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Page 3

by S Cinders

  She nodded biting her lip in concentration.

  I had visions of her biting her lip in the same way as I licked my way up her inner thigh. Shaking those thoughts away I continued to listen to them speak. He taught her many things, always patient with her questions, never tiring. I had often been proud of my wolf brothers, but never more so than when dealing with our mate.

  I smelled their desire for her and often hers in return. But she was untried. Out of respect for me as alpha, they had not touched her. I stepped forward to make my presence known to her. Silas had known I was there the entire time.

  “Tobias, how are you this day?”

  I nodded to Silas. “Well. And you both? How does this fine morning find you?”

  Silas nodded in return. “Well, Alpha.”

  Our mate blushed. “Good, thank you.”

  Silas sensed my need to be with her. “I will take these vegetables into the den. If you will excuse me?”

  “Thank you.” She placed a hand on his arm and I heard Silas’s sharply inhaled breath. “For teaching me about the plants. We had a few growing around our cottage, but my sisters always cared for them.”

  “Leave us.” My command was harsher than I had intended. I immediately felt bad when the hurt look entered her eyes.

  Silas smiled, and I knew he could sense my frustration. The man was smart enough to leave before I took a bite out of his hide.

  “Come, Mate, we will walk together.” I offered my hand and felt like a king when she tentatively placed her own in mine.

  “Where will we go?” Her eyes were the color of brandy and they burned into my soul.

  I wanted to tell her that we would go anywhere she wished. “I want to show you more of our kingdom.”

  With hesitant steps, she picked up the hem of her golden gown and walked beside me out of the small grove where we had our garden. I tried to see our world through her eyes. The gentle sway of the soft green grasses at our feet. The wildflowers that grew in patches of pinks and purple.

  “It is beautiful,” she whispered.

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  But my gaze was on her upturned face: the faint freckles that graced her cheeks and the way she smiled so softly that just the sides of those plump lips tipped up. I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss those sweet indents.

  Her eyes met mine and a faint flush stained her cheeks.

  I cleared my throat and suppressed my growing desire to possess her.

  “There is something else I would like to show you.” My voice had deepened, much like the color of her cheeks.

  “What is it?”

  I led her toward a grouping of boulders. From the outside, it looked like a relic, crumbling ruins that had been long since forgotten. But as we approached, the old magic started to seep into my skin.

  “What is this place?”

  “Annwn,” I said reverently. “It is where we are able to commune with the Moon Goddess and re-center ourselves.”

  She raised a hand and then shyly put it back down.

  “You can touch it,” I encouraged her, and watched as she raised her hand to the stone.

  Immediately her eyes snapped shut and her body started to shake. I knew better than to disturb her during a vision. My heart raced as I watched her, this was a rather unusual reaction, but my mate was a witch and therefore wired genetically different than we were.

  The longer we stood there the more concerned I became. She had been out of it for more than ten minutes. I contemplated yanking her off when suddenly those amber eyes popped open. They were rimmed with the gold that I usually saw in my brothers when our wolves were close to the surface.

  “Beatrix,” I called her name and her face whipped to mine.

  “Mate,” she growled and then launched herself at me.

  I caught her as her hands sank into my hair and her mouth fused to mine. Her kiss was innocent, her mouth closed, but I could feel the intense power that was behind it. I wasn’t certain what the Moon Goddess had done to reveal who we were to her, but I was eternally grateful.

  One of my arms slipped to her ass to hold Trix close to me, the other cupped her face as I whispered, “Open for me, Trix.”

  Her eyes flared as she heard me use the name that she preferred. I vowed then and there to always call her that. Trix’s lips parted gently and I licked at the seam. “More, Trix, I need more.”

  Her breathing was rapid against my lips and she opened for me as if she just couldn’t help herself.

  This time when my tongue swept across her lips, she allowed me inside.

  Never in my life had I experienced anything like kissing this woman. My body was poised and ready to blow. My wolf was howling and I knew my eyes were shining gold. Her taste was exotic, spicy like the tea she enjoyed, and womanly.

  Her hands pulled at the strands of my dark hair. She couldn’t get close enough to me. Her legs would have crushed a lesser man as she locked her ankles around my waist and shamelessly rubbed her swollen breasts against my chest.

  As much as I would have liked to lay her on the ground and take her until we were both screaming in pleasure, I knew that this was all new to Trix. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her. My cock throbbed, aching for the release that wouldn’t be coming any time soon.

  Her hands moved to my shoulders and her nails dug into my skin. It was beyond erotic and I nipped at her bottom lip. “May I touch you?” I asked her.

  She was panting as she answered, “You are touching me.”

  My lips moved to her neck and I sucked long and hard where my mark would soon reside. She moaned loudly and bucked her hips against my stomach.

  My hand slipped between us and I moved her skirt until I could feel the satiny smoothness of her thighs. “No, sweet, Trixie,” I punctuated each word with a kiss. “Can I touch you?”

  Her body bucked again and she growled. “More, please Tobias, it burns so good.”

  I moved my fingers to her core and threw back my head to release a loud howl when I felt how wet her pussy was. Trixie was soaked, her slick pleasure evident on my fingers. I wanted to taste her, fuck her, devour her.

  My kiss became more insistent as my fingers began to slowly stroke her center. She mewled into my mouth, the sound making my cock jump. I wanted to know what it would feel like as I drove my length inside of her. I wanted to sink my fangs into her skin so that everyone would know she was mine.

  She broke the kiss and cried out my name, “Tobias, help me, please!”

  I increased the pressure of my fingers against her pussy and then slipped one finger inside. She was tighter than I expected but so incredibly wet that I was able to stretch her a little and insert another finger.

  Suddenly her thighs began to shake and I knew her release was imminent. I used my thumb to press against her swollen kiss and she threw her head back screaming my name as her pleasure took over her body. It was glorious. I was the first person who had ever seen such an incredible sight. I was humbled and shaking with the need to come.

  Slowly she came back to me, her eyes losing the golden ring and returning to the beautiful amber. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair mussed; she was gorgeous.

  “Are you all right, Trixie?” I prayed to the Moon Goddess I hadn’t frightened her beyond redemption.

  Chapter Five


  I had felt the magic so strongly in my veins that three days later I was still pulsing with it. My mind replayed the moment when my hand touched the stone and the vision ensued.

  I had seen my mates fighting with other wolves, but their eyes were white, and I could sense that they were soulless creatures. There was blood everywhere and, in my heart, I knew that something dreadful was about to happen. Then the vision flashed forward in time and I saw Tobias lying still on the ground, his bloodied head in my lap.

  The mate bond sliced through me as it faintly held on by the thinnest bit of string. Cal, Silas and Jonah were howling our loss and I found it dif
ficult to breathe. I couldn’t lose him, not Tobias, not like this.

  I turned to see the soulless wolves carrying away two women—my sisters! I was torn between trying to save them and staying with Tobias until the end. And then it happened, the last thread of life connecting us snapped and it felt like my heart was being physically wrenched from my chest.

  Surely, the Moon Goddess would be merciful and take me too.

  Then I awoke and realized that none of it had been true. Instinct spurred me on and I launched myself at Tobias. I didn’t know what I was doing, only that I needed him desperately in a way that was primal and animalistic.

  The way he had touched me… I shivered at the thought. For a massive wolf, he had been so tender and kind. Part of me was thrilled that he didn’t take me right there at Annwn but another part of me was almost sad that he hadn’t.

  “What is on your mind, kitten?” Cal sank down beside me with a fishing pole beside him.

  I blushed and shook my head. “Nothing of importance. Are you going fishing?”

  His smile sent shivers right down to my toes.

  “That I am. I wondered if you wanted to come.”

  I loved fishing and was something of an expert at it. “I would love to!”

  His grin widened. “Perfect, I will teach you everything I know about fishing.”

  We had been there maybe an hour when Cal’s face had settled into a disbelieving smirk. “You are a regular fish wrangler.”

  I tossed him a saucy smile. “I was never good at gardening, but fishing was my thing. It’s fun to fish with a pole but have you ever noodled?” I would never have thought it possible, but a deep flush stained his dark cheeks.

  “Excuse me?” he said.

  “Noodling, you know, when you catch the fish with your hands?”

  He threw back his head and laughed, the edge of his shirt rising so that I could catch a glimpse of those rock-hard abs. I felt a stirring in my lower belly but chose to ignore it.

  “Is that funny?” I asked a little defensively.

  He nodded. “Kitten, I wasn’t sure if you were trying to offend my cock or offering me something instead.”

  Now my cheeks were red. “Cal! Oh, my Goddess! No, I would never talk about your…” I waved my wrist in his general direction and he caught it in his firm grasp.

  “My cock?”

  “Stop saying that!” I knew that even the tips of my ears were red.

  “What would you have me call it, kitten?”

  “I don’t want to call it anything! I would rather pretend that it’s not even there.”

  He took my hand and brushed it up the length of his dick. Holy fucking hell it was at least as long and thick as Tobias’s if not more so.

  “It is here to stay, Trix. Make no mistake about that.”

  He released my hand and put the pole down before yanking his shirt over his head.

  “What are you doing?” I squeaked.

  Cal grinned and this time my pussy clenched.

  “Noodling. Are you in or out?’

  He didn’t hesitate to strip out of his pants as well. The man went commando.

  Gaping, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his long thick cock that stretched to his belly button.

  “That is not a noodle!”

  I hadn’t realized I had voiced my thoughts until Cal once again threw his head back and laughed.

  “You are good for me, kitten. I have laughed more since you came to us than I have in the last ten years, most likely more. Don’t worry about me taking advantage of you. First off, the rest of the pack would kill me. But second, I would never force anything on you that you weren’t ready for. I want to be a good mate.”

  “Why do you call me that?” I turned so that I could only see him out of the corner of my eye. I fiddled with the ties on my yellow dress. “It makes me sound like a child.”

  Immediately I felt Cal’s warm hard body press against my back.

  “There is nothing that is childlike about you, Trix. I apologize if I made you feel that way. You are so much smaller than the rest of us. Something that should be guarded and protected because of its great value. But you have claws, meaning that you are fierce like a warrior. It was by no means a way to make you feel inferior.”

  His hands slipped around my waist and I felt that massive dick against the small of my back.

  “Would you rather I call you something else?”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t dislike it, I just wondered what you meant. Tobias has started to call me Trixie and you call me kitten.”

  Cal nodded. “As the connections between us grow, we will each choose the name that means the most to us. Tobias is the alpha. Pack and family mean everything to him. It isn’t unusual that he should choose the name that your mother called you. Something inside of him must have made that connection. I see your competitive nature and fierce determination, that’s what makes me think of a kitten. You are small in stature but mighty in spirit.”

  I felt a surge of warmth in my heart. I hadn’t even considered that the brothers were truly interested in me as a person.

  I pushed out of his arms and yanked the yellow dress off my body. Then without looking at him I let out a massive war cry and flung myself into the stream. It was waist deep, but the current wasn’t fast enough to sweep me away.

  I turned to see a giant wave of water coming toward me. I wasn’t fast enough to move and ended up completely drenched with Cal laughing his ass off again.

  My back was to him and when I whipped around to retaliate, the laughter died on his face. His eyes flashed yellow and then darkened as he took in my naked, wet torso. My nipples were hard, and beads of water clung to the globes. I brushed a hand over my eyes in order to see better and watched as his head bounced up and down with my breasts.

  The clenching of my pussy was starting to become an ache. The urge to fling myself into his arms was becoming overwhelming. I wanted to know what his mouth tasted like, what his hands would feel like against my skin, against my breasts.

  “Kitten,” the growl in his voice was feral.

  “Cal, something is happening to me.” I reached out a hand and his eyes widened. “It happened the other day with Tobias.”

  “What happened with Tobias?” he barked out as he stalked toward me.

  “He kissed me.”

  No sooner were the words out of my mouth then Cal had his arms around me picking me up and plastering his thick beautiful lips against mine. My mouth opened of its own accord and he swept his tongue inside. This wasn’t the gentle kiss that I had with Tobias.

  This kiss was full of heat and passion, need and want, something so strong that our teeth clashed, and my lips felt bruised from the contact. It was glorious.

  Chapter Six


  Her body wrapped around mine naturally as if she had been coming into my arms all of her life. I knew that I was playing with fire and my kitten would more than likely burn me to the core. But I couldn’t help myself.

  I had been careful to limit the amount of touching that we did just so that I could survive. My wolf was pissed as hell that we hadn’t marked our mate and I had even lost the desire to fuck anyone else in the pack.

  Considering that wolves are highly sexual creatures you can imagine how my wolf was taking all of this.

  And then she asked me to kiss her.

  For the briefest of seconds, I wondered if I were dreaming. But there was no possible way that I could have imagined such gorgeous breasts. I knew that she was beautiful, but the full round globes that were slightly tipped up on the end, begging for my mouth, were something out of this world.

  Her taste was wild and innocent. I was completely captivated by her.

  My arms wrapped around her and lifted her body clean out of the water. I needed more access to her mouth. I wanted to claim, conquer, mark and mate her. The wolf was howling inside, finally getting what he needed.

  Her legs wrapped around my waist and my thick co
ck was suddenly trapped in her warm wet heat. The desire to thrust inside was overwhelming. Only the need to keep her safe kept me from fucking her right there in the river.

  I knew that my size was too much for Trix, she needed to start out with Jonah or Silas. It wasn’t that my wolf brothers weren’t well endowed, but theirs were nothing like the snake I had.

  The thought of Trix with my brothers made me jealous and turned on at the same time. I never knew how this would work until we met her. The connection to her seemed to not only bring us closer as a pack, but it was cementing relationships that had already been formed between us.

  I had a strong desire for my brothers to be happy and to find the joy that I was finding with our mate.

  I couldn’t help thrusting my hips a little, not to enter her but to rub against her slick folds. The most intense pleasure slammed into my body. She wanted me; she wanted us. I broke the kiss and began placing hot wet kisses on her neck encouraging the tentative way she was beginning to rock her own hips against me.


  It was more of a whispered plea than saying my name and I had never heard anything so fucking erotic in my life.

  “Kitten, you are about to unman me,” the words were torn from my throat and she lifted herself and ground her wet pussy against the head of my dick. My pre-cum joined her juices and she slammed her clit against me over and over again.

  I bit down on her neck, not enough to pierce the skin as I would have wanted but enough to send her hurtling over the edge into oblivion. Her legs clenched, and her pussy wept as wave after delicious wave shuddered through her body.

  I held her small form and thrust against her wet folds, drawing out her pleasure and finally finding my own release. My cum spurted up and covered her stomach and tits. I loved seeing her marked by my seed. I wanted to see her belly grow with our baby.

  “That was…” She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. Her hands had left claw marks on my shoulders and I loved the way that she too had marked me. She began again, “That was incredible.”


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