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The Brave & The Broken: Gifted Fae Academy - Year Two

Page 3

by Brittni Chenelle

  She shook her head. “I always kind of thought he was a perv, you know?”

  I was confused. Looking at her, it seemed like she’d lost a beloved friend, but that obviously wasn’t the case. Was grief just some accessory she was trying on?

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, you mean why am I upset?”

  “Kinda. But if you’re not ready—”

  “No, it’s okay,” she said, seriousness and dread seeping into her delicate features.

  My anxiety rose to meet hers in anticipation.

  “So, like... now that we know for sure that Kai’s betrayed us, I just keep thinking…” Before she even finished, I regretted asking. “I had sex with him. Like a few times, and I really loved it. Why am I always attracted to these bad guys, you know?”

  I sighed, unable to mask my annoyance.

  She shook her hands like they were on fire. “Like, I told everyone about it, too, and now they probably think I’m a traitor… and like when we were doing it—”

  Lord, please just strike me the hell down. “Miranda, I’m sure nobody thinks that.”

  I fought against a wave of nausea as she pulled me in for another hug. I patted her back. “You’re such a good friend,” she said.

  Desperate to change the subject, I asked, “Have you heard anything about the school? Is it really closing?”

  She shrugged. “I’m waiting here for updates but they’ve been kind of tight-lipped about it. Finn might know, since… you know.”

  I nodded. “I’m going to ask around.”

  “Okay, bestie,” she said.

  I wasn’t jealous. I was angry. As if I needed more reasons to be furious with Kai. As if it wasn’t enough that he was tearing the whole city apart, I had to get a play-by-play reminder of how toxic our non-relationship had been, via Miranda, of all people. Before today, it was as if Kai’s little confession at the dance had given me amnesia about all the crap he’d put me through, his escapades with Miranda included. Since I had proof that Kai’s declaration was real, I held onto a shred of hope that it was all a mistake. That is, until the video this morning stamped it out, making the betrayal that much worse. Now Miranda seemed genuinely upset, but I couldn’t comfort her. I was barely holding it together myself.

  As I stepped onto the balcony stairs that led down to the campus, I could see students wandering around the misty grounds… aimlessly… like the undead… and a shudder shot down my spine as three began to move quickly toward me. I couldn’t see them through the fog, but whoever they were, they might have information about the academy.

  I made my way toward them, and the shapes grew more defined. I recognized Oden’s first. A flutter of nerves wracked my body as he approached, Finn and Enzo at his sides.

  “Rei?” he said.

  “How’d you know it was me?” I said, moving closer as the three figures finally became clear.

  “You’re glowing,” he said.

  I looked down at my hands. “Shit. I don’t know why it does that.”

  A half-smile slipped from his face so quickly I almost missed it. I could practically hear his thoughts remind him that Quan was gone.

  He took a deep breath. “Everything’s so fucked up.”

  I nodded. “I heard they might be closing the school.”

  Prince Finn Warsham stepped forward, and I stepped back from sheer intimidation. Then I noticed a gruesome slash across his forehead that looked straight out of Frankenstein. My mind raced to the dance, the attack, the monsters. I didn’t remember when Finn got injured, but it suddenly made sense that his father was here.

  Despite the rawness of the injury, it only seemed to add to his rugged good looks as he said, “That’s not decided yet,” his baritone velvety smooth. “My father is furious about the attack, and so the administration is trying to calm him down… but he’s a powerful man.”

  Enzo snorted. “No shit, he’s a fucking king.”

  “Is there anything we can do? Can we talk to him?”

  Oden took my hand and ran his thumb across it, no doubt trying to dim the glow of my hands. Instead, the light flared, and we all squinted in the brightness before it dulled to its usual lilac glow. Oden said, “We did. They’ve… altered the terms. They’re talking about suspending all internships or any other off-campus training.”

  They were taking an axe to my life, and my internship with Yemoja Roux. And worse, they were destroying any chance I had of finding Kai and taking him down. “No, they can’t do this! I need to find Kai! I need to—”

  I shook as a new wave of rage pulsed off my body, whipping my hair. Oden pulled me into his chest, and the warmth was as comforting as the tea I’d been downing all morning. He buried his face in my neck, and I saw Enzo and Finn exchange a look before wandering a few feet away to give us privacy. “I’m so sorry, Reina,” Oden said into my neck. My heartbeat stuttered as his breath on my skin sent a shock through my body. I’d missed him. He loosened his grip but still held me in his arms the way he used to. “I just… with Quan—” His voice broke.

  Cupping his face in my hands, I whispered, “I know, Oden. Don’t worry. I know this has been a horrible experience for you.” Taking his hands, I brought them to my mouth to place a gentle kiss. “I just want to be there for you... if you need me.”

  He sighed and looked down. “There was something else.” When he looked up, his green eyes were glassy, the threat of tears as prominent as the threat of rain. “After the dance, I just got the feeling that you didn’t, I don’t know… blame Kai for what happened.”

  Words caught in my throat so forcibly I couldn’t breath.

  He continued. “But now that I see you like this, I know that we all have the same goal. To avenge Quan.”

  “Of course that’s what I want! He fooled me most of all!” I spat, tears sliding down my cheeks.

  He wiped them. “I know, baby,” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed me, sending a tingle through my limbs. I tightened my grip and he followed, the kiss deepening as his tongue slid between my lips. I used all my strength to hold his body to mine as his fingers danced along the back of my neck. With his free hand, he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist. A new hunger awakened. I didn’t want to stop, because, for the first time since the dance, something felt good.

  A new presence surged through the fog. I screamed as fingers clutched a handful of my hair and snatched me out of Oden’s arms, slamming me to the ground.



  Ensley practically squealed with excitement before she got a single word out. Even from the far side of the room, I could see DT’s lanky form awaiting her speech. The two shared a similarly pleasing temperament, both likable and friendly. Why then could I easily imagine one as a killer and not the other? The way Ensley was so starstruck differed from DT. She didn’t share his quiet confidence, or the unsettling calm within which he operated. I settled on the possibility that I was wrong about her involvement. She was more likely the friendly hostess for parties, not the ruthless killer that had been offing Fae and attacking schools.

  She spoke, “I’m very happy to be here. For years, The Fallen have been trying to give a voice to those passed over by the system. But this morning, Kaito delivered our message to the world beautifully.”

  She gestured to me with a bright smile, prompting another round of cheers. I shifted, my face hot from the attention. I just didn’t understand why I was getting any praise at all. I hadn’t joined willingly, and I’d read the speech verbatim. It was a safe bet no else but Zane knew that, though.

  When the cheers died down, Ensley continued, “The response has been far more positive than expected; Ancetol’s major news outlets went so far as to refer to Kaito, and The Fallen movement, as visionary and thought-provoking. Just this morning, we’ve received over thirty thousand dollars in anonymous donations!”

  Her eyes glittered. “What makes Kaito such an excellent candidate to be our voice is that he was the top student at GFA. He was already drawing me
dia attention and a following, and has a seriousness to his personality that aligns with our cause. He’s the perfect representative, both delivering speeches eloquently, and inspiring the youth to follow his example and question authority. He’s the ultimate rebel, willing to sacrifice for the greater good.”

  I winced. Well that solved that little mystery. She obviously didn’t know about my deal with DT. I was sure it was better for him to let them believe I was who they needed me to be. Perhaps DT’s plan was to win me over with the acceptance and praise of his members. Ensley’s theory as to why I was chosen, I suspected, was a little off. If I had to guess, I’d say it was because DT figured I was attention starved and emotionally vulnerable enough to be easily manipulated, but being underestimated could work in my favor. I only needed to play the part.

  Someone near the stage said something to Ensley that I didn’t catch and her eyes moved over to DT. He gave an approving nod, and a few seconds later all the television sets flicked on. I cringed the moment I heard a clip of my voice mixed in with a chorus of news reporters and talk show hosts. The TV sets all muted with the exception of the one at the back of the room. Luckily, it didn’t show my speech, but rather a set of middle-aged Bronze Tier Fae chatting on leather couches.

  “It’s ridiculous,” one said. “If the Fae couldn’t attack with lethal force, we’d lose every fight.”

  The other man seemed reluctant to agree. “I mean, obviously you’re right, but we’re putting a lot of faith in our government.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, what if someone from The Fallen gets elected? Technically, they could order us to target whoever they wanted, and we’d have to obey.”

  The man shifted, his features lined with frustration. “They’re killing Fae.”

  “And the Fae are killing them, too, they have been for years. Surely you know this has never been one-sided.”

  I felt Zane’s hand pat me on the back. I turned to him, his gaze locked onto the screen. He had the same pleased grin as the rest of the people in the room. A pang of guilt hit me as it dawned on me just how important their cause was to them. And here I planned to derail it the first chance I got.

  My attention snapped back to the broadcast as an off-screen voice read, “Next up, an exclusive interview with the parents of Kaito Nakamaru.”

  It felt like all the air was sucked from the room as every TV screen blinked out, and the entire room’s attention slammed onto me. I froze. I’d be lying if I said I never thought about how my parents would react to my speech, or if I said I wasn’t curious what they would say in an interview, but the last thing I wanted was pity, and if I didn’t pull it together quickly, everyone here would start treating me like I was defective. I sucked in a shaky breath. This was nothing new. Even before I got mixed up with The Fallen, my parents hadn’t approved of me. I knew what they would say. I wasn’t their son. I’ve always been a fuck up. It didn’t hurt less, but I was used to faking it. I swallowed a lump of grief, lifted my beer, and flashed my most convincing smile. “To the cause! Let’s party!”



  I scrambled to my feet as Enzo and Finn ran over. Their gifts flickered in my periphery as they prepared to intervene.

  “Oh shit,” Enzo said as I lunged for Miranda’s smug face.

  Before my fist could connect, Oden grabbed me. Turning to her with fire behind his eyes. “What the fuck Miranda?”

  I shook, purple waves brimming off my skin. Too enraged to speak clearly I barely managed to choke out my words. “I swear to fucking god if you don’t let me kill her, I’ll kill you first,” I said to Oden, but Miranda looked unfazed. My gift pushed against Oden, but he used his own to maintain a grip. Each thrash to free myself only made him tighten his hold.

  Enzo’s hands shot up. “Girl fight!” His smile was bright as his gaze darted between me and Miranda, while Finn looked only mildly intrigued.

  Miranda tossed her ponytail over her shoulder. She cleared her throat to draw our attention, and paused to revel in it before she dropped the bomb. “This bitch is going to be with Kaito.”

  I strained against Oden’s grasp. “You fucking bitch! You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I’ll kill you!”

  “Dude, Reina’s crazy,” Enzo whispered, half under his breath.

  Oden’s grip on me tightened as my gift began to win the battle against his. “Reina hates Kai, Miranda. She’s going to help us get him. Can’t you see that? Look at her!”

  Her expression grew somber as she shook her head. Her next words no longer carried a victorious edge and instead came out regretfully. “No. When the time comes, she’s going to choose him. I saw it.”

  “You’re a liar,” I seethed. “You lied about wanting to be friends just so you could read me, and now you’re standing here telling another Goddamn lie! Why would we trust anything you say? Fuck you, Miranda!” I screamed as I leaped for her again.

  She glared at me, her voice soaked with emotion. “It wasn’t an act. I genuinely wanted to be friends with you. A few minutes after you left, the vision hit.” She sighed. “I’ve heard about your gift, Reina. I know that it has something to do with the truth. If that’s the case, you tell me if I’m lying.”

  There was a coldness in her eyes but no lie in her voice. Well, I didn’t care what she saw, I didn’t care if she was the highest ranking seer in the school. As far as I was concerned, seeing was the most useless gift the world could offer, because without a doubt you make your own destiny, and mine was to stop Kaito. I took in a shaky breath before my rage tore through me again. I felt Oden’s grip on me loosen.

  Miranda turned to Oden. “It’s okay, let her go.” He obeyed as my gift spun truth and fury around us, but I didn’t attempt to attack her again. Doubt seeped through the cracks in my defenses. How could that be the truth? She smirked. “It’s too bad we can’t use her gift on her. But you know my gift, Oden, and how strong I am. With all this purple shit everywhere, I bet she couldn’t force a lie if she wanted to.”

  Finn and Enzo were so quiet as they watched, and Miranda’s gaze was locked on Oden. “I’m telling you she’s going to be with Kaito.” She pursed her lips before strutting closer to him. She brushed his arm with her fingers. “Who are you going to believe?”

  I had no words to offer. Instead my focus waited to feel her lie, but she didn’t.

  She gestured to me, as I remained frozen with rage. “Ask her if she thinks Kaito is a traitor.”

  Oden’s gaze was so full of sadness that I turned my eyes away. “Don’t you hate Kaito?”

  “Yes, of course!” I said through furious tears. I balled my fist. That they doubted me at all was painful, but knowing Oden did was almost more than I could bear. The words flowed so smoothly, mixing with my gift as all truths did. I felt a tiny pang of relief.

  Miranda rolled her eyes. She moved triumphantly toward Oden, her hips swinging with each step. “Come on, Oden,” she whispered, egging him on.

  Oden’s sorrowful green eyes bore into me. A tear fell before he even asked, “Do you love Kaito?”

  My heart raced as the air left my lungs. I bit my bottom lip, just as Kai had, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. I choked, “I would do what I had to—” But when I looked up, Miranda, Oden, Finn, and Enzo all had the same doubting expression. “You’re wrong about me,” I bit out. “I will kill Kai if he is what we think he is.”

  Oden’s gaze turned cold as he turned to Miranda and said, “If.”

  They turned and began to walk away. “Wait! I said I’d kill him. It’s the truth!”

  Oden spun. “Are you fucking serious? He admitted it himself! You saw the video, yet you still have doubts?”

  I dropped my gaze, and even from a few feet away I could feel his body heat swell. “He is nothing but a fucking criminal, Reina, and that you still have doubts just shows how fucked your loyalty to him is. You know better than this. You are better than this."

  I spat
out blood as I watched the four figures walk out of view. Furious, I swiped at my eyes. I was so angry my heart hurt. Once again, someone I counted on turned on me. Dammit! I didn’t love Kai. I wanted justice for Quan, but did that mean killing? Why was everyone so ready to take a life? I didn’t want to make enemies of the Nobles, and I envied their conviction. One way or another, I needed to prove to them that I would do whatever it took to bring Kai down. And, mostly, I needed to prove it to myself. Lost in my introspection, I spun as the scrape of footsteps startled me.

  Professor Greene walked toward me through the fog. If he’d heard our argument, it didn’t show in his carefree expression. He inhaled sharply when he saw me. I must’ve looked a mess with my frizzy hair, blotchy face, and swollen eyes, not to mention the blood dripping from my chin.

  “I don’t know what you heard,” I said hesitantly. He pressed his lips together. Got it. Everything. “They’re wrong about me, Professor.”

  He nodded indifferently. “So, Reina, you remember that confection I gave you, the one that got you expelled?” I nodded, though I’d never blamed him for what happened. “It wasn’t exactly by chance. You know of Maxim Tuberose? He was at your exam.”

  “Yes, sir. He’s a retired seer, right?”

  “That’s correct. He never mentioned why, but he told me to make sure that particular confection found its way into your hands. I felt quite a lot of guilt when I heard you’d been expelled from your old school because of it, but then you turned up here for the exam and I understood.”

  I paused to consider his meaning. “So you’re saying you believe Miranda? You believe in seers and their glimpses?”

  “I suppose I'm suggesting you seek a second opinion.” He nodded toward the main building where the teachers kept office hours, and gave a half smile before walking away into the fog.


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