enough, he'd believe it, and by Monday morning, he'd be able to walk into the studio with confidence and excitement. He missed feeling excited about dancing. No, that wasn't right. He still felt excited about dancing; he didn't feel happy about stepping foot in the dance studio. But that would change.

  "I'm proud of you," David said.

  "Careful," Mason snorted. "You'll start sounding like my dad."

  David laughed. "Is that such a bad thing? Your dad is an amazing man."

  Mason bounced up to his feet. "Do you think I have 'daddy issues'?"

  "No, of course not." David scratched his cheek. "Are you doubting why you're with me because of what Kirk said?"

  Was he? He stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets. "Maybe, a little."

  David stood and looped his arms through Mason's, tucking his hands into the younger man's back pockets. "First, I have no idea what issues you could have, given how loving and supportive your family are. Secondly, Kirk is a jealous jerk who wants to get into your head. Don't let him."

  Mason leaned forward against David's chest, resting his forehead on his lover's shoulder. It was hard not to let what had happened stew inside him. For some reason, Kirk's words had struck a nerve with him. He'd told himself that the age gap between him and David meant nothing, but maybe it did; if not in their own eyes, then in everyone else's.

  "How do you feel about me?" David asked, using his hands to nudge Mason closer.

  Mason could feel David's hard cock pressing against him through their clothes, and it made him groan and shiver with want. "You're turning me on."


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