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Brotherhood Protectors: Falling for Her Temporary Bodyguard (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 7

by Christine Glover

  Jacob took Claire’s hand when he helped her out of his SUV. And when they began to make their way to the Blue Moose Tavern’s entrance, he didn’t let go.

  A delicious thrill skimmed along her skin. She loved the way his palm felt in hers—his firm grip along with the way his body moved in tandem with hers gave her a sense of belonging. Every inch of her was attuned to him. Even now, her lips tingled with the memory of their mouths touching, albeit ever so briefly.

  He held open the door to let her inside. Five o’clock Happy Hour was in full swing and the place was packed. “There’s an empty table opposite the bar,” Jacob said as they wove their way through the crowd.

  “Hey Jacob and Claire,” a familiar voice called over the sounds of laughter, glasses clinking while a Bruce Springsteen ballad played.

  She turned her head to see Hannah and Taz sitting near the small dance floor. “You want to join us?” her friend asked. “We’ve got plenty of room.” She indicated the empty chairs.

  “Let’s pop over and say hi, then grab our own spot,” Jacob said, moving toward where the newlyweds sat.

  “I don’t mind hanging out with them,” she said.

  “I do,” he said. “Don’t want our first real date to revolve around talking shop.”

  “True.” But eventually the sheriff would contact them with news about Vance Riley. Reality would interrupt their date tonight. Hopefully with good news, but the potential for bad news loomed.

  A cold sensation floated into her lungs. She didn’t want to let the negative probability to wreck the entire evening. Claire stepped nearer Jacob and his body’s heat warmed her, obliterating the chill by the time they reached Taz and Hannah.

  They chatted with the happy couple, going over the details of their respective days. “If you need top cover, give me a call,” Taz said, then bit into a loaded nacho.

  “Will do,” Jacob said. “Hank’s trying to trace the calls.”

  “Any asshole with a burner phone can harass someone,” Taz said after swallowing. “Won’t be easy to find him. But if Riley’s here, we’ll get him.”

  “He’ll have to get through me to get to Claire.” Jacob wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “But we’re not going to worry about it happening until we hear from the sheriff.”

  Hannah glanced at Claire, then Jacob, and her smile grew into a wide grin. “Now this is an excellent development,” she said.

  “What?” Taz asked.

  “They’re together,” she said. “You know… together.”

  He shot them a quick glance. “Oh.” He drew out the ‘O’ as he registered how closely they stood together. “Damn, that was quick.” He popped another nacho into his mouth.

  Claire flushed. “No, not fast at all,” she said quickly.

  “Yeah. This is our first date,” Jacob added.

  Another couple entered the tavern and Claire tilted her head in the direction of the empty table where they’d been heading. “We better go before we lose the last open spot.”

  “Absolutely.” Amusement flickered in Hannah’s blue eyes. “Enjoy yourselves.”

  “Thanks,” they said at the same time, then Jacob guided her to the table.

  They sat, then ordered their own appetizers and drinks. Within half an hour, Jacob had her laughing about another one of his many misadventures with his twin. “You’re lucky to have such a big family,” she said after she licked tangy wing sauce from her fingers.

  “Yeah. Did it bother you? Not having any brothers or sisters?”

  “Not really. Mom had trouble conceiving,” Claire said. “After I came along, she decided to focus on me and not getting pregnant again. Too heartbreaking to lose all those pregnancies before I was born.”

  “Was it lonely?”

  “Not at all,” she said. “We were the cookie jar house and I always had friends coming over. Then the travel soccer ate up a lot of my time. I didn’t really have a chance to feel lonely when my parents were so involved in my life and gave me so many opportunities to connect with other kids.”

  “Your folks sound great.”

  “Dad was… he was the best. He coached my junior team. We did a lot together,” she paused, pain pricked behind her eyes and she blinked the unwelcome tears away.

  Jacob reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I read in the case report about his heart attack a year before the accident.” He caressed her skin with his thumb pad. “I can’t imagine how tough losing him was for you and your mom.”

  The jukebox music switched from rock and roll oldies to a Kelly Clarkson ballad. “Yes. Everything changed after he died,” she said. “But we muddled through and even though we went through the accident and the trial, Mom never wavered. She’s my greatest cheerleader. So we survived, and I learned to rely on myself.” A lump formed in her throat and pain lanced behind her sternum.

  “You did better than survive.” He continued circling his thumb over the top of her hand. “I bet your dad would be really proud of you.”

  She pressed her free hand to the middle of her chest. Change the subject. Don’t cry. This is a date, not a funeral. When the shooting pain subsided, she smiled. “I believe so,” she said. “Lots of people out on the dance floor, considering it’s the size of a postage stamp.”

  He laughed. “Yeah. You’d be amazed how many people can stand and sway on that rinky-dink space,” he said. “Wanna join the party?”

  “Yes. I love this song,” she said, grateful for the reprieve. She wanted to look ahead, and leave the past behind.


  Jacob stood, then held her chair while she got up. Side by side, their hands linked, they made their way past the bar. Suddenly, Jacob stopped moving at the cork board where several flyers were pinned. “Hey, would you like to go to this podcast festival next weekend?” he asked. “Your favorite hero might be there.”

  Claire laughed. “He’s not my hero,” she said. “But I’d planned to go after I got a free pass to go from Reel 2 Real six weeks ago. There’s a special VIP section for Gary Hudson’s super fans and it includes lunch as part of the VIP package.”

  “You’re definitely one.”

  “Now, though, I suppose I shouldn’t go until Vance is back in custody.”

  “Why not? You’ve got me, remember?” He guided her away from the message board. “I’ll order a PodFest ticket tonight and take you there so you can meet the guy.”

  “Really?” She thought Jacob was sweet for suggesting a date that had more to do about her interests than his. Still, she’d offer him an out. “Are you sure? I know you’re not a fan so you might not enjoy it.”

  They stepped onto the dance floor and he turned her to face him, wrapping his arms around her but not pressing too close. “If you’re there, then I’ll enjoy it just fine,” he said, gently swaying back and forth to the sultry rhythm.

  His gravelly voice along with the sensation of his rock hard body pressing against hers sent a flurry of tingly sensations through her. Every inch of her vibrated with electrical pulses, reaching all her long-neglected lady parts. Suddenly taking things slow didn’t sound so great. Well, at least she didn’t want to go too slow.

  The first song ended and another ballad piped through the jukebox’s speaker.

  She tilted her chin up to glance at Jacob. His full lips, the hint of stubble shadowing his jaw and those gorgeous blue eyes did crazy things to her libido. “This is nice.”

  “Yeah,” he said, deepening his embrace while holding her gaze.

  Cobalt blue streaks rayed around his darkening irises, revealing his desire. Her pulse leaped, tripped, and skittered rapidly, hindering her brain’s ability to function. Jacob definitely oozed all-American male charm with his seductive smile and the hint of something more indulgent sparking in his eyes.

  Everything around them evaporated. There was only him. Only her. In the shelter of his arms, Claire’s fears faded. And all her doubts about moving too fast vanished.

  She li
fted her chin a little higher to bring her lips within scant millimeters of his. “You think you can accelerate your pace a little?” she whispered.

  He held her gaze. “That’s a solid yes.” He brushed his mouth against hers.

  His lips were soft, yet firm… undemanding as they gently explored hers with exquisite tenderness. More tendrils of need swirled in her, sending tugs of pleasure low. Sighing, she curled her arms around his neck and held on.

  He deepened his kiss, sliding his tongue across the seam of her lips, tasting her. She parted them and tentatively danced her tongue along his, her breathing faster and her need pulsing at her core, radiating electricity down her legs until her toes curled.

  He groaned, cradled her head, his fingers twining in her hair, loosening her braid. His grip growing more possessive, intense, as he stroked inside her mouth, gliding his tongue more intimately against hers.

  She drank him in, sucking every part of his mouth into hers, tangling her tongue with his as they dueled—yielding, taking, then yielding again.

  Over and over they kissed, the slide of his mouth on hers making her greedy for more. More of his lips on hers… more of him… more of the decadently delicious pleasures his body could offer her.

  Uptown Funk replaced the music. Jacob playfully dragged her lower lip into his mouth with his teeth, then released it with a pop. “You’re stunning,” he said. “How about we finish up the night with another drink before touching base with the sheriff?”

  “Perfect,” she said, the spell of his kiss weaving through her veins and making her tingly all over.

  They started to exit the dance floor when her cell phone vibrated in her back pocket. “Hold on,” she said at the same time as Jacob who’d pulled his phone out to look at the screen.

  “There’s someone at your house,” he said.

  Icy fingers of dread clawed their way up her spine and her blood ran cold. “Oh my God,” she said through numb lips as she watched the security camera’s alert film. Someone wearing a ski mask was spraying liquid from a gasoline can onto her porch.

  Chapter 7

  “We have to stop him before he burns down my place,” Claire said, her face stricken.

  “Not alone.” Jacob took her hand, her skin freezing to the touch. “Getting Taz and contacting Hank for backup.” He took long strides toward his friend’s table. “There’s a guy at Claire’s who plans to torch the place, from what I can see.” Jacob showed Taz the video currently playing.

  “Damn.” His friend stood instantly. “Hannah, call the volunteer fire department. We’re going to need them.”

  “Oh god.” Claire let go of his hand and hugged her waist. “I’m going to lose everything. Everything. It’s the first place I’ve ever owned… why… why is he doing this to me?”

  “Because he’s a sick son-of-a-bitch.” Jacob grasped her shaking shoulders. “But he’s not going to win. Not on my watch. Not where it really matters. That’s keeping you alive.”

  Her lower lip trembled, but she rallied and nodded. “I want to come with you.”

  “There’s no way I’ll leave you alone now.”

  A siren sounded in the distance. “Fire department’s on its way,” Hannah said. “I’ll take care of everything on this end. Go now.”

  Taz started for the tavern’s door and Jacob followed with Claire rushing by his side.

  “Text Hank when we get to the SUV,” Jacob said his friend. “Give him the 411.”

  “Good plan.”

  They exited the tavern and made their way to Jacob’s vehicle. Taz took the front passenger seat while Claire hopped in the back.

  As he opened his door to climb inside, the sheriff’s cruiser rolled into the parking lot. “Riley’s missing,” he called through his open window. “Atlanta police dispatched an officer to his place this afternoon. No sign of him.”

  “He might be in Eagle Rock.” Jacob finished getting in and started the engine. “Follow us to Claire’s. Dude wearing a ski mask is dousing the perimeter with gas.”

  Within seconds, they were racing behind the sheriff’s flashing lights and blaring siren. He smelled the smoke before he saw the flames when he crested over the small hill leading to Claire’s home.

  “We’re too late,” she yelled.

  “Fire department’s hosing down your house,” Jacob said, accelerating. “We’ll focus on catching the asshole.”

  “Hank’s on his way. He’s traced the calls to a burner phone in Bozeman.”

  “But that doesn’t make any sense,” Claire said. “Coach Riley can’t be in two places at the same time.”

  “No.” Jacob pulled in behind the sheriff’s cruiser. “He’s got someone doing his dirty work for him.”

  Taz nodded. “Agreed. Question is who?”

  They hustled out of the SUV and walked over to the sheriff who informed them about finding the scuttled truck near the site of the multi-vehicle accident earlier. And it matched their description of the one that almost ran Claire down.

  “Wouldn’t have spotted it if that stoner hadn’t lost control of his Daddy’s BMW and crashed within feet of it,” Sheriff Wilson said.

  “Any prints?” Jacob asked.

  “Nope. Wiped clean.”

  “Now we know why the driver’s missing.” He replayed the security camera’s video while standing across the street from the blazing house. “He’s stalking Claire.”

  “You recognize the mask?”

  She stared at the grainy black and white freeze frame. “Hard to tell,” she said after she looked back at the sheriff. “But who else could it be?”

  “Whoever he is, he’s still out there.” Jacob turned to Taz. “Check the surroundings. See if there’s any sign of the bastard.”

  “Will do,” Taz said, then left them and jogged to the house next door to Claire’s where neighbors stood, gawking.

  “Once we wrap up here, I’ll seal the place so no one tampers with the evidence. We’ll get the fire marshal to investigate every inch of Claire’s property for additional evidence of the way the arsonist set the fire.”

  “How soon can I get in to retrieve whatever is left?” Claire asked the sheriff.

  “Two days, three max.”

  “I guess I should be glad I wasn’t home,” she said. “And I am, but…” Claire sniffled and pressed her knuckles over her eyes.

  Jacob brought her into his arms, kissed the top of her head. “You’re safe,” he said. And he doubted the dude would have carried out his plan if they’d been in her house tonight. “That’s all I care about right now.” Confirming Riley had an accomplice was a game changer. A bad one.

  “Bastard’s been watching you,” the sheriff said, firelight flickering eerily across his face.

  The air crackled with creaking timbers, crashes, shouts of people and roaring flames. Jacob cursed himself. He’d forgotten his primary mission when he’d agreed to go out with Claire tonight.

  He’d given the man stalking Claire the perfect opportunity to damage her property while he’d been kissing her on the damn dance floor.

  “You’re safe.” He tilted her head up to look into her eyes which gleamed with unshed tears. “You’re staying with me at my sister’s place until this nightmare is over. Got that?”

  “I don’t have a choice,” she said. “But what if this never ends?”

  “Riley and his accomplice can’t hide forever.” He glanced over her head to her house. Flames engulfed the entire place and black smoke billowed high. “I won’t let Riley get to you, or anyone else. You’re not alone in this, Claire.”

  She gave a slight nod. “I know, but I’m the one he’s after. I’m so mad he’s running around free, now that he’s crawled out of jail,” she said. “Coming here, taking the job with Brighter Side Rehab was supposed to be my first step toward guaranteeing my future, but now I’ve lost my home and I’m a virtual prisoner because of him.”

  “Not for long,” Jacob said. “We’ll get Riley back behind bars, then you’ll b
e able to rebuild your life. But we can’t do that until we figure out who’s helping him.”

  The air popped with more timbers breaking as the fire consumed Claire’s house. “There won’t be anything to salvage.” She stared in horror at the carnage.

  “Probably used an accelerant,” the sheriff said.

  “He didn’t want to kill her tonight, but he’s definitely out for revenge.”

  “Which means he won’t stop at destroying my property,” Claire said. “Even if he’s sent back to jail, I’ll always be looking over my shoulder. Waiting… waiting for him to come after me again and again…”

  She broke down and he embraced her tighter, holding her while she sobbed. Hell, if what had happened to her had happened to his sister, he’d have killed the bastard. Or died trying.

  While he had no intention of running to his death, he’d make sure he guaranteed Claire’s future peace of mind. Whether or not he was in the picture afterward.

  Claire gulped in air and fought to get her sobs under control. An hour ago, Jacob had been kissing her and now… everything had changed again. Now he held her to comfort her, promising to protect her, but had the other promise… the promise in his sensual kiss been parked?

  Her pulse pounded. Anger replaced grief and fear. Vance Riley had stolen her youth with his betrayal… she’d trusted him, respected him… seen him as a father figure after hers had died. How dare he steal her hard-won life and the potential for a future filled with love, laughter, family.

  Much like the family she’d lost the day her father died.

  She swallowed hard, channeled the adrenaline pumping through her veins and squashed the last of her tears. Vance Riley had made her cry for the last time.

  Lifting her head, she feathered her fingers over the muscle jumping in Jacob’s jawline. “I won’t let what happened to my house change our agreement,” she said. “Got that?”

  He locked his gorgeous blue eyes on hers, seeing the resistance in her stubborn narrowing gaze.

  “My sister’s place is like a fortress,” he said. “You’re living there with me until Riley and his accomplice are captured.”


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