Donuts and Detours

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Donuts and Detours Page 23

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  The driver nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Bethany slipped out her phone.

  Sean pulled at bobby pins holding her hair up. “So pretty.”

  She batted his hand away. “Leave me alone, Sean.” She picked up the bobby pins and ran her fingers through the hair stiff from hair spray to try to make it move more freely. At least all the main photographs had been taken before, during, and right after the wedding. “Sean, do you love Jesus?” she asked.

  “Why would you ask me that? Might be fine for the parental units, and even my siblings, but God only wants to limit my fun.”



  “You act like a heathen. I’m a follower of Christ and want to live my life to please Him. I don’t date those who aren’t in love with the Lord.”

  “Oh, so that grease-monkey boyfriend Kristi mentioned, does?”

  “Yes, and he acts the gentleman with me as well. He lives his faith.”

  “Big deal. You don’t know what you’re missing. What will you do, curse and hail down brimstone on me?”

  “No. I leave judgment up to a holy and righteous God. I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m telling you now—there can be no relationship between us.”

  “We’re not related.”

  “We are by marriage, but that doesn’t mean I have to spend time with you.”

  “You do for the rest of tonight. You’ll be sitting with me at the wedding table and need to dance with me.”

  “I’ll do my duty to my mother, but trust me, you don’t want to mess with me.”

  “Ooooo. A tiny thing like you has claws, huh? I like a little fight in my women.”

  “I don’t think you want what I have.”

  “You might be surprised.”

  The limo stopped, and the door popped open. A gloved hand of the driver helped her out.

  Sean stood beside her. “You’ll not tell Kristi or Allen about this because you don’t want to ruin their day.”

  “I’m warning you. Don’t mess with me. Kristi would never ask me to sacrifice myself for her happiness.”

  “Fighting words. Bring it on.”

  Bethany strode away, clutching her small purse. It contained a handkerchief, phone, lipstick, and a small canister of pepper spray. Why she thought she needed to bring that to a wedding, she didn’t know, but now she was glad she did. Thankfully, her dress had a hidden pocket, so she slipped the spray in there, finding comfort in it being close.

  Titus was nowhere in sight.

  Kristi spied her. “Over here, Bethany Joelle!”

  Bethany gave her mom a hug. “What now?”

  “We proceed into the ballroom couple by couple and before Allen and me.”

  “How are we sitting at the table?”

  “As couples.”

  Despair washed over her. “OK.”

  “Are you all right?” Kristi asked.

  Bethany shrugged. “Just missing time with Ty, that’s all. I’ve barely seen him since we arrived at church.”

  “Is Sean being a gentleman?” Kristi asked.


  “Do you want to sit with Ty instead?”

  “I don’t want to upset your arrangements. I hope I can tolerate him for a few more hours at least.”

  “I’m sorry you were paired with him. Allen and I are praying he’d come to faith, but he seems so rebellious.”

  “Yeah. I noticed.”

  “Are you sure you’ll be fine? I could have Allen talk to him.”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. But once the meal is done all you have is one dance with him and you’re free to do what you want.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  They took their assigned seats.

  A pinch on her behind told her that Sean would not behave.

  She grimaced and looked up at him. “Trust me, Sean. You do not want to tangle with me. You’ll regret it.”

  “I look forward to it. The tangled part, that is. You’ll not do anything to upset the parental units.”

  The group sat, and food was brought.

  Titus was at a table off to her right. He was listening intently to the brunette. At least someone was enjoying dinner. She could barely eat.

  The meal finished, and toasts were given. The cake was served, but Bethany waved that off. She stood to find the restroom, but Sean detained her.

  “Where are you off to?”


  “Freshen your lipstick for me. I want to enjoy our dance.”

  She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She tapped her heel. Were they sharp enough to do some damage? Her sisters had already kicked off their heels, but the extra height and the sharpened edge gave her some security as she faced her dance partner.

  He swept her into his arms as the music started and held her close. “Come on, wrap your arms around my neck. At least look like you’re enjoying the dance.”

  “This isn’t dancing. This is swaying.”

  “Don’t be a spoilsport.”

  “Don’t insult me.”

  He gripped her tighter. “The man is supposed to lead, and you are to follow.”

  “Only if the leader is worthy of my trust.”

  “You don’t trust me?”

  She shook her head.

  He bent down and nibbled in her ear.

  She brought her heel down on his toes.

  He jumped back “Ouch! What’d you do that for?” He drew her close again but favored his injured foot.

  “Do what? I’m sorry, but I’m not a good dancer.”

  “I’ll train you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  The song ended, and she walked away. Her phone beeped. She dialed Jacck’s number, striding to a side door outside. “Jack?”

  “Bethany Joelle, I’m so sorry but I desperately need you tomorrow. Courtney and Andi are both sick and I have that baby shower cake to finish in the morning. You’re the only one I can trust to get the details right.”

  “They didn’t do it today?”

  “It’s baked, and the first layer of frosting is on, but the decorations are not. I’m swamped. I wouldn’t tear you away from your weekend if I didn’t really need you. There are other orders that have to be filled by eleven.”

  “I understand. I’ll head home soon. See you in the morning.”

  “Thanks, I’ll owe you one, kiddo.”

  She hung up to find Sean stalking her.

  “You came out here to be alone with me?” He pinned her against the wall.

  She slipped the phone back in her purse and slid her hand in her pocket. “I asked you politely to leave me alone.”

  “You didn’t mean it.”

  He leaned in and her knee came up high.

  “Why you…” He lunged for her but fell to the ground screaming when she sprayed his face.

  She re-entered the ballroom.

  Titus was slow dancing with the brunette.

  Bethany tapped the taller woman on the shoulder. “May I cut in?”

  The woman frowned but stepped aside.

  Bethany put one hand on Ty’s shoulder.

  “Finally, I get to see you,” Ty complained.

  “I need to go home.”


  “Jack called and needs me to work in the morning.”

  “You’d do anything for him, huh?”

  “Pretty much. Can we go? I only need to say goodbye to my mom.”


  Bethany left him. “Mom?”

  “Oh, this is my daughter, Bethany…” Her mom introduced her around.

  “Can I have a minute?”

  “Sure, excuse us.” Kristi stepped aside as Sean walked back into the ballroom, eyes red and fists clenched. She followed Bethany’s gaze. “Oh, my.”

  “Yeah, sorry. Pepper spray. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. And I got called into work. I need to leave.”

  Kristi hugged her
close. “Only you would bring pepper spray to a wedding. Go, get out of here before he sees you. We’ll talk soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mom. Congratulations. I really am so happy for you and Allen.”

  “I know you are. My dearest prayer is that someday soon I’ll get to say that about you and Titus.”


  Without deep reflection,

  one knows from daily life that one exists for other people.

  Albert Einstein

  Titus escorted Bethany to their rooms to get the luggage. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “Not especially. You seemed to, though.”

  “Sandra was sweet. She’s a niece of Allen’s. She was a good dinner companion.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined your fun.”

  “It’s OK. I came with you so I leave with you.” Just thought I might have had some time to enjoy the evening with you. He went to his own room, changed into his jeans and t-shirt, and tossed the rest of his stuff in the bag.

  She’d changed as well, even washed all the makeup off. Her eyes were puffy and swollen.

  “Are you OK?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Sean seemed to enjoy spending time with you.”

  “He’s a royal jerk.”

  “Really? You seemed to be into his dance with him.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “What, a spat with your new brother-in-law?”

  She turned away from him as they got into the truck. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Fine.” He endured the ride home in silence.

  Sandra had been nice. Maybe it was because she soothed his lonely heart. A heart that was also jealous of the leers Sean sent Bethany throughout the day and the closeness he’d seen between them. And the way the man made her blush. If that wasn’t attraction, what else could it be? He’d tried to focus on the woman he’d been sitting with instead. And now Jack. She’d mentioned Jack before with great affection. Who was this man to her? All along, he’d thought he exclusively held her heart, but he was afraid to ask.

  Bethany had fallen asleep. When they pulled up to her darkened home, he nudged her. “Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.” He unloaded her luggage and put it on the porch before going back to get her. She slid into his arms wrapping her hands around his neck. “Fine, I’ll carry you to the house.” He kicked the car door shut and lugged her up the back stairs. She snuggled into him.

  Setting her feet on the ground, he propped her up against him. “Come on, Bethany Joelle. Get the key and let’s get you to bed.”

  “Best offer I’ve had all night,” she whispered. She was still half-asleep. She reached around to hold on to him.

  He loosened her hands and leaned her against the side by the door. “No offer.” He unlocked the door, set her bag inside, pushed her through, and placed the key in her hand. “No more games, Bethany. Good night.”

  Gritting his teeth, he closed the door Here he’d fallen head over heels for her wounded soul act only to find she was fickle.

  The tires spun, shooting gravel as he left the driveway. She had sure tempted him. Maybe this was a lucky escape.


  Bethany Joelle dragged herself into work. “Hiya, Jack,” she mumbled as she greeted her boss.

  “Hey, beautiful. So, how’s it feel to be a daughter again?”

  She smiled. “It’s nice.”

  “And the wedding?”

  “It was beautiful but not fun for me.”


  “The guy I stood up with was a jerk and Titus seemed to be interested in another guest. He wasn’t real happy when I asked him to take me home.”

  “Maybe he was jealous.”

  “Of what? Some guy making unwanted passes at me? It was the first time I ever pulled out the pepper spray you gave me.”

  Jack howled with laughter. “You used pepper spray on the groomsman you were paired with?”

  “Yes. My step-brother.”

  “Whoa. What’d your mom say?”

  “She supported me.”

  “And Titus? What did he say?”

  “He never asked, and I didn’t talk about it. I was too upset about what happened and his infatuation with another woman. Instead, I slept on the way home to try to get enough zzz’s in to help you out this morning.”

  “Is it possible you both misunderstood something of what the other person was going through? You couldn’t give him much attention in your role, right? What was he supposed to do? Hide in a corner until you were ready to be with him?”

  “Why would he want someone like me when there are women like that around?”

  “I think you’re selling yourself short, my dear.”

  “I thought you wanted me here to work,” she huffed.

  He nodded, accepting her closure of the topic. “Then we better get cracking.” He pulled out the refrigerated cake and brought it to her with the instructions.

  “I’ll get working on it.”

  By the time she went home, she was ready to drop. The store had been busy, but she was able to get a jump on some of the orders for the next few days as well. She texted Titus.

  Home. Tired. How’s your day?

  He never responded.

  She plopped on the old sofa and dozed, wondering why.


  Titus walked into church and greeted friends.

  Dan came up. “Thought you were out of town?”

  “I was. Bethany got called into work so we returned last night.”

  Dan studied him. “Something’s wrong.”

  “Yeah, not everyone gets as blessed as you, Dan.” He strode away before the pastor could respond.

  After the service, he hung with some of the singles at church. It’d been a while since he’d gone to the Thursday night group. Some new women had been coming and he was introduced to Amber, Candace, and Janet. All seemed to be great, firm in their faith. He didn’t miss the clues they tossed out to him about connecting further. He left church alone, went home to Cooper, and took him for a long jog. His phone dinged to let him know he had a text. Bethany. He ignored it. He needed time to think so he returned home.

  Will was watching a football game on television. “Hey, Ty. Did you hear the news?”

  “What news?”

  “Miles was released from prison on Friday.”

  “What? I thought he had a few more months to go.”

  “An appeal or something. They found a loophole.”


  “It’s what I heard, but I’ve not been able to verify it.”

  “Do I need to get a restraining order for him and the garage?”

  “Can you even do that?”

  “I think so. I’ll have to ask Mr. Rodriguez about it tomorrow. He’d know.”

  “Well, just as long as he doesn’t try to hurt B.J. again.”

  “Or anyone else. I suspect he’s ticked with me too.”

  “Yeah, you have a way of doing that.”

  “And just what do you mean by that?”

  “When was the last time you were on any kind of social media?” Will asked as he flipped open his laptop.

  “I don’t know. A week or so?”

  “You’re being tagged in photos taken yesterday at a wedding. Stunning brunette, by the way. You look like a cozy couple. What was Bethany’s opinion of that? And this morning at church? Those women are all bidding for your attention. They want to date you.”

  “Ridiculous. Besides, I don’t think Bethany is on social media.”

  “That might not matter. All it takes is one person to show her those pics.”

  “I can untag them, right?”

  “You can untag the photos, but I don’t think you can take your name out of the posts attached to them.”

  “Well, it might not make much of a difference. Is Bethany tagged anywhere?”

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact, she was with some guy sticking to her like glue. She, however,
had the grace to at least appear to be unhappy about the attention.”

  “I didn’t notice that.”

  “Probably because you were too busy noticing something, or, ahem, someone else.” Will shook his head. “I think you’re in trouble.”

  “I didn’t do anything wrong—yesterday or this morning. Having a conversation does not constitute being unfaithful.”

  “But you—”

  “—leave it alone, Will.”

  “I was only trying to help.”

  Titus slumped into a chair, but when the phone beeped indicating a text from Bethany he finally looked at the last few she’d sent.

  Sorry about having to work.

  You aren’t answering. Are you OK?

  Titus, someone at work showed me some social media posts.

  He groaned and texted back.

  Just tired. See you at the shop tomorrow?

  Her response was slow in coming.

  Yeah. Sure. I’ll see you.


  Bethany met Skye for lunch. Skye embraced her and Bethany returned the gesture. She could finally accept having a friend. Life had changed so much in the past few months.

  They got their food and sat down in a booth.

  Skye prayed over the meal and then leaned forward. “Tell me about your weekend.”

  “The adoption is final. I belong to Kristi and have sisters, brothers, and a new step-father.”

  “That’s exciting.”

  “It is but I also have an annoying step-brother who seems to think we should ‘hook up’ or something. I eventually pulled my pepper spray on him.”

  “I’m surprised Titus didn’t defend you.”

  “He was busy with a beautiful woman. Here I’ll show you.” Bethany pulled out her phone and showed the photos.

  “Can I see the others?”


  Skye turned the phone so Bethany could see one of Sean. It was obviously taken after she’d sprayed him. “Ouch. That looks painful.”

  “It’s not meant to be pleasant, but when he was trying to force himself on me after I’d been pushing him away all afternoon, I finally lost it.”

  “What’d Ty say?”

  “Nothing. I think he was too wrapped up in tall, thin, and beautiful to really care.”

  “But you came home early to work?”

  “Yeah. Jack called. Titus wasn’t happy about that but what could I do? I still work there.”


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