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A Fire in My Head

Page 4

by Ben Okri

  ignorance speaks and darkness forms in the air

  ignorance will destroy this world with hate

  wisdom with light will change that fate


  After Camus

  I wasn’t laughing.

  I should have laughed.

  Maybe if I’d laughed everything

  Would have been different.

  So it wasn’t me laughing.

  It was the sun.

  The sun was laughing through

  The stones, the sand,

  The sluggish sea.

  He did not even know my name.

  He did not know the name of my sister.

  This is my country and to them

  I do not have a name.

  I do not even have a face.

  How can you be sure I exist?

  But this land is my land

  And I have a right to be here.

  I can be here, lie here

  And listen to the sun

  Steaming the sand.

  My life’s a flute

  Played by the sun.

  And because of the sun

  I’ve a right to honour.

  I have not one

  Name, but thousands;

  And my names are written

  By the waves of the sea

  On the hot earth.

  Each rock’s a punctuation.

  The words of the Prophet

  Are the secret truth of my days.

  I am my own meaning.

  All the names of the land

  Are my names and even

  In the shadow of this rock

  I am nourished

  By the love of mothers.

  I watch him coming towards me.

  His heart’s unclear.

  For him there’s no meaning

  To anything; the universe

  Is empty and life is a road

  That wanders into nothingness.

  The sun that gives me life

  Lacerates him with death.

  It’s not that we are enemies.

  It’s only that for him

  Everything means nothing

  But for me life has dignity.

  Life has meaning.

  Maybe that’s why

  It is easy for them

  To kill with their

  Eyes that which to

  Them has no name.

  If we could talk I might

  Tell him my name’s

  Mamoud and that

  Two weeks ago

  My mother died

  And I am all

  My sister has

  To protect her against

  The violence of the world.

  But I am not laughing.

  Life’s grimace looks

  Like laughter to one who

  Wants to see it that way.


  when they come to the source

  they always want information.

  when they conquer they want

  the secrets of the land

  that its priests conceal.

  and so the incas would rather

  let the spaniards have the gold

  which for them had little value

  than reveal to them their temples

  or the heart of their tiered gnosis

  or their gods high up

  the mountains where

  peak speaks to peak

  among the clouds,

  the rockfaces terraced

  and textured for agriculture.

  ptolemy wanted the secrets

  of the land of pyramids

  and ordered the high priest

  at sebennytus, where isis

  has her temple, to write down

  the dreams, philosophy

  the narrative and religion

  of ancient egypt. we don’t know

  if manetho asked why.

  we don’t know either what

  manetho concealed in what he

  revealed in the innumerable

  volumes that flowed

  from his hermes-touched stylus.

  but ptolemy forbade their translation

  and they were used only

  for the solemn instruction

  of the greeks.

  manetho’s books were the central

  columns of alexandria.

  students of aristotle drank

  from his fountain. egyptian

  priests were professors at

  the alexendrine schools.

  eratosthenes composed,

  under the impulse of the greek

  spear, a chronology

  of theban kings. horapollo

  wrote the purest hieroglyphics

  of his time. the true story

  of civilisation is more obscure

  than the oracles and more

  twisted than cyrenean snakes.


  sometimes journeys defy explanation.

  rather, the branching off from a journey

  confuses the intimate and public history.

  a child plays in the hills; something

  makes them wander through runnels where

  they find clay pots, old assyrian shards,

  or the cave of lascaux. no one knows

  what made them do it, or what they

  were seeking blindly in the diversion

  from play, the journey made

  from the back of another one.

  the unplanned surprises

  the fates weave as they spin

  the future of all pasts. a glitch

  appears in their spinning,

  a bubble in the weave, an abrasion

  of colours, which only art can correct.

  we call that art destiny surprising us back

  in echo response to our unplanned deeds.

  take that famous visit to the oracle

  of ammon. he’d already exhausted

  himself with wars and the vast desert.

  he had already pursued the edges

  of personal destiny as far as it could go,

  extending the limits. But the sands

  were writhing with pitiless snakes

  and the troops were already famished

  with this conquest without

  end, till the world runs out.

  the persians had been routed; there

  was nothing more to win except

  rest and the spoils of hard conquest.

  but obscure urges dwell in the hearts

  of those who toil at world domination.

  some say he was perplexed

  by the mystery of his origins,

  that he sought a father more

  elevated than the mortal one,

  that baffled by the teeming myths

  that sprang up in his body, giving him

  no rest, driving him on through numberless

  obstacles, that he sought to understand

  whether divinity played a part in the strange

  shapes that the fates wove in his dreams,

  and whispered in his long marches,

  his encounters with wandering sages

  and pointed through him to the sun.

  he abandoned his troops and took

  with him few men, and risked death

  by thirst and black snakes through

  that harsh desert where myths

  are ruined or forged. history

  relates, with more fact than truth,

  that he stationed a garrison at pelusium

  and along the eastern nile to heliopolis

  traversed the river to memphis.

  he’d struck through the burnished desert.

  at memphis they crowned him pharoah.

  apis received his sacrificial bulls

  and the canonic branch of the nile

  witnessed his branching off journey

  to the fertile oasis in siwah. his greek

  sandals trod as far as paraetonium,

; in ancient libyia, leaving small footprints

  like dead fishes on those salt shores

  of dead rivers. what did he seek

  in that hallucination, that obscure quest

  to the heart of myth? he disappeared

  into the temple and only silence

  and an unknowable man emerged

  from between its tall gates.

  not the same man came out as went in

  some spoke of a new light on his face.

  some spoke of a serenity in his eyes

  that had never been there before.

  the priests of that temple, where

  philosophers came to be raised,

  had whispered something magical

  into his ears which he hadn’t heard

  and in not hearing heard everything

  he had ever wanted and sought

  in all the disguised battles of his life.

  more than all the things we’re told,

  the finger pointing to the sun

  in him, touched another gold.


  an unfinished poem

  he came from a house

  where light hadn’t been,

  a hole of poverty

  in the depths of the north.

  the ghetto where he grew

  brought him madness.

  at school he kept

  apart and was silent.

  his eyes stared with fury.

  early on he dressed

  in clothes of the fanatics.

  his religion came with the gun

  and the loathing of beauty.

  he nibbled the koran

  with dreams of death.

  he watched politicians

  grow fat while his mother

  rotted in the vile hovels

  where dogs ate the corpses

  of those who had died poor

  and unknown. the fervid

  sun ruined his mind.

  he joined a sect and prayed

  with a jihadi’s gun

  always by his side.

  when the leader

  of his sect was killed

  he disappeared.

  no one saw him for years.

  in his absence girls grew up

  and dreamed of school.

  the ghettoes were rotting.

  schools were spreading.

  girls learned to read

  and count and think

  and dream and soon

  measure the lies.

  when he returned he’d

  changed out of all form.

  took to murder,

  blowing up streets

  where the christians lived.

  he grew bold. ammunitions

  came to him from secret

  places. again the north

  held the nation’s fate,

  born from a distant dream.

  in the tall grass girls

  chanted their songs

  in the long shadows.


  The Lesson

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The flight of freedom makes us wrong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where freedom sleeps

  The light of vigilance makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where freedom sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of reason makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny sleeps where vigilance rises

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of reason makes us strong

  Tyranny rises where vigilance sleeps

  The light of freedom wakes us


  they live as if everything

  is settled in the world.

  but nothing is settled.

  not our dreams, nor our fears,

  nor the boundary between things.

  the land isn’t settled, nor the realm of sleep.

  nor the deep mines where our fathers weep.

  nor the deep wells where

  mothers call out our names.

  those walls of steel never kept out

  the eyes of hunger that wander the world

  like thunder. those stony eyes that devour

  the poor with a cold gaze,

  those tower blocks, those men who live

  on dust and sleep on stones,

  those mothers with their teeth

  falling out from mercury in their food,

  those children whose lungs will

  not carry them through life

  what do they know of boundaries,

  what do they know of the gods

  of the street, the gods of hunger.

  nothing is settled. not our place

  in the world nor our place among the dead.

  the rich have not locked up all the dreams

  or the power that grows in rage.

  generations live on dust and debris

  and are pale as ghosts but the god

  of hunger powers their bodies with the secret

  electricity that drives galaxies.

  on the city’s edge they swell and grow.

  their only education is the text of truth

  which the world delivers without humour.

  nothing is settled. those who think they will

  inherit the earth because they’ve mortgaged

  the sun will find on the eve of their usurpation

  that the grim horsemen are on the horizon.

  the earth shifts and howls. the sands have

  turned into people. the graves speak

  lucid prophecies. there’s nothing

  to inherit, because nothing is settled,

  except the thunder after sleep.



  For David Hammons

  hairy stone

  on white stool

  on metal stand.

  brooding about

  lost air,

  incandescent paint.

  those tarpaulin


  mirrors dripping

  dark celestial matter.

  the fan in which

  wind is still.

  yellow table

  where caravaggio

  is beheaded.

  old testament

  of duchamp

  made into

  the history

  of harlem.

  beyond masks

  floating on sea

  new dream

  breaks through


  of silent

  here’s where

  new african

  genius is made,

  changing the dream-

  less lids

  of duchamp

  into the spring

  of hammons.

  blue time passing.





  keep moving

  it away

  from what

  it was.

  from old


  new time.


  in the stone.


  in the transcended

  american air.

  art is that book

  in which history

  of new forms

  is written.

  by the firedreams

  of harlem.


  the stone

  into open sea

  into sunrise

  over brooklyn.


  For Grace Wales Bonner

  everything here is kind of true.

  the true magic is the magic of you.

  the world’s the shrine

  and the shrine’s the world.

  listen here to

  the revelations of saint time.

  still your hearts. breathe like new.

  centre yourselves in the part

  of you that’s most true.

  for every cell of your body

  is alive with vitality

  every thought in your heart

  helps to shape reality.

  We’re shaping a new reality today

  the way you would shape a new shrine

  with the offering of your spirit

  and the magical works of your hand.

  were going to start a new kind

  of dreaming in this land.

  awake! awake! awake!

  awaken the new brotherhood of dreams

  awaken the new sisterhood of dreams.

  from these flowers

  draw new powers

  build new towers.

  build without fear.

  It’s fear that darkens the shrine of the world.

  It’s greed that darkens the shrine of the heart

  stone at your feet

  stone in the mind

  frozen blood in the veins

  dark rock in the heart.

  we need a new miracle of being human.

  we need a new miracle of being alive.

  ancestors sleep in these shrines.

  us their dreams illumine.

  they planted these flowers

  along black paths of time

  flowers that never die

  flowers that open up into

  thousand forms of art and living

  music in the flowers

  flowers in the music.

  so dedicate yourselves

  to the shrine

  of being and living.

  wake up your feet

  to the wisdom

  of the earth


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