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The Darker Side of Me (Ravana Moon Book 1)

Page 21

by S. L. Perrine

  I didn’t know if she knew the implications of what she’d done, but I wouldn’t sample her until she told me she understood. I wouldn’t trap her into that. It wasn’t something that could be ended easily, not after both mates fed. If she decided when the sun went down that she wasn’t ready for it, she could stop. I would go through withdrawals like a regular drug addict, but she would be unaffected. I wouldn’t hurt her, I wouldn’t trick her. She’d already been through so much.

  She licked the puncture wounds in my neck and they closed. Another sign that Emerick’s blood had a profound effect on me. Unwrapping her legs from around my waist I set her down. She looked up at me in a haze. Her eyes swam back in her head. I pulled her arms up around my neck and pulled her legs up cradling her to me.

  It was late, we were both spent from the shower and earlier. So, I walked her to the bed and tucked her in, then lay down behind her. She curled into my body and dozed. Her hair laid like a blanket between us.

  That’s how I woke up. That’s how I would have liked to have woken the night before. She rolled to face me. Her eyes still sluggish from sleep, but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

  “Mornin’, Red.”

  “Good morning. How’d you sleep?”

  “Like the dead.”

  “Haha, so funny.”

  “How do you feel?”

  She stretched out rolling on top of me. “With my hands.” Her smile was contagious.

  I couldn’t help sliding my hands down her body. He skin was like silk, and I hated the idea of her putting clothes on to cover it up. I let my hands roam over her ass, and cupped her cheeks pulling her up the front of me. My morning erection rubbed against her belly until her thighs spread and she sat overtop of me. Her eyes widened, no longer groggy with sleep as I slid my hand between us.

  She slapped my hand out of her way and scooted back down the front of me. Her hand squeezed around me, and down my shaft where she stopped, then added her mouth. She held her hand still until her lips met with her fingers, then both hand and mouth moved in unison. I bucked my hips in tune with her movements and she teased the head of my cock, sliding the tip of her tongue inside the slit. Her hand moved to my balls, massaging and then a slight squeeze as she licked me like a lollipop. I felt the pressure build inside me, but tried to hold back. Just as I would have exploded she stopped and ran from the bed to the closet.

  “What?” I moved up on my elbows looking for her in the doorway.

  “We have company.”

  My head fell back, my arms dropped. “I realize you had no reason before, but could we please get a fucking lock on that door?”

  She stuck her head out of the closet and I could make out the black straps of her bra on her shoulder. “That’s a great idea. Or, maybe I’ll revoke everyone’s access to the elevator.” She winked at me and disappeared again.

  “Fine, you go be the boss, and I’ll take care of myself.”

  Ravana bound out of the closet and on to the bed in a blur. Her thighs wrapped around me, her pelvis pushing into my still erect cock. She moved her hand between her legs and before I could see what she was doing under her skirt, I was inside her. She bucked and moaned, and I felt the heat of her juices coating me. It took no time at all to make us both scream in unison before she hopped off me and licked the tip of my nose for good measure.

  “You get a rain check for the rest. Now, get up and get dressed.”

  “All of my clothes are downstairs.” I started to laugh when she walked from the closet carrying a pair of my jeans and a maroon Zeppelin t-shirt. One of my favorites, actually. “Sneaky and cruel.”

  “I know I am, what are you?” she teased as she left the room just as the elevator doors opened for the second time.

  When I reached the kitchen area I was famished, but not for blood. I picked one of the muffins up out of the basket and took a bite. Then chased it down with a piping hot sip of Ravana’s coffee.

  “I thought he didn’t eat food? Or drink coffee? Someone want to explain what’s going on?” Delia looked at Red.

  “It would seem, Massimo is more like…”

  “Me.” Emerick bound into the kitchen from the infusion room. “Sorry, I needed a pick me up after this morning.” He grabbed a cup of coffee off the counter and helped himself to a muffin.

  “Sure,” Ravana said looking down.

  I couldn’t be sure until I asked her, but something about him being around made her feel like we were back in his mansion in our hometown. There, he was the boss and she was to be his submissive, just like I was. I gave her a little tug on the arm, and she straightened up. Her shoulders squared, and I smiled letting her know she’d understood what I was saying. She was the one in charge here, and he would have to get used to that.

  We made our way down the elevator to an undisclosed number. The button was three down from Red’s floor and unmarked. That way anyone in the building looking at it would believe those floors to be corporate dwellings as labeled in the buildings codex.

  “Any progress on getting a witch here?” Red asked the Keepers.

  “No. Not yet. Amanda said she had an idea, but she needed to call around to see if her lead was still…living? I think that’s the term she used.”

  Witches weren’t normally known for getting involved in situations that had nothing to do with them. They certainly didn’t put their lives on the line. If Amanda’s contact was reckless or usually involved in things that may lead Amanda to think she may be dead, then we were not talking about a novice.

  “Is she solitary?”

  “I believe so. I think the term she used was Grey Solitary. What does that mean?”

  “A grey witch?” Emerick commented. “That means they do not let their magic harm or benefit anyone. Not alone. They are crafty and usually do both at the same time. If we need her to do anything for us, it will cause pain to obtain it.”

  “That doesn’t sound like anything we’d be interested in,” Kelly said bringing up the rear as we walked down the empty corridor.

  “That is exactly what I’m in the market for. No pain, no gain.” Red sauntered up to a large window next to a door.

  Inside Torrid sat with his arms tied behind his back. The cell was not like the apartments in the building. The entire floor was reinvented to look and feel like a prison floor. The halls turned and turned again until we’d turned so many times I’d probably not be able to find my way out.

  Ravana bent over. She’d gotten rid of the skirt from earlier and opted for a pair of black jeans. She also donned her usual white blouse and a pair of black ankle boots that made her look like a waitress about to take Torrid’s order, not torture him for information.

  Red knocked on the glass and the male’s head popped up. His eye was covered in dried blood, but there were no visible cuts. His curls puffed high above his head and his nose looked like it had been broken and healed wrong.

  “Your handy work?” I asked Emerick.

  “He was making fun of mine, so I gave him one to match.”

  “If you’re so sensitive about it, why not just break it and reset it?” Red asked.

  “It’s a reminder.”

  “Of what?” I fumed.

  “That even family cannot be trusted.”

  Ravana must have sensed a brawl about to commence because she whipped around and snapped at us. The voice of the leader finally realized. “Boys. That will be enough. Work together without the bickering or Emerick can join Torrid in the adjoining cell as he should have to begin with.”

  “Hey, why me?”

  “Because you’re the one doing unlawful experiments on humans. It’s a direct violation of the code set up by the Order and punishable by death. Whatever deal Amanda has given you, don’t be fooled. I run this operation, I can revoke it.”

  Her gaze bore into his, and then she looked back to Delia and Kelly, begging for them to contradict her. When none spoke, she turned back to the cell, pushing a button on the wall.

; “Good evening, Mr. Torrid. Did you sleep well?” she spoke loudly into the intercom.

  The male looked stunned. He obviously couldn’t see us behind the glass. His eyes squinted as if he were trying to break through its functions and see us on the other side. His shirt was torn, his jeans caked in beach sand and piles of it surrounded his chair.

  “Are you ready to answer a few questions?” Red pushed the button again.

  “What could you possibly have to ask me that you didn’t get out of me at the beach? I gave you everything. I wasn’t even going to hurt you, but now…as soon as I get my hands wrapped up in that hair of yours, I’m gonna shove my—” He was cut off abruptly as Emerick hit the button.

  “You don’t want to know. Trust me.”

  She pushed Emerick away and I smirked. I knew better than to get in her way. The leader of this group was back, and she had her attitude to match inches away from giving Emerick a piece of her mind.

  “This is my interrogation. Stay out of it.” She turned back and hit the button, which only meant listening to more of Torrid’s insults. “Would you shut up already? Who else knows about the blade?”

  He looked up at the window and smiled. “Which blade?” He began laughing and Ravana hit the button to shut him down.

  “Delia and Kelly, what are you still doing here? Go find me a witch.”

  “But Amanda…”

  “I don’t care. Call Ester, she’s rude enough to be one. Just find one.”

  The ladies scurried away from the cell, and when we heard the elevator door ding open, Red turned to the both of us. “In fifteen minutes, Emerick I want you to go to the armory and look in the bathroom.”

  “For the bogus safe?”

  “I was wondering about that, what gives?” I ran a hand through my hair.

  “Yes, there is no safe, but Delia doesn’t know that. I have a feeling we have a spy in our midst. Why else would she call the PCI the minute I left the building? She’s looking for it.”

  “You never told her about it?” I asked watching as Emerick looked between us.

  “No. There was only one Keeper I’d ever trust with the ruby’s whereabouts, and she’s long dead. I didn’t know the PCI knew about it.”

  “What ruby? What are you two yammering on about?”

  I turned to Emerick. “What’s the matter, brother? Don’t like being in the dark?”

  “Don’t call him that. He’s not family,” Red snapped at me, and Emerick looked as though he’d lost his best friend.

  “What do you mean I am not family? I sired both of you.”

  She whipped around and had him pinned by the throat to the opposite wall. “Yes, you did. I remember everything, very clearly. He hasn’t brought it up yet, so I’m guessing you’re letting him get his a little at a time. How lucky for you. I can’t wait till the day he gets them all. Every. Last. One. I’ll be the spunky red-head sitting next to you as he tears your head from your body.”

  And just like that, he was back on the ground and Red was in the cell with Torrid.

  “What the hell was that about?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest. When I find out though,” he rubbed his neck, “I’ll be sure and let you know.

  “Whatever. More secrets and lies. I’m sure she’ll tell me if I ask nicely.”

  “She probably will, just to see me dead. A nice little fabrication to break our bond apart.”

  “It was broken when you tossed her aside like leftovers not fit for your plate.” I turned my back on him and watched Ravana beat the living shit out of the male in the cell. It was no bigger than Red’s bathroom, however with her and her rage inside, it looked even smaller than that. She picked up Torrid as best she could with him strapped to a chair and yelled in his face.

  “I told you what happened, and why. I’ve never been away from her. I’ve watched her wherever she’s been. I did not toss her aside.”

  “Wait. Something is not adding up.” I moved to open the door, but it was locked. So, I opted for the button on the wall. “Ravana, love?”

  “Yes?” She let go of the man and looked at the window.

  “Torrid said he was after the Ancient One, the man who hired him on occasion to find you for him?”

  “Yes. That’s what he told me at the beach.”

  “That’s horse shit. I’ve never lost track of you. I’ve always known where you are. I told you that as well. All those white feather arrows. Think about it,” Emerick yelled through the speaker.

  “So, who’s posing as the Ancient One, and who’s been keeping track of you?” I asked.

  The likely hood that Emerick had lost track of me at any point in time was slim. Not as far back as Torrid could claim he was a vampire, at least. By the time Emerick started dropping arrows at my enemies, I was a competent fighter and he only helped when I could have benefited from it. I say it was just because he wanted to alert me to his presence. Maybe he thought I’d put the pieces together and think it was him after all. Either way, he was dropping arrows way before Torrid said he began hiring him. Which meant I have at minimum, one hundred and one people trying kill me. I suppose that’s a number I can deal with.

  In the case of the blade, thankfully the number was much smaller. Just the chemist and the blacksmith who fused the metals together to make the blade. This information also led us to another conclusion. Whoever was looking for me and hired Torrid to find me, was also likely a sired child of Emerick’s. Why else would Torrid need to make the blade in the first place?

  “How did you know that combination of metal would work on us?” Massimo asked Torrid. I’d opened the door allowing both males to join me in the room, providing they didn’t get in my way.

  “Like I told Ravana, I used a piece of her hair. The reaction to the hair was enough to convince us that it would work on your flesh and it does. I proved that today.”

  Absentmindedly I rubbed the spot on my hand that had been melted off by just a touch of that blade against my skin. “Fine, that’s enough. Unbind him and bring him,” I told Massimo, “across the hall.” I moved to an empty room. There was no intercom. No one-way mirror. Just a slot opening on the door to pass trays of food through.

  I opened the door and flipped on the light. Massimo pushed Torrid into the cell. He stumbled, but caught his balance before he fell face first into the end of a cot. “Since I’ve answered your questions, may I ask one?”

  “Yes. One.”

  “Am I like the two of you now?” He looked down at the dried blood on his hands. Had he been just a vampire, he would have needed blood to heal. It would have begun, but it would have been slow and painful.

  “Yes. You can and will live for all eternity. Unless I find out you lied about that blade. Because if I do, or if anyone else comes out of the woodwork with one, I’ll use it to slit your throat as well.”

  “It won’t work on me. I made it…” He realized what he was about to say and stopped.

  “Yes, you made the weapon specifically so it could kill Emerick and me. When that arrow went through his side and carried his blood into your leg, it transferred his blood into your body. You have been sired, a hunter vampire. Congratulations. You now have all of our strength, and none of the weaknesses humans or vampires deal with. You’ll be able to enjoy the sun again one day. Maybe, if you ever get out of this cell.” I shut the door with a thud and turned to Emerick.

  “Armory. Now.” I was surprised when he didn’t complain or argue.

  He gave a nod of his head and left. The ringing of the elevator led me to believe he was gone, and Massimo and I were left to walk back on our own.

  I was already weary. I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if the one person who’d been assigned to help me had turned out to be a spy. We came to the elevator and found it open and awaiting us. We rode up the few floors in silence until we got to my apartment.

  “If she’s not inside, she’s a dead woman,” I said looking at the dagger on my finger.

  “Don’t worry. N
obody will ever learn of its whereabouts from me. That I can promise.”

  “Good. I mean I’d hate to have to kill you. I, at least have the weapon to do it.”

  “Yes, but we should really destroy that dagger. Using it could kill us.”

  “What if this vampire that’s been looking for me is like us? Emerick turned hundreds of hunters.”

  “We can take his head off the old fashion way. We don’t need to fight with a weapon that can eat our flesh and sever our limbs like it were nothing. Put your back into it, and the head will still roll.” He made a duck face with his lips and rocked his head back and forth.

  “You’re certifiable.”

  “You’re narcissistic. See, we’re perfect for each other.”

  “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes and pushed open the door to my apartment. Delia was sitting at the kitchen island on the phone with who I could only guess was Ester. A homicidal bitch who helped Amanda recruit me for the Order. I always thought there was something off about her, but couldn’t get a read as to if she was demon, vampire, or human. It was the strangest thing.

  I turned to look at Massimo, and we both ran for the elevator. Before it opened up one floor below we could hear the commotion coming from the armory. Using vampire speed, we ran into the room and found Emerick tossing two agents against the far wall, knocking down a shelf full of pistols.

  Kelly stood with her back to us, the bathroom door wide open, and all the contents of the medicine cabinet on the floor, including the small cabinet. “Where is the stupid safe?”

  “Should have known it was you.”

  Kelly spun around on a heel and held a Taser in front of her. Emerick snapped the necks of the two agents he’d dropped and was heading toward Kelly. I shook my head slightly, so he would stop.

  “Where is it? It shouldn’t be in your control.”

  “So, you were the only Keeper that would agree to come here? You volunteered for this post, didn’t you? The minute you heard about it.”


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