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Donuts and Detours

Page 11

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

Bethany grinned. “We did. One unexpected surprise after another.”

  “You’re not fond of surprises,” the older lady said.

  “I might be changing my mind on that if Titus is planning them.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. She didn’t release it.

  The grappling hook was lodged tight in his heart once again.

  “I’m going inside. Cooper, don’t mess with my flower bed no matter what the rabbits are up to. You hear me?”

  The dog sat, wagged his tail, and panted with his tongue hanging out.

  “Nice seeing you again, Titus.” With that, Adele left them.

  “Can I show you something?” Bethany asked.


  “Come this way.” She led him to the flower garden.

  They entered through a trellis and walked down a wood-chipped path through a variety of blooms, until they reached a bench under a tree.

  Bethany sat down and patted the seat.

  Ty sat.

  Cooper collapsed under the bench.

  “Sometimes I like to come, sit here, and listen,” Bethany whispered.

  “To what?”

  “The wind. The birds. My own scrambled thoughts.” She released his hand.

  He put his arm up behind her. She scooted closer and he closed his eyes at the scent of vanilla along with the various other scents in the garden. Hers was the most potent. He let his arm come down to hug her and she allowed it, leaning her head against his shoulder. He bent down to kiss her hair.

  “Thank you again for this day, Ty.” She looked up at him.

  Did he dare kiss those delectable lips? He swallowed hard. “I enjoyed it as much as you did. Although that last surprise wasn’t in my plans. Obviously, it was in God’s.”

  She relaxed against him. “Yeah, God’s timing is always a mystery to me. I’m an ingrate to even complain about it. He’s perfect after all, right? But after years of hurting and longing…today knocked the wind out of me.”

  “It’s OK. You’ll recover. Enjoy the truth that He knows your deepest desires and longs to meet you there.”

  “Yeah, but not all my desires are noble. Wanting to be loved, that’s a selfish one.”

  Titus backed away from her. “Selfish? It’s how God designed us. To live in community. To have a relationship with Him and others.”

  “Perhaps you’re right. I have so much to learn and I’ve been doing this ‘life’ thing by myself for so long.”

  “But you don’t need to do that anymore.” Ty hugged her close again, resting his head on hers.

  “Thanks, Titus.”

  “For what?”

  “For listening, caring, and being a friend.”

  “I’m honored to be your friend, Bethany Joelle.”

  Cooper chose that moment to bolt out to chase a rabbit. Thankfully away from Adele’s garden.

  Ty sighed. “Guess that’s my cue to leave, huh?”

  “Probably. I have stuff to do before an early bedtime. I work tomorrow.”

  He stood. “I’ll see you at the garage later?”

  She allowed him to pull her to her feet. She wrapped both arms around him and her head rested against his chest. “Yeah. You will.” She released him.

  They walked side by side to the truck.

  Cooper came without being called and jumped in when Bethany opened the passenger door. “He thinks I’m going with you.” She shut the door and followed Ty to his side.

  Cooper jumped up and barked at the closed window.

  Ty climbed in and rolled down the window. “He’ll be impossible now, you realize that, right?”


  “You don’t sound apologetic.”

  “Well, I can’t really change anything, and wouldn’t want to. It was a good date.”

  “Yeah. It was. Have a good night.” He started the engine.

  The dog appeared in his lap to look down at Bethany.

  “You, too.” She waved.

  He rolled up the window, displaced the dog, and backed out of the driveway. It had been a good day. One of the best he could ever remember having in a long time. Thank you, God.


  Newman’s first law: It’s useless to put your brakes on

  when you’re upside down.

  Paul Newman

  On Monday morning, Bethany wanted to bask in her memories of Sunday afternoon. Titus had arranged their date with something they would both enjoy. No one had ever considered what she would like before. She longed to kiss him in the garden. She waited for it but he’d held back and that made her respect him even more. He honored her in that moment. Her emotions were running high after meeting someone who had been her “sister” for two years. The wonder of that! The surprise still stunned her.

  She would connect with her foster mother again. The one who’d wanted to adopt her. It saddened her to understand that all these years when she felt abandoned and rejected, she wasn’t. All her suffering and pain, the abuses she endured, could have been avoided. It wasn’t right but there was nothing to be done about it now. Except maybe to forgive and heal.

  She hummed as she worked.

  Jack winked at her without saying a word.

  When she was done, she selected some glazed raised donuts for Titus and a mixed selection to take for the rest of the volunteer mechanics. She endured the heat on the way home, tried to nap, failed, and finally took off for the shop.

  Titus wasn’t around. She put Ty’s donuts in the office and the rest in the break room. As she started working on a car the guys congregated to enjoy the treat.

  Ty arrived an hour later.

  She’d just driven the car out to the lot to park it until it was donated to someone. She brought the keys into the office.

  “B.J., stay for a minute. Close the door.” He sat at the desk and a smile overtook his face when he spied the donuts. “For me?”

  “Yeah. I know they’re your favorite.”

  “They are. Thank you. What kind do you like best?”

  “I don’t eat sweets.”


  “I don’t really care for them.” She handed over the keys. “The blue sedan is ready.”

  He regarded her for a moment and took the keys to put on the rack.

  “Listen, I need to go. Did you need to see me for something? I have an early morning tomorrow and I didn’t sleep well last night after all that happened yesterday.”

  He nodded. “No, just wanted to see you. I understand. You’ll be here tomorrow?”

  “Maybe. If all goes well I expect to be here.”

  He smiled.

  Her insides warmed in response.

  “I’ll see you then. Sleep well.”


  With that, Bethany hopped on her scooter and headed for home.


  Tuesday after work, Bethany Joelle drove over to Skye’s home.

  “Bethany! How wonderful to see you. Come in. The kids are down for their naps, so this is a perfect time to talk.”

  “I didn’t interrupt your painting time, did I?”

  “I haven’t started but wasn’t planning to do that today. Laundry calls instead. What can I do for you?”

  “I have a date with Miles on Friday night. A dress-up date. I don’t even own a dress or skirt or anything.”

  “And you thought I could help?”

  “Well, you’re the only woman I know I could ask such a thing of and not feel like a total dork.”

  “You are not a dork. Listen, I haven’t had much opportunity to do that either, but I do have a dress you might want to try. We’re about the same size. Come with me.” Skye led Bethany into a master bedroom and walk in closet. “Here. This I bought in New York at the insistence of my manager. In winter of all things. Look, here are the dress boots that go with them. I bet you have the legs to pull them off. Go try it on.”

  Bethany reluctantly took the clothes and headed to the bathroom. She changed and slipped on the boots with some nylon footie
s Skye added to the pile. She emerged from the bathroom.

  Skye’s eyes grew wide as she pulled Bethany in front of the full-length mirror on the wall.

  She had never seen this person before. The one who stood before her. The dress hugged her curves, but not too snuggly. The sweetheart neckline was lower than she was used to. The lace sleeves were long, obscuring her scars. The boots gave her height. The dress fell to an inch above her knee and she wished it were longer.

  “Leave your hair down. It’s so pretty. You really can’t go wrong with black for a night out. What do you think?”

  “It’s kind of short.”

  “Longer than most dresses are nowadays.”

  “So, you think it looks good?”

  “I think you look beautiful, Bethany Joelle. Take the dress and boots. You don’t need to return them either.”

  Bethany sighed. “OK. Guess this will be my outfit for Friday’s date.”

  “Good. Get changed and I’ll get these ready for you to take with you. And thank you for letting me be a friend and help you out like this.”

  Bethany left with the dress and boots. She was too wound up to go to the shop, so she sat in the garden and soaked in the beauty and the silence around her in an attempt to wrestle down her misgivings about the date. This would be the last one with Miles for sure. She couldn’t be the arm candy he seemed to need to stroke his ego. And she couldn’t keep seeing two men at the same time. Titus never pressured her or asked, but Miles seemed possessive. If one didn’t get jealous the other surely would.


  Friday night arrived, and Bethany was scheduled to work Saturday morning. She tried to get out of it, but she was stuck. A date tonight could go later than she wanted which meant little chance for sleep before morning.

  She looked in the mirror in her bathroom. She applied a little makeup, something she rarely used. Simple silver earrings and a small silver necklace were all she owned to add to her outfit. She thought she looked dressed up enough to pass for Miles’ date.

  He pulled up to the grocery store in a yellow luxury sports car, different from the one he drove the other day.

  She couldn’t help but admire the sleek lines.

  Miles jumped out. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Miles beamed as he walked around to open the door for her.

  “You get to drive them? This isn’t yours, is it?”

  “This is a model I’m driving around for a few days. Great advertising, huh?”

  She settled into the plush leather seats. “These heat in the winter, right?”

  “Sure do. And the heating and air conditioning can be temperature-controlled by each passenger.”

  “It’s not a big car, eventually it’ll all be one temperature—hot or cold.”

  “True, but what you feel blowing at you will be what you set it for.”

  She buckled up. “It’s a sweet ride.”

  Miles grinned. “It sure is. I’m hoping to purchase one of these for myself one of these days.”

  “What do you normally drive?”

  “I had an older car but sold it. Didn’t think it was worth keeping when I can drive these anytime I want.”

  “I suppose.”

  They arrived at the restaurant and Miles escorted her inside with his hand on her lower back.

  A beautiful blonde greeted them and took them to their reserved seats.

  Miles wouldn’t let her order and never even asked her what she liked. Thankfully, she had no known allergies. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere and the fresh baked bread was wonderful. She only wanted water, but Miles had ordered wine. She pretended to sip it, barely getting a taste on her lips and tongue. The odd taste didn’t appeal. She’d never learned to like wine even though he assured her this was an excellent one.

  “I made some huge sales this week…” Miles went into the long drawn out tales of each sale, the objections he’d overridden and how much money he’d make. “Tonight is a bit of a celebration. I’m aiming to beat my previous record.”

  Bethany ate a fourth of her meal before she was stuffed. It was delicious, noodles, some kind of cream sauce, and chicken.

  Miles signaled the waiter for the bill.

  While he was distracted, Bethany poured her wine into his glass, not wanting to make a big deal out of the fact she simply didn’t enjoy it. Since he seemed to like it, she’d not spoil his pleasure in the beverage.

  Bethany’s eyelids dropped. She was tired from the long day. Maybe if she splashed some water on her face, she’d wake up. “Excuse me, Miles. I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back.” She stifled a yawn. After washing her hands and freshening up her lip gloss she came back to the table.

  Miles had a sly grin on his face. “Did I tell you how fabulous you look tonight? I’m proud to be seen with such a beautiful woman on my arm. ‘Only the best,’ as my mom would say.” He raised a glass to her.

  He’d filled her glass again. She clinked his glass with her own, took a small sip and set it down.

  The waitress returned with his credit card and Miles signed the slip.

  “Miles, this has been a lovely evening, but I did get called into work and it’s already nine-thirty. I need to get home, so I can get some sleep.”

  Her date frowned. “No. I have plans. You promised me tonight was mine.”

  “I promised I would be your date to dinner. Nothing more.”

  He rose from the table. “Come on, then.”

  Bethany got into her side of the car. “It’d be fun to drive this car.”

  “Well, you can’t. It’s only insured for potential buyers and salesmen to drive,” he snapped. The tires squealed as he hit the highway.

  “Can we stop at a convenience store? I need a bottle of water. That wine made me thirsty.”

  He stopped at the first gas station, ran in, and returned to hand her the water. A few seconds later he started to drive. His hand rested on her knee and moved up her thigh. The car crossed the yellow line.

  She pushed his hand away as alarm rose within her. Was he drunk? His driving was erratic. But he’d only had two glasses of wine over the course of their meal.

  Hitting a country road, he unexpectedly pulled over.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I feel sick.” He jumped out of the car and ran into the bushes.

  A little nauseous herself, Bethany popped the panel on the passenger side of the car below the dash, pulled out all the fuses, and stuck them in the glove compartment.

  Miles climbed back in, grabbed her water, gargled, and spat it out into the road. He handed it back to her and turned the engine key. Nothing. He tried again. Nothing. “Oh, well. We can enjoy being stranded here for a while.” He reached across the front seat and grabbed her as she tried to back away.

  Her dress ripped as she pulled back. “Miles. Stop this.”

  “Going to dinner with me and dressing like you did says ‘yes’ all over it.”

  Bethany brought up a heeled boot and pushed him back against his door.

  He howled but wasn’t quick enough to grab her.

  She stumbled out of the car and took off through the woods, grateful the tall boots protected her legs from ticks and poison ivy. He yelled curses. Hopefully, he was too sick to follow her.

  She recognized the area. The road might have seemed ‘country’ but was only a few blocks from a residential section of town. As she hit concrete she unzipped the boots and carried them. One person could help her, and they lived about a mile away. So, she hoofed it, often walking on the soft grass. She wasn’t sure what was worse, the pieces of rock she would pick up on the concrete sidewalks or the occasional thistle that made her jump when accidently stepped on.

  Bethany came to Pastor Dan’s and Skye’s home. She rang the bell. No one answered. Spying the porch swing she sat down on it. Soon she curled up on the hard wood and drifted to sleep. When the swing moved, the motion sensor went off, but Bethany Joelle didn’t mind. She’d found a safe place for the
moment. Even if Miles could get the car started again, he’d never think to search for her here.

  A car door slammed, and Bethany’s eyelids shot open. The motion light hadn’t gone off by the front door yet, so she stayed still.

  “Shall we take a walk around the block?” a male voice said.

  “Let me drop off my purse inside.”


  The light flicked on.

  Bethany struggled to rise. “Skye, you’re home.”

  “Bethany? What happened?” Skye rushed to Bethany and pulled her up from the swing.

  Bethany grabbed the boots and hobbled to the door as Skye supported her. Her feet ached. Her head pounded. “Bad date. I need to get to my car and go home. I work in the morning.”

  “I’ll call Titus,” Dan suggested. His phone rang. “Speaking of…” He picked up. “Ty? Yeah, she’s here.” Pause. “Not sure, I was just going to call you.” He handed the phone to Bethany. “Titus wants to talk to you.” He pushed speakerphone and handed it to Bethany.

  Bethany took the phone. “Hi.”

  “Are you OK?”

  “I’ll survive. I need to get my car. I work in the morning.”

  “I called because I saw it in the parking lot when I was there to give another vehicle a jump. It was late and I was worried. Weren’t you out with Miles?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Because he just called me to give him a tow. Said his brand-new sports car wouldn’t start.”

  “Check the glove box.”

  Titus chuckled. “I guess I shouldn’t have worried about you. Tell you what. Rest there and I’ll get your car to you after I take care of Miles. Get some sleep. OK?”

  “I don’t want to impose.” Bethany looked at Skye who frowned.

  “It’s no imposition. We have a spare bedroom. The kids are with my mother for the evening.”

  “But I need to be up early, and I need clothes.” It was already eleven-thirty.

  “We’re the same size. We’ll get you fixed up.”


  “We have one you can use,” Skye responded.

  Bethany spoke into the phone. “Fine. I’m going to get some sleep. Thanks, Titus.”

  “What are friends for?” he said as he hung up.

  Friends indeed.



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