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Page 8

by S Cinders

  “My name is Jessica,” his mate said, and then pointed to her twin and continued, “and this is Juliana. What is wrong with Trix?”

  Strike spoke up, “She has been captured by the wolves of Abaddon.”

  “Wolves? What do you mean? The actual animal?”

  Greggor and Strike exchanged a knowing look.

  “What do you know of shifters, Jessica?” Greggor asked kindly.

  But it was Juliana that answered, “My mother used to tell us about animal shifters, but they were just nursery stories. Right, Jess?”

  Jess was staring at Greggor who was still holding her arm.

  “There are many things that cannot be explained away. I won’t say that I believe you, but I won’t discount the possibility either,” Jess said.

  Greggor felt a surge of pride for his mate. She obviously was fair and willing to give them a chance.

  Strike spoke again, “We were told to have you bring your mother’s book. Do you know what Trix was asking about?”

  Jess shook her head. “I have no idea.”

  Jules stood up and said, “There are a lot of mother’s things in the attic.”

  Jess nodded and disentangled herself from Greggor’s arm.

  “Let me wash my hands of this flour and we can look.”

  Jules looked at the two giant men with worry. “Is Trix going to be all right?”

  Strike wasn’t about to lie to the woman, but he also didn’t want to frighten her any more than she already was.

  Greggor answered, “If we do as she asks there should not be a reason to worry.”

  It would have to do, Strike thought. Once Jess was through washing, the four of them went up to the attic. It was clear that they hadn’t been up there for some time. Spiderwebs and dust coated most everything in sight.

  They searched for the first hour, exchanging polite conversation. But it had been some time since Greggor and Strike had been around women, especially a mate. Their cocks were heavy and pained them. Soon silence befell the group, and all that was heard was the constant shuffling of items.

  Greggor knew the need that he was feeling and of the emotion that was pouring out of Strike. But they were in a no-win situation. How could one of the women be their mate and the other not?

  Several hours later, Jess came across a locked box.

  “This could be it, but we have no way of opening it.”

  A key had not been discovered in all of their searchings. Strike did the only thing that he could think of. He transformed into his massive wolf. Jules screamed and fainted to the floor.

  Jess went white as a ghost. “I have dreamed about this wolf. There were three in total. How is this possible?”

  Strike poked at the wooden box with his snout and then bit down with his razor sharp teeth, breaking the box enough so that they would see what was inside. When he transitioned back, he hadn’t thought about the clothing situation.

  Picking up the box he shook a small brown leather book out and smiled at them.

  Jess could not take her eyes away from his massive erection. It was hard and looked angry. She glanced at Greggor and noticed that he too had a giant bulge between his legs.

  The heat between her legs began to increase and she felt flushed.

  “Jules!” Jess went to her sister who was just now coming out of her faint. “Are you all right, dearest?”

  Jules nodded trembling. Greggor stepped in front of Strike so that the frail young lady wouldn’t become more agitated at his nakedness.

  “There are some things of my father’s over near the south wall,” Jess motioned with her hand where she had last seen them. “Come downstairs, Jules. We found the book.”

  Jess felt jumpy and needy. It was an awkward feeling that simply wouldn’t go away. In point of fact, it seemed to increase when she looked at Greggor and Strike.

  “You will not be able to bring much with you,” Greggor was instructing them. “We will travel as wolves and you will need to ride on our backs.”

  Jules whimpered, and Jess knew that this terrified her sister.

  Taking her sister’s hand, Jess answered, “We are willing to do whatever necessary to help our sister.”

  Jules nodded in agreement.

  “I have to tell you, my sister and I, we do not carry the magic like Trix does.” Jess felt that honesty was necessary here.

  Greggor nodded. “We are not expecting magic. However, as our mate, your presence will lend us power. I am sure that will be true for Ryker as well.”

  “Who is Ryker?” Jess asked.

  “The alpha of our pack.”

  Jules trembled. “If Jess if your mate, why do you need me?”

  A lone tear slipped from her eyes and made its way down her cheek. Jess went over and took her sister into her arms.

  “Because I will not go without you. And you want to help save our sister, isn’t that true?”

  Jules nodded quickly. “You know it is.”

  Greggor stood. “Then it is settled, we must go.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Slapping or rubbing your hands together will help awaken the magic inside of you. By bringing them up into a praying position in front of your mouth, you can feel the energy swirling between them. Be careful not to let them touch. Allow the magic to gain momentum. Good, Trix, very good. See if you can imagine the magic as a ball of light.”

  A sphere appeared between my outstretched hands.

  “Excellent,” Morgan whispered. “Now concentrate on what you want it to do. You are going to make the cage disappear.”

  I focused with all of my might, envisioning the ball spreading around Tobias’s cage and making the silver bars disintegrate.

  “Are you ready?” Her voice was more in my mind than anything. “Now.”

  I shoved the ball of magic toward the cage that Tobias’s wolf was resting in. It coated the bars and slowly they began to disappear. The chains surrounding his big black wolf also began to melt away until at long last it was just Tobias, his big black wolf staring back at me in wonder.

  In an instant, he transitioned back into his human form. I hated seeing how much weight he had lost, but I was so overjoyed at seeing his face that I began to cry.

  Morgan turned her back on us, giving us some semblance of privacy.

  I could see thatTobias didn’t care about his nudity. I felt his need to hold me, to feel my silky skin once more. He would have been so scared he’d never be able to do so ever again. Once he reached me, Tobias enfolded me in his arms.

  “I love you, Trixie. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to tell you. But I love you, so very much.”

  His mouth captured mine in a ravishing kiss that sent my pulse soaring. I clung to him, tears still running rampant down my cheeks. It was the sweetest kiss that we had shared, full of love, hope, and relief.

  There was some movement from behind the doorway and Tobias quickly broke away, darting back to his spot and transitioning again into the black wolf.

  I threw the ball of energy and the cage once again formed around Tobias just as the door opened.

  I didn’t have time to fashion the ropes around my wrists. I was clinging to one when Wayne picked me up by the hair.

  “The girl got herself free!”

  Bruce growled, “Voltar wants to see her. I will bring the other witch as well.”

  Violently Bruce grabbed Morgan by the ties on her arms and yanked her to her feet. They hauled both of us back through the doorway and down a dark corridor. It was up three flights of stairs before they dropped us unceremoniously to the floor.

  “Ah,” Voltar turned to greet them, “If it isn’t our little witches.”

  I wanted to kill the man, rip his eyes out of their sockets and watch as the last breath escaped his body. He was evil incarnate; not even a soul remained in his human form. Just those white dead eyes reflecting back at me.

  “I have no magic training,” I blurted out.

  It was the same th
ing that I said everytime we had one of these visits.

  “Your mother had to have taught you something,” Crog snarled.

  Morgan spoke, “A witch is not taught the magic until her womanhood is upon her.”

  I glared back at them. “My mother passed before my menses had begun. I cannot do whatever it is you want me to.”

  Voltar slammed his cup down the ale sloshing on his arm. “I will hear no more of this nonsense. The elixir is near completion and then when it is finished you will not have a choice but to do precisely as I command. Lord Abaddon will be well pleased with you, mate.”

  As if I would ever mate with that man. I would sooner kill myself than allow such a thing to happen. But I knew that I couldn’t rebel quite yet. I needed a little more training from Morgan and I needed to free my wolves.

  The general feeling in the prison was that we had all been locked in despair. I could not let them die or become the soulless creatures that now stood before me. Jonah’s kind and caring nature would never survive. Cal would fight to the death, and Tobias would die to try and save the others. Silas’s bravery and courage would have him struck down before the deed was done.

  I would not allow this to happen, not to my pack, my family, or my mates.

  “There is much power within you.” Voltar reached out and grabbed my arm.

  I felt a burning sensation and locked my mind against him reading anything there.

  He scowled and tossed my arm away.

  I took deep breaths trying to regain my composure. My body felt tainted just by his touch alone.

  “You will submit to me, and when you do we will have a cub. That cub will be more powerful than any another wolf.”

  I bit my tongue to keep from spitting obscenities at him. It wouldn’t solve anything and I had long since learned that the best way to anger a wolf was to keep quiet. I didn’t cry or even flinch when he raised his arm as if to strike me.

  His hitting my flesh wouldn’t be nearly as upsetting as whatever else he had in store for me. But instead of hitting me, he turned to Morgan and grabbed her arm.

  Her eyes rolled back until I could only see the whites in them.

  Voltar’s arm began to glow and I watched as Morgan lost color in her lips.

  “Stop it!” My scream shattered the silence of the room.

  He turned to me and smiled, the look so foul and offensive that I nearly hurled. His grip tightened and I heard Morgan whimper.

  “Stop it!” I screamed again and this time he let go of her.

  Morgan wasn’t moving and her color didn’t look good.

  “Did you kill her?” I demanded with a fresh set of tears on my cheeks.

  Voltar’s smile didn’t fade. “No, but I will eventually. I will kill them all. And you, my mate, will sit and watch the light fade from their eyes, knowing that you could have saved them and chose not to.”

  “I will never serve you,” I spat, emotions getting the best of my judgment.

  But this seemed to amuse him. He said, “You won’t be able to help yourself. It is how the elixir works. You will be compelled to serve me as I serve Abaddon. You will kill them yourself and be glad that they are dead because it will be my wish and you will love to serve my every command.”

  This time I did feel the bile rise in my throat. I fought to keep it down. I didn’t want him to know how much his words were affecting me.

  “Retie the girl, and do it right this time. I don’t want her to escape again.”

  Crog came over and grabbed my arms harshly, almost wrenching them out of their sockets. The intense pain in my shoulders let me know that he wasn’t messing around.

  I felt the rope biting into my skin and knew I would soon be bleeding around the tight knots. The skin was already thin from being tied up previously. I expected Voltar to have us thrown back into the prison room. But instead, he indicated that Crog should deposit me in the seat next to him.

  Morgan had been tossed at my feet and I gently placed one foot on her back wanting to weep when I felt her breathing. Her safety was of paramount importance to me.

  “Bring on the entertainment,” Voltar said in a bored tone.

  Music started playing and six belly dancers came into the room. Their bodies moved and shook in sensual ways as they performed their art. It was oddly mesmerizing. I had never seen anything like it before.

  The women had little bells on their fingertips, hips, and ankles. The movements were complex, the torso engaging in numerous positions that made the abdominal wall look as if it were dancing.

  The bright smiles on their faces were in stark contrast to the horrible situation that we were in. I wondered if they had been compelled or if he was paying them for their services. It was hard to know one way or another.

  When they stopped dancing some of the wolves, including Crog, left their chairs and went to the dancers. With sharp claws, they ripped the clothing off of the women and carried them away to another location.

  I was horrified at what could be happening to them.

  “Who are those women?” I demanded of Voltar.

  “Are you jealous, little witch?”

  I was more disgusted than anything. “What are they going to do with them?”

  Voltar’s eyes flared. “They are of the Abaddon harem, here of their own free will and most likely on their way to getting fucked, if it isn’t happening already. I have a notion to allow them to teach you once you are my mate. I should like a private show.”

  I gritted my teeth to hold back all of the vile things I wanted to say to him. I would never dance for him, please him, or be his puppet in the grand evil scheme he had concocted.

  I will be the one who takes it all away, and that is my vow.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jessica & Juliana

  “What is this place?” Jess whispered, as they crouched behind some boulders outside of a vast barren area.

  “The Badlands,” Greggor replied. “Those other wolves we told you about, the ones that serve Abaddon? This is where their pack is.”

  “How do we find them?” Juliana asked.

  Strike rubbed his chin and replied, “That is a good question. In the early morning, we will have the best chance of sneaking in without being noticed. What have you found in your mother’s book?”

  He looked over at Jessica who had the spell book clutched in her hand.

  “I don’t know if anything that I have uncovered will be enough. If it isn’t, I have to trust that Trix will know what to do with them.”

  Jess had mixed feelings about the men that had carried Jules and herself in their wolf forms to this place. She felt something inside that led her to believe that they were honest in their intentions. But she also felt the intense desire that they held for her. It made her uneasy to know that she too had not only noticed them but seemed to crave their touch.

  Jess didn’t know what to think about the connection. Jules had warned her against the men, saying it was against nature to feel things for more than one man. And they were wolves. Surely, Jess should be disgusted. They weren’t even human.

  She looked up to see Strike staring at her. His eyes were often on her. She felt the heat of his lust, but more so she felt his concern and need to protect.

  Greggor was different. Both men were a bit wild, but Greggor seemed almost untamed in a way. He had a harder time holding back. She knew that he wanted to kiss her, to touch her. A part of her thrilled at the idea. But then Jules would cast aspersions and Jess would feel bad about herself again.

  “We will find something to eat,” Greggor decided, “and then we will go into town.”

  Jules wrinkled her nose. Throughout the trip, Greggor and Strike had hunted for game for them to eat. They had flint to start a fire so they could cook the meat, but it disgusted Jules to see the blood on their fur.

  For her part, Jess couldn’t help but notice that despite her obvious distaste for the wolves, Jules still ate her fair share.

  Strike and Greggor
left them in their secured location and Jules rounded on Jess.

  “I know you like them,” she shouted. Her voice was accusing.

  Jess shrugged. “So? What do you want me to say?”

  “It’s sick, Jess! How could Trix be mated to four different men? Our sister was never a slut before these wolves took her. They did something to her and now they are getting to you.”

  Jess shook her head. “You are wrong, Jules. They have done nothing to me. Greggor and Strike have gone out of their way to make this journey as pleasant as possible and you are acting like a brat.”

  Color suffused Jules's cheeks. “They are turning you against me. Why can’t you see that?”

  “We need to save our sister, Jules. You are wrong about all the rest, but there is no point fighting about that right now. We need to focus all our energy on what is important.”

  “How do you even know that Trix is with the Abaddon? What if they are lying? What if they are trying to trap us here to turn us into sex slaves, or something worse?”

  “What is worse than being a sex slave?”

  Jules gritted her teeth and told her, “You know what I am talking about. I can’t believe that we just left with them. They are barbaric. I see the way they look at you. I know they would devour you if they could.”

  Something about her tone made Jess ask, “Are you jealous?”

  Jules flushed an ugly shade of red. “How could I be jealous of a whore?”

  Jess flinched as if she had been struck.

  Jules immediately tried to take back her words. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean it, Jess! I am just so upset about everything.”

  Jess stood and moved away from her twin.

  “There have been many times that I have stood up for you,” Jess said in a low tone. “You are my sister and I love you. But I won’t allow you to attack me or those two men. Whatever you are going through, I am sorry. But Jules, you are wrong about this—dead wrong.”

  She stumbled out of the boulders and moved to walk back toward the wilderness.


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