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The Zahkx Alliance: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 2)

Page 20

by Katherine Bogle

  Selene smiled, and leaned her cheek against her hand. “This woman’s security is ludicrous.”

  “You got that right,” Darius grumbled. He crossed his arms and shook his head, looming behind her chair.

  “Are you able to hack into her security team’s schedule and coms?” Rikkard asked.

  Rem paused. “I don’t see why not.”

  Selene sat back. She couldn’t imagine pulling this off without them, but on the other hand, she wasn’t sure she should ask them to come with her. Her smile fell as she realized what their last mission had cost them. Though it had been to save Sav, Lanny had paid with his life. Would the others follow her into battle to get her body back? Yes. Should they? She wasn’t so sure. Asking them to come with her could be sentencing them to death, and her last plan for revenge hadn’t gone so well.

  Her stomach flipped as images of Sarah’s body flashed before her eyes. Her best friend had died for her. It had been foolish, and simply in the aftermath of the fight. She didn’t deserve to go. What if the same thing happened again? What if someone lost their life for her? She couldn’t bear to lose someone else.

  Heart pounding in her ears, Selene looked around at her comrades. Each of them had the same determined set to their brow, and confident gleam in their eyes. She sighed and shook her head.

  “Wait a second,” she said. “Rem, find me the route, and get me her details. I’ll go alone this time.”

  Rikkard’s fingers closed on her shoulder, and the rest of them looked at her. Even Rem stopped typing to peer over his shoulder.

  “Are you crazy?” Sav snapped.

  “You can’t be serious,” Flik agreed.

  Rikkard swung her seat around, forcing her to face him. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw set.

  “I’m serious,” she said, though her voice was small under Rikkard’s harsh gaze. “We’ve lost too much following my plans. I should do this alone.”

  “Your plans?” Rem piped up. “Listen here Miss High-and-Mighty, we’ve all come up with these plans.”

  Selene couldn’t help but smile. All the same, she shook her head. “You know what I mean. We lost Sarah to help the Alliance. We lost Lanny to save Sav. I can do this alone, and that way we won’t lose anyone else.” Anyone, but her. She didn’t say it, but her meaning hung in the air.

  Rikkard leaned back, crossing his arms like a disapproving father. “You’ll do no such thing.”

  Selene’s skin cooled. “You can’t tell me what to do, Rikkard.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but Sav got to it first. “You’re crazier than I thought if you think any one of us is letting you do this alone.”

  Selene’s eyes widened slightly. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Lanny died saving me,” Sav said. His jaw tightened and his eyes grew solemn. “That’s on no one but me.” He cleared his throat. “Sarah died doing what she believed in too—helping your dumb ass.” Selene balked at the sheer audacity of this man. “Whether that’s anyone’s fault remains to be seen, but you couldn’t stop them from helping any more than you can stop the rest of us now.” Sav crossed his arms with the finality of his statement.

  Selene looked around at the others. All of them wore similar looks of ‘Selene you’re an idiot.’ Slowly, she smiled, and then she laughed. “You’re all my kind of crazy.”

  Darius flashed a grin. “We’d have to be to follow the likes of you two.” He motioned at Selene and Rikkard, and it was Rikkard’s turn to look confused.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Fine, if you insist.”

  From the looks of Zelena Stein’s schedule, and from what they’d uncovered so far, they were in for a firefight no matter what. Whether that firefight got someone killed or not, only time would tell, but Selene would do her damndest to jump in front of every bit of laser fire if it meant protecting these guys. She’d never had a proper family before—not one that she really remembered at least—but these guys, these crazy assholes who would die for her, they were her family.

  “I’ll keep going over Zelena’s schedule,” Rem said, pulling her from her reverie.

  Selene nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on him,” Darius whispered all too loudly.

  She laughed as Rem glared at Darius. “Sounds good. See what you can find out about her route home, and what security looks like on the road.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Rem did a mock salute before turning back to his computer.

  As Flik and Sav returned down the hall of the cruiser to get breakfast after their rude awakening, Selene looked back at Rikkard.

  And he did not look pleased.

  Her smile dropped, and her eyes widened. He was so going to lecture her.

  Rikkard nodded toward the cargo hold door. Yep. She was done for.

  Selene stood reluctantly. “I guess I’ll see you guys in a bit. If I don’t come back, ask him where he hid the body.” She pointed at Rikkard, and the others laughed as they descended the cargo hold door into Bakura.

  Rikkard wouldn’t tell her where they were going, not until they were alone at the front of the ship, and he could properly scold her out of earshot.

  He faced the desert, looking out over the horizon while Selene took a seat on a large rusted air duct. She took a deep breath, and wiped her clammy hands on her thighs. She knew she was in for it. Why else would Rikkard get her alone?

  Her mind raced with her pounding heart as Rikkard turned back around, his gaze shadowed as the sun glared at her over his shoulder. She squinted into the light, trying to get a read on his face before he started yelling.

  “Look, I’m sorry I said that, but—” Selene began, but before she could beat him to the punch, Rikkard closed the space between them, and kissed her.

  His lips were hot against hers, and his fingers wound in her hair. He pulled the back of her neck closer, his mouth hard against hers.

  Fire burned to life inside her belly, and rose up into her chest. She lost her breath as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hard body pressed against hers.

  Her mind spun with passion until she thought of nothing but getting him closer. Just then, he pulled back, and a disappointed whimper caught in her throat as she opened her eyes.

  His cold blue gaze was filled with lust as his hands descended to her hips. Her cheeks heated as she caught her breath. She tried to pull him back down to her, but he kept a firm few inches between their faces.

  “You’re an idiot,” he said. His hot breath scorched her cheeks and lit the heat inside her belly once more.

  “That’s rude,” she said. “I was just trying to save everyone from—”

  “Shut up,” he growled, and pressed his lips against hers again.

  His hands gripped her hips, his thumbs massaging her skin over her suit, making her wish she could just rip the damn thing off. Her hand rested against his cheek, his stubble bit her fingers, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him directly against her.

  A lusty growl rumbled in his throat as he pressed against her, his mouth melding with hers until he pulled away to kiss down her neck. Selene gasped and arched her chest into his as he left hot kisses down her sensitive throat until he reached her collarbone.

  He reached the cut out in her suit, just above her breasts and stopped. His hot breath bathed her skin, and she held onto him, hoping beyond hope he wouldn’t stop.

  But he did, forcing himself to step back, putting a few inches between them. Her heart fell as she caught her breath, her entire body flushed and hot, craving more.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, hoping she didn’t sound as pathetic as she thought.

  Rikkard smiled, a real smile, and kissed her forehead before gently removing her legs from his hips. “We’re on the decks of Bakura, and though I doubt this is the first time its residents have seen… well, this…” He nodded at both of them, hot and bothered. “I don’t want to add us to that list.”

  Selene caught
her breath, and when the haze of lust finally lifted, she saw reason. “Good thinking.”

  He chuckled, and sat beside her, squeezing her hand to reassure her. He wanted this, but he was far too much of a gentleman. It surprised and delighted her in ways she wasn’t familiar with.

  She smiled. “I thought you’d brought me over here to scold me.”

  Rikkard shook his head. “I did.”

  “Well if that’s what you call a scolding, you can scold me anytime.” Selene grinned, flashing her teeth, and Rikkard rolled his eyes.

  “You really think I’d let you get away with what you said back there?” His voice darkened, though only slightly. “I’d never let you go alone.”

  Selene sighed. “I know that, but I’m tired of seeing our friends die.”

  Rikkard grimaced. “I know.”

  “I just don’t want anyone else to get hurt.”

  “People are always going to get hurt, Selene.” He met her gaze.

  “I wish we could all just get away from here.”

  “I don’t think there’s anywhere we could go beyond the Dominion’s reach.”

  “True.” She bit her lip as she thought. It wasn’t just the Dominion she wanted to escape. Though they were certainly a large part of it, being there with the smugglers and with Eria, just left questions she didn’t want to ask. Questions about if Rikkard still had feelings for his old boss, or if they’d all be okay and survive tomorrow. Her cheeks burned. She couldn’t believe after all they were facing she was still worried about Eria. Rikkard was right—not that she’d ever admit it. She was a fucking idiot.

  “What?” Rikkard asked.

  Selene jumped, and her eyes widened. She hated how good he was at reading her. “It’s nothing.”

  He levelled her a doubtful look. “What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t believe it bothered her. It was so childish. So juvenile. They weren’t kids. In fact, she wasn’t even exactly sure how old Rikkard was in the first place. Somewhere between twenty-six and thirty, she was fairly certain. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion as a million thoughts raced through her mind.

  “What is it?” he asked again.

  Selene sighed in defeat. “Is there anything… between you and Eria, still?” Her cheeks burned and she hated herself for asking, but if she didn’t ask, she’d always wonder, and doubt would never leave the back of her mind.

  Rikkard’s brows rose in surprise, whether it was shock that this of all things was what she was focusing on, or just shock at the question, she couldn’t be sure. He paused for a long time, making her stomach flip and her pulse race. She was sure that had to be a bad sign.

  He shook his head, his hair falling forward. “Are you serious?”

  Of course she was damn serious, couldn’t he see that? “Yes,” she said.

  “You are crazy.”

  Selene’s mouth dropped open. “Excuse me? What’s so crazy about thinking you might still have feelings for your ex?”

  Rikkard gave her a look. “Everything.”

  She huffed. “Explain.”

  Rikkard sighed. “No, I’m not interested in Eria, and haven’t been for a damn long time.”

  Selene inspected his face to make sure he was telling the truth. Though she’d never really doubted him until the day she found out he was lying to the smugglers, she believed him now.

  “Okay,” she said. The relief was instant, and she relaxed, leaning her shoulder against his arm.

  “Okay?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat, and refused to meet his eyes. “I believe you.”

  He smiled, and placed a hand on the side of her face, forcing her to look at him. Instead of responding to her childish foolishness, he kissed her, soft and tender, unlike the fire that had burned through them minutes ago.

  When he leaned back, they both smiled, and she felt silly for having ever doubted him.

  They sat on the front of the old navy vessel in silence for a while, and Selene wished they could stay like that, close and in perfect harmony as the sun blazed closer to the horizon.

  But they had a job to do, and as that realization settled over her, she looked back at Rikkard, and saw her own thoughts on his face. It was time to go back to the crew, and face tomorrow.

  Selene and Rikkard returned to the cruiser to find the lights dimmed, and Rem still working away while Darius slept, slumped over in his chair. Kong sat beside him, playing with a ball of scrap metal. He perked up when they entered, a goofy gorilla smile taking over his features.

  She held her finger up to her lips, asking Kong to stay quiet for just a moment longer. She snuck up in front of Darius, a bit irritated he was shirking his ‘watch Rem’ duties. Selene slammed her foot against his chair, and Darius shot up, his eyes wide as he looked around in confusion.

  “What, what? I’m awake!” Darius said.

  “Mmhmm.” Selene narrowed her eyes and motioned at Rem. “You’re supposed to be keeping an eye on him.”

  “I was… I mean, I am.” Darius cleared his throat, and looked between her and Rem. Kong hooted now that he was sure he could make noise again, and stood, discarding his scrap metal ball and wrapping his arms around Selene.

  Selene smiled and hugged his large simian arms as she looked back at Rem.

  Rem still hadn’t stopped typing, and his eyes had gone bug-like. She couldn’t even be sure if he’d heard them or knew they were there.

  “Rem?” she asked. He remained silent, his fingers flying. “Rem?” When he didn’t answer a second time, she slipped out of Kong’s grip, took his shoulders and spun him to face her.

  “Hey!” he snapped, his brows furrowing in annoyance as he glared at her.

  “It’s polite to answer someone when they’re speaking to you,” she said.

  “You said something?” Rem smiled sheepishly.

  “Yes,” Selene said dryly. “Have you figured out her route and security detail yet?” She glanced up at his monitor. The holoscreen had several windows open, one with a blue and white schematic of New Manhattan, zoomed in near the holostation. Another window had long strands of code, and a third had rows of details about security measures, driving set up, and routes for the interim president to take in case of emergency.

  “Mostly,” he said.

  “Looks done to me.” Selene grabbed his arm and yanked him right out of his chair. “You need to get some sleep.”

  “I don’t need sleep,” Rem argued.

  “Yes, you do.” Selene held him at arm’s length. “Seriously. Tomorrow we’ll be in for a hell of a ride, so today you need to rest.”

  He still hadn’t slept since they’d returned from their last mission. It wasn’t good for him to stay up for so long, especially high on caffeine.

  “I’m fine!” Rem rolled his eyes and smacked her hands away.

  Selene wasn’t taking no for an answer. Grabbing him by the back of the shirt, she pushed him into Darius’s arms. “Take him to bed, and make sure he stays there.”

  Darius’s eyes widened, but he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  While the large man toted Rem, who continued to complain the entire way down the hall, Selene and Rikkard took their seats. They slid closer to the holoscreen while Kong settled in beside her, watching the screen over her shoulder.

  “He did a good job,” Rikkard said.

  “He always does.” Selene smiled as she flipped between screens. Along the aerial map of the city, a red line went from the holostation to a hundred-story condo building twenty blocks away. That’d give them plenty of time to cause some sort of chaos and get her body out of enemy hands.

  “Here.” Rikkard pointed at a space where the highway narrowed between two large skyscrapers. The spot was almost halfway between the holostation and Zelena’s home. It’d be the perfect spot to stage a kidnapping.

  “Perfect.” Selene grinned.

  They spent the rest of the evening coming up with a plan and preparing their gear. Tomorrow they’d fa
ce the fight of their lives. Tomorrow, they’d get her damn body back.

  The crowd bustled through the enormous tent toward the stage, led by dozens of security personnel. Selene bit back a growl as civilians pushed her on all sides as they clamored to be the first ones in front of the stage to see the amazing Zelena Stein. She rolled her eyes at the lot of them. Little did they know Zelena was a fake. A fraud. That wasn’t even her body.

  Disguised by a hat, her mane of brown hair and a pair of sunglasses, Selene walked alongside Rikkard, both of them dressed in street clothes.

  Goosebumps ran across her clammy skin, and her heart raced with nerves. This was it. Today they’d either get her body back, or fail. Though she didn’t see failure as an option, she couldn’t hide the questions that plagued her.

  What would happen if they failed? Her current body would break down within days. She’d have to get a new clone immediately, but would Captain Erock make her another? If her body started to decay, there’s no way she could go on another mission like last time.

  Rikkard’s fingers slipped through hers, and he squeezed her hand.

  Selene looked at him with surprise, and he gave her a look of understanding. He knew she was worried. He could probably sense it from her vibrating skin.

  She tried a smile to assure him, but she could barely manage to quirk her lips before the crowd jostled her again, and she glared at the surrounding citizens.

  “Please come forward in an orderly fashion! Interim President Zelena Stein will arrive shortly!” an announcer said from the stage. The woman’s voice boomed through the tent, cutting through the excited whispers of the crowd.

  Her skin crawled with distaste. All of these people worshipped Zelena. She couldn’t wait to make the woman disappear.

  The crowd finally stopped as it reached the barricade at the edge of the stage. Half a dozen security guards were always stationed between the barricade and the stage, while more hovered by the edges, speaking into comsets stuffed in their ears.

  “Are you in position?” Rem buzzed in her ear.

  Selene nodded, not wanting to break their cover.

  “We’re here,” Rikkard said, leaning next to her ear as if he whispered to her. It was a good cover, though his hot breath made her shiver. He squeezed her hand again, and she took a deep breath. She had to stay calm.


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