Why Horror Seduces

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Why Horror Seduces Page 24

by Mathias Clasen

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  agency detection, 13, 46, 139–142. See also supernatural belief

  Alan Wake (Ranki and Kasurinen), 68

  Alien (Scott), 54

  Alone in the Dark (Raynal and Bonnel), 68

  American Horror Story (Murphy and Falchuk), 10

  Amis, Kingsley, 105

  Amnesia (Grip and Nilsson), 54, 149–151

  amygdala, 26, 41

  Andreasen, James, 74

  Antichrist. See Rosemary’s Baby (Levin)

  antisociality. See evil

  anxiety, 27, 104–105. See also fear

  apocalypse. See I Am Legend (Matheson); Night of the Living Dead (Romero)

  Asma, Stephen T., 23

  attention, 26–27, 31, 33–34, 41–42, 45–46

  augmented reality, 148


  as style in horror, 95–96, 139–140, 143–144

  See also found-footage horror

  basic motives, 84. See also evolutionary psychology; fear; human evolution; meaning, human need for

  Benchley, Peter, 5, 103, 110–111

  Bierce, Ambrose, 68

  Big Ass Spider! (Mendez), 43

  biocultural criticism, 5, 20–21. See also evolutionary literary theory

  Biskind, Peter, 105

  Black Christmas (Clark), 125

  Blair Witch Project, The (Sánchez and Myrick), 2, 34, 61, 72–73, 135–144

  Blair Witch Project: A Dossier, The (Stern), 136

  Blatty, William Peter, 70

  Bloch, Robert, 68, 69, 70, 78

  Bloodborne (Miyazaki), 68

  Bloom, Paul, 58

  Body Snatchers, The (Finney), 69–70

  Bonnel, Bruno, 68

  Booth, Michael, 74

  Bowen, Nik, 67, 74, 151–154

  Bradbury, Ray, 68, 69, 78

  Brooks, Max, 73

  Brown, Charles Brockden, 67

  Browning, Tod, 69

  Bruhm, Steven, 115

  Cabin in the Woods, The (Goddard), 72

  Cannibal Corpse, 65

  Cantor, Joanne, 61

  Caputi, Jane, 105

  Carpenter, John

  Halloween, 33, 44, 71, 125–134, 149

  In the Mouth of Madness, 68

  Carrie (De Palma), 37

  Carrie (King), 14, 49

  Carrion Comfort (Simmons), 49

  Carroll, Joseph. See evolutionary literary theory

  Carroll, Noël, 50

  Castle of Otranto, The (Walpole), 9

  Cemetery Dance, 71

  Cherry Falls (Wright), 133

  Christine (King), 45

  Clark, Bob, 125

  Cloverfield (Reeves), 31–33, 43

  clowns, 43–44

  Cohen, Allan, 115

  Cold War, 79

  conformity, 79, 84

  consilience, 20–21

  constructivist approach

  to Blair Witch Project, The (Sánchez and Myrick), 137, 144

  to Halloween (Carpenter), 126–127

  to horror, 12–13, 16, 19–20

  to I Am Legend (Matheson), 79–80

  to Night of the Living Dead (Romero), 94–95

  to Shining, The (King), 115

  contagion, 35, 39, 42, 96–97, 122, 159See also disgust

  contamination, 91. See also contagion

  corpses, 98, 122

  counterculture, 94–95, 126

  counterintuitive traits, 45–48, 98

  Craven, Wes

  Last House on the Left, The, 29, 48–49, 70

  Nightmare on Elm Street, A, 133

  Scream, 72, 133

  Crichton, Michael, 56

  Creed, Barbara, 16–17

unningham, Sean S., 71

  Curse of the Blair Witch (Myrick and Sánchez), 136

  “Damned Thing, The” (Bierce), 68


  ancestral, 25, 143

  cues of, 26

  learning about, 56–57

  responding adequately to, 127–129

  See also contagion; fear; predation

  Darabont, Frank, 48, 58, 73, 96–97, 101

  Dark Forces (McCauley), 71

  darkness, 32, 79–80, 151

  Darwin, Charles, 24, 28–29

  Davenport, Stephen, 115

  De Palma, Brian, 37


  causes of, 25, 40

  fear of (see under fear)

  Demme, Jonathan, 29, 30–31

  demonic possession, 91–92

  Derleth, August, 68

  Dickens, Charles, 56

  Dillard, R. H. W., 98

  disgust, 48–50, 97–98, 122

  moral disgust, 49, 90 (see also morality)

  See also contagion

  dominance. See evil: as antisocial motive

  Dozier, Jr., Rush W., 27–28, 53–54

  Dracula (Browning), 69

  Dracula (Stoker), 4, 14, 80

  dread, 69, 140. See also fear

  Dreadful Pleasures (Twitchell), 12

  Dumas, Chris, 17

  Dutton, Denis, 30

  Dystopia Haunted House, 157–160

  Ebert, Roger, 96, 126, 142

  emotional contagion, 49–51, 81

  empathy. See under horror

  Enlightenment, Age of, 10

  evil, 48–49, 67, 79, 83–84, 86–88, 90–92, 116–121, 140

  as antisocial motive, 87, 91–92, 120–123 (see also power, as antagonistic motive)

  as metaphysical force, 86–87, 116, 120–121

  and place, 143

  evolution. See evolutionary psychology; human evolution

  evolutionary literary theory, 55. See also biocultural criticism

  evolutionary psychology, 4, 19–20, 24, 88–89, 132–133. See also human evolution

  Exorcist, The (Blatty), 70

  Exorcist, The (Friedkin), 14–15, 29, 30, 34, 49, 70

  extreme sports, 53–54, 160

  Falchuk, Brad, 10

  Famous Monsters of Filmland, 69

  Fangoria, 71

  fear, 23–34, 35–51

  children’s, 37–40, 61–62


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