Winner Takes All: Checkmate, #7

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Winner Takes All: Checkmate, #7 Page 29

by Finn, Emilia

  “It feels so good.” Her nails dig into my scalp. She might be making me bleed, but it wouldn’t stop me. “I’m gonna come. Spence– oh, Spencer!”

  “Let it happen, Abigail.” Her body twitches and jerks while she fights her release. “Come on my face, baby. I wanna taste.”

  “Oh god!” She lets go and flops back against the covers as her release washes over my lips. Her pussy squeezes my tongue, her thighs squeeze my head, and when she’s wrung out, she lets them drop open and releases me. My cock strains against my jeans so much it aches. My heart thrums, and my breath comes faster, because I’m so used to coming at this point with a girl.

  But I can’t with Abigail. I can’t ask for anything. I can’t even suggest it, because I’d die if she ever felt pressured.

  “Holy…” She blows out a gusty breath. “Wow.”

  I wipe a hand over my chin to clean her away, and grin at her dazed face and lax body. She gives me everything she’s got every time. She lets herself go and wrings everything out so I know she gave me her all. Where she was taut and bowed before, she’s now relaxed. Where her hands clutched at my hair, they now rest against the blankets and twitch.

  “You okay, Priss?”

  She stares at the ceiling and giggles. “Uh-huh.”

  She’s chilled the fuck out, riding her high and ready for sleep.

  And my cock is about to break through my pants and kill me.

  I slowly rise to my feet and kneel on the bed between her legs. Leaning in and grinning at her dopey smile, I press a kiss to her jaw. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a sec with a cloth to clean you up.”

  Her dopey smile vanishes in an instant and her eyes come to mine. “Where are you going?”

  To pull my dick in private. “Just to the bathroom. I’ll be quick.” I promise.

  “Wait.” She reaches to the back of my neck and pulls me lower. Her nails slide into the back of my hair, and her heart hammers between us as she pulls me closer and closer until our lips touch.

  I know she can taste herself on me. And I know it bothers her in some way. She’s not sure what to think about it, what to feel about it. Even the dirtiest of girls feel weird about kissing after what I just did, and my innocent Priss is the most innocent of them all, but she pulls me closer and slides her tongue into my mouth like a vixen.

  My cock aches so much that I groan. The pleasure-filled groans are no more, now replaced with pain that won’t go away for as long as she’s kissing me.

  I pull back and break the kiss. “I’ll be back in a sec, okay? I’ll be really quick.”

  “Don’t go.” Shaking her head, she holds on tighter and begins to fumble with my belt. “Let me…”

  She frowns when she can’t undo shit without seeing what she’s doing. “Hang on.”

  She tries to push me back, which I mistake for away, so I go to stand, only for her to grunt and try to push me to the side.

  “What are you doing?” I laugh when she tries to manhandle me. It’s like a fairy trying to move a giant.

  She grunts and does her own version of swearing, but she can’t move me.


  “Turn onto your back. Geez, Spencer!” She pushes up to her knees and tries again to move my shoulders in the direction she wants me to go. Obliging, since a blowjob is a much better solution than what I had in mind, I flop back with a grunt and make her giggle when the bed bounces.

  In a bra only, she slides off the end of the bed and stops between my legs much the same way I did for her. It’s the same, but so very different, because she’s Abigail, and she’s about to suck my dick on purpose.

  I lift my hips as soon as she pops the button on my jeans. I help her move them along my legs and kick the denim off when she doesn’t move fast enough. She’s nervous, which turns into giggles when my cock springs free of my boxers and slaps my stomach.

  “Oh my…” Staring and almost killing my ego, she giggles.

  If I was an insecure man, her giggling might kill me, but I’m not, and I know she’s nervous, so I sit up and wrap my hand around the back of her neck. I bring her in closer and press my lips to hers. “You don’t have to do this. No strings attached, I promise.”

  Her eyes flutter closed, and when she tries to bite her lip, she nibbles on mine instead. “I don’t want to use my mouth on you tonight.”

  Break my fuckin’ heart! “Okay.” I nod and press another kiss to her lips. “That’s fine, babe. I promise it’s okay.”

  Her eyes flutter open and stare into mine. “Can we…” She hesitates. “I want to try the other stuff.”

  “Your hand? Okay. I can teach you.”

  She shakes her head. “Um, no. Not my hand.” She places her hands on my chest and pushes me back. Her eyes are wild. Her plump lips quiver with nerves as I lay back and she crawls on top of my thighs.

  My cock seeps and throbs with pain, but it becomes so much worse when she sits on my lap and we touch by accident. Her skin on my skin, her heat on my erection.

  “I want to make love to you, Spencer.”

  “Hmm?” My heart stops. Dead. Refuses to start again. “Come again?”

  “That’s the plan,” she giggles.

  She pushes up onto her knees, but she’s so small compared to me, she struggles to make space between her thighs and mine. Her hands shake; one rests on my chest to give her something to hold onto, and the other fumbles between us. My mind races with thoughts, most of which center around the fact her sex-fogged brain is making rash decisions, but then her hand wraps around my cock and my brain becomes sex-fogged too, and now we’re both screwed.

  “I want to try this with you,” she whispers. “But you should know I fell in love with you. Which is really dumb, and I know you don’t do that. You don’t do clingers or relationships or whatever. But maybe just give me this?” Her voice breaks with insecurity. “Just one time. Just play pretend. And then I can always know the man I gave myself to was special. At least I loved.”

  “No, Abigail, I–”

  “I’m begging you not to speak right this second.” Fumbling, she tries to line my cock up at her opening. She acts like she knows what she’s doing, but her nerves give her away, her shaking hands prove this isn’t gonna work. “Don’t break my heart tonight. Tomorrow, you can run away. That’ll stink, and I’ll probably cry.” She meets my eyes and gives a rueful smile. “No, I’ll cry for sure. But that won’t be your responsibility, okay? I’m twenty-five years old, and I’ve found my prince. He has lots of tattoos and a bad attitude, but I don’t want to give this to anyone else.”

  She tries again to move over my cock.

  “Abigail, stop.”

  Her eyes snap to mine and water. “You don’t want me?”

  Gently shoving her over, I place her in the center of my bed and move over her so my knees are between her legs, and my elbows rest on either side of her head. Her eyes remain on the ceiling, her heart racing like a hummingbird’s wings. “Abigail? Baby, look at me.”

  She sniffles and shakes her head with jerky movements.

  “Hey,” I grab her jaw and force her eyes back to mine. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to have sex. Everything we do is string-free. I told you I have a hand.”

  “I want to.” She sniffles. “I want to give it to you. Because what if we don’t, and then I meet someone else? I’ll give it to him, and maybe he won’t be as kind as I know you are. He won’t appreciate that I saved myself. Maybe he won’t be gentle.”

  “If you meet a man and he’s not as gentle as you need him to be, then call me.” I drop a kiss on her jaw. “I’ll snap his fucking neck and rip his dick off with a set of pliers.”

  Her breath fastens as she pulls back to bring my eyes into focus. I shouldn’t say things like that to her. She needs gentle, she needs soft words. But the thought of any man selfishly taking from her and not having her best interests at heart infuriates me.

  “You’re so scary sometimes,” she whispers. “It’s terr
ifying that I believe you.”

  “Believe it.” I pepper a kiss to her jaw. “I protect my family, Abigail. I take care of those that I care about. I’m gonna take care of you from now on.”

  Her eyes continue to sparkle. “I want to make love to you.”

  I scrunch my eyes closed and drop my forehead to her chest. “It’s like you’re tempting a starving dog with a steak, Abigail. You’re killing me.”

  “You don’t want me?”

  “I want you more than I want to fucking live.” I push my cock against her hip and absorb her gasp. “But you said no. You said you weren’t giving that to me earlier, and I refuse to take advantage of your post-orgasm good mood.”

  “Post-orgasm good mood.” She grins and wiggles her hips beneath me. “I am in a good mood, that’s true. But I was coming here today to give myself to you.”

  “You–” Surprised, I pull back and meet her eyes. “What?”

  “Life is really short.” She slides her hand between us and strokes my cock with the tips of her fingers.

  That alone shouldn’t undo me, but it’s damn near close. She unmans me. She’s my downfall, but I don’t even mind.

  “I remembered today that it could all be gone in a flash. And I know we’d both regret it if I didn’t do this. I would always wonder if I walked straight past the man I was supposed to be with.”

  “You don’t have to have sex with me to be with me.” I never thought I’d say that. I never thought I could be so selfless, but she makes me a better man. She makes me want to be better. “I want to be with you, Abigail. I want–”

  “To be with me fully, just like I want to be with you. You’re the only one on this planet that could do this and be as gentle as I need. You’re the only one who would take care of me.”

  She brings my cock to her opening so I feel her fiery hot center. It’s an inferno, but so wet and welcoming. She lines us up without her hands shaking.

  My body knows what’s happening. My cock knows what’s so close. And together, they’re telling my brain to fuck off and stop interrupting this. My hips try to jut forward, but if I push in the way I want to, I’d tear her up in the cruelest way.

  “Please make love to me, Spencer. I want to be with you.”

  I stare into her eyes. “You need to communicate with me, okay? Tell me what hurts and what feels good. You need to be honest every step.”

  She eagerly nods. “Okay.”


  Again, she nods. “Promise. Is it…” She hesitates. “Is it going to hurt?”

  “Yes.” Honesty is a two-way street. I can’t lie to her. “Yes, it’s going to hurt. We only got up to two fingers, and that was a stretch for you. This is going to be much bigger.” I slowly, so very slowly nudge the head of my cock forward. “You might bleed a little bit later, but it’s normal. I swear.”

  “Okay.” She gulps and clutches to my back. “It’s gonna be okay. I trust you.”

  She fucking slays me. She trusts me when she’s never been given reason to do so. She gives me her most precious gift, and does it selflessly, in the name of love, when I haven’t even reciprocated her words.

  I nudge inside her warmth so slowly that it almost feels like I’m not moving at all. She squeezes me so tight it feels impossible. Her breaths grow faster, and when I’m just an inch or so in, she squeaks and tenses beneath me. “That bit hurt.”

  I give a breathy chuckle and nibble on her lips. “I could tell. I’m sorry, babe. I’m sorry it hurts you.”

  “It’s okay. Keep going.” She wraps her legs around my hips and tries to pull me forward with her feet. “Go slow, but don’t stop.”

  Nodding, I come down and play with her lips. I distract her up top and hope she doesn’t focus on what we’re doing down there. Though, of course, it’s impossible. Her face scrunches so little wrinkles fan out from her eyes when she slams them shut. Her body hardens, tenses, and her pussy tries to push me out.

  “Relax, beautiful. Try to breathe through it.”

  “I can’t.” She pants as though having a damn baby. “I don’t think it’s gonna fit.”

  “I’ll fit, I promise. Look at me.” I bring a hand up and stroke the side of her face. “Hey, look at me for a second.” When she does, I smile and press a kiss to the tip of her nose. “We have to fit. Because we were created to be together.” I nudge in a little more. “We were two puzzle pieces cut from the same mold. We must fit. The universe says so.”

  A tear slides over the side of her face and into the hair at her temple. “What if we don’t?”

  “What if we do?” I lean forward and follow the trail from her eye to her ear. “I love you too, Abigail. And I’ve never said that to a woman before.”

  Her breath stops, but my cock slips another inch inside. “Really?”

  “You’re giving me your innocence. You’re gifting me with something truly precious.”

  “And you’re gifting me with your love,” she whispers. “You’re going to make me cry again.”

  I’m ready to explode, ready to roar, ready to slam home and ride her the way my body wants me to. But my heart won’t let me do it. Instead, I smile and nudge in a little further. “I have never loved a woman before, so I might mess it up. But I don’t mess up loyalty. I don’t mess up protection or honesty. I don’t mess up the important stuff. I promise. You’re my girl now.” I grunt when we reach the final stretch. “Hold your breath, baby.”

  Her eyes widen. “Huh?”

  I slide in the rest of the way and feel her give way inside. She cries out on a sob as her nails score my back, but I try to soothe her pain with a kiss. I try to make it better as I force myself to still and give her time to adjust.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I pepper kisses along her jaw and throat. Her head is back, her eyes almost pointing toward my headboard, so her throat is exposed and her pulse beats hard enough that I see it. “I’m in now, baby. The worst is over.”

  “That hurt so bad,” she whimpers. “Oh my shit, that hurt.”

  “Abigail!” Laughing, I press a kiss to the underside of her jaw. “You said shit! What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “You’re in?” Her eyes come back to mine, but my focus is drawn down to the tears that trail over her skin. “It’s done?”

  “I’m in.” I kiss away the tracks her tears made. “Give it a second to adjust, then it’ll feel so much better, I promise.” I move my hips just a little. Not in and out, but I roll them to the sides to let her feel me. “You’re still wet, Abigail. Everything’s okay. But I can stop if you want me to.”

  “I don’t.” Her breath explodes out as she clutches to my back to keep me close.

  It’d take a herculean effort to climb off her and walk away now. I could. If she asked, I would. But I hope she doesn’t, because it might kill me.

  “We came this far,” she breathes into my ear. “You’re in. You have the only thing I had to give. No way am I stopping now.”

  “I won’t move until you’re ready.” I stop rolling my hips and press a kiss to her jaw. “This is your show, Abigail. You’re in charge right now.”

  Pulling back, she looks into my eyes with a smile. “Does that hurt you to say? That I’m in charge.”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” I laugh. “Today is the first and only time you’re in charge. Next time, I show you how we can do it. Next time, I might make you cry again, but you’ll like it.”

  Her cheeks color. I’m inside her, and I can still taste her pussy on my tongue, but talking about future sex still makes her blush.

  “I think you can move now.”

  “Yeah?” My shoulders burn from the world’s longest plank, but I ignore the pain and bring my lips back to hers as I start moving. She hisses at first, which sends her breath scorching down my throat, but it doesn’t take long for her body to adjust.

  We were made from the same mold. The same jigsaw. We’re matching pieces, which is how I know with such certainty that this could

  I rock against her, but keep the pace slow. I hold most of my weight off of her, because if I don’t, I’ll crush her. But we touch all over. My back is bent so our chests press together, her breasts cushioning me. Her breath comes out in sweet little pants as I roll forward and gently lift her legs with each thrust. Slowly, gently, until her whines turn to something of pleasure and not pain.

  “Is this okay now?”

  She’s nervous, but she licks her lips and nods. “You can go a little faster now.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” Her nod is jerky and fast, but I trust her word, and increase my pace. “Yeah, like that.” Her eyes remain closed, which almost worries me that she’s running away and is not here with me. But her hands hold me close, her legs cinch around my hips.

  “You feel so good.” I nibble along her jaw and work on her neck. I nip at the soft skin, slide my tongue over the fragrant delicacy, and nearly blow my load when I bite and her pussy squeezes me. “You like it when I hurt you.” I squeeze my eyes shut and continue to rock. “You fuckin’ love it when I’m rough.” I bite again, and grin when she cries out. “Jesus, I can’t believe you like it the way I like it.”

  “I do?”

  “Mmm.” My orgasm rushes forward so fast that I almost choke. I have to push it down, I have to ignore it and continue rocking against her to bring her back up. “Not today. I won’t go rough today, but soon, beautiful. Soon you’ll be able to go harder.” I lift her ass off the bed and change our angle until she cries out. “Soon you’ll beg me to smack you. You’ll beg me to hurt you. And when I do, you’ll come so hard you won’t be able to catch your breath.”

  “Oh god.”

  “Oh Spencer,” I correct.

  She remains a tight clamp around my cock, but she’s slick and wanting. She’s not fragile or scared, so I sit back on my knees and continue to push against her. I go a little faster, a little deeper, and hold my breath as she squirms and brings herself closer and closer to the edge.

  “You say my name, Priss. Not God’s. Not anyone else’s.” I bring my hand between us and send her wild when I press a thumb to her clit. “Can you come for me? Come again?”


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