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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 33

by Amy Marie

  But looking at Damien, right now at this moment, I could say maybe my destiny is staring me straight in the eye.

  Outside of bed ten, at the nurses’ station of the ICU, one of Kai’s nurses noticed an increase in her patient’s heart rate. Just a small increase, but no other distress. She noted in the patient’s log and continued on to her next charge.

  Day Ten

  “She’s been steadily improving day by day, and the doctors and nurses have taken such great care of her. The plan now is to start gradually tapering her off the meds and seeing if she can start breathing on her own. The doctors say she’s had great brain function. I think the worst may be behind her,” I explained to her parents, as well as Carris and Lex. We were all meeting in the coffee shop across from the hospital.

  “That’s great news, man,” Lex said with a sigh of relief. “I saw her this morning. Her color was coming back and her eyes were moving. She’s on her way back. I can feel it.”

  “We can’t thank you three enough for all you’ve done for her. She wouldn’t be here without your care and getting her stabilized. She’s always been so lucky to have you,” Drake spoke for his wife. “We’re going to go see her and head home.”

  He rose and pulled out the chair for his wife. She stood and gave me a grateful smile. Drake put his arm around her as they headed out of the shop.

  “What a difference ten days can make, huh? They never wanted anything to do with us before Kai’s accident,” Carris remarked with a decided sarcastic lilt. She lifted her cup to her lips and took a slow sip. “What I really want to know is, where the fuck is Easton?”

  “I’m fine with him never showing up here,” I snapped. “Fuck him. If he thinks because Daddy Delacourt is on the Board of Directors at SGH, he can just have his way and mess with her care, he’s in for a big surprise.”

  “At this point, nothing about him would surprise me. In ten days, he hasn’t been around, and I’ve left message after message for him. Last I heard from his secretary, he was on assignment in the Catskills.”

  I breathed a heavy sigh and shook my head. This idiot was supposed to be in love with Kai—practically engaged to her—but he’s chilling in a spa in upstate New York. Things were definitely going to change. I just needed my girl to open her eyes so our story could begin.

  “Something has been wrong for months, D. She’s not our Kai. She’s this bubbly, happy light. She hasn’t been that for too long. She hasn’t been herself since Easton came into the picture!” Lex spat out with disgust.

  Carris looked stricken and confused. I saw the wheels turning in her head as she thought back through her last moments with Kai. I saw her face fall when she came to her own conclusions. “D, he’s right. I thought maybe she was working a lot in the lab and was seeing some breakthroughs in her research. She’s so withdrawn and just too quiet. And she was so thin when she was brought in.”

  The rage slowly began to settle into my bones. All the signs we overlooked. The canceled dinners. The movie dates she’d forgotten about with the three of us. The excuses she always seemed to have at the ready. How could we have missed this?

  I was going to kill him. With my bare hands.

  Chapter 5


  He’s here. Why is he here? Get him away from me!

  “I’m sure you hoped I would just go away, didn’t you, Sleeping Beauty? Hmmm?”

  No, no, no! You did this! You did this to me. You hurt me! I remember what you did, Easton!

  “I get it, gorgeous. You wanted to get away from me. You claimed you loved that fucker, Damien. But did you really think you had a chance in hell of getting away from me?”

  His cold hand reached under the sheet, and one finger raced up my thigh. He leaned in and nuzzled into my neck, biting my earlobe with a sharp, angry bite.

  The accident… I remember… oh my god! Someone, help me!

  “Did you honestly believe I’d just step aside and let him have you, you little bitch?” Easton asked with a sinister laugh. “Oh, no, no, no. Never. He may have had your heart, but I’ve always had your body. Not always willingly, I know but, well. That’s okay.”

  He reached across my chest and gave my breast a hard squeeze, then lifted his head to give my cheek a long, dirty lick.

  Damien. Oh my god, where are you? If I could just move, scream, anything!

  My heart began to race, and the machines and monitors began to sound.

  “You forget, my little future wife, I hold all the cards. Everything. Your research, your home, your life, is all in my hands. Did you forget how broke the Florians really are? Who do you think paid for medical school, darling? Oh, you know, don’t you? Just like you know, not even your knight in scrubs or his trusty sidekicks can help you.”

  I slowly shook my head, and my body began to tremble. My fingers started to wiggle, and my eyes tried to flutter.

  “Oh, so you can hear me. Good. Now listen. Very carefully. You are more trouble than you’re worth and I’ve put up with so much from you. It’s payback for what your piece of shit father did to mine. You should have died in that wreck. I tried to make it so, but I won’t fail this time. This is vengeance. Delacourt style.”


  Kai and Damien’s story is far from over. This doctors’ best friends to romance continues an upcoming full-length release 20 Days, coming later this summer!

  About Author C.G. Burnette

  I'm a self proclaimed book addict. It's sad but true. I want ALL THE WORDS! My love of words led me to blogging and blogging led me to this new and most awesome adventure as an author. What a ride this will be!

  I'm a southern girl and mom to two amazing little dudes with a strong addiction to Godzilla and I’m wife to a wonderful man whose undying support has made this writing journey possible. Over the years I have amassed a collection of Godzilla toys, dinosaurs, LEGO pieces and blocks in all shapes and colors. Not fun to step on in the middle of the night. Romance novels have been my thing since my aunt snuck me a Harlequin when I was ten. From all things old school to romance that has made me swoon, this has been on crazy adventure. Join me and let the fun begin!








  Part Seven

  While Bella Slept by USA Today Bestselling Author Erin Lee

  A Sleeping Beauty Retelling


  True love’s kiss.

  It’s the only thing that can wake Bella from a dormant sleep so deep even doctors can’t explain.

  Said to be crazy but fanatical about helping her slumbering daughter, ever-eccentric Sylvia will go to any length to bring a soulmate to Bella’s bed in hopes he can wake her. One by one, men leave the sterile hospital room as failures. Even Sylvia begins to believe there is no hope in ever speaking with her daughter again. Blaming their splintered mother/daughter relationship, Sylvia is ready to give up and stop believing in fairy tales at all.

  Until one day when everything changes and Bella’s eyes flutter at the sound of a surprise visitor’s voice. But happy endings don’t come as easy in real life as they do in stories.

  For Bella to wake up, Sylvia must rethink everything.

  Can she love her daughter enough to fracture the curse of three centuries and four generations?


  For Matty: The only man who could wake me.

  Also for the twenty-year-old kid who knew enough to do a sternum rub and get my heart moving. If it weren’t for you, I’d be sleeping. May your long life ahead be one of fairytales and happy endings as mine has been. Thank

  “Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.” – Mandy Hale

  Before the fairytale

  According to local legend

  Before the fairy tale

  According to local legend


  The wails of a baby carried through the darkened streets of Salem, Massachusetts as a lone figure hurried along the sidewalks carrying a small bundle. “Ssssh, ssssssh, it’ll be alright, little one. You must be quiet. I’ve made up a story. I hope this will fix her. At the very least, it can delay Abigail’s Curse,” the figure whispered to the bundle in her arms. The night air was crisp and the only sounds were those made by the quick feet of the mysterious woman, the whimpering sounds of the baby, and the occasional rustle of the trees.

  The woman stopped in front of the Helping Hands Orphanage. “Well, little one, this is our stop. I pray your enemies never find you and that you will never know the sufferings and sins of your people.” The woman kissed the baby gently before ascending the stairs of the orphanage and placing the child, basket and all, down in front of the double red doors. She knocked firmly on the door then hurried away to be swallowed by the shadows. Before she left, she muttered the name “Sarah,” as if it had some significance or was perhaps what she wished the child to be called.

  There was the sound of someone unlocking the door as a crack of light fell upon the bundled baby cooing happily. Mrs. Prinn, a woman in a classic navy blue pencil skirt and white blouse opened the door, gasping. She adjusted her glasses before peering closer. The baby was the most angelic child she had ever seen; her chestnut hair already long enough to frame her delicate face, long dark lashes fringing her sky blue eyes, and all wrapped in a richly decorated burgundy blanket. On that was pinned a note. Mrs. Prinn picked the baby girl up and shifted her to one arm, using her other hand to open the note; it read:

  To Whom It May Concern,

  For unmentionable circumstances, the baby you see before you is being placed in your care. Her parents were both killed in a terrible tragedy, her name is yours to give, and she is of royal blood; this information you must keep from her as it is very important that no one knows who she is. And it is extremely critical that she never finds out about her heritage; her life is at stake. Please find and provide a loving home for her. She was the jewel of her father’s eye and the comfort to her mother’s heart. At least, that’s what we should tell her. Some truths are better twisted, don’t you agree? Beware of Abigail’s Curse. I cannot say more, but if you do your research, it will make sense. I trust it as a secret you’ll keep? Take care of her.


  A Faithful Servant of Repentant Blood

  Mrs. Prinn re-folded the note and stuck it in her pocket before looking down at the baby in her arms. “Well, let’s get you inside. You’ll need a name, I suppose.” Mrs. Prinn carried the baby inside, shutting the door behind her.

  “What’s that, Mrs. Prinn?” Mrs. Hagen asked coming up beside her; she was the orphanage’s headmistress. “Unusual blanket,” she mused.

  “A little baby left on the doorstep, she needs a name,” Mrs. Prinn said smiling down at the baby girl, deciding to keep the secret of the baby’s likely fake past to herself. Not Abigail. Don’t pick that.

  Mrs. Hagen nodded and led the way to the main office; “The next letter in line for girls is ‘S,’ any ideas, Mrs. Prinn?” Mrs. Hagen asked after looking through the files.

  “Sylvia, I think Sylvia is the perfect name for this beautiful little girl,” Mrs. Prinn said as she played with the baby.

  “Mmmph,” Mrs. Hagen said as she wrote the name down. “She will be in your charge, Mrs. Prinn. Now, go get her settled.”

  Mrs. Prinn, with a secret and feeling almost like a fairy godmother who could finally do something about the feud between two families well known to all in town, nodded and left the office; as she walked to the nursery she wondered what had happened to the darling child’s parents. For no one to know her real name, something truly terrible must have happened. Or scandalous. Scandalous things were always happening in Salem and the note had mentioned Abigail. Poor thing. Bad blood.

  Hours later, Mrs. Prinn pulled the note from her pocket and re-read it in the dim light of her desk lamp. “I just don’t get it,” she murmured, “but the secret is safe with me.” As she said this she folded the burgundy blanket around the note and stuffed it deep inside the bottom drawer of her armoire. “I know, little one, who you are.”

  Outside the window a figure crossed herself in the dark. “Thank the Lord she’s safe now. May they just move on and forget the curse. What’s done is done.”

  Seven full turns of the universe later

  “Sylvia! Honey, come on, you might get adopted today!” Mrs. Prinn said as she tried to get Sylvia out from under the bed. She had watched over Sylvia like she was her own, and she was firm in her promise to find the perfect family to adopt her. She was certain that the Pry sisters would be perfect, if only she could get Sylvia to come out of hiding.

  For the past seven years Sylvia had changed the lives of those around her; she had been a ray of sunshine for everyone. Her bright smile, eclectic nature, and precious bell-like voice melted everyone’s heart; she was always willing to help someone and put a smile on everyone’s face. Mrs. Prinn had grown so attached to Sylvia that she wasn’t sure if she could let her go now, but she knew Sylvia needed a good home and she felt the Pry sisters were the best possible match for Sylvia.

  “Sylvia, please come out. They are waiting in the office for you; Catherine, Christina, and Emily are going to take very good care of you.”

  Peeking her dark curly haired head out from under the bed and looking up at Mrs. Prinn, she pouted, “I don’t wanna go. I want to stay here with you! I wanna stay with you and Mrs. Hagen.” Sylvia climbed out completely. “I don’t wanna go live with those sisters, they sound mean!”

  Mrs. Prinn tried not to smile at the little girl’s earnest face. “Honey, they are very nice girls that will love you very much. You’ve met them many times, and you know they are very sweet. They aren’t stern, not like Mrs. Hagen anyway.” Mrs. Prinn smiled and poked the little girl in the ribs playfully. Sylvia giggled and climbed into her lap.

  “Miss Prinn, if I go with the strange sisters, will I ever see you again?” Sylvia turned loving and innocent eyes on Mrs. Prinn and waited.

  Tears just about spilled over as Mrs. Prinn looked down at the angelic girl in her lap. Sylvia had been like a daughter to her and she couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing her again, nor could she let Sylvia even hope that they might see each other again. “Baby, I can’t answer that; maybe someday we will see each other again, but for now you are going to live a wonderful life with Catherine, Emily, and Christina.” She kissed Sylvia’s forehead gently then helped her up. “Come on, sweetie, let’s go. They’re waiting.”

  “Hello Sylvia,” Catherine Pry said sweetly as Sylvia was led into the main office. “Are you ready to come and live with us?”

  Sylvia frowned and looked up at Mrs. Prinn who smiled at her and nodded. Sylvia’s eyes saddened then she bit her lip and raced across the room to Emily Pry’s waiting arms. Mrs. Prinn turned away and wiped a stray tear as Sylvia kept her head turned from looking at her. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Prinn,” Christina Pry said as she shook hands with Mrs. Hagen. “We will take good care of her.”

  Mrs. Hagen nodded and smiled at the three young women, “I’m very sure you will, Ms. Pry. Goodbye, Sylvia.”

  Sylvia smiled weakly at the woman from in the arms of Emily, “Goodbye, Mrs. Hagen.”

  The three women and their new charge filed out of the office, followed by the two older women; Sylvia kept her faced hidden in Emily’s shoulder as she carried her to the car. Mrs. Prinn watched with a heavy heart from the entranceway of the orphanage. “Goodbye, Sylvia,” she whispered removing her glasses and wiping away her tears.

  Sylvia sat in the back seat of the car staring out
of the window, watching as they pulled out of the parking lot. Her lower lip trembled as she watched the woman she had learned to love like a mother slide from view. “Goodbye, Mrs. Prinn,” Sylvia said quietly before bursting into tears.


  Bella in sleep – the first three years


  I was floating again. Or, I thought I was. It was the only thing that made any sense.

  I awoke, my head screaming out before my eyes could pry themselves apart on the inside. It was always the inside, never out. It hadn’t been for years. Three full turns of the universe. Not forever. You can still go back. Feeling a thousand weights pulling on my skull, I managed to adjust my senses and take in my unearthly surroundings. I found myself in another tiny cell to become the source of my pain for many months. Years, even, until Mom had me moved again.

  I was above my body and not quite sure if I was still of the living. Yet, there I was. There were mirrors all around me, forming a chamber in which I could see myself reflected from all angles, creating the illusion of a much larger space. A somehow removed gasp of utter bewilderment left my lips. Were they even mine? Was the noise my own? Where was my tube? Was I breathing? The face staring back at me was barely recognizable. Gaunt and hollow cheeks hung from empty eyes that could have been Hades' own, while my naked body shook from exhaustion, concave stomach turned inwards. What had happened? Where was I now? Why couldn’t I see the bed? Where was my stupid Cinderella gown? Where were Mom and Merna?


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