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Page 31

by Gage Lee

  The Empyreal’s torso flowed back into position over his planted feet with a sinuous, predatory grace. His hands dropped until his knuckles were even with his hips, and the crowd went silent as we waited for the attack we knew was coming.

  Hank’s left hand speared forward to strike under Hau-Lin’s exposed ribs. The perfect blow hammered the challenger’s core, and concentric rings of jinsei blasted out of the defenseless man’s body like a supernatural shock wave. The sacred light fueled the dragon spirits, and they whirled into frenzied flight to catch every thread of jinsei before it could fade away.

  With the last of his sacred energy driven out of his core, Hau-Lin went limp. His knees buckled, his eyes closed, and he collapsed like an empty garbage bag. The seasoned fighter had thrown the most powerful punch of his life, and it hadn’t been enough to defeat his foe.

  Before Hau-Lin’s body reached the floor, Hank’s other fist drove up into the challenger’s midsection. The strike landed with a crunch that echoed through the arena, and the power of the attack folded the challenger over the champion’s fist and lifted his feet a full yard off the polished wooden floor.

  Hank unleashed a furious blast of fire-aspect from his core. It traveled through his torso and arm in a pulse of hellish power so bright it made my eyes water. Every scrap of power in Hank’s body poured through that punch and slammed into Hau-Lin’s core like a lance of white-hot lava.

  Jinsei channels blazed like forked tongues of flame under Hau-Lin’s skin as the fire jinsei overloaded his core and rushed through his system. For a moment, every channel in the challenger’s body shone through his skin. The pure white life energy that filled those channels was driven out by the flood of fire, and Hau-Lin screamed in primal agony.

  Dozens of the sacred life channels flared with a light as bright as a sun, then fractured with a sound like a hundred mirrors breaking and went dark.

  My mother’s hand tightened around my wrist. We both stared wordlessly at the fallen challenger and tried not to think about how severely he’d been damaged.

  A chill ran up my spine at the realization that Hau-Lin had been a much stronger fighter than me. Suddenly, my secret weapon no longer seemed adequate to defeat the Empyreal champion. My thoughts chased themselves in circles as I desperately sought a new plan.

  The announcer rushed across the arena floor past the fallen Hau-Lin to grab Hank’s fist and raise it into the air. The crowd roared their approval at the stunning display of martial prowess while the spectral dragons who’d surrounded the fight nosed at Hau-Lin’s wounded form in search of any stray scraps of jinsei that might still be left within his unmoving body.

  “This isn’t right.” My mother’s eyes narrowed and flashed like twin chips of polished jade. “The champions are not supposed to permanently damage the contenders. That boy’s core may never be whole again. His channels may never recover.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, my mother was right. That savage display went far beyond any of the televised Five Dragons Challenges I’d watched growing up. There’d been plenty of bloody noses, chipped teeth, and even a few broken limbs, but never anything more serious than that. These fights were supposed to let those of us from outside the clans prove our worth to the martial arts academy and earn our spots as students. No one was supposed to get hurt, much less have their jinsei channels obliterated.

  “Times have changed, Eve.” A man dressed in the ornate robes of an Empyreal clan elder had appeared in the row below his, and the weight of his aura had forced the crowd to shy away from him. His iron-gray hair and matching wedge of a beard sparked with threads of sacred power strong enough to light up half a city. The scrivenings on his lapels told me this was Grayson Bishop, the headmaster of the School of Swords and Serpents.

  He was one of the five sacred sages, the most powerful men in the world.

  And he spoke my mother’s name like he’d known her for years.

  “Why?” My mother held her ground as Grayson stepped so close that his aura surrounded hers. “What purpose does it serve to have your champion break a child?”

  “The School wishes to raise the caliber of our students.” Grayson gave a slight shrug, as if to say the fate of those who found themselves injured or killed by the challenge didn’t bother him in the slightest. “This seems the most certain way to weed out the pretenders and fools before they can pollute our fine institution with their degenerate ways.”

  Grayson’s eyes focused on me with the intensity of a spotlight. His attention burrowed into my aura and plucked at the edges of my core like a man inspecting the quality of a tool he planned to buy.

  It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to stand firm next to my mother. I wasn’t about to let any man, not even the head of the academy I so desperately needed to attend, push me off the path I’d chosen.

  For a moment, the elder’s gaze wavered, and his forehead wrinkled with concentration. My mother had warned me that my core might be evaluated, but she had also told me few Empyreals would be able to understand the wound inside me. But as Grayson’s face darkened, I wondered if my mother had been wrong.

  “We’re leaving.” Her hand closed around my wrist like a steel noose. “I did not bring my son here to be butchered for your amusement.”

  “Then why bring him here at all, Eve?” Grayson’s smile hardened into a thin dark line across his face. “His core is weaker even than his father’s, and we both know how that ended. Did you really think this pup would stand a chance against my champion?”

  A fiery tornado of thoughts whirled through my skull. One of the five sacred sages, men and women so powerful they might as well have been another species from the rest of us, knew my mother. He knew my father.

  He knew me.

  “Because I thought you were a man of honor, Grayson.” My mother pulled me past the headmaster with no more care than passing a beggar on the street.

  “Listen to your mother, boy,” Grayson called after us. “My champion will break you even more easily than I broke your father for his crimes.”

  The words stung my ears like a swarm of angry hornets. Shame reddened my cheeks and forced me to lower my head. My mother never told me what my father had done to earn death for himself and exile for what remained of his family. My father was a ghost that haunted our family, a spirit that had cursed us with a dishonor my mother had never been able to purge.

  And, now, when I was so close to my chance to move beyond his sins and make a new life for myself, his specter had appeared again to turn the headmaster against me. A cold certainty settled over me, and I knew that if I left the arena there would be no escape from the chains my father’s crimes had wrapped around my throat. This was my one chance to prove that I was worthy of something more than exile in the undercity, that I was more than my dishonored father’s weak shadow.

  Fighting Hank Eli might get me killed, but leaving without even trying to win the challenge would leave me trapped in a life without hope or possibility. I’d spend the rest of my days as a virtual slave, my body breaking down under the strain of the thankless labor that would consume my days.

  I’d rather die.

  “I’m not leaving.” My words were as cold and unmoving as the floor beneath our feet. In all my fifteen years, I’d never defied my mother before that moment.

  “Don’t do this.” My mother held my wrist so tight her pulse pounded against mine. “Please.”

  “You deserve more than this.” I leaned in until our foreheads touched. I needed her to understand how important this was to me. I needed her to know what it meant. “I deserve more than this. And you taught me I can win despite everything that’s wrong with me. I can bring honor to our name. I have to.”

  “I would rather have a dishonored son who is alive than a dead son who is exalted.” My mother’s eyes pleaded with me to hear the sense in her words before I got myself killed. “There is more to a man’s measure than his honor, Jace.”

  “If I run from this, how will I ev
er know if that’s true?” My hand slipped out of my mother’s nerveless grasp and I left her there, alone, to face my fate.

  Click here to continue reading Hollow Core.


  THIS BOOK WOULD NOT have been possible without the help of some amazing people who rarely get the credit they deserve.

  To Zack, who’s been an amazing beta reader and friend. His input not only helped shape this book, but the whole School of Swords and Serpents series. You’re the best, man, couldn’t have done it without you.

  To Kelly, my phenomenal editor and friend, who has helped me grow by leaps and bounds as a writer. All the mistakes you see are mine, all the good stuff is there because of her.

  And, finally, to my family, who has stood by me as I took a leap of faith to chase the writing dream. I cannot thank you enough for your support and understanding. Here’s to many more years to come!

  Books by Shadow Alley Press


  Rogue Dungeon: The Rogue Dungeon Series (Book 1)

  Civil War: The Rogue Dungeon Series (Book 2)

  Troll Nation: The Rogue Dungeon Series (Book 3)

  Neon Dark: Zero.Hero Book 1

  Inheritance: The Last Enclave Book 1

  A Snake’s Life Book 1

  Viridian Gate Online (LitRPG)

  Viridian Gate Online: Cataclysm (Book 1)

  Viridian Gate Online: Crimson Alliance (Book 2)

  Viridian Gate Online: The Jade Lord (Book 3)

  Viridian Gate Online: Imperial Legion (Book 4)

  Viridian Gate Online: The Lich Priest (Book 5)

  Viridian Gate Online: Doom Forge (Book 6)

  Viridian Gate Online: Darkling Siege (Book 7)

  Viridian Gate Online: Side Quests (Anthology)

  Viridian Gate Online: The Artificer (Imperial Initiative 1)

  Viridian Gate Online: Nomad Soul (The Illusionist Book 1)

  Viridian Gate Online: Dead Man’s Tide (The Illusionist Book 2)

  Viridian Gate Online: Inquisitor’s Foil (The Illusionist Book 3)

  Viridian Gate Online: Firebrand (The Firebrand Book 1)

  Viridian Gate Online: Embers of Rebellion (The Firebrand Book 2)

  Viridian Gate Online: Path of the Blood Phoenix (The Firebrand Book 3)

  Viridian Gate Online: Vindication (The Alchemic Weaponeer Book 1)

  Viridian Gate Online: Absolution (The Alchemic Weaponeer Book 2)

  Viridian Gate Online: Insurrection (The Alchemic Weaponeer Book 3)


  Darkening Skies (Path of the Thunderbird Book 1)

  Stone Soul (Path of the Thunderbird Book 2)

  Demon Beast (Path of the Thunderbird Book 3)

  Hollow Core (School of Swords and Serpents Book 1)

  Eclipse Core (School of Swords and Serpents Book 2)

  Chaos Core (School of Swords and Serpents Book 3)

  Sages of the Underpass (Battle Artists Book 1)

  Shadowbound: Ghostlight Academy Book 1

  Urban Fantasy

  Strange Magic (Yancy Lazarus Episode One)

  Cold Hearted (Yancy Lazarus Episode Two)

  Flashback: Siren Song (Yancy Lazarus Episode 2.5)

  Wendigo Rising (Yancy Lazarus Episode Three)

  Flashback: The Morrigan (Yancy Lazarus Episode 3.5)

  Savage Prophet (Yancy Lazarus Episode Four)

  Brimstone Blues: A Yancy Lazarus Novel

  MudMan (A Lazarus World Novel)

  Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger (Book 1)

  Soul Game: Legend of the Treesinger (Book 2)


  Armageddon Girls (The Juniper Wars Book 1)

  Machine-Gun Girls (The Juniper Wars Book 2)

  Inferno Girls (The Juniper Wars Book 3)

  Storm Girls (The Juniper Wars Book 4)

  Books by Black Forge


  War God’s Mantle: Ascension (Book 1)

  War God’s Mantle: Descent (Book 2)

  War God’s Mantle: Underworld (Book 3)

  Denver Fury: American Dragons (Book 1)

  Cheyenne Magic: American Dragons (Book 2)

  Montana Firestorm: American Dragons (Book 3)

  Texas Showdown: American Dragons (Book 4)

  California Imperium: American Dragons (Book 5)

  Dodge City Knights: American Dragons (Book 6)

  Leadville Crucible: American Dragons (Book 7)

  Alaska Kingdom: American Dragons (Book 8)

  Alamosa Arena: American Dragons (Book 9)

  Wyoming Dynasty: American Dragons (Book 10)

  Raider Annihilation (Son of Fire Book 1)

  Dungeon Bringer 1

  Dungeon Bringer 2

  Dungeon Bringer 3

  Witch King 1

  Witch King 2

  Witch King 3

  Barbarian Outcast (Princesses of the Ironbound Book 1)

  Robot Bangarang: Full Frontal Galaxy (Book 1)

  Space Dragon Boogaloo: Full Frontal Galaxy (Book 2)

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  Shadowbound is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 by Gage Lee and Shadow Alley Press, Inc.

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  About the Author

  Gage Lee is a long-time fan of wuxia, cultivation, fantasy, and science fiction stories. The School of Swords and Serpents combines all his favorite genres, along with a healthy helping of seasoning from his years as an avid gamer. To follow his exploits, and get a sneak peek of what's coming down the authorial pipeline, visit

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