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His Firecracker: Sassy Girls Series

Page 6

by Reynolds, Rory

  “Is that a yes?” I ask with a hint of triumph in my voice.

  “I wasn’t going to say no. I was just trying to tell you I wouldn’t be able to go out until the weekend.” She smiles, shyly.

  “Good because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.”

  She shakes her head on a laugh. “I could tell. You’re quite persuasive when you want to be.”

  I wrap my arms around her and slowly move my mouth toward hers. “Only with you, firecracker. Only with you.”

  Our lips meet in another searing kiss. This time when we break apart, Joselynn takes several steps back. “Saturday?” she asks.

  “Saturday can’t come soon enough,” I say with a growl and take one step forward.

  Joselynn laughs and dances out of my reach. “I’ve got to go get ready for work, you heathen. I think we’ve traumatized the kiddies enough for one day,” she teases.

  “I need your number, firecracker.” I unlock the screen of my phone and extend it out to her. She takes it and quickly types in her information. She hands me back the phone with a smile, then turns and walks away. I look down at my phone and laugh when I see that she’s entered herself as “Firecracker” in my contacts.

  * * *

  It has been a long, long week. I haven’t seen Joselynn since that day at the park, and even though we’ve texted back and forth, it’s not enough. It’s almost terrifying how quickly she has become an integral part of my life. Blake came home three days ago with the twins. It’s amazing how two tiny babies and one toddler can run three grown adults off their feet every day. I’m extremely happy that I decided to move here to be closer to Blake and to help with the kids. Blake is still on some serious restrictions after the emergency hysterectomy so they need every bit of help they can get.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay without me?” I ask for the dozenth time. I teased Blake about having mom guilt for not being home with Brenden, and I am currently having a serious case of uncle guilt for even considering leaving when things are so crazy here. Even if it is just for a few hours.

  “Oh my God, shut up you idiot! Hutch and I are perfectly capable of managing for a few hours… or all night…” Blake waggles her eyebrows. “You know, whichever.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Suuuure it’s not. You’ve only been glued to your phone all week like a teenage girl waiting for the woman to text you,” Blake teases. “Besides, I know there is something different about this chick.”

  “It’s more of that freaky twin-sense, isn’t it?” Hutch grumbles. The poor guy hasn’t spent much time around twins and over the last several weeks has had a ringside seat to the weirdness that is everything twin. “Caiden and Haiden already have it, and they’re only a week old. Creepy.”

  He’s right. Blake and I are eerily in sync in a lot of things even though we are fraternal twins. The girls are physically identical in every single way. When the hospital bracelets came off, Blake painted Cai’s big toenail bright pink and Haiden’s purple. Without those two splashes of color, there would be no way to tell them apart. Unless, of course, they cry… little Cai is a quieter baby. Her cries are somehow softer than her sister’s… if ever Cai cries and you don’t get to her quick enough, Haiden will take it upon herself to make sure her sister has been heard.

  She will scream out her upset until Cai has been tended to. At first, we would automatically go to Haiden, to calm her because she always seems that much more desperate with her louder, stronger cries. We soon found out that if Cai has cried first if we pick her up first, Haiden will instantly quiet down. She’s like a little guard dog for her sister. I can’t wait to watch the girls grow and see how the bond develops.

  “It’s not a twin thing. It’s a common-sense thing. My brother is completely gone for this girl. He’s got the same look on his face when he talks about her that you get when you look at me.”

  * * *

  “Wow, you look amazing.”

  And she really does. Her blonde hair is piled on top of her head in a mass of careless curls. She’s wearing a dark purple dress made of some kind of fabric that clings to her every curve. The dress leaves just a hint of cleavage, so I can see the gentle swell of her breasts before the dark fabric steals away the sight. Not that it leaves much to the imagination with it clinging like it does.

  My instant reaction is to push her back inside her apartment and hide her away. If I take her out, other men are going to see her in this dress, and I might not be able to contain myself. I can feel the violence burning in my veins. If anyone so much as looks at Joselynn, I might just lose my mind. Joselynn beams up at me, her smile all kinds of radiant. And even though I don’t want to share this vision of a woman with the world, I will because she is so stunningly happy at a mere compliment that I can do no less.

  “So where are we going?” she asks as I walk her to my truck.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “What if I were to say I don’t like surprises?”

  “Then I’d just have to say too bad.” I open the door to the truck, and Joselynn makes a little noise of distress.

  I look down and see that she’s wearing four-inch heels that are held onto her feet with nothing but a few dainty straps. Holy shit. How did I miss those? With the heels and the tight fit of her dress, climbing up into my truck is obviously going to be an issue. And suddenly I’m happier than I can say because this little issue means that I can put my hands on her, and it be in the name of chivalry.

  Joselynn gasps as I scoop her up in my arms and set her gently on the seat, taking my time to arrange her carefully. I press a kiss to her forehead as I snap her seatbelt in place, then shut the door. I discretely adjust my cock in my pants as I walk around to the driver’s side of the truck.

  It’s a quick drive to the restaurant.

  “Oh, I’ve always wanted to come here!” Joselynn’s excitement is addictive.

  I pull up to the valet and practically growl when the kid opens the door to help Joselynn out of the truck. The thought of his hands on her body makes me feel homicidal. I’m around to her side of the truck in a flash, pushing the kid out of the way. Joselynn’s mine and mine alone. She gives me an exasperated smile as I help her down from the truck, holding her against my body a little longer than necessary so that I can soak up her sweetness.

  We make our way into the restaurant, and even though the hostess is caught off guard by my scars, her smile only falters for a moment. She leads us to a quiet corner and tells us our server will be with us soon.

  “It’s just as pretty as I thought it would be,” Joselynn says almost dreamily. I look around the restaurant trying to see things through her perspective. The lighting is dim, romantic even, the tables are spaced in a way that makes each one feel like its own little island giving you the illusion of privacy even though you’re in a room full of other patrons. The tables are covered with thick white cloths, each place setting immaculately done with expensive silver, wine glasses, and plates.

  “It’s a nice place. Blake recommended it.”

  Joselynn smiles. “Your sister has good taste. How did you get reservations on such short notice?”

  “The owner owes me a favor or two.”

  “Seriously? You know Matilda Rodriquez?”

  “Her husband works for Hutch. He was part of our unit…” I trail off not really wanting to talk about it.

  “In the Army?” she asks quietly.

  I am more than a little relieved when the waiter picks that moment to walk up and interrupt our conversation. I know I’ll have to tell her eventually, but for now, I’d like to keep the darkness of my past as far away from her as possible.

  “Welcome to Flame. My name is Clive. Have you ever dined with us before?” Clive gives me a once over and obviously finds me lacking, his attention immediately goes to Joselynn and the little twerp practically eye fucks her right in front of me.

  “This is our first time.” Joselynn answers for both of us.

bsp; “You’re in for a treat,” Clive says with a wink. “The menu is omakase style, so it’s chef’s choice. The only thing you have to do is sit back and enjoy. Would you like the accompanying drink selections? Each course is perfectly paired to make your taste buds sing.”

  Joselynn looks up at me, a decidedly uncomfortable look on her face. She obviously wants to say something but doesn’t want to cause a scene. I clear my throat getting the little pipsqueak’s attention. “Please tell Matilda that we would be honored to taste the menu exactly as she intended; drinks included.”

  His eyes grow wide. “Um… yes… yes, sir. I’ll have your first course promptly.”

  Joselynn raises an eyebrow in question. “Matilda runs a tight ship. Her husband may be ex-military, but she is the scary one of the two.”

  “Remind me to love everything I put my mouth on tonight.”

  I groan at her teasing words. My cock gives a little twitch behind my zipper as I imagine all of the things that she can put that delicious mouth of hers on.

  “I didn’t… I mean…” she stutters, blushing fiercely when she realizes what she just said.

  I chuckle. “Hey, I’m not going to complain if you decide to love everything your lips touch.”

  Our first course comes out while we are both still laughing. Then we are both distracted by delicious food and wine. The conversation flows smoothly. We talk as if we’ve known each other forever. There’s no first date awkwardness. We talk about her week at work and how glad she is to have the next three days off. She asks about the twins and Brenden.

  Joselynn’s lips close around the tines of her fork, and her eyes roll into the back of her head as she slowly pulls the fork from between her lips, moaning as she does. “Oh my God, this is sinful.”

  She takes another bite and repeats the process. The chocolate and strawberry covered cheesecake disappears between her lips, and her eyes fall closed, followed by a sigh of contented happiness. I watch her with heated eyes as she eats every morsel of her dessert. My throbbing cock desperately wants me to throw her down on this table and claim her like a savage beast.

  “This was the best meal I’ve had in ages. I don’t cook much since it’s just me and I tend to eat at Al’s and Burger Joint when I’m not eating cafeteria fare or vending machine gourmet,” she confesses.

  “Before I moved in with Blake and Hutch, I lived on drive-thru burgers and pizza delivery,” I shrug. “I won’t even pretend that I know how to cook. Poor Brenden was getting sick of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.”

  “More like his uncle was getting sick of that stuff.”

  I laugh. “Okay, okay. Busted. I’ve gotten a bit spoiled. Both Blake and Hutch are pretty awesome in the kitchen. I’ve gotten spoiled.”

  Joselynn smiles at me fondly. “Nothing wrong with being a little spoiled.”

  * * *

  My hand falls away from the small of her back when we get to her apartment. I’m not ready for the night to be over. I could spend every minute with her talking about anything and everything, but it’s late and even though she had the day off, working four days, two of those being double shifts, has taken its toll and she’s tired.

  “Thank you for tonight,” Joselynn says as she looks up at me through her thick black lashes.

  “It was my pleasure, beautiful.”

  “Do you… um… would you,” Joselynn stutters, “like to come in?”

  She looks at me with nervous expectation. I get the feeling she both wants me to come in and also wants to slam the door in my face and run the other way. Everything about tonight has been perfect. That standoffishness that she clings to like a security blanket seems to have fallen away and left behind a more confident version of herself. Her smiles and laughter come easily, and the guarded looks and wariness seem to have vanished entirely until now.

  “More than anything in the world,” I say with total honesty. “But not tonight.”


  I close the small distance between us and back her up until she is flat against the door, I don’t stop until my body is pressed along hers. Her eyes dilate, and her breaths come quicker. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, threading my fingers into her hair at her nape. She gasps when I give it a little squeeze, and her eyes flutter closed. Then my lips are on hers, and her soft little tongue is dancing against mine. Her body undulates against me. I can feel the hard press of her nipples through her dress and can’t seem to talk myself out of cupping one of her pert breasts. I rub my thumb back and forth over one taut peak, and she moans into my kiss.

  With a herculean effort, I break our kiss. Both of us are left panting. Joselynn’s hands cling to me, one in my hair and one on my shirt. My hands aren’t much better because one is on her sexy little ass, holding her so close that I guarantee she can feel the hard length of my cock practically branding her through our clothing. My other hand is still cupping her breast as my thumb worries over her nipple. Even though I’ve decided we need to stop, my thumb still lightly grazes it back and forth.

  I slowly release her and move to step away. Joselynn makes a small protesting sound when she realizes I really am stopping. Her fingers tighten their hold for a moment, and then she relaxes her hold, letting her hands fall away.

  “You need to go inside now, firecracker.” I almost don’t recognize my own voice. It’s thick with desire and possessiveness.

  “You could come inside too,” she breathes.

  Everything about her body language screams ‘take me,’ ‘claim me,’ ‘make me yours.’ I want that more than I’ve wanted anything, but not yet.

  “Go inside, Joselynn.”

  As soon as she’s safely locked inside, I turn and nearly run to my truck and the promise of home and a cold shower where I can regain some semblance of control.



  “Earth to Joselynn.”

  I shake myself from my daydream—again. Ever since Drake left me last night, I’ve been distracted and quite frankly, horny. Which is distracting in and of itself.

  “Sorry, Sara,” I say with a wince. “What were you saying?”

  “Wow, girl, you’ve got it bad. Who is the guy?”

  “When has there ever been a guy?” I counter because I totally don’t want any rumors going around work. I like Sara, but she is the busiest busybody around.

  “True. You’re just distracted and keep getting this dreamy look on your face.” Sara shrugs. “Smith just called. Nikki is sick and can’t come in tonight.”

  If I weren’t already sitting in my favorite rocking chair with the cuddliest little baby, I would collapse. Today was supposed to be my day off, but I got called in to cover for Jerry, who is also sick.

  “Let me guess, he wants one of us to pull a double?” I ask with a sigh.

  “You’d be right.”

  I lift the little bundle to my shoulder and gently rub his back, waiting for a burp. “If I work a double tonight, I can’t cover for Jerry tomorrow.”

  I look at the clock and groan. I was supposed to get off in two hours. Drake messaged me earlier asking if I’d like to go to the movies and for the first time ever, I’ve been counting down the minutes for my shift to get over. I absolutely love my job, but today I hate it just a little. Okay, that’s a lie. I hate the flu which has taken out half of the nursery staff and caused so much havoc on the scheduling. I still love the job.

  “Shit. That’s right… I’ve got that family dinner with George’s parents tonight. If you’ll do the double, I can cover Jerry’s shift tomorrow.” Sara looks less than happy about the situation.

  I heave a sigh. “It’s all good. I’ll double today, and you cover tomorrow. No one else can get sick. This is insanity.”

  Sara laughs. “Agreed. You’d think the mandatory flu shots we get every year would prevent this kind of thing.”

  “Who is on tonight?”


  I groan. It’ll be the first time that I’ve worked with D
r. Givens alone since the little incident with Drake, and I’m not looking forward to it even a little. Dr. Givens has been a real jerk when we’ve had other people around. I can only imagine how bad it’ll be when there isn’t anyone around to act as a buffer.

  “Do you mind if I take a quick break before you clock out?” I ask Sara as I get up and put the now sleeping baby in his bassinet.

  “Yeah, in fact, why don’t you take a long one and catch a quick nap in the on-call? You look beat, and it’ll be a long night.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll be back in about an hour, okay?”

  Sara gives me a thumbs up then turns back to the charts she’s updating. I take one last look around the nursery, everyone is swaddled tight and sleeping with full bellies and clean booties. The sight makes me smile. Even disappointed about having to cancel my date with Drake and exhausted by the very idea of having to work alone with Dr. Givens tonight, I still love my job.

  Thankfully, the on-call room is empty when I get there. I kick off my shoes and sit on the cot, then grab my phone and unlock the screen. I pull up Drakes contact information and waffle between texting and calling. It would be easier to text… I wouldn’t have to hear the disappointment or worry that he thinks I’m making up an excuse to get out of our date. On the other hand, calling means I get to hear his voice and if I don’t get to see him tonight, hearing him would be nice.

  The phone rings only twice before his deep voice is filling my ear.

  “Hello, firecracker.”

  I grin stupidly at the nickname. “Hi.”

  “Are you off work already?” Drake asks.

  I flop back on the cot and sigh loudly.

  “Ut oh, that doesn’t sound good. What’s up, beautiful?”

  “I’m still at work. Another person called in, so I’m pulling a double shift.”


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