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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 3

by Amy Marie

  Gwen took a step backwards moving away from Lance. Her eyebrows rose in alarm. “Or maybe I should call the cops.” She seethed. Lance crossed his arms in front of him. The last thing he wanted to do was spook her.

  “If you want to talk, come back tomorrow the diner opens at eleven.” Before he could answer her. She tore open the steel door and slammed it shut in both of their faces. Lance turned towards Rene’ and blew out the deep breath he’d been holding in.

  Chapter 4


  “Acknowledging his true heart. True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.” ~ Nicholas Sparks.

  Rene’ stuck out his arm and said, “Congratulations, brother. I see the look in your eyes. You’ve found your true love, your treasure to have and hold throughout eternity.”

  Lance embraced Rene’s forearm, clasping the two men together in traditional greeting. “I have brother.” In acknowledging his friend’s statement, he had just bonded his heart to her. Though Rene’ was not blood kin to Lance, he also belonged to the brotherhood of the Knights Defender. Even though Lance outranked Rene, they were thick as thieves when it came to protecting the realm.

  “Danger is sure to follow after tonight’s failed attempt. We must keep her safe and out of the Crocottas dangerous sight. They’re radar will need to be redirected. She’s only a breath away from losing everything.”

  For so long Lance had been looking for Gwen feverishly. Though that didn’t stop his need to satisfy his carnal cravings. He had bedded his fair share of maidens in the past to scratch the itch from time to time, but now that he had professed and acknowledged his true love, his time of bedding others was done. The rest of Lance’s followers were sure to raise a glass of ale in hope they too would find true love as well.

  A car door shut, pulling him and Rene’ from their thoughts. Rene’ took a step and peered around the corner of the building. “She’s leaving.”

  They watched her get behind the wheel of her pink Ford Mustang. His girl was leaving the diner, likely driving herself into danger. He had to stop her but didn’t know how or what to say once he caught up to her.

  “I’ll get the Hummer.” Rene’ said. Lance ran around the corner of the building as Rene’ pulled the Hummer up so Lance could jump in.

  Before they could follow Gwen, a silver sleek Jaguar cut them off. They watched as Gwen’s Ford Mustang sputtered and let out a big puff of black smoke from of the tail pipe.

  His lips twitched in anger. “Not exactly the high-speed chase I’d expected.”

  “Don’t think for one minute your maiden isn’t slick enough to have every horse under that hood of hers galloping faster than they could blink. She is smart, cunning and without reservations of any wrongdoing.” Rene’s words hit his heart like a sledgehammer. Danger was headed her way. He had to do everything in his powers to protect her.

  “You need to focus on redirecting her energy into you. She’s a modern-day woman, headstrong at that. You need to convince her she’s yours and you’re hers. Win her heart and once you do, she’ll profess her love to you.” Lance drummed his fingers on the dash to Avenged Sevenfold’s Toxicity, a sign of his impatience.

  Eventually, the pink Mustang stopped in front of Kings Court Apartments.

  Lance gazed over at Rene’ and said, “What the hell? She lives in a dump. The roof is barely attached to the building structure. The windows are taped up with plastic bags. The sidewalk’s littered with trash. This can’t be true.”

  Several kids played out on the sparse grassy area in front of the run-down building. Immediately, when they saw Gwen pull up into the parking spot, they stopped kicking the soccer ball around. They waited until she exited the car before charging at her. She bent down to their level and tussled her hand through a couple of the boys’ hair. Smiles lit up their faces.

  None of them had on decent warm clothes for this time of year. The winds had picked up the last few days; winter was just around the corner. These young kids should be wearing warm coats, gloves and hats to keep the chill from settling in.

  Lance drew his small sabre from the sheath. The sabre had been given to him as a young boy for hunting small animals. He could use it against one of the kids if they attacked him. Not that he would enjoy being forced to defend himself against a child.

  Silently he got out of the truck and made his way towards the gathering. He stopped short as he heard laughter coming from the group. He stood amazed at Gwen as she handed over a small bag.

  The smallest boy in the group jumped up and down and shouted, “Cuties.” The exchange of kindness between Gwen and the boys was heart wrenching to watch. Lance quickly turned around and got back in the truck.

  Rene’ gave him a questioning glance and touched the center console bringing up the remote cellphone prompt. Lance barely listened as Rene’ rattled off instructions for a full background check on Gwen. He heard Gawain mutter, “Lance you good with this?”

  “Yeah! I want to know everything about her and her family.” They could hear Gawain tapping away on the keyboard, stroke for stroke. “Give me some time. ‘I’ll call you once I have the nitty gritty on your maiden.” With that, the phone went silent.

  Chapter 5


  “Understanding and developing your true identity gives you intrinsic value and should impact your focus.” ~ Sunday Adelaja.

  “Do you really want to know if he finds out she’s not who you think she is?”

  “I need to know for sure. I’m going back outside.” He paused with a hand on the door. “I assume you’re staying here.” He grinned, got out of the truck and closed the door.

  Lance looked at the decaying apartment building and shook his head. The youths were no longer outside. Heavy metal music blared from the ground floor apartment window. He glanced down at his watch, nearly nine pm. You’d think the person in the ground apartment would have compassion for their neighbors. Apparently not.

  The streetlights still lit up the perimeter. Everything looked clear from where he was standing. It didn’t hurt that he still wanted to check the perimeter more thoroughly. Before he could make around the back side of the building, his cellphone rang. His heart hammered. He looked down at the display screen. Gawain.

  He eagerly answered. “Yeah, that didn’t take long at all.”

  “Tell me you knew all along, and the background check was for my pleasure. And really not yours.” Gawain chuckled.

  There was a long pause before Lance answered his question. “Tell me what you found and stop jerking my chain.”

  “Someone’s panties are in a knot,” Gawain hazed Lance.

  “Your lady.”

  Lance half closed his eyes, pounding in his head and ears drummed to a steady beat.

  “Guinevere Marshal, twenty, is who she said she was. Only daughter to Merl Marshal and Magdalene Marshall. Her father was…”

  “An Arthurian historian,” Lance interrupted. He was not really in the mood for jokes and razzing.

  Gawain cleared his throat and started to regurgitate everything he found out about Gwen. She and her father Merl moved to Baltimore City five years ago. Apparently, he was a college professor, got sick with a brain tumor, treatment was unsuccessful. He even called on the help of anther magic man for help. But his magic and spells weren’t powerful enough. At the same time Gwen had no knowledge of her dad’s illness until it was too late. She dropped out of college after her third year due to lack of financial funds. She was left penniless and on her own. Gwen’s mother died giving birth to Gwen. No other siblings found. Gwen works at the diner full-time. She’s dated a couple guys off and on. Her latest, Charlie Ball, he’s thirty-two, married ten years to a Victoria Ball, two kids 9 and 5, teaches at City College, where Merl taught and Gwen dropped out. He’s cheated with several of his students. Got one of the students knocked up, baby number three due in another month or so.”

  Gawain paused, as Lance took in a deep breath and tried to process eve
rything Gawain said. “Oh, and did I mention he’s into drugs.”

  Lance heard the anger in Gawain voice. Gawain’s younger brother Barlow left Camelot with their mother as part of the divorce settlement. Barlow lived in Baltimore and Gawain stayed in Camelot with his dad. Barlow overdosed at the young age of sixteen. All it took was one needle full of laced heroine and Barlow was dead. From what the medical examiner later said, Barlow had no other signs he’d ever used before. After his brother’s death, Gawain made it his mission to stop the war on the streets of drugs. Anytime he could intervene he did.

  “Real scumbag if you ask me.” Lance replied.

  “Indeed, he is.”

  “I just pray Gwen hasn’t been tempted by the devil’s poison. Because so help me God, Mr. Ball just sealed his death papers if that is the case.” Lance looked up at the sound of a door slamming. “Shit. Busted.” To his astonishment, Gwen was walking towards the Hummer carrying a ceramic mug.

  Instantly, Lance hung up on Gawain. Not even saying goodbye. He met her halfway on the walkway. She had a peaceful look plastered on her face. She had changed out of her work clothes and now wore a pair of leggings and a long tunic top. She looked comfortable in a sexy way.

  She thrusted the steaming mug at him and said, “if you’re going to stalk me all night, at least you can have a hot cup of cider while you wait. The temperature is going to drop into the teens tonight.” Lance smiled at her gesture. But then suddenly realized it was late, and from the looks of the neighborhood it wasn’t exactly a safe place for a lady.

  “It’s not safe for you to be out after dark.”

  She giggled at his preposterous statement. “Oh, I get it,” she eyed up his Hummer. And pointed her finger at his chest. “You better keep an eye on your fancy wheels, because in a blink of an eye one of the gangs who hang out in the ground floor apartment will have them off your truck and sold within minutes.”

  Lance huffed at the implication of his disapproval.

  “How about you let me worry about my truck. Rene’ will make sure the wheels stay intact along with the other shiny things. You could invite me up to your place though. We can sip cider together while I can explain a few things to you.” He took a cautious sip, not sure how hot the mugs contents might be

  “You want me to invite you, a total stranger, up to my apartment so that we can sip cider and talk. You sure you didn’t hit your head when I kicked you in the crotch? Maybe you have a concussion.” Lance shook his head and took another sip of the delicious hot apple cider. Hers was different; he could taste a hint of clove. It brought out the sweetness of the apple.

  “Look we can stand out here all night if you want; I was trying to be a gentleman. I did save your life back at the diner.”

  “Come on then. I have a few apple donuts left. We can dunk them in the warm cider and talk. If that pleases you.”

  “More then you’ll ever know. What’s the deal with the blaring music? Can’t you call the cops for a noise violation?”

  “Sure, if I don’t want to see tomorrow. The last person who complained was found dead in a ditch with her throat slit. I much prefer to put in my earbuds and enjoy the silence.” She said in a dry manner.

  Lance frowned at her honest statement. He didn’t like that she lived in such a violent area of town. He made a mental note to himself, get her moved out ASAP.

  Gwen started to shiver, she didn’t have a coat on, or anything to protect her from the cold. He took his cloak off and put it around her shoulders.

  “We need to get you inside and warmed up before you catch a cold.”

  They walked up four flights of stairs and down a long dark, hallway. Graffiti spray painted down both walls. At first, he hadn’t noticed it, because the hallway was so dark. It wasn’t until Gwen opened her door, the light from her apartment shined out onto the walls.

  He needed her to understand the true meaning of why he was here. He needed to do that in a manner that didn’t scare her. She had nowhere to run or hide.

  Chapter 6


  “The biggest things in life have been achieved by people who, at the start, we would have judged crazy. And yet if they had not had these crazy ideas the world would have been more stupid.” ~Arsen Wenger

  Gwen leaned her back on the door pushing it with her right shoulder, waiting for the click of the lock to catch. Her safety meant a lot to her even though she hadn’t had any issues yet. She wasn’t about to take chances today. She swallowed her laughter, thinking about everything that had transpired in the last five hours. She’d been attacked by God knows what? She’d been saved buy a dude named Lance and his friend Rene’ who was just as strange as Lance. Now for a brief second she wondered if she had just invited a serial murderer to her apartment.

  How crazy is my life?

  She went straight to her windowsill and plopped down on the window seat cushion. She often gazed out at night’s sky, searching for constellations. Due to glow of the city lights, sometimes it was very hard to find a single constellation. She never gave up trying. She missed the darkness and quiet of country living. Her father made sure Gwen had the best telescope a girl could wish for. One of the many treasures left behind.

  She turned her gaze from the stars and studied Lance for a moment. He walked towards her. Her face flushed with excitement. She gave him a quick once over with her eyes and patted the cushion next to her signaling for him to sit. He was dressed nicely in a fancy white buttoned-down shirt. Dress pants pleated in the front. Around his waist was a thick black leather belt, and where a buckle would be was two dragon heads interlocked together. The detail and artisanship were nothing she’d seen around these parts before.

  Different types of people came through the diner daily. Some local, but most were travelers stopping in for a quick bite to eat, and then off to their final destinations. Maybe that was it; Lance was like the travelers and not from these parts.

  “Do you ever ponder the vastness of universe?” Gwen asked. Lance turned towards her; he had an unhurried gaze. His eyes traveled from her feet, up her legs, to her chest, and then to her eyes and stopped.

  She wanted to fidget but she knew that wasn’t lady like. Instead, she pulled at her tunic and tucked her legs up against her chest, waiting on his response. The room went silent, she felt her heart beating in her chest. The wait was intense.

  “Contrary to what most think, our universe hasn’t been fully identified yet. I’m betting that the current thinking of about ninety-three billion light years in diameter is only a fraction. As scientists adventure and explore more that number will rise someday.

  Not only was he good looking but he’s smart too. She never thought he’d answer her question without giving her a complicated answer. No, it was precise.

  “Can I get you more cider?”

  “Only if we’re still dunking apple donuts.”

  “Crap where’s my manners, I forgot about the donuts.” She cringed inwardly. God how could she had been so dumb as to not get him the food she promised. Instead, she was blathering on about the universe and constellations.

  She rushed over to the small kitchenette. Pulled out a brown sack and carried it back to windowsill. She gazed at his eyes as he stared at her like a hawk ready to swoop down and carry her away. Nerves fluttered in her belly.

  She held out the bag to him. His long fingers skimmed hers as he dug into the bag and pulled out a sugar treat. She watched as he dunked it in his cider and placed it in his mouth. He let out a moan.

  “These are delicious. I’ve never had anything like them before. The cinnamon melts in my mouth and the bitterness of the apples and cider compliments the cloves.”

  “I hope not, I made those myself. My dad passed down the recipe from his great grandmother.” She pointed to a leather-bound book sitting on her bookshelf. Quickly he took another donut from the sack and devoured the savory goodness.

  “Ever thought about selling then?” She shook her head no. “You’d make a killing
. If you ever change your mind, let me know. I have friends who are always willing to help a young entrepreneur as yourself.”

  “I’ve always thought by now I’d have my own desert shop. But I had to drop out of college after my dad died.” Ever think of going back to get your degree?”

  She gazed at his gray eyes again. He’d been more then content eating her donuts, sipping his cider and having social conversation with her. The entire time he never spoke about himself, as if was truly engaged with finding more about her.

  “Chasing that dream seems so far from my reach now. I haven’t given up, but I don’t see it in my near future.”

  “Don’t give up hope Gwen. Life is too short.”

  He was correct in his statement. Life was too short. She pushed her body up off the windowsill and walked over to her small couch. Which doubled as her bed when she pulled it out every night.

  He turned and strutted back to the window. Gwen eyed him warily again, glad he had his back to her, giving her the opportunity to stare at his backside. Without him catching her. He had powerful broad shoulders and, thick black wavy hair,

  “So, tell me, why were you in the alley tonight?” He turned and titled his lips again. “I don’t just lurk in alleys for fun, Gwen. I heard you scream and came to rescue you.”

  Gwen signed and rubbed her forehead. She could feel a headache starting. “I…”

  “I know what you mean Gwen.” He looked at her, worry clouding his eyes. Hesitant.

  “Can we just get this over with? I’m sure no explanation could be worse than me thinking I’m actually certifiable.”

  “It’s a long story.”


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