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Page 5

by Andy Nadir

Chapter Five

  Mr. Leonardo came up to me. “Young man, I said take out your Energybook, not a tablet. Now class, your Energy books are indestructible. Look.” He took his book, and tossed set it on fire with a spell. When the fire died out, the book was unharmed. “Now look what happens to a normal substance, one not made from energy.” He grabbed my laptop and threw it in the air. Then he sent a red bolt at it.

  The bolt hit my cool, new laptop. And it stopped. And suddenly, the laptop started shaking. My teacher looked worried, and his smug look faded. Then suddenly, my laptop broke apart into fragments. But the bolt stayed in the same spot, instead of dispelling. The teacher’s eyes widened slightly. Then the fragments changed into legs, a chest, and arms The fragments slowly put themselves into a robot. Its large head slowly shifted upwards.

  Its hollow eyes lit up with yellow flame. “Attack sequence 1, return fire.”

  It opened its massive mouth and bit down on the bolt. We all sat there watching the robot. Then it opened its mouth. A beam of pure red light shot out and hit Mr. Leonardo. He flew backwards and disappeared. He puffed into existence behind my laptop/evil robot of doom.  He shot it with a black bolt. The robots head turned around and ate that too. It then shot out a black beam of light and vaporized a desk and the class pet.

  “Flappy, Noo” came the cry from the back of the room.

  “Stop! Stop!” I yelled. This wasn't good for my career. I tackled my laptop/robot. Or at least I tried to. I jumped at it and ran into a rock hard wall. It looked at me. “Commander has requested stop sequence. Returning to memory mode. The robot blew into a million particles and reassembled into my shiny laptop.

  I looked to Mr. Leonardo. “Class, that is what happens when you attack a level 10 Energybook” Mr. Leonardo said, not in the least shaken.

  They can return fire, when they are ordered to, and it will fight with Its owner, in battles. You level up your Energybook by putting lots of spells in it.” Mr. Leonardo looked completely unfazed by the fact that my robot just trashed his classroom.

  He looked at me. “Now, here is my question. Lance, how did you get a level 10 Energybook when you don’t even know a single spell?”

  Everyone’s eyes bored into me. “I don’t know! I have no clue what’s going on here!” I cried, exasperated.

  Mr. Leonardo shrugged. “Very well.” But, he didn't sound satisfied.

  “Now class, your Energy books are not the only things you can store in your lake. Anything you are holding can be dropped in. pick up your energy book and imagine your lake of energy under it. Now drop it.” I lifted my sleek new laptop and promised myself to take a closer look at it later. Then I dropped it.

  I watched as it disappeared. Just for fun, I picked up the pencil on my desk and did the same. Mr. Leonardo growled. “Lance! You will not steal from the school! Put that back now!” I jumped.

  "It was just an experiment." I muttered.

  I put it back. The rest of class was just Mr. Leonardo showing us how to drop and remove anything from the lake.

  A little while later, I headed to Monster information class. I took the seat next to Bakar, who was already there. The look on my face must have said it all. “What happened in Dark class”? He asked.

  I laughed. “I’ll tell you in the dorm today. We chatted while we waited for the rest of the class to arrive. When they all arrived, a massive bug came into the room. Without thinking, I reached up and grabbed my laptop. The bug looked at me. “Mr. Lance, there will be no need for your Energybook. I am your teacher for this class.

  After a long embarrassing moment, I returned my Energybook. “Hello class, my name is Kennedy. I know I look like a monster, which I am, by the way, but not all monsters are your enemies. In fact, you will find many monsters that are just like you, hating their evil cousins. Now there are several different types of monsters…Dragons, Humanoids, Bugs, Birds, Myth, Heavenly, and Earthly. Now each of these monsters has special weaknesses. This class will teach you to recognize them and exploit them. Now look to my left. There is a table full of weakly enchanted weapons for you. As you advance in grade, more weapons will become available to you. Go choose which one you like best.”

  The entire class charged to the table, but luckily, Bakar and I were near the front, so we got there first. I looked over the weapons quickly. My eyes settled on a 4 foot stick with a small opal on the top. I grabbed it and looked over to Bakar. He chose a short staff, with a sharp spiked ball on the end.

  We went back to our seats and waited while the rest of the class got weapons. When everybody got their weapons, he suddenly slit up into about 30 different duplicates of him, one for each of us. One of them approached me while the rest went to various students. “Lance, you chose the opal staff. It has the ability to grow a physical manifestation of fire on it and become a whip. It is not a powerful weapon that deals heavy hits, but it is good for finesse. You can disarm, and trap opponents with it.

  A hunched form looked into a pool of water. “Yes, of course master, I will do as you command. The school will be no more; and nobody shall be left to oppose us from taking the magic world for ourselves!”

  When we left to go to Battle tactics, Bakar excitedly told me about what his weapon could do. “I got the Healers staff!” He said, glowing with happiness. “It has a secret chain attached to this spiky ball, and when I hit this button and swing…” he pushed a little elevation on the staff and swung, and the spiked ball flew off the staff, and slammed through a wall into the bathrooms.

  He reddened. “Whoops, I hope nobody was in there, that must have been…pant wetting”

  We both burst out laughing and ran away from the bathrooms. As we ran off He said, “It also enhances my healing abilities! What can yours do?”

  “Well, mine can physically manifest fire and make a flaming whip, But it doesn’t look like it enhances any of my abilities. I haven’t actually tried using it, let’s stop for a moment and try it?”

  We both slowed into a light walk. I imagined pushing energy into the thick wood. Suddenly, the red jewel lit up, and a fiery snake came out of it. I flicked the whip and it flew forward with almost no effort on my part. It wrapped around a lamp post. I yelped and without thinking, yanked on the whip. When I yanked on it, I also dropped the dam that kept my magic inside me. Magic power flowed into the staff, making it glow brightly. The flaming snake pulsed, and the light disappeared. Suddenly, spikes sprouted all over the snake, and it crushed the post. I yelped. Bakar burst out laughing. “Looks like your snake doesn’t like it when something is brighter than it is.”

  I reddened. “Oh be quiet…” I began.

  “Hey, do you hear that, Lance?” Bakar asked.

  “Hear… whoa! It sounds like a bunch of students are coming! Run!” I hissed.


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