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His as Payment

Page 9

by Piper Stone

  There was no way to keep Caroline a secret and I had no intention of locking her in shackles and chains, secured in my home. Her appearance by my side would solidify my family’s control over the political arena, sending not only a shockwave but an unstated threat without being forced to lift a hand. She was far more valuable than she even knew. My cock ached just thinking about her.

  And tomorrow night, she would be revealed.

  The drive took little more than fifteen minutes, even with the heavy traffic. I pulled into the parking lot of the all glass office building, laughing at the fact my father’s balls were larger than life, his office located feet away from several attorneys.

  They wouldn’t dare fuck with him or his command of the system. They simply looked the other way. I pulled into my usual parking space, glaring out the windshield. This was just another day in paradise for all the worker bees. Thank God I’d been born into higher ranks.

  I walked through the set of double doors, heading directly for my father’s office. The majority of his staff had no idea about what my family did, my father keeping them working on the legitimate businesses. However, those who knew were paid very well for their silence. The office had been raided several times, neither the local cops nor the FBI finding anything. My father was a brilliant businessman.

  I approached his office, hesitating more than usual. Then I simply opened the door.

  “Well, I’m happy to hear that, Clive. I appreciate your call.” Giordano laughed. He stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, animated as he always was with every phone call. “Give Bev my best. We need to get together for golf soon, my friend.”

  I stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb. When my father ended the call, I clapped.

  Startled, he turned, dropping the phone and holding out his arms. “Now to what do I owe this visit?”

  “Clive. I didn’t realize you were buddies with the district attorney.” I closed the door, shoving my hands into my pockets as I headed toward his desk.

  “I have friends in every walk of life, son. That’s the key to this business. He was warning me about some heat coming our way.” He chuckled and lifted an eyebrow. “As if that bothers me. Sit down. Do you want a drink?” He moved toward his bar.

  “A little early, Pops. Don’t you think?”

  “Never too early for a decent scotch.” He laughed, lifting an eyebrow as he glanced up and down the length of me, surveying as he always did. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I wanted you to hear something from me and not one of the capos.”

  He lifted the decanter, pouring a drink, his eyes never leaving me. “Is this about the final approval for the new casino? I’m going to guess you’ve handled the issues. I had a very encouraging phone call from our local district supervisor. Nice gal.”

  “Not about that, but yes, there should be no more complications. I suspect the bill will die before it even gets to the Senate floor, which will mean that our board of supervisors will be happy to sign off on such an amazing opportunity for one thousand upstanding New York citizens. New jobs. Tourist money. They can’t lose.”

  “Damn good to hear and you’re killing me. Why would my son visit me early in the day if not for business?” He lifted his glass, giving me a short salute before taking a sip.

  I exhaled. “I’m getting married.”

  Coughing, liquid spewed from his mouth. “What the hell did you say?”

  “I’m serious.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he walked around his desk. “Of my three children, you’re the least likely to get married.”

  “Things change.”

  “Who is the girl? Please tell me she’s not one of the tramps hanging around. You deserve better, son.”

  I snorted and shook my head. “You know I have no interest in that lifestyle.” How many married capos and captains had mistresses on the side? I had no interest.

  “Hmmm...” Giordano sat on the edge of his desk. “Then who?”

  “Caroline Hargrove.”

  The news didn’t seem to register in any manner at first, then he burst into a smile. “Congratulations, son. How did you pull that off? No wonder you’re not worried about the casino or our transportation issues. Brilliant.”

  “I made a deal the senator couldn’t refuse.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Risky move.”


  He lifted his glass. “I’ll have to give you credit, son. When I ask you to handle a situation, you do so with flair. You’re really proving to be exactly what this family needs. Too bad your brothers aren’t interested.”

  “Their loss. However, I do need one favor.” I’d debated asking him for help for hours.

  Giordano shifted, nodding his response. “What do you need?”

  I tugged the picture of Caroline’s mother from my coat jacket. I knew what this would do to my father, or at least I suspected what his reaction would be.

  “I made a promise to Caroline. Call it a wedding present for her obedience.” I fingered the photograph, the only one I’d been able to find. I’d thrown a gauntlet with the senator, my suspicions unconfirmed, but all indications seemed to be correct. “Her mother supposedly died several years ago, but I don’t think she’s actually dead. The circumstances are circumspect at best.”

  He chuckled. “Drummand?”

  “I think so. Their relationship was always difficult, bordering on abuse, at least from what I can tell. I think he knew she’d be a noose hanging around his neck with regard to his career, but I don’t think he has the stomach or the balls to actually kill her.”

  “Interesting. Secrets and lies.”

  “Yeah.” Every family had them. I knew that well.

  He reached out, giving me a harsh look when I continued to hesitate. “Who is she?”

  As I handed him the photograph, I gave him the damning answer. “Margaret Wentworth.” I’d seen sadness in my father’s eyes only twice in my life. The first was when my baby sister died in a car accident. The second was when my mother temporarily left him years before.

  This was the third.

  He blinked several times as he stared at the picture, finally lifting his head. There were no words that needed to be said, no way I could console him. I knew exactly what this meant and what he was likely to do, but I had no other choice. He’d never fully explained his relationship with Margaret, but the instant I saw the picture, I was taken back to years before. A picture found. Questions raised by an angry teenage boy.

  “I had no idea she was married to Drummand,” my father said to no one in particular.

  There were so many things I wanted to say, but out of respect I refused.

  Giordano rose to his feet, slipping the photograph into his jacket pocket. He stared at me for a full minute. “I will honor your request, but this will be handled my way, Dominick. If this bullshit is true, then Drummand will pay for his sins. You won’t ask any questions, but I will let you know my findings. If she’s alive, you’ll have to deal with the aftermath with your fiancée.”

  “Tell me the truth, Pops. Who is she to you?”

  He studied the picture once again. “Someone I chose to protect and no, I did not betray your mother with her. That would have been utter disloyalty.”

  I said nothing. My father had never talked about his life outside of the family. He’d adored my mother and she tolerated him, but there’d been an understanding between them, one that so many in our world did.

  “I had my share of goumadas in my life, but those women meant nothing to me. Margaret was far too poised and full of self-worth to get involved with an asshole like me. She wanted to live her own life. I decided not to interfere. We lost touch.”

  I heard the bitterness, the deep-seated emotion. “Who was she? Why were you protecting her?”

  Giordano shook his head vehemently. “There will be no further discussion of my course of action or poking into my personal life. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal.” My hear
t raced, the adrenaline flowing. What the fuck had I just done? Whoever he’d protected her from might have returned, even placing Caroline’s life into extreme danger.

  He nodded, walking around his desk and back toward the window.

  I’d just started a war.

  * * *

  The house seemed cold when I arrived. There were no sounds, no obvious clues that anyone else was in the place. I’d purchased the house several years before, renovating a huge portion by myself. Working with my hands was freeing, even peaceful, often providing a level of perspective that I rarely achieved. Modern in appearance, except for my office, the home wasn’t large by the standards of my father, but I didn’t need anything huge. My needs were simple in comparison to the rest of my family.

  I’d waved off the soldiers I’d left to guard against Caroline’s escape, preferring an evening alone with her. Bruno knew how to keep himself scarce, allowing my privacy. There was no lock on the bedroom door, no chains holding her in place. There would be no cage to lock her in or basement to hide her away from the rest of the world. She would learn to accept her place by my side through time and training.

  I would not fail. Not her. Not myself.

  I found her in my office, her bare feet curled under her. While there was a book in her hand, she wasn’t reading, her arm in her lap. She was staring at the fire, unblinking. When I walked in, there was no movement other than a single twitch in the corner of her mouth. She was frightened of me.

  I walked toward my desk, tossing the stack of mail from the box across the surface. For all my bravado, carrying on a conversation with her was difficult. The same dogged darkness infused every cell, leaving an odd taste in my mouth. No woman had ever had this kind of effect on me.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked quietly, her words almost inaudible.

  “I already told you, Caroline.”

  She lifted her head, her look even more sullen than before. “You told me what my father needed to hear in order to sell me off like white trash. I want to hear your words, if you can bother. Why do you want me? You could have anyone. You could have destroyed my father in so many other ways, but you chose to ruin my life. I deserve a real answer.”

  I was stunned that her question caught me by surprise. She was so hell bent on revenge and control that I hadn’t faced the possibility that my unhinged method of taking her as my future bride had nothing to do with the senator. The words didn’t form, the thoughts scattered at best. Damn this woman and my desire for her. I exhaled, a combination of internal rage and longing keeping my cock stiff and my balls tight. “Because you deserve a better life.”

  Her eyes slowly drifted from my face to my desk then back up. A full ten seconds ticked by. “I’ll accept that. For now.” Pushing the book to the side, she eased out of the chair, walking slowly toward the door. “You’re a dangerous man, just as you said, but quite frankly, I don’t give a shit. I’ll do what you want and be a good little girl, Dominick, but you will never break me, nor will you ever have my heart. I’m far too broken already.”

  As she walked out, taking cautious steps, I held up my hands, turning them over and over. My entire life had been about violence, breaking people in one method or another. I didn’t understand love and I’d never wanted a family. How could I possibly make her my wife?

  I slammed my hand on the desk, rage drowning out everything else then swept my hand across, jagged spots forming in front of my eyes as the crashing sound filtered into my ears. This wasn’t anything like what I’d expected. All I’d seen was the blood red of my revenge, never considering her feelings. Even still, I wanted her like putty in my hands, succumbing to my every need, begging for my cock as well as my firm hand. What I didn’t want was her total resignation, drowning out the vivacious woman inside.

  After taking several deep breaths, I stormed through the house until I found her in the kitchen, a bottle of wine in one hand, an opener in another.

  “You don’t get the last word, Caroline, and you never will.”

  A single huff slipped from her mouth as she scuttled to drop the items onto the counter, backing away. “I’m not your possession.”

  Grabbing both wrists, I pulled her into my arms. “I want you. Make no mistake about it. I’ve craved you for months. Your mouth sucking my cock. Your hands touching my naked skin. Your body yielding for me. I want nothing less than everything you are and all that you have. And I will have it.”

  Caroline shuddered against me, her lips twisting from fear and a true loathing for me, but she didn’t struggle.

  But I’d never forget the burn in her eyes. Retaliation. Revenge. She would fight to the death to remain true to herself.

  That only made me want to break her more. God damn. What had I turned into?

  I captured her mouth, gripping her neck with one hand as I slid the other around her waist, yanking her against me. The kiss was more powerful than any before, forcing my cock to full attention. My hunger was off the charts, the electricity soaring through my cells, combusting into a full-fledged fire. I was shaken by my needs, the primal hunger rushing into every corner of my body. I shoved my tongue inside, tasting her sweet essence, a man dying of thirst. She was the only person who could quench it.

  Undulating in my arms, she moaned into the kiss, her arms finally relaxing, one hand wrapping around my neck. She clenched my shirt as I arched her back, the intimate moment wild and unbridled. The feel of her breasts crushed against me was almost painful given my intense need. I fumbled with her thin dress, yanking the hem until I could reach underneath. Just feeling her panties drove me into a crazed frenzy, fighting in order to touch her. I swirled my finger around her clit, my balls aching to the point of sheer anguish.

  She pushed hard enough to break the kiss, gasping for air and licking her lips. “Let me go!”


  “I don’t want you.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “You’re not a very good liar, Caroline.”

  “Leave me... alone,” she whispered, slamming her fists against my chest.

  “You can fight all you want, but you’ll never be able to get away from me.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Growling, I dropped my head, pushing her hair to the side and sucking on her sweet flesh. I pinched her clit, my heart racing the moment she whimpered. I already knew enough about her cravings, her body’s reactions. I shoved my finger into her pussy, jamming in hard and fast.

  “No. Nonono.” She raked her nails down my face, gasping from her actions.

  I bit down on her neck until her body jerked, her hand falling away.

  “Dominick...” The single word was breathy, filled with her own level of desire.

  Filthy, vile thoughts infused with whatever sense of decency I had left. Jerking back, I lifted her into the air, thrusting her down on the island. This wasn’t about discipline. This was all about sequestering the evil beast clawing at the surface. My way. Her dress was bunched at her waist and I simply shoved her panties aside as I pushed her legs up and out and lowered my head. I darted my tongue around her clit, taking my time to tease. To tempt.

  “Oh, God...” Caroline tossed her head back and forth, her entire body shaking. “This can’t be happening. I don’t want you. I can’t. You’re horrible!”

  “Trust me, this is happening and you’re right, but you will learn to succumb in every manner.”

  “I don’t... Please.”

  “Please what, Caroline? Please lick you? Please fuck you? You will learn to ask for exactly what you want, and I only will be able to provide what you need. You will learn the difference in true pleasure and absolute agony.”

  The answer made her shudder, a light darting into her magnificent eyes.

  I licked and sucked, dragging my tongue up and down the length of her sweet pussy. She was so wet, her juice covering my face. Her entire body was quivering, jumping as if shocked by electricity every time I touched her.

  Then she kicked out, a
s if she expected to be able to get away. I smacked her pussy, shoving her down and pushing her knees against the island. “Don’t. Fight. Me.” This was nothing more than a test of wills. I leveled a heated gaze, softening only when she glanced away, finally acquiescing. But I heard her whispered words and in truth, they were more disturbing than I wanted to admit.

  “I hate you.”

  Her fingers rested on her chest, dancing over her nipples. All I could think about was ripping the material away, feasting on every inch of her.

  I grabbed her legs, pulling them straight into the air as I wrestled to remove her panties. “You’re one bad little girl.” I ran my fingers down the length of her leg, admiring her pretty pink pussy peeking out. “Imagine all the nasty things I’m going to do to you.”

  Her lower lip quivered and she nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. She had more conviction than I’d imagined.

  “Open your mouth.”

  When she hesitated, I slapped her pussy lips hard enough she yelped.

  “The second I give you an order, you obey. Those are my rules and they are very simple.”

  “Yes, sir,” she spat then opened her mouth wide, clenching her fists when I shoved the panties inside.

  “Never, ever forget you’re my property. There isn’t a hole I won’t violate or an inch of skin I won’t taste. And every time you fight me, you will be punished.” The words stimulated every cell in my body, my cock now begging for release.

  I heard the dark ugliness in my laugh as I smacked her ass, snapping my wrist in rapid succession. One. Two. Three. I alternated between her rosy pussy and her perfectly round ass, taking deep breaths as her bottom blossomed into a warm blush. I could still hear her whimpers through the thin lace, sparking the fire into a combustible state. The woman was far too enticing.

  With every hard spank her body jumped involuntarily but within a few minutes, she dropped her hands by her sides, arching her back off the counter. I’d never seen such a lurid yet innocent expression, driving the beast into another level of darkness.


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