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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 63

by Amy Marie

  Chapter 13

  “We will rebuild, and we’ll rebuild stronger.”

  Aria hugged her mother after sharing tearful embraces with her surviving sisters.

  Almost a month had passed since the horrors Dima brought to them. A proper burial was given to Stacia, filled with ocean blooms and a whirlpool capsule that transported her into the Afterlife. Time was spent sifting through debris and what was left of Timarra. They grieved those who did not escape the sea demon’s wrath and sent their spirits to follow Stacia. Scattered merfolk returned and worked together to begin cleaning up the destruction.

  Now, it was time for her to leave.

  To start her life with Caspian and rebuild Astauria.

  Her mother finally released her, blinking away a shimmer that left the rainbow swirl in eyes that were brighter than normal. Sunlight filtered through the waves to spread beams of shimmering light over Timarra, and a promise of healing and strength to come.

  “You take care of my daughter, Caspian.” Queen Taelyss held out her arms for Caspian and folded him into a maternal hug. “I couldn’t be filled with more joy than to know you are the one to become her husband. I know you two will do great things together.”

  “You can rest assured she will always be safe with me. Loved and cherished and adored,” Caspian said, backing away and gathering Aria under his arm. The multihued blues of his tail glittered like a lagoon within the ocean, deflecting sunlight to the ocean’s floor. “We’ll return to help in your realm’s revival, Queen Taelyss. You have my word.”

  “And you have my word, King Caspian, that our hands are yours in your revival as well. It fills me with great joy knowing you and Aria will rebuild Astauria. You both will breathe new life into that magical place.”

  Aria’s mother dove back through the water, putting distance between them as she called out, “No longer forgotten, you shall thrive. Today marks the beginning to the greatness you both shall achieve!”

  Aria squeezed Caspian’s hand, heaviness settling on her shoulders. She was leaving the only home she’d ever known. Tipping her head up, she took in Caspian’s handsome face, the sharp edges and ridges of his merman form as alluring and enticing as his human form. He filled her heart with the purest joy, the deepest love, and the greatest gift.

  A gift of happiness forever.

  “It’s time to go, my darling queen.”

  “Princess,” she corrected.

  Caspian chuckled. “Very well. If princess suits you, then I’ll call you princess. Don’t try to convince others you’re not a queen, though.”

  Gliding through the ocean depths, hand-in-hand, they left the nightmare of Alamari, the pain of Timarra, and both dear and cursed memories behind.

  Before they left, Caspian confirmed that Alamari burned to the ground, taking malicious souls with the fires, including the king and his wife. Their children survived. Aria hoped they would grow into better people, rulers with hearts and morals and pure spirits.

  He managed to track Brack down, using a bit of magic to reassure himself his friend had settled in safely with his daughter’s family. He’d even caught the eye of a local woman.

  Love flourished all around, and Aria couldn’t be happier.

  They left the coast and paused where the ocean floor plunged downward into a deep nothing. Caspian brought Aria’s hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. He wiggled the fingers of his free hand in a strange pattern, murmuring words she could not hear.

  The water below began to churn and stir. The world around her pushed and pulled her body, urging her closer to the swirling whirlpool.

  “Portal,” Caspian explained. “It’ll deliver us to Astauria. And our new beginning.”

  “Don’t let go of my hand, you hear?” Aria grasped his hand more tightly between both of hers, holding on for dear life. Caspian grinned and led her forward, the natural draw from the hole pulling them in.

  Aria closed her eyes. Her body twirled and spun like she was circling a drain. Caspian tugged her close, his strong arms wrapping tightly around her as they fell together into the unknown.

  The sensation ceased almost as quickly as it started.

  When she opened her eyes, she was no longer on the brink of the deep ocean, but floating in the midst of crystalline blue waters so clear she had to flap her tail to make sure she was still in the water. The sandy floor sparkled like a dazzling sheet of quartz and diamonds, birthing some of the most brilliant colors of coral and seaflowers she’d ever seen.

  A paradise.

  “Welcome, my princess, to Astauria.”

  Caspian spread his arms, his smile growing. The sea stretched on forever. Occasional piles of white stone and jade were the only evidence of the once-magnificent kingdom they would rebuild. Behind her, the shimmering carpet gradually ascended, drawing her upward to breech the surface. Caspian followed and pointed to the sandy beach of a small island.

  “We will bring humans back here, help them flourish anew. Some of the descendants of the old Astaurian villages escaped to other realms, but we will find them and offer them a home here once again.”

  “This is…unbelievable,” Aria breathed. “It is pure magic. More than any rumor or legend painted it to be. The power is all around us, from the sea to the land to the sky.” She tipped her head up and soaked in the bright sun. “We’ll do your parents right. We’ll do everyone, everything, right as we move forward. You and me. Together. We can do amazing things.”

  Caspian twisted her to face him, holding her waist as his fins caressed her tail. “Will do, my darling. There is nothing we won’t conquer to make this world the best place to thrive.”

  He dipped his head and pressed a soft kiss to her lips that instantly shocked her body into a heated storm. “But first, why don’t we shed the scales for a bit? Lay on the sand, soak in this brilliant sun?” He traced a finger between her breasts. “And let me take care of you the way you love?”

  Aria draped her arms around his neck, curling her fingers in his damp hair. “I think I like the way that sounds, my king.”

  “I hope you never feel otherwise.”

  She teased his bottom lip with a playful nibble. He groaned.

  “As long as I have you and you’re by my side, it will never change.” She scraped her nails along his scalp and earned a pleasure-induced growl from Caspian. “And I’m yours forever, remember?”

  He snickered, wrapping her hair around his hand and tugging until he had her head exactly where he wanted it: The perfect angle to claim her with his riveting kiss. “Forever will never be long enough to love you.”

  “Love forever, and for an eternity beyond.”

  His lips brushed over hers again. “We have a beach waiting for us.”


  About the Author

  Born and raised a Jersey girl with easy access to NYC, Kira was never short on ideas for stories. She started writing at the tender age of 11, and her passion for creating worlds exploded from that point on. Romance came later, but since then, all of her heroes and heroines find their happily ever after, even if it takes a good fight, or ten, to get there.

  Kira resides in Central Florida with her husband, four children, two bunnies, two hermit crabs, and a parakeet. She works part-time as a nurse when she’s not writing or traveling between sports, other activities, or her characters’ worlds.

  Kira loves to hear from readers! Find her at:






  Books by Kira Nyte

  Nocturne Falls Universe

  A Dragon Speaks Her Name

  A Dragon Gambles for His Girl

  Merry & Bright, A Christmas Anthology

  A Dragon’s Christmas Mayhem (novella)

  The Princess Protects Her Huntsman

  Touched by Her
Elven Magic

  Touched by His Vampire Charm

  Winter Wonderland, A Christmas Quartet

  Touched by His Christmas Magic (novella)

  Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance

  The Gala Lover

  The Firestorm Dragon Chronicles

  Stroke of Fire

  Dance of the Dragon

  Part Thirteen

  Midnight: A Violet Queen Prequel by Lexi C. Foss & Cora Kenborn

  A Cinderella Retelling


  About Midnight: A Violet Queen Prequel

  A Cinderella Tale Spun in a New York City Reality

  Lucynda Ellis

  I’m not an actress, but I’ll play the part if it means saving my stepsister’s career. Put on the dress and the strappy shoes, wear a smile, and pretend to love the prince. Easy.

  Until the prince ends up being sin dressed in a suit.

  Kellen Knight unravels my world with a kiss that lights my soul on fire. It’s all meant for show, a televised embrace tucked away between the sheets, yet I can’t stop thinking about him or his hypnotic mouth.

  When I leave my precious sketchbook behind at the shoot, I’m left with no choice but to track him down to get it back. Except this prince lives in an untouchable, glass-coated tower and all he knows me by is a single name—Cyn.

  Kellen Knight

  My marketing team wants me to star in the advertising campaign for our newest product. Why? Because sex sells. So I’ll wear the suit, pretend to romance some actress, and kiss her at midnight.

  Only, that kiss? It blows my f*cking mind.

  Cyn’s maddening insults and quiet confidence get under my skin. I’m used to women falling at my feet, so when this blonde spitfire walks away after her lips knock me sideways, I’m more than intrigued. I’m determined.

  There’s only one problem: I don’t know her full name.

  Good thing I’m Kellen f*cking Knight. She can run, but she definitely can’t hide.

  Authors’ Note: Midnight is a spicy little fairy tale with a few darker elements that help introduce the dark romance trilogy, Violet Queen. Lucynda Ellis might find her prince in this happily-ever-after tale, but it’s only the beginning for a much more sinister world featuring Avala Aldridge, Asher Vaughn, and Sterling Quinn.


  To Niko & Dagger, for your bromance and long-winded words. You brought us together.

  P.S. We know you’re more than just each other’s emergency contacts… #Besties

  Chapter 1


  “Figure it out,” Kota snaps, hanging up the phone.

  I gape at the mobile in my hand, unsure of how to proceed.

  The producers of the shoot are pacing around and waiting for my stepsister to show up. And now she says she isn’t coming because of a cold. What the hell am I supposed to do about that?

  Figure it out, apparently.

  Maybe this whole thing can be rescheduled?

  Right. Because they aren’t ready to film or anything.

  Clearing my throat, I head toward the casting director. She’s probably the only one in this entire building who knows my name. Everyone else keeps shooting me curious glances, wondering what the heck an assistant is doing here without her actress.

  Well, we were supposed to meet at the hotel for the shoot. I even brought Kota’s favorite coffee. Which is now cold, thanks to her delay in replying to my myriad of texts and calls.

  “Where is she?” Maria demands as I approach.

  I twist my hands before me. “Um.” I clear my throat again. “She’s sick and can’t make it.”


  So silent that a pin could drop and everyone in the room would hear it.


  “Can’t make it?” she repeats.

  “Yes. She has no voice,” I lie, thinking on my feet. “And the medicine she took last night hasn’t fixed it.”

  “We could dub over her lines. We’ll probably have to anyway.”

  I nod, agreeing. Because yeah, that’s how it works. “Yes, but—”

  “What is taking so long?” the director demands, entering the room with a flourish. “I have Knight in a suit, waiting for his belle, and time is money, people. Where is my beauty for the ball?”

  The casting director visibly pales before me, her eyes flashing to mine. Then she cocks her head to the side in a funny way, looking me over.

  Oh, I don’t like that look. She’s thinking something I won’t like. I can see the wheels turning behind those hazel eyes. I start shaking my head in the negative, begging her not to voice whatever asinine idea she’s just conceptualized, when she smiles. “She’s right here.”

  My jaw drops. “What?”

  But the director isn’t listening. He’s too busy eyeing my jeans and T-shirt in distaste. “Why isn’t she dressed yet? And what is going on with her hair? We requested a brunette, not a blonde.”

  “She was just heading to wardrobe to get ready,” Maria replies. “And we can fit her for a wig.”

  He frowns at the thought, studying my face a little too intently. With a sigh, he waves his hand over me. “This’ll do. Just get her dressed. Keep the blonde hair.”

  “Of course,” Maria agrees. “Head on over to wardrobe, Cyn. I’ll meet you there.”

  I clench my jaw and force a smile, mostly to appease the director. This has to be a way of stalling him. So yeah, I’ll play along until she comes up with a better alternative. “Yes,” I reply. “I’m heading to wardrobe right now.”

  Which is apparently going to really happen because they’re both still watching me, leaving me no choice but to follow through with my statement.

  Okay, fine. I’ll just pretend and wait for Maria to come save me.

  Wandering in the direction of the beauticians waiting to serve my stepsister, I pause to snack on a few pieces of fruit. Only to have the grapes smacked out of my hand a minute later by a red-faced Maria. “What are you doing?”

  “Eating some fruit?” I offer uneasily.

  “You’re supposed to be getting ready,” she snaps. “First, your sister is a no-show. Now you’re dillydallying? This is unbelievable. I should dock your pay rate. In fact, I think I will.”

  “What?” I gape at her. “You were serious about me standing in for her?”

  She looks me over again. “You’re the same size and build and you’re not unfortunate-looking. This will work just fine, but I need you to get dressed for the first scene. Now go.”

  My feet don’t move. “I’m not an actress, Maria.”

  “For today, you are,” she returns. “Unless you want me to ensure Kota Ellis is blacklisted from future shoots and commercials?”

  My heart skips a beat. “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Honey, this account is huge. It’s for Kellen Knight, the new CEO of KK Midnight Enterprises. I will not be the one to disappoint him, and you bet your ass I will make sure your sister is the one he blames should this shoot not go through today.”

  I can see in her hazel eyes how serious she is.

  And how truly fucked I am.

  Figure it out.

  Okay, sis. I’m figuring this out, just as you requested.

  Clearing my throat for the twentieth time in the last five minutes, I nod. “All right. I’ll do it. But I can’t guarantee I’ll be great at it.”

  “Sweetie, all you need to do is smile and fawn over Mr. Knight. Trust me, it won’t be hard.”

  Yeah, famous last words. Little does she realize I don’t date. No time. I’m too busy parading around New York City for my stepsister while she lives a pampered life on the Upper East Side in her brand-new Manhattan condo.

  Two more months, I tell myself. Two more months and she’ll give me the money she promised. Then I’ll go back to school to finish my fashion design degree.

  Assuming Kota doesn’t have another delay.

  No. It’ll be different this time. It has to be.

  With a forced grin, I wander
into the real wardrobe area—leaving my plate of fruit behind—and allow the ladies to get to work.

  And work, they do.

  Because wow. Thirty minutes later, I barely recognize myself as I spin in the mirror. They’ve removed my glasses, painted up my face, piled my hair into voluminous curls on my head, and put me in a dress that clings to my curves in a scandalous way.

  There will be no bending over in this short skirt. That’s for sure.

  And my heels, oh, there won’t be much walking in those either.

  At least I look like a thousand bucks.

  When Maria sees me, she grins broadly. “Perfect. Now get down the hall. The director wanted to start an hour ago.”

  Yeah, I know, I think at her, blowing out a breath. Right foot. Left foot. We can do this. It’ll be fine. Just smile. Say whatever they tell you to say.

  And yeah. This is totally insane, and I’ve lost my damn mind thinking I can do this.

  I turn at the bottom of the stairs, ready to bolt, only to face-plant into a male chest. Hands grasp my shoulders, holding me steady as I mutter a curse in reply. “What are you doing walking so closely behind me?” I demand, rubbing my offended nose.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to turn around and barrel right into me,” a deep voice returns.

  “Well, yeah, because most people give others at least a few feet of space. Have you not heard of assured clear distance?” I grit out, finally looking up into the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.

  Oh, my…

  Yeah, this guy completely redefines the meaning of chiseled.


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