Book Read Free

Donuts and Detours

Page 21

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “I understand.” He grinned.

  She stood and grabbed the food.

  He held the door open and returned to the table to stack the dirty dishes.

  “I’m remodeling this kitchen. Get a dishwasher and more counter space for baking, and a better oven too. Might even knock out that wall there to do it.”

  “Lots of changes going on in your life.”

  “Sometimes it seems like too many.”

  “A bit overwhelming?”

  “Yeah, and this house is so empty at night.”

  “You’re scared?”

  “There’ve been some nasty voice mails from Adele’s family.”

  “Change the number.”

  She grinned at him. “Great idea.”

  “You could consider a security system and some motion sensitive lights.”

  “I thought of that, but not sure about installing something like that when I’ll be doing a major remodel.”

  “The lights would help.”

  “Yeah, maybe. We’ll see.” She stood close to him, although her head only came to his shoulder.

  He placed his hands on her arms. “I should get going. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Thanks for dinner.”

  He planted a quick kiss on her lips. “Thanks for dessert.” With a wink, he was out the door.

  Cooper trotted to the car.

  Titus grinned all the way home.


  The house creaked as old homes do. As Bethany shut off the lights and double checked the doors she wondered again about the nasty message on voice mail. She walked over to the machine in the moon-lit room and pressed the button.

  “You will pay. You’ve taken everything from me. You’re not getting away with this.”

  The voice was garbled as if the speaker spoke with marbles in his mouth. Miles was still in jail, so it couldn’t be him.

  She was grateful that she hadn’t been needed to testify. He’d pled guilty to the charges of hit and run. A nearby homeowner voluntarily produced security footage showing the incident and verifying the license plate number.

  Bethany rubbed her ribs. They still sometimes ached. She wasn’t old enough to have bones that foretold barometric weather changes.

  She turned off the machine.

  Shadows of the trees moved in the moonlight. A storm was coming laden with rain. Some of the leaves had already started to change color but the season wasn’t at its peak yet.

  She padded up to her room. She missed the security of Ty’s arms. Was it possible they might marry one day? Live here, have a garden, and a family? Cooper would adore chasing after kids in the yard. And she’d bake and learn to cook other food. Adele had taught her how to can. She plopped her bottom on the bed and stared out the window at the moon.

  “Jesus, is it possible that You will give me all I’ve ever wanted after all these years? I don’t care about the money although it’s nice and I’m grateful. Let Adele know I’m fine. I’m meeting Kristi tomorrow to hand over paperwork for the adoption. Titus has forgiven me and loves me. I have choices, friends, and work I love. Thank you—” Tears flowed and she curled up on the bed and wept.

  Could she be thankful for her father’s death, her mother’s suicide, for being taken from Kristi and Russell’s home after two wonderful years? For discovering that Miles wasn’t the charming man he seemed on the surface?

  If she hadn’t taken that journey would she be able to appreciate all that was happening now? She hoped she would, but perhaps Titus was right in saying that these detours to her happiness…some were her own doing.

  “Jesus, we didn’t do too badly, You and I. I mean, I never forgot You after Kristi explained who You were and how You adopted me into Your family. Did my parents know You? I pray that they did, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. It makes me sad to think that I’ll never see them again. That they would never know I survived. That I love them. That I missed them. Help me not waste the days and hours You’ve given me. Teach me what I need to know to be a good friend. A good daughter, a good girlfriend, and maybe someday a wife and mother. I can’t do this without You.”

  She drifted to sleep having never changed her clothes.


  Love is our true destiny.

  We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone

  —we find it with another.

  Thomas Merton

  There is something heady about being loved, in knowing the touch of someone who cared for her. Bethany Joelle enjoyed the confidence of that as she worshiped between Skye and Titus on Sunday. When she exited the church, she couldn’t have repeated what Andrew talked about in his message. The rosy haze she walked in seemed impenetrable.

  “Shall I meet you at the restaurant or do you want me to pick you up, so we can travel in one car?” Ty asked as he handed her a cup of coffee in the café.

  She reached up to touch the short growth on his chin. “Pick me up. Then I can spend more time with you.”

  He grinned. “Watch the public displays of affection. People will talk.”

  “And what will they say?”

  “Perhaps that you should get a room?” Will came to stand with them. “But you’d need a wedding first.” He winked at her. “How are you, B.J.? We’ve missed you in the garage. By the way, nice job on Adele’s car. She’ll be a sweet ride for someone.”

  “Found a home for it yet?” She addressed the question to Titus.

  “Not yet. But I’m content to have a few vehicles sitting ready and waiting. That way if someone’s car breaks down we have something for them to use while we fix the other one. It takes the pressure off and allows us to make sure we can do the best job possible.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I agree. So back to my question.” Will nudged her with his elbow.

  “I didn’t hear a question.” Bethany’s eyebrows rose.

  “When are you coming back to work in the garage?”

  “I was there Friday. Is that the real question or do you want to know when I’ll bring you donuts again?”

  “I’m partial to the raised sugared ones.” Will licked his lips.

  “I’m sure you are.” Titus patted his roommate’s stomach bulge.

  “Hey, you can’t blame me. You keep taking Cooper out for runs and that leaves me with no one to run with.”

  Titus laughed. “Right. All my fault and not the fact that you work eight to five as an accountant in an office filled with women who bring treats on a regular basis.”

  Will shrugged. “Hey, a guy needs to eat. Speaking of, I need to go. Meeting some friends for lunch. See you soon, B.J.?”

  “Soon and I’ll try to remember to bring the donuts.”

  He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “Great. Later, Ty.” With that, he was gone.

  “Ready to go meet Kristi?”

  “Yeah. You’ll pick me up at home?”

  “I’ll follow you there.”

  “Let’s go.” She tossed her empty cup in the garbage and headed for the door, pleased when Titus grabbed her hand to hold as they walked out together.


  Kristi was already at the restaurant when they arrived. The older woman embraced Bethany and gave Titus a hug.

  “I’m so glad you brought him. You remember Allen from the picnic?” Allen shook their hands.

  Titus grinned. “Is this a double date? Mother-daughter style?”

  Allen chuckled.

  Kristi blushed. “Not intentionally, but I’m glad we get to spend some time together.”

  Bethany liked Allen. He wasn’t anything like Russell, but he was sweet and jovial and she was glad that after all of Kristi’s losses, she had this good man in her life.

  Ty put his arm around her shoulder to whisper in her ear. “Don’t ever forget. I love you.” He winked at her and removed his arm to pick up the menu.

  She nodded and grabbed her own. Love. It really was a beautiful thing.

  After ordering, Bethany p
ut her envelope on the table and slid it across to Kristi. “Here’s the paperwork you need for the hearing. My attorney went over everything and it should all be in order.”

  Kristi clapped her hands. “After all these years, I can hardly believe this is really happening. I know you don’t need an inheritance or anything financially from me, but it thrills me that I finally get to be your mom. I can’t make up for all the years we lost together, but look forward to being part of your future.” She glanced over to Titus. “You don’t have any news to share do you?”

  Bethany shook her head. “We’re a couple. We’re dating, we love each other, and for now, that’s enough.”

  “Is it?” Allen chimed in and looked at Titus. “It’s not for me. Kristi might be afraid to share the news, but we are getting married next week.”

  Kristi turned, and they kissed.

  The waitress placed their plates and departed.

  “Let me pray for us,” Allen offered.

  Titus grabbed Bethany’s hand and squeezed as they bowed their heads.

  “Lord, thank You for this day, for this wonderful food and the love of family and friends. You are a good God and we are grateful for Your many blessings and the twists and turns You’ve had us on to get to this moment in time where we can experience great joy in all You’ve done. Amen.”

  “Amen,” Titus said as he lifted his gaze and released her hand. “Congratulations to you both.” He picked up his knife and fork to dig into his steak.

  “Next week. Wow. That was fast,” Bethany stated. Kristi blushed. “It really wasn’t. We’ve been friends for years and while we only started dating nine months ago, he’s been wonderful. Having lost Russell and Allen lost his own wife five years past, we both realized that life is too tenuous to wait longer for what we both wanted—to be together. So, you’ll come, won’t you?”

  “Next Saturday? I’m scheduled to work, but I’m sure I can get off.”

  “Titus, we want you there as well,” Kristi added.

  “I’d be delighted.”

  “I know it’s presumptuous, but I have your dress in the car, because I want you as part of my wedding party, Bethany. It’s not a huge celebration, but I wanted as many bells and whistles as we could manage.”

  “And I was more than happy to indulge her whim,” Allen said.

  “But the circuit court hearing is Friday, right?” Ty asked.

  “Yes! So, you can come Friday and spend the night. There’s a lovely bed and breakfast nearby.”

  “Titus, can you manage to get out of work both days?” Bethany asked.

  “You bet. I wouldn’t miss either of these and I get to spend more time with you.” He grinned, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “Maybe this will give you ideas?” Kristi suggested.

  “Not you too,” Bethany moaned.

  “What do you mean?” Allen asked.

  “Only that our friends, Dan and Skye, have been making suggestions about marriage as well,” Titus offered.

  “So, what’s the holdup?” Allen asked as he stared at Titus.

  Titus stammered. “Well…um….”

  “The holdup is me,” Bethany Joelle offered. “And we’ve not really talked much about what that would mean for us. What it would look like. I’ve only recently even been willing to consider that as a possibility for our future. Titus has been gracious in not rushing me.”

  “So, when will he know to propose?” Kristi asked.

  Titus shook his head. “She might just have to propose to me.”

  Heat rushed up in Bethany’s cheeks. “No. I would want you to ask. It would only be right, but I can understand why that would be hard for you to do so. I’ll have to make it clear to you when I might be ready for such a thing. But no ring. Not until the wedding day.”

  “Why?” Titus asked.

  “I don’t need that to prove you love me and I know they’re expensive. And given what we both do for a living, I don’t know that I would even want a diamond or any kind of stone that would stick up or get caught on things.”

  “Ever so practical.” Kristi smiled. “Russell only ever wore a simple band but took if off when he worked in the garage. After a while, he stopped wearing it. It never bothered me. He was mine and there was never ever any question in my mind about his faithfulness to me.”

  “So, you’d be willing to wear a simple band when we marry?” Titus asked.

  Allen grinned and elbowed Kristi. “I like the sound of that—’when we marry’—don’t you?”

  Kristi laughed. “I do.”

  “Those words need to wait until Saturday, Mom.” Bethany giggled. She turned to Ty. “We can talk more about this some other time. But if a band on my finger would make you happy, I would wear it.”

  Titus leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Sounds good to me.”


  That afternoon they stopped to pick up Cooper before heading back to Bethany’s home.

  “I have a hard time thinking of this as my place. I keep thinking I’ll see Adele come out on the porch with fresh baked apple pie or something else delicious.”

  Cooper chase a squirrel up a tree then sat down to stare at it on the branch above.

  “She was more than a landlady to you.”

  “I don’t know what a grandmother is supposed to be like, but I would guess Adele exemplified all the best qualities of one, and she poured out her love on me. Her family doesn’t realize what they missed all these years.”

  “Imagine how different Miles would have been if he’d known that kind of love.”

  “I don’t want to talk about him, Ty.”

  “Sorry. He hurt you, and I wish I’d had a chance to slug him for that.”

  “No, you don’t.” She tangled her fingers in his. “He’s in jail. He got what he deserved.”

  “I don’t think he agrees with you. I worry that he might try to get even when he’s released.”

  “Maybe God will work in his heart?”

  “One could only hope. Have you managed to forgive him?” Titus asked

  “I think so. Justice being done helps, and I’m grateful I was spared a trial.” Bethany leaned into Ty.

  Ty wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Do we need to start worrying about raking leaves soon?”

  “Yeah. The sweeper attached to the mower helps a little,” Bethany offered.

  “Let me know and I’ll give you a hand with that.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “I should probably go. You need to rest for work tomorrow.”

  “Is this your polite way of telling me you’re on-call for towing this evening?” She elbowed his gut.

  Titus laughed. “Yeah. I guess so. I wish I didn’t need to leave you.”

  “Me, either. But let’s not go there.”

  “Go where?” He planted a kiss on her hair.

  “On what staying means. You can’t stay with me unless we’re married.”

  “Talking about that makes you uncomfortable.”

  She led him to the porch and they sat down on the stairs. “It’s not you. The thought of having you in my life makes me happy. The thought of being able to kiss you whenever I want is wonderful. Knowing you’d be there for me when I’m scared in the middle of the night is comforting. But marriage is more than that. It’s dirty laundry, cooking meals, and possibly having a family.”

  “Having a family scares you?”

  “I’ve seen you with kids, Ty. You’ll be a great father. But my experience makes me wonder if I would be a good mother. I have no experience with kids. I had a sad childhood. I’m not sure I know how to do that.”

  “I didn’t have a dad, but I’m willing to try and learn and we have great friends to help us on our journey.” Ty squeezed her close. “I’ll pray that God will wash away your fears. I don’t want you to marry me with any misgivings or to find yourself married and having regrets.”

  “Thanks for being patient with me.”

  “You’re worth the wait
, Bethany Joelle.”

  “I love you, Titus Rickmeyer.” She tilted her head back and he met her with a slow sweet kiss. “Mmmmm. A few more of those and I might capitulate.”

  He chuckled and pulled back and rose to his feet. “Lust, while powerful, is not a good basis for a marriage.”

  “It can help, right?”

  He shook his head. “You’re impossible.” Turning he whistled and yelled, “Cooper!”

  The dog came running with ears flopping.

  Ty reached down to scoop him up. “See you Friday?”

  “Unless I come to the shop this week. I did promise Will I’d bring some donuts.”

  “Tomorrow, maybe?”

  “I’ll text to let you know. Have a safe night, Titus.”

  “You too.” He headed to the truck, tossed the dog onto the seat, and climbed in.

  Cooper looked out the window and barked.

  Bethany stood to watch him leave. She pivoted to head up the stairs to the house. Letting herself in she locked the doors and wandered around the first floor. So much to be done here. Memories to be given away or trashed. Walls to be painted. What was the point if she was doing this all alone? Wouldn’t it be better to do it with a man by her side with a goal of a family?

  Marriage. Maybe she needed to talk to Skye about that some more. Skye had been in a bad one and now seemed happy. What made her decide to take that risk again?

  Bethany flicked the lights off and trudged up the stairs to bed. Think happy thoughts. She’d think of Titus laughing. Holding her close. Kissing her. Being so patient as he waited for her to take a step forward in their relationship. What would it be like to wake up to him by her side every morning?

  Or to climb into bed with him every night?

  Perhaps counting sheep would be safer.


  You are the sprinkles on my donut.


  A commotion outside the office drew his gaze to the window where B.J. was surrounded by the men. She led them into the break room and soon they all had a donut. The smile she gave Titus was bright. She handed him a bag.

  Opening it, he grinned. “My favorite.” He pulled out the donut and took a bite. “These are the best. Thanks, B.J.”

  The men all chimed in with their gratitude.

  “Perhaps we should stop and pray together before we head back to work. Once we’re done licking sugar off our lips,” Titus suggested.


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