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Beg For You (Rocktown Ink #1)

Page 18

by Sherilee Gray

  Spencer looked furious. My father was staring at me, waiting for a reply. I turned away from them both. I couldn’t deal with my father right then.

  I stepped off the small stage and the crowd parted as I moved through them. Cal hadn’t moved, his eyes on me as I walked toward him and stopped in front of him.

  He stared down at me. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Princess.” He reached out and touched my hair, the strands that had broken free. “How can you…ever forgive me…for the way I’ve acted?”

  He was stumbling over his words, but he didn’t seem to care who heard. Neither did I. Cal was perfect to me. Every part of him. I stepped closer, resting my hands on his massive chest. “Do you love me?”

  His nostrils flared. “Yes. Fuck, Cassy, more than anything.”

  “Tell me,” I said.

  “Princess, I love you so fucking much I didn’t even know it was possible to love someone like this.”

  I curled my arms around his neck and went up on my tiptoes, pulling him down to meet me at the same time. “Love makes us act crazy.”

  “You love me?” he said, voice deep and gritty.

  I cupped his scarred face, a face I knew I couldn’t live without seeing every single day of my life. “Yes, Joel, I love you.”

  He tugged me closer, a big hand going to the back of my head, pressing my forehead to his. “Thank fuck,” he rasped.

  I pulled back, and his mouth came down on mine instantly. He was kissing me, we were kissing each other in front of everyone, and nothing had ever felt this right in my life.

  Then I was lifted off the floor and we were moving. Cal carried me out of the room and out of my father’s house.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I stared down at Cassy in my bed, her hair free and spread over my pillow, her creamy skin bare and straining under me as I moved inside her and struggled to breathe. That’s what she did to me. The woman stole the breath from my lungs.

  “You’re mine, Princess. Say it.”

  Her fingers slid down my back, nails lightly scoring my skin, making me buck into her deeper with more urgency.

  “I’m yours,” she said and arched against me, her moans filling the room.

  I watched her wide blue eyes, heavy lidded and lust filled, clear as they locked on mine.

  “And you’re mine,” she said, voice husky and sexy as fuck.

  “And I’m yours,” I gritted out.

  I held her gaze as I rocked my hips forward. Cassy whimpered and spread wider for me, taking more, wanting more.

  “Nothing feels better than being inside you. Nothing feels righter than…fucking my woman. Can you feel how hard I am, Cassy? Can you feel…what you do to me, how wild you make me?”

  “Oh God. Please, Cal.”

  “Joel. Call me Joel when I’m making love to you, Princess.”

  “Please, Joel.”

  I dropped to my elbows, keeping our eyes locked as I slammed my hips forward, fucking into her harder and faster. She clawed at my back, hips moving with mine, her cries and gasps constant. I felt her tighten around me and groaned. “That’s it, baby, let me feel it.”

  She screamed again, coming hard underneath me, clinging to me. Her thighs tried to slam together against my sides as she shuddered through it. There was no way I could keep it together after watching her come apart for me like that.

  A rough groan exploded from me as I poured myself into her, filling her with all of me, loving the way she jolted and whimpered as her clenching pussy milked my pulsing cock dry.

  I dropped my forehead to hers, panting, our sweat-slicked bodies fused together. “I fucking love you, Cassy.” The words seemed small, nothing compared to the way I felt about her, but they were all I had to make her understand.

  Her hands moved to either side of my neck, curling in. She licked her lips, her hot panted breaths brushing mine.

  “I fucking love you, too,” she whispered with a bright smile on her face.

  And I could hear it in her voice, see it in her eyes, that she was right there with me, that nothing was more important than this, than us.

  “Jesus, baby, I need to paint you just like this,” I said. “The way you look right now.”

  Her smile brightened. “How do I look right now?”

  “Like the Cassy you were always meant to be. My Cassy.”

  She ran her thumb over my whiskered jaw, eyes glistening. “You set her free.”

  I kissed her lips gently. “And I’m going to make sure my princess keeps on flying.”



  Six months later

  I strode across the field and walked into the barn.

  Cassy had just removed Tierra’s saddle and looked up, a smile covering her precious face as soon as she saw me. She came straight for me.

  “I didn’t expect you for another hour. Didn’t you have someone booked in this afternoon?” She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face against my chest then tilted her head back for a kiss.

  I took her mouth hungrily. I was always hungry for her. “Bull offered to stay and do it for me.”

  “I thought he had a band playing at the bar tonight?”

  I tucked her hair behind her ear. “He does, but he could see I was going stir crazy.” I ran my thumb over her cheek, brushing away some dirt. “He says hi, by the way.”

  She smiled. “I’ll have to bake him a cake as a thank you.”

  “Christ, he might fall in love with you if you start cooking for him. I think that’s the only way to that man’s heart.”

  Her smile softened. “I think there’s someone who already poses a pretty serious threat to it.”

  I frowned. “Who?”


  Huh. Bull definitely seemed preoccupied when Quinn was around, but I wasn’t sure his feelings for her were more than just him being protective over his best friend’s sister. But then who the fuck knew with Bull? The man was a closed book these days. “If that’s the case, he’s going about shit the wrong way…scowling and grunting at the girl all day. They’re complete opposites. Quinn’s good with people, knows how to have an actual conversation. Bull…doesn’t.”

  Cassy chuckled. “You never know. Opposites sometimes work very well.”

  I grinned down at her. “Yes, they do.”

  One of her fingers drew circles on my chest, making it hard to think. “So this is it? You’ve brought the last of it?”

  “Yep. Last load.” I’d officially moved out of the apartment above the shop today and into the ranch.

  “You need any help?”

  “Dane is lugging my stuff inside as we speak. He was moving his things into my old place before I finished carrying the boxes downstairs.”

  She grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s go settle you in.”

  We walked out into the fading sun. “By settle me in do you mean christen every room in the house?”

  She laughed, but there was a shadow in her eyes that fucking killed me. I tugged her to a stop. “You’re missing her?”

  Her smile turned sad. “I miss her every day.” She shrugged. “I guess with the first foal being born this week it’s hit a little harder. I wish she could have been here for this.”

  Cassy lost her gran a couple of months ago, but not before she’d given me her blessing. She and I had actually gotten pretty tight in the few months we’d known each other. Now Cassy’s father had moved out, leaving the area to retire away from the people he’d hurt, and Cassy was feeling it. I’d sunk every penny I’d had into this place, which was a substantial amount of money. Lyall knew I had more of a claim on this place now than he did, and though he loved his daughter in his own fucked-up way, it was more than he could handle.

  He had apologized for what he’d done and had admitted he’d taken his pain out on us. Facing his peers, though, after that sham of an engagement party was too much for him. The truce was tentative, but things got easier when Cassy and I bought L
yall a place in Whitefish near the lake so he could spend his days fishing. He’d happily accepted it, and we didn’t see him as often.

  Spencer was still on the property next to ours, but his already low social standing had taken a serious nosedive after what happened. Thankfully, the fucker knew to stay the hell away from Cassy and this ranch. I’d advised him to walk the other way if he saw her. If he didn’t, walking would no longer be an option. So far so good.

  “Your gran would be so proud of you,” I said.

  Cassy nodded, a tear streaking down her cheek. “I know.”

  “Come on.” I led her to the house as Dane was walking out the front door. “That everything?”

  My brother winked. “All set.”

  “Thanks,” Cassy said. “Do you want to stay for something to eat?”

  Dane walked over, tugged her closer, and gave her a hug. “Maybe next time. I have a new apartment to sit around naked in.”

  “A vivid image,” she said, laughter in her voice. “And any time.”

  “Call first,” I interjected.

  Dane planted a quick kiss on the top of her head. “Welcome to the family.” Then he strode off, got in his truck, and roared down the driveway.

  I took her hand again and led her up the stairs.

  Cassy sucked in a breath when I pushed the door open.

  I grinned in approval. Dane had outdone himself. The lights were off, and the setting sun cast an orange glow across the room filled with candles and vases of pink roses. Petals were strewn across the floor. She walked into the middle of the room, taking it all in, and I slid the small box I had in my pocket out and got down on one knee.

  She turned and her hands flew to her mouth when she saw me.

  “Cassy.” I opened the box and cleared my throat as emotion washed through me. I knew I was about to stutter and stumble over my words, because she scrambled my damn brain just looking at her, but I didn’t care, and I knew she didn’t either. “I’ve n-never…known anyone like you. N-Never knew it was possible to love someone as much as I do you.”

  She moved closer then dropped to her knees, tears rolling down her face, and cupped mine.

  “Princess…will you marry me?”

  She nodded, eyes bright, overflowing with tears and filled with joy. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  I slid the ring on her finger then pulled her in tight and I kissed her, and I didn’t stop kissing her for a long time.

  Then we got started on christening some rooms.



  My best friend's sister is back in town, and while she’s here, she's under my protection. Quinn Parker had her heart broken, and I'll make sure no one hurts her again.

  But when she starts looking around for a hot, no-strings distraction, I can’t stand back and do nothing. No one is touching this vibrant beauty...but me.

  She’s the woman of my dreams, but Quinn wants a good time, not a long time. We play by her rules: no one finds out, no one gets hurt.

  I have to keep it casual because an ex-con like me can't offer her forever…even if I want so much more.

  About the Author

  Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn't writing sexy, edgy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of Cadburys Rocky Road chocolate in the other.

  To find out about new releases, giveaways, events and other cool stuff, sign up for my newsletter!

  * * *

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  Rocktown Ink:

  Beg For You

  Sin For You

  Meant For you

  * * *

  Knights of Hell:

  Knight’s Redemption

  Knight’s Salvation

  Demon’s Temptation

  * * *

  Lawless Kings:

  Shattered King

  Broken Rebel

  Beautiful Killer

  Ruthless Protector

  Glorious Sinner

  Merciless King

  * * *

  The Smith Brothers:

  Mountain Man

  Wild Man

  * * *

  Boosted Hearts:




  * * *

  Axle Alley Vipers:




  * * *

  Black Hills Pack:

  Lone Wolf’s Captive

  A Wolf’s Deception

  * * *

  Stand Alone Novels:

  Breaking Him




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