Donuts and Detours

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Donuts and Detours Page 22

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “I’m sure we know who you’d like to lick the sugar off your lips,” Will joked and the men laughed.

  Bethany’s cheeks grew a delightful shade of pink.

  “Enough,” Ty said in a voice that dared them to tease further.

  They sobered up.

  Sam led them in prayer and the guys headed out.

  “B.J., care to give me a hand with some brake pads?” Will asked.

  “Sure, why not?” B.J. answered and strode past Titus with a wink and little wave. “Later, dude,” she whispered.

  Titus shook his head. He returned to his office and saved his work. An oil change was calling his name and it wasn’t because he wanted to be closer to Bethany and Will.

  As the evening wound down the mood in the shop was light. It seemed that since the men all acknowledged and accepted B.J. as a woman and she wasn’t hiding anymore, everyone was happier.

  He suspected the men admired the girl for tripping Miles after his little tantrum. They sure were ticked when they found out about her accident.

  Ty grinned. He was happier too since he found out his favorite little mechanic was also the woman he was drawn to.

  And even with the donuts she had ridden her new scooter today.

  “Titus, I need to leave.” B.J. had sneaked up on him.

  “Let me walk you out,” Ty offered.

  She smiled. “All the guys will be watching at the window. I think it’s better I just leave. We can save the kisses for Friday.”

  “You’ll be back tomorrow?”

  “No, Skye is helping me shop for the right shoes for the dress on Saturday as well as find me an outfit for Friday.”

  “Have fun.”

  “I will. I’m starting to get the hang of this friendship thing and I’m kind of liking it.”

  “Good for you. See you Friday morning?”

  “Yes. I’m looking forward to it.” She strode out the door.

  When he turned back the men were staring at him with silly grins on their faces.

  “You should have kissed her goodbye, you big goof,” Will offered.

  “Who asked you?” Titus retorted. “Get back to work, men.”

  The men chuckled amongst themselves and returned to their work.

  Ty finally gave up when he realized he couldn’t focus much on anything. It was with great relief that he got a towing call and had an excuse to leave early.


  Bethany gratefully slipped into Skye’s sedan.

  “You know this was purchased with Titus’ help. They didn’t have any cars when I was in need. Since then the ministry has grown, which is good because the need is huge.”

  “So, Titus helped you, but you weren’t interested in him?”

  “No. I was already half-way in love with a blond pastor with stars in his eyes.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “About Dan’s eyes?”

  “No, about marriage. You were in a bad marriage. Whatever convinced you that Dan was worth taking the risk to jump into marriage again?”

  Skye smiled as she drove down the highway. “That’s easy. Dan proved over and over again his kindness, generosity, and servant’s heart. And that was even before he tried to win me over. He really loved his first wife. To be honest, that was my biggest hang-up. I was worried he could never love me as he’d loved her.”


  “I’m not Sharon. I’m different so his love for me is different but no less wonderful. Once I understood that it was easy to take that step of faith and say yes.”

  “Why marry so quickly?”



  “Once we realized we loved each other, and knowing how fragile life is, we decided not to wait. Dan insisted we didn’t become intimate until after the wedding so, making the wait short made it bearable.”

  Bethany took a deep sigh. “I think Titus would propose if I only gave him the word. I don’t know if I’d be ready for that step. I’ve always been kind of a loner, but I’ve gotten used to having him around. And when Adele was sick, he mowed the lawn and harvested vegetables without telling me. He bought me a phone so I would be safe. He’s been there when I’ve needed him. I’m beginning to wonder if I could really face the future without him being a part of it.”

  “And the lust.”

  The heat rose in her cheeks. “Passion is not a problem between the two of us. I have a difficult time not thinking about what it would be like to be married to him. Going to bed with him at night.”

  “Snuggling together under the covers.” Skye grinned.

  “Yeah. But would I be OK with that? I’ve never had much affection in my life.”

  “I suspect you’ll be more than OK with it. And if you aren’t, it doesn’t mean you have to stay that way all night either.”

  “Really? I was thinking his chest would make a nice pillow.” Bethany giggled.

  “Enough of this talk now. What kind of outfit do you want for the adoption?”

  “I was thinking dress pants and a pretty top. I was wondering if we could stop and maybe get my hair trimmed. Is it too much to think of adding highlights to it?”

  Skye beamed. “Now you’re talking, girl. You’re wanting a makeover! Oh, this will be fun.”


  Bethany now had her outfit, shoes for the wedding that were comfortable, as well as a purse. She glanced in the mirror at the streaks of blond and darker auburn in her hair. The stylist convinced her to go with highlights and lowlights and as her hair moved the color shimmered. She’d never done anything like that before. She wondered what Titus would think.

  She texted him.

  Great time shopping with Skye. Home now.

  I’m glad. Picked up my suit from the cleaners.

  I love you.

  Love you too. G’nite Bethany Joelle.

  Sweet dreams, Titus.

  Bethany collapsed into bed with a grin. Being in love was better than she’d ever imagined.


  Friday morning, Titus straightened his tie. Even though this was a short meeting with the judge to sign the papers he wanted it to be special. He wore a green dress shirt and black dress pants. His suit was in a bag and his suitcase by the door. He’d trimmed his beard to two day’s growth knowing how Bethany liked it.

  Dan had called last night. Cameras installed a few weeks back were working well. The management team wanted to protect the investment of time and resources that poured into that ministry and it helped make the insurance company happy as well. There’d never been any problems, but Ty didn’t mind the ‘eyes’ keeping them honest in what they did.

  He drove into the gravel driveway. Perhaps he should suggest she get it paved next spring? It would be easier to shovel come winter. Unless she had a snow blower. He’d have to ask.

  He jumped down from the truck and went to the door, surprised Bethany hadn’t been waiting for him on the porch. He rang the bell.

  “I’m coming!” The door flung open.

  Ty’s jaw dropped. “Wow.”

  She smiled. “You like?”

  “You’ve always been beautiful to me, Bethany Joelle, but your hair. Just, wow.”

  “Does that mean you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful. You are gorgeous.” He scanned her from head to toe. The woman before him was so different from the boy who worked at The Garage. She was chic and sassy. “Got your bag?”

  “Yeah. I realized I didn’t really even have a suitcase but Adele had one.”

  He hauled it out to the truck and returned. “Do you have everything?”

  “I also need this bag with my dress for tomorrow. Hard to believe my mom is getting married, but I appreciate that this is one big trip.”

  “Me, too. Shall we head out?”

  “Wait.” She buttoned up her coat as she glanced at him. “You look even better than you did at the funeral.” She came close and reached up to meet his lips. He didn’t back away. He’d been
waiting since Monday night to kiss her. She settled back on her heels and grinned. “Now I’m ready to go.”

  He helped her up, putting her dress bag into the back seat of the cab. Soon they were on their way.

  She played with the hem of her top.

  “Are you nervous?”



  She shrugged. “This is the only real family whom I barely remember and since then it’s been a lost dream. To be wanted as a daughter. What if I screw it up? What if I do something wrong and they don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore?”

  “A real loving family isn’t like that. They don’t disown you because you make a mistake, or something happens that perhaps wasn’t part of their dream for you. Not many people are adopted as adults. That makes this a rare and beautiful moment and I’m honored that you’re sharing it with me.”

  “Who else would I share it with? You’ve been there for me. I’m glad you’re in my life.”

  “I’m glad you’re glad.”

  “Silly boy.”


  She grinned, and he relaxed.

  “I was reading more of my dad’s letters last night.”


  “I wish I could have known him. He missed most of my childhood before he died. I think we both were robbed.”

  “You were.”

  “So were you.”

  “How so?” TY asked.

  “You never really had a father in your life.”

  “Better to have no father, than to have the one on my birth certificate. I’m glad mom kicked him to the curb early on.” Titus bit his lip. The rejection still stung after all those years.

  Her hand lightly touched his shoulder. “I’m sorry. You deserved better. You’ll be a great dad someday.”

  “I would hope so.”

  They lapsed into silence and her hand went back to her own lap.

  Titus missed the comfort of her touch.


  At the courthouse Titus helped her down. The tremble in her fingers led him to put his arm around her and draw her close. “Come on Bethany Joelle, you can do this.”

  Kristi, Allen, and the rest of the family were milling around inside.

  Titus stood back as they swarmed around her.

  Kristi hugged him. “Thank you for bringing her. Hopefully, you’ll be part of our family someday too.”

  “Thank you. I’m honored she wanted me here.”

  The bailiff called for them to come into the courtroom.

  “Kristi Shedd, why is it you want to adopt Bethany Joelle Hanson as your daughter?”

  “She was in my foster care when she was younger and we had filed for adoption. When my husband grew ill the state pulled her from our care and we were never able to bring her into our family. Now that we’ve found each other again, I wanted to continue what we had always hoped to accomplish.”

  The judge nodded. “Bethany Joelle, are you in agreement with this plan?”

  “Yes, sir. My time living in their home was the only time I felt I belonged to anyone since I was orphaned. I always wanted to be her daughter.”

  “The court grants the adoption petition. Congratulations, you are now officially a part of the Shedd family.”

  “Thank you, your honor.”

  “My pleasure, young lady.”

  The family filed out of the the building. Outside in the crisp fall air they agreed to meet at a restaurant close by to celebrate.


  Titus walked her to her room. He sat the suitcase by the door. She pushed it open and he stepped in only so far as to drop the bag inside the door.

  “You can come in, Titus.” She said as she hung up her dress for tomorrow.

  “No. I can’t.”


  “Because today has been an emotional day for you. Wonderful and good, but emotional. And that bed looks too inviting.”

  “You’re tired?”

  He shook his head. Her naiveté was endearing. “Fatigue isn’t the issue. Listen, rest for a few hours and we’ll go to the rehearsal and dinner.”

  “What will you do?”

  “Maybe I’ll read a book. Or watch some television.”

  “You could watch television in here with me.”

  “Not a smart move, Bethany. If we were married I’d be all for a little afternoon nap with you or television, or just snuggling, but you are a tempting morsel and I need to be elsewhere.” He winked at her. “Later. Call me when you’re ready.”

  “OK.” She frowned and let the door close.

  He hung up his suit for tomorrow and loosened his tie. He draped his coat over the back of a chair. He glanced at the bed, kicked off his shoes, and stretched out with the pillow under his head. Maybe he was more tired than he thought.


  She had a family. So why did sadness shadow her now? Perhaps because it was close to the anniversary of when she’d been pulled from Kristi’s home and the anniversary of when she’d first become an orphan. “Oh, mom…” Tears flowed, and she swiped them away. She needed a distraction. She turned on the television. Propping the pillows on the bed, she sat back and flipped the channels.

  She was still all alone. It was hard not to think of Titus rejecting her by refusing to come in. But he was honorable to a fault. He was probably right. Tomorrow Kristi would be sharing a bed with Allen. If Bethany married Titus she would have that pleasure too. Never alone again.

  How would she adapt to tripping over a husband? Or was it really all as good as some said? She doubted it. Even Adele and she had to negotiate some things over the years. But it worked out well for them. Would she and Titus work well together? She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep wishing…


  Every man’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers.

  Hans Christian Andersen

  The next morning Bethany left with Kristi and her sisters to get their hair styled professionally. The woman even did makeup which was good since Bethany didn’t know the first thing about that. When she returned to the hotel, she slipped into her room and dressed. The image in the mirror really wasn’t her.

  The knock on the door startled her. “Just a sec!” she called as she freshened her lipstick and tossed it in the tiny purse before opening the door.

  Titus stared.

  “What? Is something wrong? Say something.”

  “You look beautiful, Bethany Joelle. Stunning, really. It’s just, well, I’m not used to seeing you all dressed up and while you’re gorgeous, I prefer the no make-up Bethany more.” He cringed.


  “Really. But I don’t mind being seen on the arms of this runway model, even if she is too good for the likes of this grease-monkey.”

  “I like grease-monkeys, if you must know.” She hooked her arm through his offered elbow. “And you look stunning in your suit. So today we’re pretending to be something we’re not?”

  “One thing I won’t pretend,” Titus said.

  “What’s that?”

  “How much I love and adore you.”

  Bethany couldn’t hide her grin. “Ditto.”


  They parted at the church, so Bethany could go help her mom. She walked into the room where the attendants waited.

  “Bethany Joelle, you look stunning. What did Titus think?” Kristi asked, stepping forward to give her a hug.

  “He approved.” No need to share that both of them preferred the less dressy version of themselves. She was glad there wasn’t a huge group of people attending or she’d worry Titus would attract attention. She didn’t want to share him.

  “Help me zip up and get this veil back on. It’s almost time.”

  Bethany Joelle handed her mother the bouquet of flowers. Her sisters gathered around to pray over the bride. Bethany didn’t add any prayers. She didn’t know what to say. She stood with the other bridesmaids to walk out. Last in the line, she was escorted up the aisle
by Allen’s son, Sean. He was handsome and looked great in the suit.

  As they waited, he leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I look forward to getting to know you better. Maybe there can be a love connection.” He winked at her and they started walking.

  She didn’t want to be overheard, but she doubted a whisper would carry up as high as his ears. They parted, and she went to stand with her sisters. When her mother came into view Bethany fought back tears.

  Mom had two loves in one lifetime.

  Titus sitting in a pew near the front, winked at her.

  She grinned and turned back.

  Sean winked at her.

  She shook her head in the smallest way possible.

  When ceremony ended, she linked elbows with Sean who drew her close in the receiving line, keeping a hand at her waist. She would remove it and he would put it back there.

  “Could you please keep your hands to yourself?” she hissed to him.

  “Why should I when I have a delectable morsel at my disposal?” he whispered in her ear kissing her cheek.

  Bethany didn’t want to create a scene at her mother’s wedding, but she also didn’t want Titus to get jealous. She glanced over to where he stood talking to a leggy brunette who kept putting her hand on Titus’s arm. He laughed at something she said. They were the same height and made a striking couple.

  Could she have been wrong that he was serious about her?

  Sean wrapped an arm around her shoulders to squeeze her to his side. “Come on, the limo awaits.” He steered her toward the second limousine for the bridal party. They were alone in the vehicle. “Huh. Looks like your sisters went with their husbands and my brothers went with their wives. That leaves the two of use to enjoy this space alone.”

  Warning bells went off in Bethany’s head. She slid over to the opposite door.

  “Feeling shy? There’s no need. I’m not going to hurt you, ‘sister.’”

  “Don’t mess with me.” Bethany glared.

  “You won’t make a scene and ruin your mother’s day and I don’t want to ruin my dad’s day either. Just think, we’ll get to see each other at holidays and any family gathering. I live nearby. Want to stop to see my place?”

  “No. Thank you.” She tapped on the sliding window. It opened. “Take us straight to the reception, please.”


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