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Page 10

by S Cinders

  “Tobias, we must hurry,” Cal called out, and Tobias turned and shifted in a flash.

  The rest of the wolves shifted and followed Tobias as they raced out of the door. The first man they came in contact with was Wayne. Jonah leapt up and ripped the man’s throat out, blood sinking into his white fur.

  Bruce took off at a dead run, but Silas was much faster and soon he lay lifeless and cold on the floor. Most of the Abaddon had left the building, but the few remaining were all slain within moments. The taste of blood and revenge was roaring through the Kencull pack’s veins. It was time to take back their freedom and most importantly, save Trix.

  They burst from the building with a roar, and suddenly there were wolves everywhere fighting for their lives. Bones crunching and the stench of death filled the air. The Kencull fought with a power never before seen. It was as if one of their wolves was worth ten or twenty of the Abaddon.

  Cal managed to corner Crog, circling him with hackles raised. The evil wolf sneered at Cal, showing his fangs and lurching toward him. But Cal anticipated his move and went low, taking a bite out of Crog’s leg. Fur and flesh remained in his teeth as Cal attacked again and again until Crog was finally nothing more than a bag of blood and bone.

  They didn’t take time to celebrate, but kept fighting, moving through the ranks and dispatching the Abaddon as swiftly as possible.

  There was a howl at the edge of the town from Jonah, along with a clear impression through the mind link. “Danger. Trix.”

  Cal, Silas, and Tobias went sailing across the fighting and dead bodies as they raced to where Jonah had already started running. They came to a place where sacred rituals were performed and there, tied to a leeching stone, was Trix.

  She wasn’t moving and her color wasn’t good. The wolves howled and attacked, but it seemed that for every wolf they killed another three were right behind. Voltar hadn’t left the circle of trees and Tobias knew what he was waiting for. At midnight he would attempt to mate with Trix.

  But that would never happen, even if Tobias had to kill every last one of them he would do it. His mate was his light and life, she had not only stolen his heart but had reunited his people. There was no way in hell that Voltar would win this war.

  Chapter Twenty


  A massive black wolf flew through the air and landed next to where I lay. I had awakened but was in a dreamy state, almost as if everything was happening to somebody else.

  The black wolf was familiar and I felt him calling out to me, but the words were all mixed up. I felt fear and wasn’t sure if that was coming from him or from me. The more I tried to focus, the further away I seemed to be.

  His sharp teeth were ripping at the ropes holding my body to the massive stone table. For a moment I felt irritation that he was bothering me. I was so tired. I needed to rest. The ropes snapped and howls filled the air.

  Another wolf came flying out of nowhere and attacked the black wolf. In the process, the table that I was on tipped and I slid off the side. I saw a white wolf with blood-matted fur come near me followed by a gray wolf. They began to pull me away from the circle of stones.

  I started to fight them. I didn’t want to leave without the black wolf. I knew that he was meant to be with me.

  One of the wolves shifted. Cal. I knew this man.

  This man was my mate.

  Slowly things began to piece back together until I looked up to see Tobias bloodied and surrounded by Abaddon wolves. Cal tried to pick me up, but I held him back, power emanating out of my hand.

  I wasn’t going without Tobias. I could feel the power within me roiling and twisting in angry curves and it grew and festered. These wolves had taken my mates; they deserved to die. Black licked at the edges of my vision, but I forced it back.

  I was no longer the girl that allowed the magic to overtake her. I controlled the magic. Drawing it from the earth and the air around me, I felt the ends of my hair lift into the air. My feet left the ground and my fingers extended and electricity shot from the tips.

  “Abaddon, your time is no more.” My voice was louder and deeper than it had ever been. I raised both arms and blasted the energy out of my body. It wasn’t at random, no, it was with the intent to kill.

  I could hear the cries of the Abaddon wolves as they fell beneath the immense power that I wielded. As the magic left my body I drew more inside of me from the circle of stones, using every once available until I had eradicated the filth from this world.

  “Trix, come back to me. Trixie?”

  I heard him calling me. Tobias. I couldn’t see with the magic emanating from my eyes, but I could hear him.

  “Pumpkin, we need you.” Jonah?

  Cal spoke next, “Kitten, my sweet tender kitten, you need to let go.”

  And then I felt it—a hand on my hip.

  “Sunshine, come back.” Silas.

  My mates, they were here, safe, I wasn’t alone anymore.

  I snapped back into my body and fell right into Silas’s waiting arms. He cradled me close, kissing my face before handing me to Cal who did the same. Each of the men took a turn holding me. It had been too long, far too long.

  I noticed that the moon was almost at its peak.

  “Tobias, you must perform the mating ceremony, please.”

  He blinked in surprise and then confusion. Around us were the bodies of countless wolves that lay slain on the cold hard ground.

  “This isn’t what we would have for your mating ceremony,” Jonah said kindly.

  But I shook my head stubbornly. “No, we must perform the mating ceremony tonight. If we do not, my magic will remain inside of the circle. It will be trapped inside of the leeching stone.”

  My mates nodded and quickly cleared the circle of any fallen wolves. I heard the sounds of some of the outlying wolves that were now part of the Kencull pack. They were hesitant to come forward.

  “You are part of us,” Tobias’s voice rang out. “There will be no more banishment or talk of factions between us. We fought as a pack, and we have died as a pack. We are the wolves of Kencull.”

  Howls filled the air as the remaining wolves of Kencull raised their muzzles to the sky and cried out to the Moon Goddess.

  Tobias turned to me and asked, “Are you ready?”

  I moved back onto the leeching stone. I had forgotten my nakedness for a time, but now felt awkward as I lay there vulnerable in front of the entire pack.

  Tobias stepped forward and took my hand. And then he motioned for Jonah to begin.

  “Beatrix, you are the Luna of the Kencull and my given mate by the Moon Goddess. I will fight for you, live for you, and love you for all of our days.”

  His canines were extended and he bit the soft flesh of my shoulder. I had expected intense pain, but instead, I felt a curling sensation in my lower stomach—arousal.

  Cal was next. He repeated the words that Jonah had said but rather than biting my shoulder he bit the soft flesh of my lower belly. I felt his breath waft over my aching pussy and I wanted to pull his head back to where I needed him.

  Silas came up to me and cupped my cheek. He repeated the words and yet somehow from each of my mates they seemed different. A solemn promise and a gift of their individual hearts. Silas bit me on my hip, and a moan escaped my lips.

  I noticed that my mates’ cocks were thick and standing proudly in the moonlight. I was pleasing to them and that made my pussy wetter. Tobias was last. He leaned down and kissed my eyes, my nose, and my lips.

  “You have saved us, Trix. You saved our pack, our family—everything. You, Trix, are Luna to my alpha, my mate, my equal and even my better in so many things. We have much to learn from you. But I vow that we will spend all of our days living for you, fighting for you, and loving you.”

  He bent down and pierced the skin at the spot where my neck reached my shoulder. Suddenly the other bites began to burn as a delicious throbbing erupted in my core. Jonah stepped forward again and stroked my wet pussy. I kne
w that I was ready for him, that I desperately needed him.

  He used two fingers to fuck me, stretching me wide as he slid back and forth through my wet folds. I was on the cusp of coming when he placed his cock at my entrance and slid inside. It was too much, too big. I was too small, and it was almost more than I could take. I felt my mates come and hold me one at each arm with Tobias cradling my cheeks.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  I whimpered and nodded as Jonah pushed all the way inside and tore my innocence away. A light flashed through the circle and my pussy began to ache with need. My marks were warm and where my mates touched them it felt like a hundred tongues licking my clit.

  My orgasm was fierce, ripping through me and causing my inner muscles to clamp down on Jonah. He picked up his pace and began to move in earnest. My other mates kept one hand on their mark and the other one their dicks and they stroked in rhythm to Jonah’s movements.

  I could feel my body climbing higher and higher and knew that somehow when I shattered apart the next time that nothing would ever be the same.

  The wet heads of their cocks were so close my mouth watered, wanting to have one of them in my mouth. My ass clenched and I wanted another inside that forbidden place.

  But it was the thought of one of them slipping inside that finally took me over the top. I cried out and at that same moment felt Jonah spurt inside of me. Tobias, Cal, and Silas grunted as thick cum from each of my mates coated my body. I felt the bite marks sting and then begin to fade.

  Silas had somehow managed to get a bit of cloth to clean my body of the cum, but it was gone.

  “The ceremony is complete.” Tobias’s joyful cry caused the remaining wolves to celebrate.

  And then I saw her, off to the side with her face pressed against a massive chest. But I knew that hair, those braids.

  “Jessica?” I called out.

  Silas had helped me wrap the cloth around myself so at least I was covered as I got up to walk over to my sister.

  She turned but didn’t meet my eyes.

  “You are here,” I said in astonishment.

  She nodded. “I am sorry we didn’t make it in time.”

  I noticed that she had the worn book from my childhood clutched in her hands.

  “Is that mother’s book?”

  Jessica nodded. “They said I needed to bring it to you. I don’t understand.”


  Tobias turned to see a young wolf racing up to where we were standing.

  “The witch that saved us, she isn’t breathing.”

  I grabbed my mother’s book out of Jessica’s hands and started running.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  When I opened my eyes the pain was gone and I felt invigorated. The magic flowed freely through me and in the distance, I heard my coven sisters talking and laughing. My heart was light and I felt free for the first time in so very long.

  I tried to move toward them, but a woman’s voice stopped me.

  “Morgan le Fay, you, my child, are not yet for this world.”

  I hadn’t been called by my full name since I was a little girl. I turned to see a tall woman, whose hair was white, and her skin shone brighter than the sun. I had to shield my eyes to behold her magnificence.

  “Please let me stay,” I pleaded, falling to my knees. “I gave everything that I had. There is nothing to return to.”

  The woman reached out and took my hand, causing me to rise back to my feet. I felt the power in her swirl and lick around my hand until it sank deep into my skin and began to throb in my veins.

  “You have another destiny, Morgan. Your mates need you.”

  “Mates? I don’t understand.”

  “Morgan le Fay, you will be the first witch to be mated with a wolf, a sorcerer, and a human. You will also help to save the realm from King Arthur’s evil machinations. You will be blessed for being willing to give everything for my wolves. You will be a powerful enchantress, greater than this world has ever known.”

  “But what about Trix? She is the High Priestess,” Morgan couldn’t help but ask. “I thought she was supposed to be the most powerful.”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Morgan stared and then lowered her head. “The Moon Goddess.”

  “Correct,” the woman said and nodded. “I had a great purpose for Beatrix, through her I was able to reunite the pack and bring the wolves of Kencull together again. But her part is finished. It is time for Beatrix to go back and begin raising pups of her own.”

  I hung my head. I wanted to say that I too had endured many trials. But I knew that it was not my place to argue with the Moon Goddess.

  “I will do what you will me to,” I said at last. She put both of her hands on my shoulders and I felt like lightning struck me on the spot. The next thing I knew, I was back in the Badlands in a circle of stones with strange men surrounding me.

  I jerked, only to realize that I was being held down.

  “She’s awake,” someone called out and as my vision cleared I saw that Trix and someone that looked similar to her were standing over me casting a spell.

  I moved to sit up and was nearly knocked over when Trix threw her arms around me.

  “I thought you were dead, that it was too late,” she sobbed.

  I struggled to return her embrace, still dazzled by all that had happened.

  “It’s all right,” I spoke but my voice sounded hoarse.

  Trix helped me to stand. “This is my sister, Jessica. She helped me to bring you back.”

  I nodded shyly to Jessica and then looked out at the wolves surrounding us. To my surprise, they were all on bended knee.

  “Why are they doing that?” I whispered to Trix moving closer to her side.

  “You saved them,” she said with a smile. “Tobias told me how you took on the form of the Moon Goddess and spent every last piece of magic inside of you to save them. They are honoring you, Morgan.”

  “I didn’t…” I stumbled over the words. “I was only trying to help.”

  A handsome man with clear blue eyes and long blonde hair took a step forward. I liked the scruff of his beard and the size of his… erm, thighs.

  “My name is Accolon, and you are my mate.”

  I tipped my head to the side. I asked, “You must be the wolf?”

  He frowned. “Yes, I am a wolf. But what are you talking about?”

  “I have been with the Moon Goddess.”

  There was a sharp inhalation of breath from all those around us.

  “What did she say?” Trix asked in wonder.

  “That you and your wolves are to return to Kencull to rebuild your pack.”

  Trix breathed an audible sigh of relief. She tipped her head to the sky in prayer, saying the simplest of phrases and yet it was beautiful to witness.

  “Thank you,” Trix whispered.

  The breeze came up and tickled our skin. The Moon Goddess had accepted her thanks and wished her well.

  “What did you mean when you asked if I was the wolf?” Accolon insisted.

  I turned to face him. “The Moon Goddess said I would be mated with a wolf, a sorcerer, and a human.”

  Accolon took a step back. “Wolves don’t mate with other species.”

  Tobias took a step forward and grabbed his arm. “Be careful what you say. Your mate and mine helped to save all of us. If the Moon Goddess has another way for you, your heart must be open to it.”

  Accolon shook his head. “No. If I was to take her for my mate we would need to leave the pack to find the sorcerer and human. This must be wrong.”

  Every word he spoke felt like a dagger to my heart. I didn’t even know this man and he was denying me. I wanted to curl away from the pain.

  Trix grabbed my hand and held fast as she whispered in my ear. “The Moon Goddess knows what she is doing. Trust her, Morgan.”

  I could do that. I raised my head. “Are you formally renouncing me as your mate?”r />
  Tobias’s eyes widened. “Let’s not do anything too hasty.”

  Accolon nodded. “Aye, by the Moon Goddess above, I, Accolon, formally renounce you as my mate.”

  The pain that I had been feeling in my chest disappeared. I could breathe easier the moment he said the words. But the opposite seemed to be happening for Accolon.

  “What did you do?” he cried out angrily.

  Trix pushed me behind her. “Morgan has done nothing. If you are being punished it is from the Moon Goddess and no one else.”

  He screamed out a terrible howl of pain and then in a flash shifted and ran from the area.

  “Should we follow him?” one of the other wolves asked.

  Tobias shook his head. “No, Accolon has made his path, now he shall have to follow it.”

  “I won’t leave her behind,” Trix said to Tobias, and I realized she was speaking about me.

  “What about Juliana?” Jessica asked. “Do we know where she is?”

  Trix gritted her teeth. “I think she was sent to be with the harem. I am not sure where the wolves of Abaddon have them hidden. We will need to search for them.”

  The wolves broke into teams and started searching through the city. Others started stacking the bodies of the fallen. They would have to be burned so that disease wouldn’t spread. It was a long and onerous task, one that I never wished to live through again.

  The harem was discovered hidden in a building at the edge of the town. But their sister Juliana was not there. The women seemed confused about what to do now that they were freed. Some of them had been slaves in the harem for more than half their lives.

  Some of the wolves wanted to take them to mate. But Tobias made it clear that the women would have to agree to it. In the end, there were four girls that wanted to return to their homes. They were human girls that remembered where they had been stolen from and knew that they would be allowed to go back again.

  Tobias arranged for some wolves to take them to their villages and in the last minute, I asked if I too could go along with them.

  The tallest one, a beautiful girl named Lady Igraine claimed that she was of royal blood. She promised that I would be cared for if I helped them return. So, with a heavy heart, I turned to Trix to make my goodbyes.


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