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His as Payment

Page 2

by Piper Stone

  Without saying another word, I walked out of the room, closing the door in order to give him some privacy. What I didn’t bother telling him was that I planned on tasting the merchandise before the deal was even finalized. The beginning of her submission. I already enjoyed the game.

  As I walked back into the ballroom, I headed immediately for the lovely Caroline, bypassing her friends. They acknowledged my presence with murmurs of appreciation. I ignored them. Caroline was my prize. Tonight, I would taste her one way or the other. I waited as the girls flocked around her, fawning over her as if she could singlehandedly alter their lives.

  “Where is the gallery?” the redhead asked, smiling in an alluring manner as she noticed my advance.

  Caroline shrugged. “The Reynolds Gallery.”

  “That’s fantastic!” the buxom blonde squealed. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “We’ll see,” Caroline said under her breath.

  She was very talented, but Jim Reynolds, the owner of the gallery, was a pig and had no doubt underpriced her paintings; his commission also unacceptable. The man was the king of porn, the gallery merely a front. His private art collection was his bread and butter, selling for hundreds of thousands on the overseas market. Dark kink was all the rage.

  The crowd grew livelier, wait staff coming from all directions with flutes of champagne.

  “I’m certain you’re very proud of your father,” I said casually.

  She darted her eyes in my direction, chuckling under her breath. “He’s a brilliant man and yes, I am.”

  “Who is he?” the redhead whispered, her eyes shimmering with lust.

  “Fuckable,” another answered.

  Caroline laughed with her friends, pretending not to pay a damn bit of attention. I wasn’t put off in the least. She had no idea what was in store for her.

  I grabbed two glasses of champagne as a waiter passed, handing her one. At first, she attempted to wave it off then allowed herself to look into my eyes. When she accepted, our fingers touched and while I was no romantic by any means, there was a keen electricity jetting into my cock. My mind moved to the vile and ungodly things I wanted to do to her. “To your father’s success.”

  “I appreciate that, but he’s already successful,” she stated, the command in her voice sexy as fuck. “I didn’t get your name. Are you one of his... followers?”

  “Dominick Lugiano and I don’t follow anyone.” I turned my attention away from her on purpose.

  “Oh. Interesting. Most people do.” There was no name recognition of any type, or if there was, she was a consummate actress.

  She obviously had no idea I wasn’t ‘most people.’

  “He’s hot.” The small blonde moved closer to Caroline, whispering in her ear.

  “In a way,” Caroline said, yawning as if on cue.

  I resisted commenting. The game was far too enticing. The crowd seemed jazzed, the music increasing in volume. Drummand was almost ready to make his appearance. My cock twitched once again, hungry for more than just a taste.

  “Father is late.” Caroline had a disgusted tone in her voice.

  “Only by a few minutes. Greatness takes time and I know this is a tremendous decision for him,” I offered.

  “Yes, it has been. My father is a true believer in democracy.” She almost choked on her words.

  “And you don’t believe?”

  Caroline laughed, the sound bitter. “There is very little I believe in any longer, Mr. Lugiano.”

  “Dominick. Please.” Her friends crowded around me, no doubt checking off a tick list regarding my worthiness. “And I’d be fascinated to learn more.”

  A blush crept up from her neck, adorning her lovely cheeks. “Dominick,” she repeated. “And a Hargrove doesn’t air their dirty laundry. Not for anyone at any time.”

  Her first subtle but very telling gesture. My dark desire was off the charts. I envisioned her naked body writhing under mine, her lovely wrists and ankles shackled.

  “A wise move.”

  She exhaled in an exasperated fashion. “I’m much more intelligent than my father. But of course, don’t tell him that.”

  I’d heard she was spoiled. The confirmation only added fuel to the fire.

  “Touché, Caroline,” I said under my breath. She was becoming more fascinating by the minute. My hunger for her had originally been about crushing her father. Perhaps the end game would be more intriguing than I’d thought.

  I noticed Drummand waiting in the hallway, flanked by his chief of staff and several other minions. He appeared to be having a difficult time, pacing back and forth, peering into the room every so often.

  I moved closer to Caroline. “You look stunning tonight. You are your father’s daughter.”

  Another blush.

  Another darted look.

  Only this time, I noticed a twinge of desire in her eyes.

  My cock was throbbing, my balls tight as a drum. I leaned even closer, inhaling. The exotic scent of her perfume was a sensual and very powerful aphrodisiac, increasing my animalistic hunger.

  That was the exact moment Drummand found me, his anger evident on his reddened face. He backed away from the door.

  She didn’t seem flustered by my rather forward actions, merely offering a sarcastic smile, her hand fluttering over her mouth. She had an air of arrogance, something I would remember. “He’s never late. I wonder what the problem is,” she stated for all her friends to hear.

  “He will be right with us.” My command was off hand, as if I didn’t give a shit.

  And I wasn’t wrong.

  I was never wrong.

  Senator Drummand Hargrove strutted into the room, a huge smile on his face. If there was anything bothering him, not a single soul in the room could tell. He was a damn good actor. However, I did notice he slipped me a single look before approaching the platform, planting both hands on the podium. The crowd gathered closer, ready to glom onto every word.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Drummand began, his cool expression polished. Professional. Everyone in the room leaned forward, the entire crowd silent as church mice. The only sound was the constant clicks of cameras. The influential senator would certainly be tomorrow’s headliner on the New York Times. I couldn’t wait to read the toxic banner.

  He cleared his throat, daring to take another glance in my direction. I wondered just how many people noticed the two beads of sweat oozing down both sides of his face. “Thank you so much. Your support means everything to me.” The crowd cheered again. He waited until the noise died down, milking the audience. “I’m here to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States.”

  The roar of the crowd was deafening, cheers and whistles drowning out everything else in the room.

  But his heartbeat.

  I heard it from where I was standing.

  I took my time finishing my champagne before clapping and by then, at least ten people glanced in my direction.

  Including the senator.

  I gripped Caroline’s elbow, lowering my head as he continued to watch. “I’m certain your father has everything under control. Why don’t we grab a drink elsewhere?” I asked the question just loud enough for her friends to overhear. I waited exactly five seconds for her answer. When it didn’t come promptly I headed for the door.

  “Mr. Lugiano. Dominick.”

  Her lilting voice was right behind me. I resisted adjusting my throbbing cock.

  “Yes?” My question was asked without turning around.

  “I’d love to take you up on that offer. These types of events bore me to tears.”

  I lifted a single eyebrow, satisfied with the outcome of the evening thus far. I said nothing as she walked past me, tilting her head and giving a sultry gaze, the stunning scarlet dress hugging her rounded curves. Every move was provocative, tempting, only she had no idea she’d met her match.

  After all, I was the big bad wolf.

  * * *

  The hotel bar was filled
with Hargrove supporters, eager and very hungry young men and women, praying for an opportunity to work with the rising star. Caroline’s look of disdain as we walked through added to her haughty attitude. The fact she ignored everyone as she paraded through the crowded space, heading directly for the bar, wasn’t surprising.

  I adored the nervous tic on the corner of her mouth, the pulse thumping in the side of her neck. She was attracted, her erect nipples straining against the bodice of her dress. Every gesture was provocative in nature, even her laugh meant for seduction.

  After being seated, the drinks in front of us, she continued to hesitate before speaking.

  For this, I had limited patience.

  “My father believes he can handle the office of the presidency better than anyone who has come before him, and his followers believe it,” Caroline snarked. “Unfortunately, they don’t know him very well.” I noticed a hint of sadness in her voice, but it was quickly replaced by a shake of her head and a nasty glare at the television. The candidacy announcement had been replayed several times, the entire bar clapping and cheering as if his statement had never been heard before.

  “Everyone has secrets hidden deep within the darkest portions of their soul, Caroline, and the majority of them would shock the faint of heart.”

  She didn’t seem taken aback in any manner, her well-manicured nail continuing to rim her wineglass. After dipping her finger just inside, she brushed the tip across the seam of her mouth, darting her tongue to catch the single bead. “I suppose you’re right. As my father would say, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

  “A very true statement. Within our corrupt political system, there are far too many people hiding behind a mask they believe made of steel. Even forged metal has a way of unraveling, exposing every human frailty.”

  “Should I assume this is said from experience or your obvious disdain with our country’s government system?” She swiveled the barstool, crossing and re-crossing her legs.

  The scent of her feminine wiles was overwhelming.

  “I’m experienced with many aspects of politics both in business and in pleasure, Caroline. Just like there is a fine line between love and hate in a relationship, there is also a microscopic line between integrity and dishonesty.”

  “You talk in riddles and mysteries, Dominick. While I realize the majority of women would find this intriguing, perhaps even sexy, I’m not most women.” She purposely turned away from me, her expression one of absolute boredom.

  Her statement infuriated me in several ways. She was ceremoniously dismissing me. The evening had been concluded and sweet Caroline could never understand that her father had made a deal with the devil. When it came time to collect, she would quickly learn her place as well as the required manners. No woman ever talked to me in this manner. I’d had women push me away before, pretending they had no interest, but their bodies had always betrayed them.

  All I’d had to do was spank their sweet little pussies, making them cry with need, begging to have my cock shoved inside. They’d opened up like a flower, hungering for my touch, including the brutal discipline I offered. Caroline would succumb. She would bow down to my dark desires without question.

  I pushed away my drink and stood, adjusting the lapels on my jacket. Leaning over, I whispered in her ear, “You and I will meet again and when we do, you’ll soon learn that I’m also not the kind of man you’re used to experiencing. Have a good night, Caroline.” I took long strides through the crowd, reaching the hallway. The slight sound of her stiletto heels hitting the cool tile floor was like music to my ears.

  Then I felt a hand on my arm, a slight tug.

  “How dare you just walk away from me,” she hissed. “No man ever walks away from me.”

  Within three seconds, I pushed her just inside a shadowed hallway and against the wall, yanking both arms over her head. I captured her wrists with one hand as I crushed my chest against hers.

  She issued a single moan, pursing her lips as she struggled.

  “And no woman will ever talk to me that way. There is a hierarchy between men and women and for the lovely ladies who have no understanding of following rules, there is discipline. You will learn that very quickly. In life there is extreme pleasure. There is also an equal amount of pain. It’s up to you which you’ll receive. You deserve punishment for your caustic mouth and your aggressive actions.” My breathing ragged, I lowered my head until our lips were almost touching.

  “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”

  I chuckled darkly, blowing a swath of hot air across her neck, easing up until I was able to nip her earlobe. Every part of me wanted nothing more than to strip away her clothing, exposing every delicious aspect of her naked body before turning her over my knee. She would feel the sting of my hand, the lash of my belt, and the harshness of my hard fucking.

  And she would beg for more.

  Her cries of complaint quickly turned into moans of desire, her body undulating against mine. The feel of her breasts crushed against me ignited a flame from deep within. The hunger I felt for her was savage, unbridled in the most dangerous fashion. “Don’t tempt me, Caroline. I am a man of action. Something for you to remember.”

  I captured her mouth, thrusting my tongue inside. The taste of her was the sweetest nectar of the gods, filling my mouth just as her exotic perfume unleashed the beast from deep within. I gathered another scent of her pussy, the slight hint floating between us as the moment of passion continued.

  Rigid at first, her body betrayed her, responding to mine, completely uninhibited. She shifted her hips back and forth, grinding against me, no longer struggling to regain what she believed to be the ultimate power.

  She had no power with me.

  She had no rights with me.

  My desire had no bounds and the way she accepted my kiss, succumbing to my will as if she had none of her own was more tantalizing than I could remember. Time stood still, no sight or sound interfering. I could easily take her, tasting her sweet pussy and shoving my cock into her most forbidden places. I slid my hand down the length of one arm, brushing the tips of my fingers back and forth. I shoved my leg between hers as I caressed the soft skin of her breast, crawling down until I slipped my fingers under the hem of her dress.

  Caroline moaned into the kiss, her leg trembling against mine. The second I fingered the thin lace of her damp panties, she shivered uncontrollably. But not with fear. With need. Ravaging need.

  She craved brutal passion.

  She yearned for a firm hand.

  She would yield for absolute domination.

  The second I leaned back, she attempted to strike me, unleashing the beast from his cage. I dragged her into the men’s bathroom, tossing her over the edge of the sink.

  Gasping, she kicked out, wrenching her body in an effort to get away.

  “I warned you not to tempt me. Your unruly behavior will never be tolerated.”

  “Fuck. You! You don’t own me. Who do you think you are?”

  I curtailed my anger, knowing that she needed a lesson in self-control as well as a taste of the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Using the power of my legs, I kept her in place as I yanked up her dress, exposing her rounded bottom and the thin strip of material sliced between the cheeks of her magnificent ass. My cock twitched painfully, the desire to thrust my shaft into her sweet pussy almost overwhelming. Everything about this woman pushed my every button. I would enjoy requiring her complete obedience.

  I didn’t speak as I peppered her ass with hard spanks, moving from one side to the other. Her ass cheeks jiggled from the force, her strangled mewls floating into the dense air. I knew there were other men inside and whether they were floored or turned on didn’t matter in the least.

  “Let me go, you asshole!” she wailed, slapping her hand against the glass.

  I snarled, glancing at our combined reflection. The shame in her eyes was breathtaking, the light of fire from burning desire even mo
re so. What surprised me was the look in my eyes.

  Savage. Heartless.

  The warmth on my hand was invigorating. I gave her several more brutal spanks, keeping my rhythm almost perfect. Her breathing turned into heavy pants, the wild look in her eyes the most powerful aphrodisiac I’d experienced in a long time. I knew she was excited as well as humiliated, the combination incredible. I was overwhelmed by the need to control her, to take her.

  Use her.

  When her bottom was covered in a warm blush, I stopped short, pulling her up and against me. “One lesson learned. I hope there won’t be another.”

  But there would be. She would challenge every mandate, every command given.

  One day, she would learn.

  My directive was clear and everything about her world as well as mine was about to change. There was no turning back.

  Claim my prize.

  Capture her heart.

  Crush my enemy.


  Chapter Two


  “Magnificent, darling. You’ve done such an incredible job. Your paintings are full of passion and verve!”

  Translation, there wasn’t going to be a single sale to his haughty clients.

  I glared at Mr. Reynolds, controlling my emotions. While there’d been a significant amount of traffic in and out of the gallery in the last three hours, not a single person had expressed more than limited curiosity in my paintings. “Any interest?”

  “Not yet, but we still have almost an hour before we close.” He tapped his watch then acted as if he was being called, squeezing my arm in a far too comfortable manner. “Flirt, my darling. That always works. You’re a beautiful woman. Use those skills to your benefit.”

  I was angry with myself for accepting his ‘deal.’ I kept my smile, the one I’d practiced for years until he walked away, slumping and glancing around the gallery. The people mingling were only here for the free booze and catered food, all coming out of whatever commissions I might make. Suddenly, I needed air, or my lungs were going to collapse. I rushed into the back, flying out the emergency exit. If I was locked out, so be it. I hovered against the brick wall, folding my arms as I dug my high heel into the pavement. I was so determined to jumpstart my own life that I was making foolish decisions. That was going to stop right now.


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