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Wicked Magic: Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three)

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by Luna Pierce

  Wicked Magic

  Harper Shadow Academy (Book Three)

  Luna Pierce

  Copyright © 2020 by Luna Pierce

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Book Cover Design by

  Editing by

  First Edition 2020

  ISBN 978-1-7332322-5-8 (paperback)

  ASIN B08F4PQD94 (ebook)

  Mom and Dad… listen, I know you’re super proud of me and all, but could you just do us both a favor and skip this one? Thanks, love you bunches <3


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Exclusive for ebooks only!


  About the Author

  Chapter One

  I have no freaking clue how I’m going to get through the next week.

  Don’t get me wrong, having four hot guys around at all times, friends who genuinely care, and this whole slow learning magic thing I have going on, definitely helps keep my mind occupied, but it never seems to be enough. I’m always dragged right back to the endless thoughts of whether or not my mom is okay.

  I guess when you become someone’s caretaker, it sort of makes you feel pretty damn responsible for them, so if they go missing, it’s only a natural reaction to go into panic mode.

  Deghan rubs his thumbs into the tight knots in my neck. “Damn, Will, your back is a mess.”

  I sigh, blinking myself into this reality. I glance across the table to Remi.

  She frowns. “Have you listened to anything I’ve been saying?”

  “Ugh, I’m sorry.” I really am. I don’t mean to be so scatterbrained, but pretending I’m fine when I’m internally freaking out is proving to be rather difficult.

  “You done eating?” Deghan points to the food sitting in front of me. A half-eaten cheeseburger and some French fries growing cold by the minute.

  I shove the remains toward him. “It’s all yours.”

  “Do you have everything for classes tomorrow?” Cameron asks me while grabbing a fry from the pile.

  I shake my head. “I think I still need to get a math book.”

  “Me, too. Want to go get them?” His gaze meets mine, those blue eyes glistening.

  Somewhat forcing a smile, I stand. “Yeah.”

  “Cool,” Cam adds.

  “I’ll see you guys later.” I offer a weak wave to the rest of the group.

  Kyra nods, and Remi scowls.

  “Don’t forget Wednesday.” Remi narrows her eyes at me.

  “Okay, I won’t,” I respond, despite having no idea what she’s talking about. Not wanting to awkwardly admit that I’m clueless, I keep my mouth shut. I have a few days to figure it out anyway.

  His warm hand grazes my lower back and pushes me from the dining hall.

  I sink into Cameron’s embrace and allow it to temporarily soothe me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he whispers behind my ear on our walk to the library.

  For some reason, Cam is always the easiest to open up to. His personality is calm and welcoming, totally non-judgmental. It’s one of the many qualities I love about him. He’s truly such a likable person without a bad bone in his body.

  “I can’t stop thinking that I’m not doing enough, that I should be doing more, doing something, you know?” My words are quiet so only he can hear. I flick my gaze to him and then focus on the nearing hallway to the lower level of the building ahead of me.

  Maybe if I get downstairs, the lack of prying eyes will lift some of the pressure weighing so heavily on me.

  “I understand, but acting irrationally won’t help you find your mom. You’re doing the right thing by waiting, even though it’s hard.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  I take a few steps down the stairs, and the next thing I can comprehend is my feet tangling up under me and my entire body falling toward the concrete floor.

  Lightning fast, Cameron grabs on to my hand, snatching me up right as I’m about to hit face-first on the hard surface. He yanks me up and toward him, settling his grip on my shoulders. His baby-blue eyes are frantic. “Are you okay?”

  Without giving it another thought, I wrap my arms around his torso and press myself against him. The hug is something I wasn’t aware I desperately needed until now. My hair mashes into my face, and I don’t bother moving it. Instead, I breathe him in, his calming scent reminding me of a sunny day at the beach.

  Cameron holds me close, and minutes pass with us standing there, glued together at the entrance to the library.

  I’m so damn thankful that this area isn’t traveled often.

  All too soon, he breaks the perfect silence. “Come on.” He plants a soft kiss on the top of my head and takes my hand, leading me to our destination.

  We find the math section, and I scan the shelf.

  “You’re taking stats, right?” He runs his finger along the spines in search of the right textbook.

  “Mmhm. What about you?”

  “Yep, second period.”

  A wave of relief floods over me. “Same.”

  He nudges my arm with his elbow and smirks.

  “Shit, there’s only one left,” I mutter, pulling it free. Dust bunnies scatter all around.

  Cam shrugs. “We can share. No biggie.”

  I hand it to him. “Here, you should have it. I’ll ask Abigail if there are any more.”

  He crosses his arms and huffs. “You don’t want to share with me?”

  “Fine.” I brace the book to my chest and shake my head.

  “But this means late-night study sessions.” He grins.

  “I see what you’re up to.” I pathetically attempt to wink at him, but it comes out like I have no control over half my face.

  Cameron laughs. “That was cute.”

  His near proximity and gorgeous smile steal all my focus, and I find myself staring at his lips. He must think I’m an idiot.

  Time slows down. I look from his mouth to his eyes, noting his gaze mimicking mine.

  Cam’s face turns serious, and his hand reaches up to graze my cheek. He tucks an unruly strand of hair behind my ear.

  Sucking in a breath, I inch myself forward, testing the waters.

  He hesitates, but then move
s, closing the gap between us. His hand tangles in my hair, and his lips firmly crash onto mine.

  If I thought that his hug was what I needed, I was wrong, this is something on a completely different level. It’s passion and desperation and longing and it is everything.

  Cam wastes no time, his tongue twirls into my mouth, dancing gracefully. He backs me into the shelf, and I fumble to rid myself of the book I’m still clinging onto in my hands.

  Once it’s tucked away, I run my fingers through his silky blondish hair, not daring to break our kiss.

  He presses his body along mine, and his growing hardness becomes apparent.

  I allow him to lift me onto a table we’ve somehow knocked into, and I position myself to wrap my legs around him, consuming the pleasure from his mere touch.

  A loud throat-clearing, and I nearly fall off the table, bumping Cam’s face in the process.

  “Shit,” I stutter.

  “Umm, sorry to interrupt what’s going down in here, but you two are aware there are cameras, aren’t you?” Deghan points to the ceiling where, lo and behold, a blinking red light flashes.

  I smooth out my shirt, taking a deep breath and hopping from the table. I rush over to the shelf, grabbing the randomly stuffed away book, and bolt from the library. Embarrassment licks up and down my neck.

  “Willow, wait,” Cameron calls out.

  I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time, jogging through the foyer, along the garden, and up the west wing stairs. I reach the top, my breath growing ragged with each step.

  I’m almost to my room, and a person speaks.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  I turn to the sound, my sights finding Ruby standing near her door.

  I nod quickly, only too late realizing how stupid I must appear. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  She tilts her head and squints. “You sure?”


  “Okay, well. I was going to ask you, what are you wearing Saturday?”

  “I have no idea, that’s forever away. Probably some jeans and a t-shirt, why?” I do my best to calm my rampant lungs.

  “No, I mean, to the formal. You’re going, aren’t you? You practically already have four dates.”

  What the hell is a formal?

  “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” She shifts her weight to her left leg.

  I rack my brain in an attempt to piece together whatever puzzle this is but end up failing each time. “No?”

  “The annual Harper Academy Formal. There’s this fancy event, and everyone dresses up. It’s this coming weekend.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “I am, in fact, not shitting you.” Ruby smirks, and the dimples on her sort of round face show. “And before you try, you can’t get out of it. Not with Remi and Kyra on the committee.”

  Maybe that’s what Remi was saying earlier? Maybe I have to help her with something Wednesday for the event?

  “So, I’ll ask again, what are you wearing?”

  “I don’t have evening dresses lying around. I’m not exactly super girly with clothes and fashion.” I wave my arm down my body, drawing attention to my dark faded leggings and gray tank top.

  “I think some of the girls are going shopping in town this week. You should go. I’m pretty sure Remi is organizing the whole thing. Surprised you don’t know.”

  Shopping? Now maybe that is what Remi was telling me about.

  “What day?”

  “Wednesday,” she responds.

  Oh, Ruby, you saved the day. Yeah, you dropped a bombshell, but this spares me from having to tell Remi I wasn’t listening to anything she said at breakfast. It wasn’t that I was purposely ignoring her, I’ve been having trouble concentrating on anything other than my mom lately. I need to make more of an effort of paying better care to my surroundings, because focusing on something I have no control over is going to ruin what I have going on here at the school.

  Ugh, but then it dawns on me.

  “I don’t really have the extra cash to blow on a dress.” I glance to the floor and bite at my lip. I have a little left in my savings from working at the coffee shop, but most of it was spent on the tuition that my grant didn’t cover.

  “Oh, don’t worry. Remi found six different thrift and consignment shops.” She exhales. “We’re all on a budget, girl, don’t stress.”

  Her words allow some of the tension to leave my chest, only for me to recall a few minutes ago when Deghan walked in on me and Cameron about to do the dirty in the library.

  My face flushes, and I inch toward my room.

  “I have to run, but seriously, don’t forget.” She latches her door shut.

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  I clutch the handle, backing into my room and closing the door. I lean into it, resting my head on the frame, letting the solitude of my space sink into me.

  Although, I can’t help but be drawn to the pulsing energy that fills the room. Without turning around, I’m certain I’m not alone.

  Chapter Two

  “What’s wrong?” His voice pierces through the air, a hint of something I can’t decipher hidden within it.

  I face him, studying the way his body tensely rests on one of the spare beds.

  Silas stands but doesn’t come any farther.

  “The usual,” I admit and stroll over, tossing the math book onto the mattress across from him. “And apparently there is some dance I wasn’t aware of, which sounds all kinds of terrible.”

  I slump down, and when he continues to stand, I tug him to sit beside me.

  “Are you sure that’s it? Nothing else happened?”

  Um, other than Deghan walking in on me and Cam? No? Well, except…

  “I sorta fell down the stairs.”

  Silas’s eyes widen, and immediately he’s scanning for any sign of injury. “Are you hurt? Did someone instigate this? Is it the next curse?” He spits out one question followed by another.

  “I’m fine, really. It was just embarrassing.” Especially with everything else that went down. “It’s not a curse, I’m naturally clumsy. I tripped over my own feet and I was lucky that Cam grabbed my arm, stopping me from faceplanting.”

  His interrogation continues. “You didn’t notice anything? No weird energies?”

  “No.” I lay my hand on his shoulder and calm him down. “It was only me and my dumb feet.”

  Silas’s body relaxes, but not quite all the way. Something is off about him, and I can’t quite put my finger on it.

  “What about you? You doing okay?” I scan him, not really picking up anything else but not being able to shake the feeling that something is wrong.

  He ignores my inquiry. “Will you please tell me if you observe a change? Willow, you’re all I have… I can’t lose you.” His voice is raw and crackly like he might cry. Not the strong man everyone sees on the surface.

  It breaks my heart to watch him be so afraid of the unknown.

  “I promise,” I mutter, sliding my fingers around his, giving them a gentle but firm squeeze.

  We lock gazes, and his energy bubbles through me, the sadness, the aching darkness almost too much to bear.

  What has this world done to you, my sweet Silas?

  I lean forward, grazing my cheek along his and wrapping him into my arms.

  He stiffens but then allows me in.

  His jacket pokes me in the arm, and I reach down, maneuvering my way inside to remove it. His skin a beautiful fire against mine. Only not too long ago, our touch caused him unbearable pain, and now, the high from the slightest hint of closeness drives me wild in all the best ways.

  Silas does what he’s instructed and takes the coat off.

  I’m immediately drawn to the shades of black and gray tangled all over his body. It really is a breathtaking sight, such a masterpiece on his skin.

  I reach up to his face, but stopping me from my next move, he scoots back and holds out his arm.

  He gives me a look that say
s, ‘lie with me.’

  So, I do exactly that.

  I’m not sure who finds comfort in who, but I settle in with him and take advantage of this calm before the storm that I call my life.

  At some point, I doze off, and wake to the sound of knocking at my door.

  I blink myself to life and find that I’m alone.

  “I’m coming,” I grumble while jumping from the bed.

  I turn the handle, and Deghan pokes his head inside.

  “Wills, time for lunch.” He looks me over. “Were you snoozing? Without me?” He clutches his chest. “I’m hurt.”

  “You really are so dramatic, you know.”

  He ruffles my hair. “Yeah, but that’s why you love me.”

  It’s definitely one of the reasons.

  “Shoes, I need shoes.” I skim the room and finally spot a pair of sandals tucked by a nightstand. Those will do.

  “Do you wanna hit the library when we’re done? Do a little studying?” He pauses and then breaks into the biggest smile ever. “For real studying, not whatever you and Cam were doing. Not that I wouldn’t be interested. But maybe somewhere a bit more private.”

  I rest my head in my hands. “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”

  “Umm, let me think about it. Yeah, no. Absolutely not. The image is burned vividly in my memory.” He leans onto the wall, waiting for me to finish.

  I glance up to him from my spot across the room. “Are you mad… about what happened?” I hold my breath for his response.


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