Hunter's Passion (Cascade Cougars Book 3)
Page 14
“What's that?”
“When a lair is small it can ask a larger lair if any members would like to relocate to the smaller lair. If the member and the lair agree then the lair that is losing the member is given monetary compensation.”
“Talen bought you?” she said aghast.
“It's not like that Racheal. He can't keep me here if I don't want to stay but cats are tactile. We need contact with our family. We don't fair well emotionally on our own.”
“Okay. That's fair.”
Garrett shook his head. “Not to Talen it isn't. I won't contribute to future members of the lair. That was the basis behind the original trade agreements.”
Racheal leaned forward. “Listen to me. You are an amazing person and possess incredible intelligence. No amount of money would be enough to compensate for someone like you.”
Garrett smile ruefully. “Apparently Talen agrees with you. He paid double.”
Racheal raised her eyebrows. “I think I'm going to like Talen.”
“He's a good man. He's going to be a great leader.”
Racheal hugged him, feeling a kinship with him she’d only felt with Sarah. “A man isn't measured by how many children he produces.” She kissed Garrett's cheek as Hunter walked into the room.
“Woman. I can't leave you alone for a minute.”
Chapter 13
Racheal had barely slept the last ten days. Her focus on getting the serum for Kevin finished before her deadline was up.
Hunter had been understanding about her determination to meet her deadline but was getting grumpy with her non-existent eating habits. She was hunched over her microscope when he walked in with a bowl of soup.
He slammed the steaming bowl on the counter. “Dammit, Racheal, you haven't touched your sandwich from lunch.”
She adjusted the focus on her lens. “Just leave it there. I'll eat it soon.”
“You will eat the soup I brought now or I'm taking you home,” he snapped.
Racheal sat up, turning her head. “I'm not twelve. You don't need to baby me.”
Hunter huffed. “A twelve-year-old would take better care of themselves than you do. I know you're feeling pressured but not eating, barely sleeping, and sixteen-hour work days are starting to take their toll on you.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Is that your polite way of saying I look haggard?”
Hunter's eyes squinted. “You always look perfect to me and you know it.”
Racheal turned off the light on the microscope. “You're agitated and it's not my eating habits. What's going on?”
Hunter ran his hand through his hair. “I wanted you to eat first.”
“Tell me,” she insisted.
Hunter pulled a phone from his pocket. “Kevin sent this to you with a note to call the number imputed in the phone.”
Racheal held out her hand.
Hunter deposited the phone in her hand, shaking his head.
She clicked the phone on, pulled up the lone contact and dialed.
Kevin's emotionless voice picked up after the first ring. “Is it ready?”
“Almost,” she replied.
“My driver will meet you at the Kelsey Lodge in two days. If you're not there, you will be in breach of our contract.”
Racheal pursed her lips. “I'll be there.”
“What means will you use to secure the serum for transport?”
Racheal was surprised. “I assumed you would send something. I can send it in the sample case we took from the facility.”
“Fine. Don't be late.” He hung up.
Garrett came out of the computer room. “Was that Kevin Kallan?”
She reiterated the conversation for him. Garrett shook his head. “How can a man have such impeccable business standards and absolutely no morals as a human being?”
Racheal shrugged before she noticed Hunter's furious expression. “What?”
“Will you have the serum ready?
Racheal nodded. “Yes. I'm just doing some final tests but I'm sure I will. Why are you mad?”
Hunter stepped closer to her. “You agreed to meet the driver yourself instead of sending one of my brothers. Anyone else could have acted as a courier.”
“You own the Kelsey Lodge property,” she defended.
“We own several properties surrounding the lair to ensure there is no unwanted development. The lodge is leased out to the Kelsey family. It's public and not part of lair security. You know this.”
Racheal looked down. “I'm sorry. I was taken off guard. I have to do as he says or I breach our agreement. I can't do that.”
“If you start the transformation...”
She’d avoided thinking about the uncertainties of that situation. “I haven't had any signs since we got here,” she said too quickly.
Hunter's eyes narrowed. “Ignoring it isn't going to make it go away. It's more likely your body is resting before an inevitable exertion.”
She had thought of that herself. “I'm not ignoring it. I've been focused on more pressing matters,” she said irritably.
Hunter pulled her to him. “You have put Kevin Kallan before your own needs long enough.”
He kissed her hard.
Hunter pressed against Racheal's soft body. His mate knew exactly what he wanted.
She moaned into his mouth before grudgingly pulling away. “I know I've been wrapped up in my work. You've been extremely patient. Just give me two more days to get Kevin off my back and I promise to make it up to you.”
Hunter’s cat grumbled at the lost opportunity. “Two days. Then you will take a day off before diving into the solution for Aiden. I know you’ve been working on both serums.”
Racheal nodded.
Hunter turned to Garrett. “Show me how the set up is going.”
Garrett led him to the computer room. “Everything is working. I've updated the motion sensors in the ground and air. Satellite links are all in place.”
Hunter looked at over a dozen flickering screens. “Talen said you are piggybacking off secure government networks.”
Garrett typed in a code sequence. “These are the six satellite links we’re using depending on their current position.”
Garrett nodded. “Yes.”
“Did he tell you who his contact at the government is?” Hunter asked.
Garrett exited the sat screen. “No. I don't even know which agency she's with, but her intel has always been accurate.”
“What did Cade give her in order to get us this kind of access?”
Garrett looked down. “I didn't ask. We both know he would never give a human anything about us.”
“I'm not questioning Cade's loyalty. I'm concerned he’ll do something he’ll regret later.”
Garrett sighed. “He’ll do anything for your lair.”
“It's your lair now, Garrett.”
Garrett rubbed his mouth with his hands. “Yeah, but I'm concerned Cade will split the Canadian lair in two. Most of the current generation will follow him. He's furious about them letting me go.”
“Talen paid a fair compensation for you. It's an acceptable practice,” Hunter said defensively.
“Cade isn't mad at Talen. He respects the hell out of him for what he did. My brother knows the truth. My lair would have given me away for free.”
Hunter growled. “Longevity can be a curse as much as a blessing. The elders grew up in a time that was intolerant to change. They will either learn or perish. That’s simple evolution.”
“I hope it doesn't end with the destruction of my former lair. Regardless of their beliefs.”
“Cade won't let that happen,” Hunter said.
“We don't know who the next lair leader will be for our lair. Cade is one of three contenders.”
“We can only hope for the best. Have you got a location on Kevin Kallan?”
Garrett shook his head. “No, he left Cortez's facility shortly after you did and hasn't been back. There's been unusual
activity though.”
“How so?”
“There are trucks coming in and out of there constantly, now.”
“You think Cortez is planning something?”
“I don't know what's going on but traffic has tripled,” Garrett said.
Hunter ran a hand through his hair. “Did you catch any glimpses of the man I told you about, Colin?”
“Yeah. He's usually at Cortez's side.” He coughed uncomfortably. “She has sex with several members of her private guard but he appears to be her favorite.”
“Poor bastard.” He put his hands on his hips. “You get the name off those truck plates.”
“Yeah. It's a company called N-Zime labs. They use to have an office in Florence...”
“Shit.” Hunter spat.
“You're familiar with them?”
“It's the company Racheal was working for when she was abducted. It's a subsidiary of Kallan Corp.”
Garrett leaned over his screen. “Do you know where they relocated?”
“No, we originally thought they’d folded. Jordan mentioned relocation but we don't know where.”
“I'll hack into the facility and see if I can get my hands on a manifest.” Garrett typed furiously.
Hunter looked out the open door, watching Racheal compare slides on her microscope. She was too far away to have heard their conversation. He wasn't sure how she would react to the news about N-Zime but he couldn't keep it from her. Lies were a luxury he couldn't afford.
Hunter watched his exhausted mate fiddle with the handle of the sample case. Her eyes were sunken in with black circles under her eyes. He wasn't sure how she was keeping her eyes open. He put his hand over hers. “This meeting will be over in a few minutes. Then I'm taking you home and putting you to bed.”
Racheal leaned her head against the seat rest in the SUV. “Honestly, I'm looking forward to it.”
They both turned as a black limo pulled up to meet them. They were in the parking lot of the Kelsey Lodge as promised.
Hunter got out of the car, walking around to open Racheal's door. She stepped out at the same time Kevin Kallan did. He felt her go stiff beside him.
Racheal cleared her throat. “I didn't expect you to meet us.”
Hunter surveyed the area, looking for Kevin's men. He noticed Kevin watching him.
Kevin smoothed his jacket. “I assure you my men will not interfere. I don't breach my agreements. Give me the case.”
Hunter walked beside Racheal as she approached Kevin, handing him the case.
Kevin took it from her smugly. “Our deal is complete. You may…”
The sound rang out, echoing against the mountains, sending the surrounding birds squawking into the air.
Racheal was hurled to the ground as the red stain spread across her chest.
Hunter knelt beside Racheal screaming at Kevin. “You lying sack of SHIT. If she dies, I will rip you apart with my bare hands!”
Kevin looked shocked and confused before his driver pushed him into the car and sped off.
Racheal gulped for air. “I'm cold.”
Hunter examined the wound. Her chest had exploded outward. Someone had set off the capsule.
Hunter scooped her up, running towards the lodge. Liam and Luca ran ahead of him into the lodge.
When Hunter entered, Liam yelled from the reception desk. “Room 142,” and threw his brother a set of keys.
Luca opened the room quickly.
They got Racheal on the bed, before opening her blouse to assess the damage.
Luca put his hand on Hunter's arm. “She has less than two minutes.”
Hunter's incisors sprang forth in force. He could taste the hormone in his mouth. There was no time to be gentle. He bit down savagely into the soft flesh of his mate’s neck.
Racheal barely registered the sting in her neck as pain radiated through her chest. She knew what Hunter had done, she felt her cat reaching for his, felt the hormone surging through her bloodstream. She knew her wound was fatal.
Tears streamed down her face as she gasped for air, willing the strength to say her last words. “I'm sorry. I love you,” she gasped.
Hunter squeezed her shoulder. “Don't you give up!” he screamed.
Racheal felt her body shake. The pain increased, surprising her. She believed that as the body died the nerve centers shut down. Hers were doing the opposite. Her analytical mind tried to solve the medical inconsistency as her entire body seized.
She felt as if every bone, tendon, and tissue had been pulled taut. Her body vibrated in a locked position before her arms, legs and back all broke at once.
She heard the high-pitched scream. Not realizing until it was abruptly cut short that it was her own voice.
Hunter's body shook as tears streamed openly down his face.
Luca's mouth opened with a look of complete horror.
Racheal knew she looked like a broken pretzel. Every limb misshapen as her body struggled to heal her heart and body at the same time. She lost the ability to scream. Her mouth hung open in a silent screech.
Then she was there. The feeling of duality. Her cougar sent her soothing images, telling her without words to let go.
Racheal gladly surrendered, releasing the burden of pain and retreating to the background as her beast took over.
Racheal consciousness shimmered inside her new body. She felt the warm fur of her mate sleeping beside her on the bed. She inhaled deeply, analyzing her surroundings as she opened her eyes.
Luca was by the darkened window, peeping through the curtains before texting on his phone. The room was dark yet she saw every nick in the worn wood on the small table. She rose, stretching her sore muscles.
Luca turned. “Racheal it's dark outside. My family is outside. We are watching the lodge. As soon as I tell you it's clear, exit through the window and run into the forest.”
This man was not her mate. She growled.
Hunter rose beside her, running his fur along hers.
She jumped from the bed, turning quickly to swipe her claws in the air. He understood the message to back off.
Luca punched a number in his phone. “Talen. We have a very pissed off female here. Considering what she just went through I'm surprised she hasn't tried to rip us apart. We need to get her out NOW.”
“Ten seconds then open the window,” Talen replied.
Luca ended the call. “Racheal. After I open the window run straight for the trees. Don't stop. Don't look back. We’ve got you.” He unlatched the window, pulling it open in one motion.
Racheal didn't hesitate. The freedom of the forest called her. She launched onto the sill, using her powerful back legs to propel her forward. She landed on the walkway and ran toward the trees as Hunter landed behind her.
Her senses flared. The receptors in her whiskers sent information through the tiny feelers. The smell of evergreen, pine, and cedar permeated her nose as the wind tickled her fur. She heard the night crickets calling to one another.
This was freedom. A feeling beyond anything she had ever know. Had she been human she would have cried from the beauty of it. Then Hunter was beside her.
He was beautiful. Thick muscles flexed beneath his tawny fur as he ran. Everything about him called to her. She bumped his shoulder to let him know that this was her time and not to interfere.
He bumped back, causing her to stumble before regaining her footing. Acknowledging his strength was superior she launched at a large tree, sinking her claws into the bark and pulling her body up the rough surface. She positioned herself on the lowest limb that would support her weight and hissed down at her male as he circled the tree.
When a gust of wind dislodged a twig of evergreen from the limb he jumped up, grabbing it from mid-air, wrestling it to the ground like it was a wild animal. He pounced and swatted the earth, garnering her attention. She found his actions strangely alluring.
When he chuffed at her. She jumped to the ground.
He proceeded to roll on
his back in playful abandon. She mimicked the action, enjoying herself immensely until she rolled her feet underneath herself once more. He was on her so quick she never noticed until his teeth sank into the soft tissue at her neck, forcing her submission.
She put her muzzle to the ground as her mate took her. They were together for hours before her mate urged her to follow him.
He led her to a steam with clear cold water. She was mesmerized by the whitecaps created from protruding rocks standing fast against the steady flow. She pawed the ripples at the surface before taking a much-needed drink.
He bumped her side gently, urging her to follow him once more.
They loped through the forest as nocturnal creatures scattered in their wake.
They crested the hill looking down at the log cabin. The one she now recognized as home. She stopped, sitting down to survey the valley. Her mate sat patiently beside her. She appreciated him not rushing her. She knew there would be many more nights like this one in her future. This, however, would always be the first. She looked at him.
Trust. Love. Devotion. Eyes that could never lie. Never let her down stared unwaveringly back at her. She rose and walked steadily home.
Racheal followed Hunter into the cabin. He resumed his human form. While she admired his perfect physique, she didn't want her time to end.
Hunter knelt down, petting her fur. “Come on honey. We'll have plenty of time in our animal forms. I want some time with you.”
The gentle truth in his voice allowed her to let go. She felt the sting of pain before her body seemed to melt and then resume its human shape. She reached for him.
He pulled her to him, fitting herself against his body, needing the warmth. “I had no idea it would be like that. I didn't want to come back.”
Hunter smoothed her hair. “It's overwhelming at first. It gets easier. The lure is always there, it's part of you. Once your cat trusts you to take care of her needs. She won't push you as much.”
She was clinging to him. An anchor in the storm of her emotions. “It’s her then? What I feel.”