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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

Page 15

by Jen L. Grey

  Nick ignores him and walks into the den, uninvited.

  I can't believe he is here, and in the middle of the day. Why is he doing this now? I need space.

  Dave moves so that he is beside me, taking in the scene. He glances at me and back at Nick.

  Nick walks over to us. His eyes land on Dave, his tone stern. “You better move now. This is your prince commanding you.”

  Everyone is taken aback by the situation, and Nick uses it to his advantage.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me into my room, shutting the door behind me.

  A few seconds later, Logan is there, banging on the door. “Open this door up right now. I don’t care if you are the future king.”

  I glance at Nick and realize he has no intention to leave. I’m going to have to talk to him. I exhale in defeat. “Logan, it’s okay. Nick just wants to talk. There was a misunderstanding.”

  Logan sighs, relenting. “If you even think that he might do something, or he makes you feel uncomfortable, you let me know. I’ll tear this door down if I have to.”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  He grumbles as he walks away.

  I turn to look back at Nick. His blue eyes sparkle with hope. “Is it true? Was it really just a misunderstanding?”

  “Nick, what are you doing?”

  He takes a step toward me and grabs my hand. “Are you with Prince Samuel?”

  I roll my eyes. I can’t believe he’s doing this. Am I supposed to be in love with him for the rest of my life while he’s married to someone else? “Does it matter? You're marrying my sister in two days.”

  “Yes, it matters to me, more than you will ever know.” His eyes search for something in mine.

  Who the hell does he think he is? He is the one who promised to find a way to be together. He is the one who said he would find a way out. But all he’s been doing is following along with his father’s plan, until now, when he thinks there’s a chance I have moved on.

  “Am I supposed to just be miserable for the rest of my life, while watching you and Emerson have a family and rule together?”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Well… no… I mean…” He goes silent, having a difficult time forming a coherent sentence.

  I just look at him with sad eyes. “No, Sam and I aren't together, but we are close friends now.”

  Nick winces at my statement.

  I’m not sure if it's the fact that I called him Sam, the fact that we’re close friends, or a combination of both.

  He looks down at the ground. “We started out as close friends, you and I.”

  “What do you want from me, Nick? I'm not going to be your mistress. I've had to watch you for the past few weeks with my sister. I had to watch your engagement announcement and your wedding getting planned and put together. I'm trying to be happy for you all, but my heart is broken.” I look at the ground, willing the tears not to fall.

  He takes a step forward. “Ari, I know, okay? I'm hurting every day, too. When I look at Emerson, I want to love her and make everyone happy. But she’s not you. No matter how hard I try to wish it, she can never hold a candle to you.”

  It stings to hear that he even tried loving Emerson, when all I've been doing is trying not to focus on my broken heart. I get that it will make things easier for him, but that doesn't help me. Responding in anger will do no good, so as usual, I just stay quiet.

  Nick seems aggravated by my silence, but I have nothing to say at this point.

  He closes the distance between us and takes my hand. “Please, say something… anything,”

  “Nick, anything I say now will only escalate the situation. I thought you wanted us to be together and would find a way for that to happen. Hearing you tried loving Emerson only shows me that you have given up and that I’m right in trying to move on.”

  He curses under his breath. “I'm sorry. We both know my father is a cruel man. I have a hard time standing up to him for various reasons. I was just hoping everything would fall into place and work out, but I wasn’t able to get you out of my head at all today. It was stronger than ever before, and I didn't even realize I was going to the garden. When I finally realized what I was doing, I didn't have the willpower to fight it. I was hoping you were there, and boy, how you were.”

  He walks closer to me. “I was petrified that you had moved on. Ari, I'm in. I'm going to talk to my father. I can't marry Emerson. I only want you. Having the Savior as the queen won't matter. She is your kin and will still be tied to us. Please, forgive my cowardice.”

  Before I can respond, there is commotion in the den and then a loud banging on the door.

  “Ari, what the hell is going on? Prince Samuel is here and demanding to be let in.” Logan’s tone is raw.

  I pull away from Nick, and I can tell he isn't happy about it. When I open the door, Logan and Sam are hovering, with Dave wide-eyed at the whole debacle.

  Sam chuckles. “Of course, you'd be here. Afraid she was moving on?”

  “What the hell is going on, Ari? Why are both princes demanding your attention?” Logan is focused on me. He’s upset and I can't blame him. This whole thing is getting completely out of hand.

  I just stand there, trying to find a plausible explanation, when Sam decides to spill the beans. “Well, Nick and Ari here had a relationship, that is, they did until he got engaged to your other sister.”

  “We still have a relationship. I will not be marrying Emerson!” Nick interrupts, walking toward me.

  I hold my hand up. “Stop. I can’t do this.”

  Sam shakes his head. “You are only here acting like this because of how you found us in the garden.”

  The room goes silent.

  Logan pulls me away from both of them and has a crazed look in his eyes. He focuses his gaze on me, his tone scary calm. “How were you found in the garden, Ariah?”

  I open our bond, needing to figure out exactly what he feels. My brother thinks I was found in a compromising position with Sam and is livid. I can also sense something, almost like power, running through him, but that has to be my imagination.

  Sam is about to answer for me, but that would make things worse.

  “We were just lying beside each other, Logan. That’s it. Fully-clothed.”

  Logan calms down to a more rational level and rubs his hands down his face.

  “If you hadn't stumbled upon us cuddling, then you would still be playing the part of dutiful fiancé, and not here trying to make up with Ariah.” Sam points at Nick. The honesty in his statement sends another shot of pain through my heart.

  “Like you aren't playing with my sister?” He takes a step towards Sam. “She thinks you are going to propose to her before you leave.”

  It catches me off guard at how much that thought hurts me, as well. What in Knova is going on?

  Sam sees my reaction, and a relieved expression crosses his face. “Your sister is not very bright then. Just because she keeps throwing herself at me doesn't mean that it's working.”

  Logan is just standing there, mad and trying to figure everything out.

  Dave is in disbelief, and when I look at him, he backs away.

  “I think it's best if I go.” He turns and walks out the door.

  “Do you seriously have two princes fighting over you, Ari?” Logan is still struggling to process this information.

  I ignore him and turn to them both. “I think it's time that you both leave before a bigger scene is created.”

  Sam sees that I’m worried and smiles in understanding.

  Before he can act, Nick walks up to me and kisses my lips in front of everyone.

  “Don't give up on me. I woke up, and you will be mine.” He then turns and leaves, not looking back.

  Even though I don't mean for it to happen, my heart soars at his promise. He is reacting to the thought of me moving on, but maybe he just needed that wake-up call.

  Sam gives me a weird look and hugs me. “I care for you, Ari. Don't listen to him. If you think h
e'll stand up to his father, you will end up getting your heart broken all over again.”

  He kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

  I close my eyes and dread opening them again. I imagine the look I’m going to find on my brother’s face.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Of course, Logan won't let me keep my eyes closed indefinitely. That would be too easy.

  He waits all of ten seconds before he begins his tirade. “What is wrong with you Seriously, we know to stay unnoticed, which is what we have done all of our lives. Why in the hell would you let something like this happen?”

  I’m hoping he is done, but no, he still has more to say. “So, what do you do? Let's go get involved with our prince. Oh, he got engaged to our sister, who is supposed to be the Savior, but there’s a new prince in the palace. Let me get that royal to fall in love with me, as well. Are you insane?”

  “Stop being dramatic, Logan. Sam and I are just friends.” Let’s squash one of his points.

  “I'm a man. I can tell he loves you. He might be your friend, but he wants more. Don't be stupid.” He raises his hands up. “Wait, you've already been stupid multiple times now.”

  On a normal day, it’s like pulling teeth to get him to talk to me, but not today, I can’t get him to shut up. He has now truly hurt me for the first time ever. Logan has been the one person to have my back, but it sure doesn’t feel that way right now.

  “It wasn’t done on purpose, okay? Nick and I have been close for a long time, and it just kind of happened. It wasn’t planned.”

  “Look, I’m just worried. I don’t want you hurt, but I don’t want to talk about this right now.” He heads toward his room. “I’m going to change and then let’s get to Claire’s.”

  Logan has never walked away from me before. I understand he is upset, but I don’t know which way to turn. I didn’t intend for any of this to happen.

  Logan marches out of his room a few minutes later and grabs our stuff. He walks out the door without a backwards glance, and I follow after him. The whole trip to Claire’s is made in complete silence. This is the first time I have ever felt disconnected from him.

  When we approach the house, Claire runs out of the house to greet us. She hugs Logan, but he brushes her off, ignoring her, and heads straight to the barn. Clearly hurt, she looks at me. “What is his problem?”

  I take a deep breath. “Me.” The word burns the back of my throat.

  She gives me a look of disbelief. “There is no way. You can’t do any wrong in his eyes. If we weren’t so close before I started dating him, I’d hate you, even though you are only his sister.”

  “It’s true. He’s never been disappointed and cold to me before. I shouldn’t have hidden it from him, but this is the exact reason why.” I say, inspecting my leather boots, not wanting to watch her reaction.

  Claire looks confused. “He’s that upset over you and Prince Nicholas dating for a short while?”

  Not looking up. “Yes... and a few other details.”

  “You haven’t told me everything, have you?” She narrows her eyes at me.

  I remain silent.

  She grabs my hand, pulling me into the house. “Tell me everything now.”

  In her living room, I sit on her couch. It is a worn, brown couch, but I love it. It feels homey and comfortable. “So, I’ve become friends with Prince Samuel.”

  “Whoa, wait. Prince Samuel, as in the Prince of Orlon?” Claire looks at me in disbelief.

  “Yes, Claire, as in the Prince of Orlon. Anyways, we’ve been hanging out and getting to know each other. He’s turned into a good friend, despite one brief kiss.”

  She scoots closer to me. “You kissed that prince, too?”

  “Yes, but I told him that it wasn’t the right time. Anyways, we’ve been spending time in the gardens during the day and have gotten closer. It also helped that he kept my mind off Nick.”

  I groan. “Claire, it’s been so hard seeing Nick and Emerson together, hearing stories about them, and watching their wedding preparations. It’s been a living nightmare, and with Sam, I was able to get away from it all.

  “Sam is so honest and straightforward. I’ve never met anyone like him. He doesn’t say niceties that he doesn’t mean. Other than you and Logan, I’ve never been around someone else like that. It’s refreshing.

  “So, today, after I finished up at the stables, I went to the garden and relaxed. After being there a little while, Sam showed up. We talked for a little while, and then he pulled me close to cuddle. We must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, we were being woken by Nick. He flipped out, seeing me with Sam like that, and things escalated. I left then and headed back to the house to pack so Logan and I could head straight here. Long story short, Logan came home, and of course, Dave tagged along. Nick showed up and forced himself into our quarters. Shortly after, Sam showed up, and then everything came out.”

  I sum the story up as quickly as possible, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. I can’t believe I just told her all that. She must think I’m crazy.

  Claire laughs and nudges me.

  I’m startled by the change in her demeanor.

  She just laughs more. “I swear, you have something about you that has all the men in your life wrapped around your finger. Like I said, if we weren’t friends before I started seeing your brother, I’d hate you. You even have him wrapped.”

  I scrunch my nose at her.

  She just giggles more. “You have a good heart, Ari. Most girls want things or have ulterior motives, especially in the palace, but not you. You’re special, and I don’t even think we realize how important you will be. People view you as disposable, but you have a great role to play in our country. I can feel it.”

  She has such a good heart, but my sister is the one with the great role. Not me.

  She pats my leg. “Those princes have never been around someone who just likes and accepts them for who they actually are. They don’t have to maintain a façade around you. You see people for what’s in their heart and will help anyone who needs it.

  “I know we’ve known each other for a while, but what made me want to give you a chance began when we were both little girls, before everyone realized how the king viewed you and Logan. There was an older lady standing in the corner, looking for scraps outside the bakery. You were with your mother, and both of you went inside. A few seconds later, I saw you walk out all alone. You walked right up to the hungry lady and handed her some of the sweet bread your mother obviously bought for you.”

  I remember that day. My mother was proud when she realized I had given the lady my food. She said those types of actions are what changes the world.

  Claire grins. “That’s when I knew we were meant to be friends. You were always so leery of people that we only spoke to each other in passing. As we got older, the village learned of the king’s disdain for you, but you were still kind to everyone when given a chance.

  “I was determined for us to be friends. How I wish it wasn’t Logan getting hurt that caused such a good thing, but it did, and I’m thankful for that. There is no other person I’d want to be best friends with.” She hugs me tightly.

  For once, I’m so glad I dropped my guard long enough to develop this friendship with her. She is like a sister to me, and I hope she will be one soon. “I love you, Claire. You always know what to say and do. I don’t know why I held out for so long.” I hug her back.

  She kisses the top of my head. “Love you, too, Ari. That’s what best friends are for.”

  Knowing Claire has my back has somehow lightened my burden. After a bit, we get up and make dinner together. Her parents and Logan will be here soon. We make some steaks, potatoes, and some other vegetables, and it smells incredible.

  Soon, Grace, Derek, and Logan enter the house, ready to eat.

  Logan walks in and just nods to acknowledge me. Dinner is very uncomfortable, and Grace looks around, trying to figure out what is going on.

p; Derek speaks up, attempting to diffuse the tension. “So, the storm should be coming in tomorrow night and last until the morning. I’m so glad we got the barn up and secure so, hopefully, we won’t lose any livestock.”

  “Yes, thank you, Logan, for helping with the barn, and Ariah, for helping with the animals while Derek has been preoccupied.” Grace places her hand on the table. “I don’t think we could have done it without the both of you.”

  I smile in return, and Logan nods his head. We eat in silence again, and for the first time ever, I am eager for my brother to leave.

  I must have opened our bond up, because when the thought passes through my mind, he grunts in annoyance and a hurt expression crosses his face.

  As soon as we are finished with dinner, Claire gets up and motions for Logan and me to follow her. She glances at her parents. “Hey, the three of us are going to go for a quick walk before Logan leaves. We will be back soon.”

  Derek nods. “Be careful.”

  Claire is up to something, so I don’t want to go. I turn to head to her room instead, but she grabs my hand and gives me a dirty look that tells me I better not try that again.

  She drags both my brother and me outside and crosses her arms. “Okay, guys. This is ridiculous. You both love each other, so let’s just iron this all out.”

  “Really, Claire?” He kicks at the ground. “This is between my sister and me. If you knew the whole story, you wouldn’t be doing this.”

  Claire raises one eyebrow. “You don’t think I know the whole story?”

  He puffs out his chest. “Obviously not, or you wouldn’t be taking her side.”

  Claire glares at him.

  Great, now I’m making them quarrel.

  She points her finger at him. “What I know is she fell in love with a man she grew up with, and she had her heart broken. When kids grow up together, you learn to look past their duties and crowns. She had been in love with Prince Nicholas for years. It wasn’t just some kind of whim she had. Ari didn’t love him for his crown. She loved him despite it.”

  Logan looks at her with a condescending expression. “If that’s all you know, then you don’t know the full story.”


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