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Sweet Nothings: East Coast Sugar Daddies: Book 5

Page 9

by Bates, Austin

  Now that Aaron was undoubtedly in attendance, it was time to get things rolling. I adjusted my own mask as I walked to the podium, climbing up and clearing my throat into the microphone. It served its intended purpose of catching the attention of the guests, and I smiled my most dazzling grin at the crowd. I discreetly tried to pick out Aaron, and saw he had stayed near the entrance-- probably so he could make an easy escape if he needed to. I didn’t let myself get discouraged, I needed to radiate confidence for the purpose of this party.

  “Hello and thank you all for coming to the launch of East Coast Sugar Daddies. Many of you in attendance already know the merits of this application, but to our newcomers: I implore you to keep an open mind. The name of the application can be a bit misleading. While our users are welcome to use the application for quick flings, the happy couples you see here have found their happy ending through the use of the application. That said, this isn’t just a matter of business. The night has just begun, and this is party after all. So once again, I thank you for coming and hope you enjoy yourselves,” I said, voice firm and unwavering. “If you will spare me the attention for a moment longer, I present the first viewing of the ECSD commercial that will be released to the general public.” The exuberant clapping of the guests was the last thing on my mind as I stepped down from the podium. I threw an arm up to indicate that the projector be turned on, turning to watch as the advertisement we had all put together played on the large screen.



  My feelings were mixed when I walked into the hotel and was greeted by a table full of masks. Looking over them, my gaze settled one marked reserved. My heart throbbed as thoughts of Logan filled my mind, and I picked up the mask with a sort of gentle reverence. In spite of hoping it was a friendly gesture, I was more inclined to think it was another attempt to reel me in. My hands shook as I held the mask, staring at it as if it could give me the answers I needed. I felt my lips quirk despite everything, but immediately got annoyed at myself. That was just what he wanted, to soften me up. I wouldn’t be so easily fooled this time, but two could play at his game. I put the mask on, preparing to seek out the man who lit the flames of rage inside my gut. I was more resolved than ever with my decision to leave the development team. I’d actually managed to find a replacement who would be plenty suitable. He was an omega male like myself, eager to please and possessing a fantastic portfolio. He had years of experience under his belt according to his resume, and I was confident that he would thrive in the position. I’d even gone as far as warning him about his potentially problematic boss, but he wasn’t put off. He thought Logan was attractive and, in his words would be “happy to serve his superior in any fashion”. A tiny part of me that felt irrationally possessive of Logan had nearly sent him on his way, but I knew better than to throw send off such a good prospect. Putting distance between Logan and myself was the point, after all.

  Although I was angry at Logan, I didn’t want to catch him entirely off guard with my resignation. I intended to tell everyone involved that I was stepping down as part of my speech, but I wanted to give Logan the slightest bit of warning. It was more than he deserved, but it would hopefully keep things from getting too out of control during the speech. Logan was a businessman through and through, but men who were strictly about business didn’t exactly fuck their coworkers either. He was unpredictable and strangely possessive, and although I’d briefly entertained the thought of destroying this-- all of it, I didn’t want the app to get a bad reputation because of blowout with Logan. It truly had brought a number of couples together and was the source of so many happy endings that it was almost impossible to believe. I kept telling myself that I could not trust the algorithm, that somewhere along the lines I’d made a major mistake. But seeing all the happy couples that had been invited to the party was a bit disconcerting. It had been accurate to the point of being odd and almost eerie. I hadn’t received a single report about any disastrous endings from our matchmaking services.

  I couldn’t afford to second guess myself at that point, however. I had found a replacement and all the dominos were lined in a row. All I had to do was follow through with the plan that was falling into place so perfectly. I couldn’t continue to entertain Logan’s idea that we were meant to be or something equally ridiculous. I may have believed in soulmates and the like when I was a young and dumb kid, but the world had jaded me too much to believe in such fantasies. Still, as I watched the commercial that I’d helped throw together, I felt a deep sense of longing. There were so many smiling faces-- real smiles formed of genuine love and joy. I didn’t understand why it couldn’t be me, and though I’d not admit as much, I didn’t understand why I pushed against Logan’s advances so much. It wasn’t as if he were repulsive, or even that I felt as taken advantage of as I claimed. I was just afraid, to the point it was near crippling. I knew my father wouldn’t approve and even if I’d already been disowned, I didn’t want to exacerbate the issue by getting in a relationship with his best friend. However, if the circumstances were different, I’d willingly give myself to Logan. Thoughts like that didn’t do anything to strengthen my resolve, but in a perfect world, things didn’t have to be so complicated.

  When I finally found Logan, he was in the middle of a conversation with a couple that had been brought together by the app. As soon as he saw me, he fell completely silent as his mouth hung open. I needed to get the conversation over with, as quickly and painlessly as possible. I made some excuse about the presentations to get him away from the others, and then dragged him into the nearest empty room I could find. I realized with some embarrassment that I’d dragged him into the coat check room. It was cramped to the point of being almost anxiety-inducing, especially considering my company. For the first time that night, I took a moment to take him in. He radiated arrogance, but that was nothing new. I could only wonder how much of it was an act, though he’d given me no reason to think as much. The mask he wore was unlike every other mask I’d seen, unique in a pile of duplicates-- like mine, only his was familiar in a more visceral way. My mind lingered on the mental image of Logan ripping his mask off after we’d fucked in the closet. He touched my cheek and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I’d not realized how close we were to each other, and his gaze was nearly smoldering enough to burn me to ash.

  “Logan, there’s something we need to talk about--” I cut myself off with a gasp as he kissed me, a short and chaste touch filled with tenderness. He obviously wasn’t listening, so I made another attempt to get the words out. “Logan, I can’t do this anymore,” I muttered, sounding weak even to my ears. His expression didn’t falter, his lips curled in a smile as he continued to pepper kisses along my jawline, my cheeks, even the tip of my nose. I knew I must have looked as red as a tomato, but he didn’t seem discouraged. When I didn’t draw away from him, he rumbled a laugh that vibrated between us before pressing our lips together once more. I knew I should have been fighting him off, but it felt so fruitless. Once I came clean, we would never see each other again beyond social calls with my father. Even Logan wouldn’t be bold enough to make a move on me right in front of my father. I figured I may as well enjoy this last opportunity to have the older man.

  When he nibbled on my bottom lip, I parted my lips obligingly and swiped my tongue against his. He pushed me against the door, hands on my hips as he explored my mouth thoroughly. He tasted faintly like alcohol, but there was also the underlying sweet taste I’d come to know. I tried to stifle any sounds of pleasure, not wanting to give him an even bigger ego than he already possessed. However, I was helpless to contain my mewls of pleasure as he dragged his hands up my sides, his fingers tracing runes against my skin. He kissed me once more on the lips before kissing down to my jawline, where he began tracing his tongue along my neck. I tensed my hands on his shoulders, shuddering when his teeth grazed the skin of my throat. I knew how much he liked to mark me, and I also knew that it was the last thing I should have allowed. I didn’t exactly have
a spare turtleneck among the things I had brought to the event. Still, as he began to lovingly suck at the tender skin of my pulse point, the only thing I could do was move a hand to the back of his head, keeping him pressed close. I gasped out his name and a received a rumbling growl in return. I should have stopped things long before that point, but we’d come too far to turn back.

  “Let me love you,” he whispered, his breath hot against my skin as he drew away to meet my gaze. Entertaining the idea that Logan felt anything more than lust for me was foolish, but his eyes shone so earnestly that I didn’t know how to reply. I settled for a quick nod, quickly unbuttoning my shirt before he could get the opportunity to rip it off of me. His mouth was on my chest immediately, teeth scraping and tongue lavishing the sensitive flesh with attention. I moaned, feeling painfully confined in the slacks I’d worn for the event. His palm cupped my groin and I stopped just short of crying out, burying my face in his hair to silence myself. I tightly gritted my teeth, rolling my hips into his hand. I reached out to take off his shirt, but our eyes locked and he pushed my hands back to my sides. “Let me.” I wasn’t in any position to refuse him. Once he was apparently satisfied that I would behave, he unfastened my pants and reached into my briefs. His hand was firm as he gripped my cock, giving me a few gentle jerks to get things started. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I bucked into his touch. His breath was heavy already, but I couldn’t imagine I was in a better state.

  “Logan, please,” I whined, bracing myself against the door as he fondled my sack, rolling my balls in his hand. From that point, attempting to speak was useless. I could only grunt and whine, pressing desperately into any touch he was willing to give me. When I managed to look at him, his expression was wild and he eyed me hungrily. I whimpered, caught entirely off guard when he lowered himself to his knees with grace and more confidence than I thought was possible in such a gesture. “What are you--” I bit down on my hand as his lips wrapped around my manhood. It seemed so backwards, and I wondered if I’d been thrust into some alternate reality where alphas regularly served their omegas in such a way. If it was a common practice, it wasn’t one I’d ever experienced. I felt strange as I stared down at him, reveling in the way his tongue swirled around my shaft. He gripped my ass, pulling me closer and taking my cock deeper into his mouth. In one swift motion, his nose pressed against the curly locks above my member. Though it wasn’t quite the same, my cock pulsed at the idea of being completely inside him. I fisted my hands in his hair, unable to restrain myself anymore. He didn’t seem to mind, however, simply bobbing his head as he gave me my first blowjob.

  My mind raced but was simultaneously too slow to completely process what was happening. Had he ever done this for an omega before? I had a suspicion that it was his first experience being on the giving end of the act, but if he’d never done it before, he was remarkably talented. The visual of the act was nearly as pleasurable as the sensation of being sucked off. It seemed somehow taboo, and I barely managed to gasp out a warning before I came. I expected him to pull away and let me spill on the floor. I certainly didn’t expect him to remain kneeling, gulping down every spurt of my cum. I was surprised enough that he would swallow my essence, but the sheer amount of it should have disgusted him. Instead, once I fell limp against the door and he pulled away, he caught my gaze and winked while licking his lips. I could see the sheen of my cum on his chin and in spite of how weak I felt, I managed to reach out to him. He rose to his feet, drawing me close against him and simply holding me. My mind was spinning so rapidly that I had forgotten why I’d pulled him into the closet in the first place. It felt callous to bring up my departure from the company after the act he had just performed on me, and I was tempted to simply let the matter go. However, I’d made a promise to put myself first and not let myself be taken advantage of. The fact that Logan seemed so pleased just from making me come didn’t matter. I couldn’t afford to overthink it, I had to get the confession out in the open.

  “I’m leaving ECSD,” I rasped against his neck, not quite having the strength to support myself yet. I was relatively sure I’d be unceremoniously pushed to the ground, but he only stiffened and tightened his grip around me. “I’m going to announce my departure from the company in my speech, and I wanted to give you fair warning. I’ve already found a qualified young man to take my place, so there shouldn’t be too many hiccups.” I tried to prepare myself for the onslaught of derisive comments, but he didn’t say anything. He just continued holding me, and I wasn’t sure if he’d heard me correctly.

  “You can’t keep running from this, Aaron. You can’t keep running from me. I’m always going to be a part of your life, and I know you feel this spark as well. How is it fair to either of us to deprive ourselves of what we want?” His voice was steady, firm but not aggressive. He rubbed my back, continuing to hold me in spite of my attempt to reject him.

  “I’ve already made up my mind. I found a replacement, and… my dad--” He kissed me before I could finish the thought, and I was helpless to resist him. I kissed him with all the passion I’d kept hidden, because he was right-- I did want him. I was just a coward who was afraid of his own father, but at least I wouldn’t deprive myself of this final moment. I pressed against him, his back pressing against the wall as our lips frantically moved against each other. It was paradise. It was so heavenly that I didn’t hear the closet door open. Only when Logan stopped kissing me did I realize something might have been amiss. I drew away, tilting my head curiously. He looked directly over my shoulder at the door, and I was suddenly all too aware that we weren’t alone. I wheeled to face who had interrupted our parting moment, prepared to lash out. Except it was the last person I would have ever wanted it to be, and the look of fury in his gaze immediately snuffed the fire inside me.




  I wasn’t sure what possessed me to go down on Aaron, having never performed such an act before. It was taboo in a sense, perhaps stranger than fucking my best friend’s son. Alphas did not go down on omegas. It was essentially unheard of, and the few who admitted to doing so were mocked and berated for a supposed lack of masculinity. I was usually an alpha in the purest sense, but something came over me. It was an intimate act I’d never have expected, but it sent a jolt through me almost as powerful as fucking my omega. It was obvious that he felt something for me and it was equally apparent that he was trying to contain them. I hoped that my actions would show that I was sincere in my desire to be with him. I wanted him to know that there was more to our relationship than simple lust, that what I felt for him was unlike anything else I’d ever felt. I was disappointed when he continued to push me away, in spite of my efforts. The thought that he was quitting ECSD just to get away from me was nearly enough to make my heart shatter. All I wanted was for him to admit that he felt something for me. When he mentioned his father, I realized what was happening to an extent. I kissed him with all the fervor I could, pleading with my actions.

  I saw the door opening and immediately locked eyes with Thompson when I stopped kissing Aaron. Aaron didn’t immediately notice, but his body went entirely still when he realized we’d been caught. His pallor was extremely pale as he stared imploringly at what had been standing in his way for so long. I swore I could almost hear his internal monologue of pleading with the old bastard.

  “Dad…” The affectionate title was said in a quivering and small voice, and everything about Aaron’s posture screamed submission. It was almost sickening that his father was the one who had him in such a state. It was repulsive that my long-time friend got obvious satisfaction from seeing his son so afraid.

  “You idiot! You absolute idiot!” The words were said all too harshly, and Aaron recoiled as if struck. “It’s bad enough that you align yourself with this embarrassment of a business, but you’re fucking your boss like some kind of slut. I’ve never been more disappointed in my life.” It wasn’t the first time I’d realized that Thomps
on wasn’t the kindest man in the world, far from it. He’d shown his snobby and holier than thou attitude through the entirety of our friendship, and I never had an issue with it. Thompson came from money, and old money at that. Nearly no one in the Gray family had to work for a thing in their lives, as success was handed to them on a silver platter. “Not to mention that your boss is my best friend. Was, rather. I’ve let this go on long enough. I let you play your silly little computer games, but it’s time to come back to the real world.” The insult had clearly shaken Aaron, but he wasn’t the only one stricken by his father’s audacity. Aaron was the only one in his ancestry who seemed to have aspirations, and though I’d assumed his interest in computers was simply to spite his father, it had become clear that he genuinely loved his job. His passion was admirable, and Thompson wanted nothing more than to stomp on his dreams. “Pull yourself together and come with me. No more games,” Thompson hissed. Aaron pressed against me although I was relatively sure he didn’t realize he was doing as much. His entire posture slumped, and I realized that I was right.


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