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His as Payment

Page 11

by Piper Stone

  I was unable to stop the tears as they flowed. All the anger and all the fear had finally broken me down. Sobs racked my entire body and for a few minutes, I allowed the self-pity. I had no one who would look for me, not really. I was certain my father had managed a tall tale to tell my friends, something no doubt glamorous and totally bullshit. I was alone and what was worse? I was desperately lonely.

  I remained in the tub until the water was cold, but I still didn’t feel clean. His scent remained, covering me like a warm blanket, a reminder that I belonged to him. I glared at my reflection, making faces and lifting my middle fingers. At least the tears were gone, replaced by a resurgence of the tough girl.

  For now.

  I held my head as I opened the door, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed. Stopping short, I was shocked at the sight. My clothes had been hung up, shoes neatly positioned on the floor, and my suitcase put away. On the small table in front of the leather chair was a beautiful plate of cheese, fruit, and crackers, arranged in a lovely display. Even the bed had been turned down and...

  I sucked in my breath as I walked closer. Positioned just below the pillow was a single white rose, my favorite flower. Beside was a note, the writing exquisitely mastered with gilded lettering, the words fueling the embers, my pussy clenching.

  Sleep well...

  * * *

  The knock came shortly after seven. I shuddered at the sound, even though I knew who was behind the door. “Come in.” I remained in front of the mirror, offering another glare at the woman staring back at me. She was refined, beautiful in ways the young Caroline had never been. Sadly, I’d aged in three short days, lines appearing under my eyes. I gathered Bruno’s scent, so completely different than that of Dominick yet still full of brazen testosterone. “I followed orders.” I dared give the man a glance, allowing a smile given his obvious appreciation.

  Dominick had excellent taste, somehow knowing my size without questioning. The form-fitting sapphire hue shimmered in the lighting, hugging my breasts, waist, and hips as if the dress had been made for me. I wanted to rip it off, shred the lovely frock into a million pieces, but a part of me felt as glamorous as I knew the bully wanted me to feel.

  “Dominick will be arriving shortly. Would you like a drink before you go?”

  Bruno’s booming baritone filtered into the room, the only human voice I’d heard in almost twenty-four hours.

  “I’m not thirsty.”

  “Then you’re to wait for him in his office.”

  “Then how long will he be?”

  “As long as his business requires.”

  I shot him a nasty glare, another volley of anger settling in. I’d been left alone all day, no one telling me anything and zero sight of the man who owned me. Food had been served, clothes brought to me, but no information or hope of any kind.

  “Fine, Bruno. I do hope you’re well paid for this crap you’re required to do.” There was no way to back out of the evening, even though feigning illness had been on the tip of my mind. I smoothed down the dress for the fifth time then grabbed the satin clutch, the fabric matching the dress to perfection and another ‘gift,’ just like the expensive stilettos I was required to wear.

  I was ushered into Dominick’s office, trying my best to keep my tongue. I could tell Bruno remained after I walked in, perhaps trying to find the right words to provide some level of comfort. I was in no mood. “You can go, Bruno. I have no way of escaping. Even if I had any clue where I was or how to get back to my life, I’m certain that goons like you would hunt me down, securing me for whatever horrible punishment Dominick the fuckhead decided to provide.”

  There was no noise, no heavy breathing, but I sensed his surprise at my vehemence.

  I shook my head, angry with myself for falling to Dominick’s tactics. “I’m sorry, Bruno. Once again, you didn’t deserve that.” By the time I turned around, the door was already closed. Exhaling, I cringed, fighting my inner ghosts. Taking out my anger on someone like Bruno wasn’t going to solve anything. He also didn’t deserve my wrath.

  Tonight there was no fire, no added warmth in the room, only the glow of two lights, one positioned on the jerkoff’s desk. If I was going to win this game, finding a method to my freedom, then I’d have to learn everything I could about him. That meant taking risks. I craned my neck, listening for any overt sounds. Bruno’s heavy footsteps quickly faded and there was no other noise but the heat system. I couldn’t imagine how anyone lived in an environment with no life; music, television, or even the comfort of animals or plants. Dominick’s world was devoid of a need to care for something other than himself.

  I took careful steps closer to the door, holding my breath until I was certain there was no one close. Shifting backward, I raced toward behind his desk, pivoting around the corner. My hands were shaking as I attempted to access his computer. Hitting the spacebar brought nothing and I was terrified to turn on the laptop, at least right now. The drawers. Their interior had to harbor some kind of decent or incriminating information.

  I continued to tremble as I opened one after the other, pilfering through the limited contents. Note pads. Pens. Highlighters. There was nothing other than basic office supplies. Hunkering down, I yanked at the last drawer. Locked. I bit my lower lip and jerked again. The lock was firmly in place. Letter opener. I’d seen a typical old-fashioned one in the top drawer.

  In my attempt to remain quiet, I dropped the piece of metal on the floor, biting back a gasp as it clanged across the floor. I waited, half expecting the door to be opened with force. No footsteps. No angry voices. Swallowing, I grabbed the opener in both hands, trying to keep my fingers steady as I jammed the tip into the lock. After a few seconds, the mechanism turned and I couldn’t help but smile.

  Until I heard footsteps. Damn it all to hell. I had no time to shove it in a drawer so instead, I tossed the opener under his desk, almost tripping over my dress in an effort to race toward the window. Thank God, I wasn’t turned in the direction of the door or I might have given myself away. I knew he was standing in the doorway. Dominick. Asshole. Murderer.

  “Caroline.” His voice was subtle, the base notes soft and alluring.

  I turned toward him, quite frankly shocked at my body’s reaction. He was dressed in a cool black tuxedo, the crisp white shirt pristine and oh-so perfect for his dark complexion. Everything about the man was stunning. My mouth was dry as I was forced to keep my gaze locked on his for fear of giving away my misguided behavior. “Dominick.” I could still see the scratches on his face. Battle wounds.

  He inhaled, as if he could gather my scent from across the room. His advance was predatory. He gazed at his desk and I could swear he knew exactly what I’d been doing. “You look incredible.”

  “Thank you,” I managed, fighting back the building desire. I wasn’t going to give in to his ridiculous seductions ever again. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” he stated in a perfunctory manner before lifting his right arm, adjusting his perfectly tailored cuff and diamond-studded cufflink. The action seemed premeditated, just another reminder I was lowlier than thou. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “I think I’ll choke if there are any additional surprises.”

  My response obviously aggravated him, but he remained reactionless, only his eyes reflecting his displeasure. “Come with me, Caroline. Obey.”

  The usual demeanor, hard-edged. “Why of course, sir.” The slight amount of taffeta in my dress swished as I trailed behind him, matching his steps in perfect unison. He walked to the other side of the house, to an area I’d never seen. I noticed his odd reaction seconds before he placed his hand on the doorknob.

  He was uncertain of how I’d react.

  “I granted your wish, Caroline. Please don’t make me regret it. I can be a reasonable man, but if you cross me, I will just as easily take this away. There is nothing in my desk for you to find.”

  There was nothing I could do without
his knowledge. The door was swung open, revealing the wide-open space. While there wasn’t anything in particular that was special about the room, even though I could imagine the intense and gorgeous natural light, it was the care he’d taken for choosing the paints, brushes, and canvases. Everything perfect, ready and waiting for a fresh start.

  I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from gasping as I walked in, my fingers trailing over the various tubes and cans. He’d spared no expense in his selections, opting for the most opulent. A series of flutters caught in my stomach, sliding immediately into my heart. “Why? Why bother, Dominick?”

  “Because you asked.”

  “That’s not why and you know it.” I dared give him a hard look before continuing to explore, running the tips of my fingers across brushes that I could have only dreamed of owning before. A chill raced down my spine at the thought of the pictures I could create, the fantastic stories my paintings could tell.

  “I...” he started. “I wanted to make you happy.”

  The words seemed odd coming from a man like him, but the quiver shifted from my stomach to my pussy, lingering for several seconds. “Thank you.”

  “You can spend as much time here as you would like.”

  “I will,” I breathed, pulling one of the tubes of paint into my fingers. I knew the single vial, the color, let alone the brand was at least two hundred dollars. I salivated at the thoughts of what I could create.

  “As long as you obey.”

  The ultimate goal. As soon as the beautiful gift had been given, he’d ceremoniously stripped away its value. I dropped the tube, not giving a shit that it tumbled to the floor. “Of course. As it should be.” Glaring at him, I wanted nothing more than to toss every jar and can, every tube and vial toward the window, hoping everything shattered, but I controlled my urges, the raging anger. My retaliation was better served at another time. I jerked back, glaring in his direction.

  He yanked me even closer, until our lips were almost touching. “There will come a time that you hunger for my touch, enough so you crave no one else.”

  “I don’t think so. In fact, I know for certain that will never happen.”

  His glare softened as he captured my mouth, holding me in place as he moved his lips up and down across mine. He slipped his tongue inside, darting his back and forth, his actions fueled by annoyance as much as desire.

  As before, the taste of him was breathtaking, my heart beating rapidly. I slapped my hands against his chest, struggling to push him away, but within seconds, my body betrayed me, melting in his arms. The taste of him was too sweet.

  The kiss continued, softer in nature than he’d done before, but just as soon as the intimacy had begun, he ended it, releasing me completely.

  “I’m glad we have an understanding.” Dominick cleared his throat, walking further into the room. I couldn’t understand his audacity, as if he couldn’t figure out I was pissed. “I have another gift for you.”

  What is it this time, a key to condo in which I’ll still be a prisoner? The thought was on the tip of my tongue. “I don’t want another gift from you, Dominick.”

  “But I insist.” He closed the distance and the scent of his exotic cologne immediately filled my nostrils, sliding into every cell and crevice in my body like the most intoxicating drug. I could no longer think clearly or even breathe as he towered over me.


  His chuckle was dark, laced with the same sensuous evil I’d heard so many times, as if my refusal was nothing more than an annoyance. “You will learn to accept everything I have to give you.”

  I was lightheaded as he reached into his pocket and for some crazy reason and a split second, I thought he was going to force an engagement ring on my finger. After blinking, I could see the box was slightly larger but no less impressive when he opened the lid.

  The diamonds sparkled in the dim lighting, the sapphires and rubies perfectly accentuating the necklace. I was taken aback before calculating the dollars in my mind. The gorgeous bauble was worth a fortune. “I don’t understand.”

  Dominick simply removed the piece, tossing the box to the side as if it didn’t mean anything. He walked behind me, his fingers brushing against my skin. I was frozen yet tingling, breathless yet reeling. There were no additional words that came to mind, even though I was in full realization that the necklace was little more than a bargaining chip. The thought was disgusting to my core but riveting in every way. Just how far would he go to make this unholy union plausible in his mind?

  “This is perfect for you, simply adding to your magnificence.” He placed the piece around my neck, taking his time as he fastened with care, his heated breath skipping over my skin.

  I couldn’t stop shaking, the excitement of such an incredible gift outweighing the horror of the provider. The weight of the necklace was stimulating in ways I’d never be able to describe.

  Exhaling, he took several steps back. “Allow me to see.”

  I grimaced before turning around, my hand already pressing against the jewels.

  “Utterly magnificent.” His eyes were twinkling, but not in the same fashion as before. Admiration. Ownership.

  I was his prized possession and he couldn’t wait to show off his gleaming trophy. But I could swear there was more.

  “They are beautiful,” I whispered.

  “Not as beautiful as the woman wearing them. We should go.”

  I nodded, a little more accepting of the night ahead.

  Dominick led me into the hallway, nodding to Bruno as we neared. Even the hired bodyguard was more dapper than before, his ebony suit freshly pressed. In his arms was a coat. A fur coat to be exact.

  “As requested,” Bruno stated.

  As Dominick swept the coat from his hands, easing it over my shoulders, there were so many things that should be said, but this was all too surreal. Quivering, I had no idea what to say about the beautiful coat, luxurious in every manner. There was nothing fake about the fur, even though the fashion statement was considered faux pas in today’s climate. Still, my entire outfit was a telling statement. I was his perfectly coiffed fiancée, a statement to others not to fuck with him. That much I knew about men in general. Whatever else this meant in his damning world, I had a feeling I would soon find out.

  I wanted to ask again where we were going, but I knew he wasn’t going to tell me. Even as I was eased into the backseat of an impressive and no doubt well secured SUV, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of danger we were in.

  After Bruno closed the back door, Dominick made certain he kept his distance, remaining on the other side of the vehicle. I’d obviously bothered him.

  Within seconds his phone rang, and it was obvious he was uncomfortable answering the call in front of me. I looked out the window, watching the world passing by. It was no more obvious where I was at first, the darkness surrounding us almost overbearing.

  “Yeah?” His answer was gruff, annoyed.

  I listened closely, paying attention to his inflections as well as his obvious annoyance for being interrupted.

  “And you know this how?” he asked.

  I kept one hand clenched around the small clutch, the other touching the jewels, still quivering from the concept of the gift.

  “I certainly hope that what you’re telling me isn’t bullshit, Marco.” He sighed, shifting in his seat. “You know exactly what will happen if your information isn’t any good. I would hate for you to lose your investment. You know what to do.” His snarl was laced with anger. “Don’t think, Marco. Just. Fucking. Do. It.” He hissed under his breath after ending the call. “Fucking assholes.”

  “One of your... friends, Dominick?” I knew better than to challenge him in any manner, but I was unable to stop the words from slipping from my mouth.

  “Let it go, Caroline. My business is none of yours.”

  “As your upcoming wife, I would assume I’d be privy to everything,” I shot back.

  He yanked my wrist, dragging me
to the other side of the vehicle. I refused to squeal, clenching my teeth as he glared into my eyes. “Don’t.”

  “Do you want to hurt me, Dominick? Is that what will make you happy?”

  Snarling, he tightened his grip and even in the darkness, I could see the lack of control brimming in his eyes. “Don’t ever challenge me that way, Caroline. What I do in my business could very well keep you alive one day.”

  “Don’t threaten me. I’m nothing to you and you and I both know that. I’m merely your property for now until you grow weary of me. The fight. The ownership. Even the sex. And I’ll never stop challenging you.”

  I was certain he would retaliate, issuing some form of punishment. Perhaps I was even pushing him to see exactly what he was made of. Yet another surprise. He released his hold, taking a deep breath before tilting his head and pulling all his concentration onto the jewels hanging around my neck.

  “I’m taking you to one of my businesses tonight, which will mean that you will be introduced for the first time. I expect you to be on your best behavior, Caroline. I will quite frankly accept nothing less. You will gather just a taste of the kind of man that I am, and I hope that after you do, your anger will dissipate, understanding that I am the only man who can protect you.”

  “And who protects you?”

  Dominick was completely caught off guard. “Meaning? Are you asking which of my employees are assigned to security detail?”

  “I’m asking you who is responsible for protecting you from yourself.”

  Chapter Eight


  I was furious, my adrenaline keeping my heart racing. Marco’s call had been unexpected, at least so soon, which meant that whatever asshole was in charge of the drug ring had no fear. If any of the goons showed up in the casino, my casino tonight, there would be significant bloodshed. At least I’d been warned.


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