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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 115

by Amy Marie

  "You're kidding, right?"


  "What's the catch?"

  “No catch, except I won’t kill anyone for you. And you only have three months to make your next two wishes.”

  I stared at him. There had to be cameras here somewhere, right? I'd heard about those TV shows where they set up fake interviews and try to embarrass innocent people.

  "Why? Why me, and why would you do this?"

  Gene got up from his seat and helped himself to a drink out of a crystal decanter on one of the shelves. "I'm a rich man, Oliver. Very rich. It’s hard to find something or someone who interests me. For the moment, let's just say I'm bored.” He turned and leaned against the unit. “You intrigue me. I like you, and this idea both amuses and inspires me. We'll stay in touch. I'm not going to just turn you loose. You'll work for me at The Cave. You'll stay in one of my properties that I think you'll find more than comfortable. You'll have a rental contract, but you'll find your salary will be adequate to cover it easily. And I’ll start you off with a generous bank account. I believe that takes care of the financial wish."

  I stood and ran a hand through the hair on the back of my head. This was nuts, right? No one would make this kind of offer except maybe a crazy person. But Gene didn't appear mad or on drugs. Even Jeff had said Gene was a powerful man. The only person more insane than the one who offered this proposal would be the one who accepted it, right?

  I paced the length of the room. "You'll put all this in a contract? And I can have a lawyer who will sit with me and go over all the pages? I don't want there to be something that says I have to pay you back or some other crazy shit that gets buried in the details."

  "See? I knew you were smart. Yes, you may bring a lawyer of your choosing, and I'll pay the cost. This is a legit offer, Mr. Prince. I promise, no hidden gotcha items."

  "And I can ask for anything else I want?"


  "I already know what I want for my second wish."

  His face lit up like I'd just given him a present. "What's that?"

  "I want my degree. Whatever it takes—tuition, tutors, private classes, internships…I want my degree as soon as possible. I'll work the study hours around whatever hours you need me to work, but I want the classes to get me a college degree so I can stand on my own two feet with a decent job."

  "Agreed. You’ll study by day and work by night. And well done, Mr. Prince. I'm impressed already. No matter what happens, no one will be able to take that education away. I can't wait to see what your next wish will be."

  "About that, I think I’ll wait on it.”

  "Whenever you wish, but you cannot wish for more or an extension on the three months."

  "Draw up the contract, Mr. DeLampe."

  "Excellent." He stood and shook my hand. "I assume you won't going ahead with the new housing while we get all of the legal work taken care of?"

  "Um, sure. I mean, that sounds acceptable."

  Turned out, I was beyond happy with my new living arrangements. By the next morning, my lease had been paid off, my shit packed, and Abby and I were sitting pretty in a townhouse next to The Cave. All those other doors really were homes for people who worked for Gene DeLampe. And now I was one of them.

  And better still? When I checked my bank account, there was a pending deposit of one million dollars. A black credit card with my name on it was on the kitchen counter with a note that I was responsible for all payments after the initial hundred thousand. When Gene said he’d take care of me financially, I was thinking a couple grand. I just stood there thinking this must have been what Alice felt like when she fell into the rabbit hole, and Gene was easily the Mad Hatter.

  But as great as this was, there was something more important to do. I picked up my phone, praying Mena wasn’t one to hold a grudge.

  “You better have a damned good excuse,” her voice greeted me.

  I cringed. Not a good opening. "I'm so sorry, Mena. I tried to text you that something came up, but my phone was dead, and I didn’t have a way to charge it at work." I hated the lie, but the truth was so complicated. Plus, I couldn’t tell her. My deal with Gene was confidential, and I wasn’t stupid enough to fuck it up.


  "Please let me make it up to you. I have some business I have to attend to the next couple of days, but I'll make sure the weekend is free. We can do anything you want."


  If she wanted to paint my nails red and go shopping at an antique mart, I would have the same answer. "Yes."

  "Wellll, I've always wanted to do one of those Duck Tours."

  Of all the things she could have asked, that was easy. "Done. I've never done it either."

  "Okay. You're forgiven."

  Phew, that was easier than I thought. "Damn, woman, you made me break out in a sweat."

  She laughed. "It's okay."

  “Wait. Were you really mad at me?”

  “I was in the beginning, but I’m not that petty, Oli. I wish I’d heard from you earlier, but you can’t help when things come up.”

  Yeah. Especially things like Jeff Farr and Gene DeLampe. “You’re amazing.”

  “Glad you think so.”

  "I'll make the arrangements and let you know the details."

  "Sounds good. And Oli?"


  “I can’t wait to see you again. Don’t stand me up this time.”

  I hated both the hurt and the warning I heard in her voice. “Me either, princess, and I won’t. I promise.”

  I fell back on my bed after I hung up. I didn't hesitate over what this would cost for the first time in my life. I finally could afford to treat Mena to all the things I thought she should have and wanted to give her. And the kids. Wait ‘til they heard!

  This afternoon, I had a meeting with a lawyer I'd picked out when I researched some local firms online. We would be going over the contract Gene's lawyers had already drawn up. I'd expected several pages of legal mumbo jumbo, but it actually appeared relatively uncomplicated, even to my eyes. When I said I would need someone immediately, I was quickly dismissed, but when I said they would be working with Gene DeLampe's lawyers, they were quick to change their answer, and within minutes I had a lawyer on the phone making arrangements to meet. I'm sure when they saw the terms they'd be as surprised as I was, but I was guaranteed confidentiality and professionalism.

  And the following day, Carla was to come by to see my new home. She was stunned silent when I told her I had secured a potential job that came with housing in a neighborhood I was sure she'd find more than adequate to have Jack and Jilly come and stay permanently. All the arguments about why I couldn't foster them were now gone. And if they came up with more bullshit ones, well, now I could afford to bring on a lawyer.

  I still felt like I should pinch myself, but who wanted to wake up from this kind of dream? I looked at Abby, who happily chewed on a bone that had been left wrapped in a ribbon on the kitchen island. “Well, girl, let’s hope this doesn’t turn into a nightmare.”

  Chapter 12


  I hung up my phone and squealed. “Yes!”

  “Another date, I presume?” Kira asked.

  She frowned. "How much do you know this guy?"

  "Isn't that the point of dating? To get to know someone?" I countered.

  "But you said you met him on the street. I mean, are you safe? Should we have a code word in case you get into trouble?"

  "Relax. I love you for your concern, but we've already been out on a date. And really, it's no different than meeting someone in a bar." I raised an eyebrow at my friend, knowing full well she'd picked up guys that way.

  "But this is you we're talking about. You're methodical about everything, including who you date. I've never seen you so much as meet someone for dinner without already knowing half of their bio."

  I shrugged. "Maybe I've been going about it all wrong. Plus, it's usually someone I know from Daddy's country club, so they p
ractically come with a Who's Who tattooed on their forehead. Oli is refreshing, and it's like he sees me, not my resume or potential for growth.”

  Kira smiled. "He does sound dreamy."

  "Oh, you don't even know. He challenges me in ways I've never been. He's sexy, and his kisses..." I felt my face flush as I remembered our moments at the festival, in the park, and then again when he kissed me hard on the sidewalk. I'd completely forgotten we were out in public. All I could focus on was how his body felt pressed against mine. I could feel his erection aching to break free from its tight confines and knew it must have been painful to go unattended. If he'd pursued anything further, I'm not sure I'd have had the strength to stop him, but I wasn't ready for that yet. At least, not mentally. Physically, however, was another matter. My body was screaming for him to quench the fire he'd started. So much so I'd dreamed about it, waking up trembling from the bliss that was found only in the figments of my mind.

  "I don't need to imagine. Your face is like watching a silent porn movie. Just be careful. You never know what someone is hiding. You don’t even know where he lives or where he works. Those seem like basics that you've overlooked."

  "I told you, he's a student and a magician on the side for money. I wish you'd stop with the third degree. You're acting like a guardian, not a friend." Even though I appreciated her concern, I was growing tired of this conversation.

  She held up her hands in surrender. "Got it. You're a big girl, and you know what you're doing. Message received." Her eyes looked a little hurt.

  Oh, crap. I can be such a bitch sometimes. I opened my arms to give her a hug. "I appreciate what you're trying to do. I'm lucky to have someone who cares about me this way. I know I sound a little more reckless than usual, but I think that's part of what I like. I promise you I'll be careful."

  She squeezed me back. "I guess I'm not used to seeing you with the bad boy type. That's more my style. I know you're not naive." She dropped her arms and stepped back. "You'll let me know how it goes? And I'll want all the deets if he turns out to be as good as your face indicated."

  I laughed. "Get outta here. I have to prepare for the weekly admin meeting. You know how much I love those."

  "Maybe you should slip some hard liquor into your cup. No one will know it's not coffee."

  "Good idea. Maybe it will numb the pain of having to listen to Jeff kiss up to my dad. I don't know what my dad sees in him, but it would take an enema to get Jeff's head removed from Papa's ass."

  Saturday dragged its feet like a child being led to the principal's office. It had been an exhausting few days with more analysis, more reports to prepare, another interview, and having to watch Jeff constantly engage my father.

  But today I was going to put all that aside. The sun was pouring through the window like a prediction of more than just the weather. And while I wasn't lying when I said I'd always wanted to go on the Duck Tour, I really would have been happy to work a crossword puzzle with him so long as I got to spend time with him. I'd been beyond annoyed when he missed our lunch date without notice, but I'd heard the worry in his voice when he called to explain. He sounded tired as if he'd had some long hours at work, and I knew well what that was like.

  A couple hours later, I was ready to go. Oli said he'd pick me up, and this time I decided to let him into a little more of my personal life, such as where I lived. Kira had a point that had been bugging me. I didn't really know what Oli was studying or where he worked outside of a few street performances. I sensed pain when I asked about his parents and hadn't pushed for more personal information. And I was having too much fun on our first official date to risk pushing him. Besides, I hadn't been entirely upfront about my role at my company, either. Today that would change. It was time to get to know each other better before I let my emotions overrule my head.

  Right on time, the doorman let me know there was a Mr. Prince here to see me, and minutes later, the elevator dinged outside my condo. He was all smiles when I opened the door.

  "Hi." I hoped that didn't sound as much like a croak as it felt. He looked delicious standing there in distressed jeans and a tight black long-sleeved t-shirt that showed off his muscles, topped with his leather jacket thrown over his shoulder.

  "Hi." His eyes lit up when he saw me, then grew warm and sultry as he looked me over, and I knew my choice of an outfit had hit the mark. Along with a pair of boyfriend jeans (maybe a little wishful thinking went with my selection), I had on a black and white striped shirt with a peach-colored blazer that had the sleeves partly rolled up. A pair of nude heels finished out the outfit. I hadn't been sure of what to wear, but I felt comfortable and a little bit playful in it.

  He licked his lips as he pushed inside like a man on a mission. I gasped as he spun me around and pinned me against the door. "You are a feast for sore eyes, and suddenly I find I'm starving."

  So much for slowing things down. Fast felt better. I'd been startled by his move, but I wasn't scared trapped between him and the door. I could tell he was waiting for me to signal if I was okay or if he should step back. I answered by lifting onto my toes and sliding my hands around his neck. "I'm hungry, too."

  It was all he needed. Our lips found each other. His were just as warm and delicious as I remembered. He nibbled on my lower lip, tugging gently, an invitation to open my mouth for him. He moved in quickly, letting our tongues play and explore. He controlled the kiss but gave as much as he took. When his hands slid under my bottom and lifted me against the door, I whimpered at the sensations that warmed my core with need.

  With a groan, he pulled back. "We need to slow down." He breathed heavily and allowed his face to fall into the curve of my neck, giving us both time to catch our breath.

  I wanted to simultaneously damn him and thank him. After a short time, he tipped his head back. His brown eyes were warm and intense, renewing the tingles that zipped throughout my body. He stepped back, allowing my legs that I hadn't realized had wrapped around his waist to fall back to the floor. He gave me time to steady myself. "Guess we should get going," he said gruffly.

  "Mmhmm." It was all I could manage. I grabbed my little purse and slipped it over my head to crisscross my chest. Outside, he led me to a black Mustang. It still had a new car smell, but he handled it like an old friend as he navigated traffic lights and the typical congestion to get to the more populated area of Boston.

  It was a little strange to be in my twenty's and playing tourist in my own city, but I didn’t care. I'd always wanted to ride on the bus/boat that gave tourists a unique view of this historic city. We drove past buildings I'd seen my entire life and knew the general history, but the guide had little anecdotes that made it all worthwhile. And like little kids, we raised our arms and cheered as we drove off the ramp into the water and finished our tour.

  "That was so much fun," I told Oli as we got off the boat. "I can never get anyone to do these things with me. I've lived here my entire life, but I've never explored all it has to offer. I've known you for how long, and already I've seen things I never would have on my own."

  Oli grinned. "I'm glad I get to show you. But we're not done yet." He held my hand as we crossed a street toward the famous Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Later, when he hailed a carriage ride and helped me in along with the lunch basket we’d just picked up, the little girl in me clapped her hands and jumped up and down. After paying the driver, he turned to me, his eyes sparkling. "I've never done this either, and I'm glad I get to do it with you."

  Oh, be still my heart. I wouldn't have pegged Oli for a romantic, but it seemed that underneath his leather and jeans, there was a true gentleman who knew how to swoon a lady. We didn't talk much on the ride, but he kept me tucked against his side, occasionally dropping kisses on my cheek or hair or lips when I looked up at him. I'd dreamed of the moment when I might fall for someone, and I knew that moment was happening. It seemed Oli knew the greatest magic of all—love.

  Chapter 13


  The day w
as going without a hitch. The tour was more fun than I expected, the guide having kept it amusing and not filled with boring facts. The spontaneous carriage ride was romantic. I mean, what guy wouldn't want the girl of his dreams curled up next to him sighing with happiness. I only hoped to have her that way in a different fashion, like in my bed. The chemistry between us was explosive, and I wasn't sure how long I might have to wait, but I would. She was worth it.

  And now our stomachs were full of tasty sandwiches and sides from the picnic I'd planned. Mena leaned against a tree while I stretched out on the blanket with my head on her lap. My eyes were closed as she traced her fingers around my face and through my hair. Another few seconds and I'd be purring like a kitten.

  "Oli, I really want to thank you. Usually, I spend my weekends knee-deep in paperwork, either at the office or at home. I guess it's fair to say I'm something of a workaholic."

  My eyes flew open. "Do you feel you have something to prove?" I might have found out what she does at Faris Capital thanks to the episode with Jeff, but I really didn't know what it entailed.

  Her mouth grew pinched, and her fingers stopped their caress. I didn't even know what the problem was, but I wanted to fix it. I reached up and grabbed the fingers that had paused in my hair and brought them down for a kiss. It worked. She relaxed and smiled. "I wasn't completely honest with you about what I do." She wrinkled her nose as if something unpleasant was in the air.

  She glanced down at me, but I kept my expression neutral. "Go on."

  "My father owns the company, and by tradition, I should be the one to take over for him whenever the time comes for him to step down."

  I squeezed her fingers. "Why does there sound like a 'but' in there?"

  "I'm a woman."


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