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Under the Starlight Sky

Page 3

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  At last, I reached his cock, it was glistening with eager need, the need to be one with me. I kissed the dewdrop away, the same way I’d have kissed the nectar of the peach from his lips if I could have. Gently I swirled the tip with my tongue, prompting him to shutter. He let out a wail of satisfaction as I descended his shaft.


  I’d never felt something so wrong and so right in my life. Many times, I’d succumbed to the call of my flesh and relieved my tension with my hand, but never had I experienced the pleasure of having another boy help me. In the back of my mind, I’d fantasized about it, even though I knew it was wrong. Sometimes, I’d even try to imagine doing things with a girl, but my ambitions would quickly subside and I’d find myself dreaming about a boy again. I knew something was wrong with me, it had been for a long time. But right here, right now, in this moment with Oliver, everything that felt so wrong in my mind felt so right.

  I wasn’t sure how he was going to accomplish the goal he was trying to achieve but it was nice being close to him, feeling him, and knowing he was happy. A few times I glanced down at him with pure lust in my gaze as I watched him pleasure me. It took longer than I thought. My head drifted back into the grass as the cool night wind caressed our bodies. I gently rubbed his shoulders and neck to encourage him, then like a distant storm I could feel something rising in me. Something I’d only felt in the privacy of my room.

  All the muscles in my body tensed; the same way they did when I was about to sin by myself. I barely had time to tell him, “I’m going to be wet.”

  He hummed with delight as I tightened my grip on him. My fingers pressed into his flesh so hard it made a mark. Then with a primal call, I released myself into his warm mouth.

  The aftershocks surged through my body like ripples on the surface of a pond. It was the most intense thing I’d ever felt. But once it was all over, he climbed up next to me and rested his hand on my chest. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel guilty, I didn’t feel shame like I had before. All I could feel was the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat against me. I could feel the love in his touch as he pushed and snuggled up closer to me.

  Before long, I knew he’d fallen asleep. I couldn’t ’sleep, I just watched the clouds go by and listened to the sounds of God’s creation all around us. In the back of mind, I tried not to think of repercussions if we would have been caught. I’d seen my grandfather make vivid and hateful remarks when homosexuals came from the city to visit. He’d never say anything to their faces because they usually spent lots of money. But when we're alone, he’d state if he knew someone in his family was like that, he’d string them up to the back of his truck and drag them to their death.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head in an attempt to banish his evil comments from my mind. Right now, all that mattered was Ollie and me laying here together as one person, bonded by the shared experience of losing our virginity. But there was more to it than that. Ever since the day I first saw him, I felt something deep inside of me. Something I normally only felt for family, except deeper and more intense. When I wasn’t near him, I desperately wanted to be. When he wasn’t talking, I wanted to talk just so I could hear the enchanting sound of his voice when he replied. For when he speaks, I feel an inner peace I’d never felt before meeting him.

  When he smiles, the world seems like a better place, like the sun is shining a little brighter and the birds are singing a little louder. I wasn’t sure what time it was when he stirred and I met his gaze. “Hey,” he mumbled.

  “Hey,” I said with a smile.

  “I should probably get home and tend to Grandpa.”

  I sighed, “I wished we could stay like this all night.”

  He cozied up closer to me, “Me too.”

  We laid there for a moment longer before we finally helped one another up and got dressed. We’d been lying on a bed of our clothes and they were wrinkled as a coonhound when we pulled them on. I caught a glimpse of his underwear as he adjusted his jeans. “Those are mine,” I smirked.

  He peeked into his pants and met my gaze, “Whoops.”

  We shared a laugh as I pulled his on and smiled, “Now, we’ve bonded.”

  We continued laughing as he fell into my chest and hummed. I’m not sure what came over me, maybe it’s what we shared here tonight, or maybe these feelings had been building up for some time, but I couldn’t hold my tongue as I whispered in his ear, “I love you, Ollie.”

  He lifted and met my gaze, “I love you too, Jacobi.”

  Then our lips met in a kiss. I walked him back to his truck before heading home. From a distance, I could see a figure stirring on the porch. A light came on, prompting me to jump. It was Grandpa and he had a set of binoculars in his hand. His tone was distant and cold as he said, “Did you have fun tonight?”

  I tried to play coy and shrugged, “Yes papa, Oliver and I were just hanging out by the lake, you know, watching the clouds go by.”

  He approached and snatched me up by the collar of my shirt, “You know damn well you were doing more than just watching the clouds go by. I saw the whole thing from right here.”

  I felt a blush sear my cheeks as I turned away. There was nothing to say if he claimed to have seen the whole thing. He slammed my body against the wall of the farmhouse, “Abomination! Sinner! You’ve committed a crime against God and humanity.”

  I cried out, “All I did was kiss a boy.”

  He shifted and threw me to the porch, before placing his foot on my neck, “I should kill you right now, but murder is as much of a sin as what you’ve done. However, in my book, I’d be doing God a favor by exterminating you from his beautiful earth.”

  I screamed, “Grandfather please, please have mercy! Please don’t kill me!”

  He stared down at me in contemplation as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks. Then, I felt his grip soften. Mother emerged in her nightgown and shouted, “What on earth is going on out here?”

  I scrambled from beneath Grandfather’s boot and distanced myself, “Grandfather tried to kill me.”

  She turned to him with a shocked expression, “Father! What is the meaning of this?”

  He pointed at her, “Your son is a homosexual. I saw him having relations with the new boy we hired.”

  She turned to me, “Is this true?”

  I nodded silently, but I couldn’t look her in the eyes. She wasn’t as hateful as Grandfather was about it but I could still see the disappointment in her eyes. She turned to him for advice, “What are we going to do to cure him?”

  Grandfather thought for a moment before meeting my gaze, “We’re going to cure him by making him straight.”

  I fired back, “And just how do you intend on doing that?”

  He growled, “You are to have sex with a woman to cleanse yourself of these homosexual desires. Only the touch of a girl can cure you of this illness.”

  My expression washed with horror at the thought, “You cannot force me to have relations with someone I don’t want to!”

  Grandpa charged toward me and roared, “Away with you! I ought to call up the Reverend and have you exorcised.”

  “I ought to call the police and have you arrested!” I rebutted.

  Mother shrieked, “Stop this fighting! Stop right now!”

  Grandfather turned to her and raised his hand to smite her, “Hold your tongue woman! Know your place and go back inside at once!”

  I marched toward him and shouted, “Don’t you speak to my mother that way!”

  But he grabbed my collar and threw me from the porch. As I tried to get my wind and made sure nothing was broken he stood over me and spit in my face, “You are banished from this land and this family.” He leaned in, “If you ever return…I’ll finish what I started.”

  I scurried away and wept into my hands. Where was I going to go? What was I going to do? The only home I’d ever known was right here on the land which my father tended and now, that was all gone.


was smiling blissfully and surfing the wind with my hand as I made my way toward the house. The gentle sound of Jacobi telling me he loved me was everything I wanted to hear. Sure, our relationship had some obstacles to overcome, but the foundation which we needed to build upon had now been laid. We had love and it was all we needed for now.

  Up ahead, I saw a figure in tattered clothes running down the side of the road. I flashed my high beams, prompting them to stop and turn to me. As I squinted to make out who it was, I realized it was Jacobi. He was missing one of his shoes and his clothes were torn. He had blood trickling down his face as I stopped and rushed to him. He collapsed in my arms and wept.

  “Who did this to you?” I shouted.

  He gasped, “Grandfather saw us making love in the meadow and tried to kill me.”

  “Oh God,” I cried as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. He coughed and fell to his knees. I caught him and threw his arm around my neck to help him to the truck. Once he was inside he gripped my shirt collar and mumbled, “Please don’t take me back!”

  “Are you crazy, there is no way I would take you back?” I yelled as I tried to wipe the blood from his face.

  He winced and lifted his trembling hand to grip my wrist. “Grandfather disowned me and said if I ever returned he’d finish the job.”

  I started to cry as I held his face in my hands, “You’re coming home with me now. I’ll take good care of you, I promise!”

  He buried his face in my chest and sobbed, “What heinous crime have I committed that I deserve to die?”

  I whispered in reply, “Nothing, and if anyone ever tries to hurt you again, as God is my witness, I will fight till my last breath to protect you.”

  His lips twitched into a grateful smile as he mumbled, “How can I ever repay you?”

  I moved in for a kiss, “You can’t put a price on true love.”

  Our lips brushed, then he pulled away with tear-filled eyes, “Oh Oliver, what am I going to do now that everything I’ve ever known is gone?”

  I gripped his hand and held it to my chest, “All that you need is all that I have left?”

  “What is that?” he rasped.

  “My love,” I said as my lips met his.

  His hand gripped the back of my neck as he drifted back onto the seat of the truck. I climbed on top and our tongues danced momentarily before we separated. As we did, he said, “All we have is the moment and I’d trade eternity any day for just one day with you.”

  “Oh, Jacobi,” I cried.

  “Oh, Oliver,” he replied.

  We started kissing again then we stopped and I said, “Wait, let’s get to the house so we can get you cleaned up then we can pick up where we left off.”

  He gnashed his teeth and panted with his forehead pressed against mine, “Okay.”


  Once we were home, I opened the door to find Grandpa sleeping in his lazy boy. An old western was running in the background. I motioned for Jacobi to come in and he glanced at my grandfather with a smile. “Is this Grandpa Joe, the one you’re always telling me about?”

  I nodded a silent yes as we made our way to the kitchen. I grabbed a washcloth from the drawer and pulled out a chair for him to sit down on. He glanced around nervously as I wet the washcloth and made my way back to where he was sitting. In a tender moment, he closed his eyes as I wiped the dirt and blood from his face.

  After a few moments, grandpa emerged in the doorway and waved. I hid the washcloth behind my back and turned to him. “I didn’t see you there, papa!”

  He shook his head and waved in dismissal before pointing down the hallway to his room. I gave him a thumbs up. Before he left, he stretched out his hand toward Jacobi and glanced at me as if to say who is this person. I replied, “This is the friend I was telling you about, Jacobi.”

  He opened his mouth and nodded in understanding, then turned to leave. “Cute,” he muttered from down the hall, prompting Jacobi to turn to me, “Does he know about us?”

  “He does now.”

  “He mustn’t mind,” Jacobi said with a smile.

  I flashed him a half-smile in reply, “I guess not.”

  As I finished washing him up, I explained that Grandpa was always an open-minded person. He hated church because they always cast judgment on people and tried to tell you how to live your life. When he could talk better, he always used to say, “A good person is a good person. It doesn’t matter what color skin they have or who they love, good people are good people and that’s just all there is to it.”

  Jacobi’s expression turned cloudy as he replied, “I wished my family were that way. In my society, everything is a sin; from owning too many material possessions to ladies wearing makeup.”

  I shook my head and frowned, “That’s messed up.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed.

  Silence lingered for a moment as I discarded the washcloth in a hamper and tidied up a little, “So, would you like something to eat?”

  “That would be nice,” he smiled.

  I started to make two sandwiches as I offered him something to drink. When I was finished, I took a seat across from him at the kitchen table. We said a quick blessing then ate. He eventually broke the silence, “This is nice.”

  I smiled big, “Yes, it is.”

  When we had finished, I discarded the plates into the sink and took his hand to lead him upstairs to my room. The tension around this moment was unbearable. I watched as our soft silhouettes ascended the stairs. Jacobi was in my house and we were about to share my bed. I was suddenly so thankful that Grandma had insisted on getting me a queen-sized bed before she died. Up to that point, I had been sleeping in the same twin-sized one I’d had since I was a toddler.

  I opened the door and he glanced around. I nervously scrambled to pick up the random piles of dirty clothes lying about. “I’m sorry about the mess, no one has ever been to my room before.”

  He chuckled, “It’s fine honestly.”

  Once I’d cleared the bed, I motioned for him to sit down, “Make yourself at home. I’m going to grab a real quick shower before we tuck in.”

  Before I went to get cleaned up, I rummaged through a drawer to find him a pair of pajamas. Thankfully, he was the same size as me, not that I would have minded if he slept in his underwear. For a brief moment, I debated upon whether to say I didn’t have a pair that would fit him but I imagined he was already uncomfortable being in someone else’s house and I didn’t want to make it worse.


  After tonight’s events, I was feeling emotionally drained. When this day began, it was a bright, sunshiny day like any other. It was set to be one of the best days of my life until all hell broke loose between Grandpa and me. How can someone just turn their back on their family? The more I thought about things, the angrier I became. If he thought this could be cured, then doesn’t he think I would have tried? As if I would choose to be different on purpose.

  I stripped off my clothes and remembered I was still wearing Ollie’s underwear. I smiled at the thought of our bodies intertwined in the water, the way his lips tasted on mine, the feeling of his hips pressed tightly to mine. I could feel the underwear getting tighter by the second as I ventured deeper into thoughts of us. I needed to be close to him, now.

  I quickly stripped them off and made my way to the bathroom. The door was cracked and I could see steam whirling toward the ceiling. Through the curtain, I could see his hands gliding across his body. I stepped in behind him and he hummed with delight as my arms folded around his body in a hug. His skin was warm and wet, his voice was tinged with curiosity, “What’re you doing?”

  I rested my chin on his shoulder and whispered, “I needed you.”

  He sighed, “I need you too.”

  We held for a moment as the water cascaded down our bodies before he turned to me. He began to soap up my chest as he gazed deep into my eyes. We were communicating in a silent language, a silent language of love only known by us. I couldn’t
help but find the way the water was tracing lines from his hair down his face so appetizing. I smacked a kiss on his lips, then another, then another, until we lost control. He dropped the soap as I pinned him to the wall before seizing his neck.

  I could feel his fingers pressing firmly into my back. The intensity of his grip prompted me to bite harder, which pushed a whiny moan from deep within him. We separated and he snarled, “I want you inside of me.”

  “How do we…”

  Before I could finish my question, he turned around, arched his back, and placed his hands on the wall in front of him. Even though I’d never done it before, my cock was willing to try. It was lunging and pawing at his hole in anticipation. I put the pieces together and decided to push a little. He reached to adjust me and after a moment of gentle pushing, I felt him close around me. The sensation of being one with him was almost too much. I bit his shoulder and gripped his hips to suppress my moans of ecstasy. It didn’t do much to silence him, he was panting with the rhythm of my pace as we accelerated.


  I’d dreamed of this moment; my fantasy had become reality and I was basking in it. What we did earlier was just a curious exploration, this was sex, sex in its rawest and purest form. But it was so much more than sex. It was a physical act of giving myself to him and letting him know that I was his boy and he would forever be my man. For nothing could ever erase the way his cock so perfectly fit into my body and nothing could ever erase the memory of being there for him when he needed me the most.

  It was just us now, and I had an uneasy feeling as we retired to the bed and snuggled up together that the drama for us had only just begun. However, tonight, we would run away to dreamland and do as lovers do, sleep in the protective shelter of one another’s arms.

  In the morning, I’d awoken early to fix Grandpa’s breakfast as I always did. He was in an especially chipper mood. I imagined it had something to do with meeting Jacobi last night. He scribbled away on his little notepad, “So, when is the wedding?”


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