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His as Payment

Page 22

by Piper Stone

  I had no idea what time it was, although I suspected morning by now. I’d laid out a basic scenario, reasons and people involved, and that would be first on my agenda when I was released.

  If I was released.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

  I slid down the wall, dropping my head, still disbelieving that Carmine Francesco had anything to do with the accusations. Chicago was a long way from New York and he’d never made any overtures about taking over the city. He knew better. Lorenzo’s reaction was shock and the guy wasn’t a good actor.

  Then why was my father almost terrified? What dark and ugly secret surrounded both families? Then there was Caroline. With my incarceration, the only way to keep her safe was to convince her to go far away. From me. From her father.

  From her life.

  She’d suffered enough and deserved a far better life than waiting for a jerk like me. I pressed my index finger across my mouth, trying to feel her, the last kiss. She’d made a permanent indentation in my heart. I let out a long breath, the anger breaching its wretched head. I had to remain calm in order to work through this.

  Hearing a buzzing sound, I jerked my head in the direction of the cell door, chuckling under my breath. “Did you come to see how well I slum it, Dick?” I wasn’t surprised to see Dick Markus standing with a police officer, a smug look on his face. Of course, a member of the organized crime task force would want to dig his venomous claws into me as soon as possible.

  He remained quiet, his eyes darting up and down. His expression was blank, but I noticed a line of sweat over his eyebrows.

  “Is there something I can do for you, Dickie? I seem to have all the time in the world.”

  “Unlock the door,” Dick barked to the officer.

  “You’re sure about this?” the officer asked, hesitating.

  “I have implicit orders to remove this prisoner into my custody for interrogation. Now, unless you’d like for me to have a chat with your superiors, I suggest you follow orders.” Dick snarled the command, which surprised the hell out of me.

  I rose to my feet, trying to figure out what new game this had to be.

  “Yes, sir,” the officer mumbled, moving to a console.

  I walked closer, staring Dick in the eyes. He had no difficulty holding my gaze, but damn if I didn’t read something different behind his hard focus. Okay. I’d play along. When the door was opened, Dick merely pointed toward the corridor with one small tic.

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  He wanted me to remain quiet. My curiosity was piqued, even though I still wanted to put a bullet between his eyes.

  The collection of my things took fifteen minutes and all in absolute silence. Once outside, I glared at the early morning sun. “Do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”

  Dick darted a look at the police station, shaking his head. Another sign. He was afraid we were being watched.

  “Get in the car, Dominick, and don’t argue.”

  This had nothing to do with any interrogation. I nodded, scanning the parking lot and surrounding area before climbing inside. By the time he started the engine, his hand was shaking.

  He roared out of the parking lot, checking the rearview mirror three times before speaking. “I want you to know that I’m putting my job, hell, my career on the line for you and your family.” Dick laughed bitterly. “Stupid. I have no idea why I’m doing this.”

  “That begs the question. Why the fuck are you doing this?”

  “Your arrest was a setup.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  He looked as uncomfortable as hell, now sweating profusely. “You have no idea the kinds of connections that Senator Hargrove has as well as the chief of police and the district attorney. They are hell bent on destroying your operation. And I think there’s more upper echelon politicians, law enforcement, and God knows who else in on this. This is fucking huge and terrifying.”

  Wait a minute. What in the hell was he suggesting? “Are you trying to tell me that all three men are dirty and there’s more?”

  Laughing, he wiped his brow, making a sharp turn to the right, tires skidding. “Huge.”

  I checked the side mirror, unable to detect if we were being followed, but if what Dick was saying was true, the police would certainly put out an APB. “Talk fast because I have things to take care of.”

  “All three have been investigated for some time now for some pretty heinous crimes. There were always rumors, clandestine meetings. At least that’s what I heard. Somebody got too close too fast. What that has to do with your family, I have no idea, but a bullseye was placed on your organization. Don’t get me wrong, the senator has wanted to put a noose around your neck for almost two years because of illegal gambling and casinos.”

  “And you know the casinos are on the up and up.”

  “Then there’s the drug activity.”

  “Which my father believes was faked.”

  “That man you killed at your casino? Undercover cop.” Dick snorted then wiped his mouth and nose.

  Seething, I tried to make sense of what he was saying.

  Dick laughed, struggling to keep sweat from his eyes. “Now, there has been an upsweep in drug-related deaths from some designer drug, the shit coming from South America as far as anyone can tell. However, the timing of the drugs was merely coincidental. They used it to get to you.”


  “Meaning, in a sense the drugs were a perfect catalyst. Wreck your shipment, maybe the Columbian or whoever the fuck is running the drugs takes out a contract on your entire family for reneging on the deal. Your entire organization is either killed or high-ranking officials, including you and your father sent to prison. Either way it’s a win. This other shit about Chicago and Miami, I have no idea how the hell they think they’re going to pull that off, but maybe if this secret organization of theirs sweeps the country, then who knows.”

  “What secret organization?”

  Dick swallowed several times, taking two sharp turns and almost hyperventilating. “These are just my thoughts, but I’ve seen some emblem all of them wear. I don’t know what to make of it and every time I tried to get an invite, they blocked me. I’m too goody two shoes for them. If only they knew about my past.” He laughed, the sound full of hysteria.

  If this was true, no one would be the wiser for their activities. “What’s your take in all this?”

  He laughed as he screeched around another corner. “My take? Right now is to try and stay alive. I can’t go back to my life. It’s gone.”

  “What the fuck are these people into?”

  “That I don’t know. I swear to God, but I’ve heard chatter from officers. Sick shit is all I know. I’m low on the totem pole and in the wrong department to hear anything official. You have to know that.”

  I eased the gun from my jacket, pointing in his direction. “Then how exactly do you know all this, Dick? Few men offer to get people like me out of jail and provide information of this nature.”

  He gulped, his grip on the steering wheel white-knuckled, wheezing as he opened his mouth.

  I placed the gun to his chest, leaning closer. “Don’t fuck with me, Dick. I actually don’t want to hurt you, but I will if necessary.”

  His entire body shook violently, and he took several gulping breaths before speaking. “I go way back with your father, okay? He and I were old friends and he helped me out of a jam a long time ago. I owed him. I fucking owe him everything.”

  I could tell by the way he was shaking that he was telling the truth. “My father called you.”

  Nodding, he swallowed several times. “And I told him everything I knew. You need to get out of town for a while until this shit cools off. I know the DA. Clive is an asshole but he has power. And the police chief? No one goes against him.”

  “I’m not a runner, Dick, but thank you for your advice. I suggest you find a location close enough to my house and drop me off.” My mind reeled with the news. T
he DA I could buy but the police chief had never entered into our telescope on any level. That would lead me to believe he was most powerful of all and in the perfect position to exact his own brand of domination.

  “Fine. You do what you want, but I can’t stay in town. I hope both you and your father know that. I’ll give you everything I have on this, which is shit, but might help you. Trust me, they will hunt you down.”

  I mulled over what Dick was telling me. At this point, his words rang truer than anything else I was hearing. “And the Francesco family?”

  Dick managed to glance in my direction. “No idea about that. I told Giordano that much. I’ve never heard anything from our task force or anyone else for that matter.”

  So much deception.

  “All right. Follow my directions, Dick, and I’ll see what I can do about getting you safely out of town.”

  He nodded, his face pinched. The poor guy was going to lose his shit. He was definitely telling the truth. “You need to call your father. He said there’s been some developments on his end. He wouldn’t tell me anything. I’m nobody. Just fucking nobody.”


  “Thanks for the info, Dick. Now, just drive.” I grabbed my phone, checking the side mirror again, but called Bruno instead. First order of business was to get Caroline out of the house. This situation was on borrowed time. After six rings, I looked at the screen. No answer. No voicemail.

  Fuck me.

  Then I dialed my father, my heart racing. This was a terrible omen.

  “Pops. I’m out. I have a bad feeling the shit is going to hit the fan.”

  “Thank God you’re out, Dom, and it already has. You need to get over here.”

  “I have a package to pick up first. I can’t get ahold of Bruno. You know what’s important to me.”

  “You can’t do that, Dom. There’s been a development, significant and one we need to deal with together.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Just come here first, son. If the cops want to pick you up, they’ll need to get through me first.”

  The hackles on the back of my neck rose. “Tell me now.” I heard the angry deep sigh and bristled. As he began to speak, I held my breath.

  “There’s been an accident.”

  There was no way to stop the anger, the devastation in my mind. But there was one way to seek revenge.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You shouldn’t be here, Dominick,” Angelo said under his breath as he walked with me down the hospital corridor.

  “Like hell I shouldn’t.” I stormed down the hall, pushing past anyone who attempted to get in my way.

  “You know it’s only a matter of time before they’re going to try and arrest you again.”

  I laughed, touching my gun for effect. “As if I give a shit.” I noticed a nurse and nearly accosted her as I grabbed her arm. “Caroline Hargrove. What is going on? Where is she?”

  The woman sputtered then shook her head. “In surgery from internal injuries, but she’s alive. That’s all I know.”

  “Where?” I barked.

  “You can’t see her, sir. You’re going to have to wait.” She managed to jerk out of my hold, racing down the hallway.

  “Calm down, Dominick. Bruno is in his room. Talk to him.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, calming my breathing. “What do we have on the accident?”

  “Nothing right now. The SUV was broadsided somewhere just after nine. There are no cameras at the intersection and nobody saw anything.”

  Which meant no one was willing to talk. “Where’s the SUV?”

  “Impound lot.”

  “You gotta clean it out. Bring whatever is inside to me. Where is Bruno?”

  Angelo pointed to the end of the hall. “Jo-Jo’s already doing that, but Bruno keeps a clean car.”

  “That might be true, but there’s a reason he took Caroline out at night.” I had no guesses what that could be, and it was just another troubling issue. “I don’t care what stones you have to turn, find out who is responsible for the wreck. And when you do, hold the asshole for me and no one else. Am I clear?”

  “I hear you, Dom. One way or the other we will find out.”

  As I neared the door, I hesitated. I’d been the one to place both Bruno’s and Caroline’s lives in danger because of my need to take down a man who had no care for his own daughter. The thought was revolting. All I wanted to do was spend time with Caroline. The fact she was still in surgery with internal injuries refueled my need for vengeance. I only hoped that Bruno could shed some light.

  When I walked in, I was relieved that he appeared to be resting without any breathing tubes. His arm was in a cast, but other than severe bruising, I could see no outward signs of trauma. I inched closer, studying the heart monitor. The man looked like he’d been beaten to shit.

  “The vehicle is a total loss. From what I heard, they’re lucky to be alive.” Angelo’s voice sounded hollow.

  “The bastard is going to die. I don’t care who he is. What did the cops say?”

  “Not much. They’re taking measurements and shit.”

  Hissing, I touched Bruno’s arm, expecting him to flinch. There was no response. “Go do what you need to do. I’ll sit with him.” I’d taken one of my father’s cars, only providing an update of Dick’s information before heading to the hospital. At least Margaret was safe, but by now, Drummand was well aware of her disappearance.

  The battle was in full swing.

  “I’ll do what I can, boss.”

  I turned my head, gazing into his eyes. “Have someone find the district attorney. Lock him down.”

  “You’re sure you want to do that?”

  “Oh, I’m positive.”

  Angelo gave me a wary nod before leaving. He was well aware I was on the edge. I yanked a chair closer, sitting down and trying to put the pieces together. What could all three powerful and respected men be hiding that was heinous? What could be large enough to expand across the country? Drugs? Maybe. Blackmail? Possibly. My thoughts shifted to the pictures of the young girls. It was a thought but finding evidence would be difficult. Something like that would need to be kept very secret, anyone finding out a damn noose around their neck.

  I wasn’t a praying man. My Catholic upbringing meant little to me given my occupation, but I prayed for two people I cared about, hoping that if there was a God, he would hear me. How ironic that someone like Caroline had changed my entire world in just a few days.

  I sat listening to his breathing, taking stock of my life. I’d said more than once that I wasn’t a good man, dangerous and incapable of loving anyone. I’d lied to myself more than anything. Caroline’s love meant more than anything to me. More than the money. More than the clout.

  And certainly more than being involved with a powerful family.

  I had damning suspicions about my father and if I was right, tough decisions would need to be made. At this moment, I couldn’t care less.


  The sound drew my attention. Lifting my head, I could tell that Bruno was struggling to awaken. I gripped his hand, crouching over him. “Hey, buddy. You gave us all a scare.”

  Bruno gripped my hand with more strength than I thought was possible and slowly turned his head, his eyes opening. “Boss. I’m sorry.” While his voice was cracked, the words slightly slurred, his brow furrowed, obviously anticipating my anger.

  “You didn’t do shit, Bruno. Some assholes just knew how to find you.”

  “Yeah.” He sniffed and allowed his gaze to scan the room. “Is she...”

  “In surgery.”

  “Came... out of... nowhere.”

  “A car,” I said, nodding.

  “I only saw headlights.” He blinked several times. “No. A dark SUV.”

  “Like yours?”

  He nodded once, groaning as he shifted.

  “Don’t try and move. Do you remember anything else?�

  “A voice. Male. I could swear I recognized it, but everything was a blur. Hissing sounds.”

  “Why were you out?”

  Once again, his face clouded. “Caroline needed to...” Coughing, he struggled to cover his mouth. The monitors beeped, his heartrate increasing.

  “Just calm down.” I grabbed the pitcher of water, pouring a small amount. As I held the straw to his lips, I could see such remorse in the man’s eyes. All my soldiers and capos were on edge the majority of the time, the wrath of myself and my father always weighing heavily on their minds.

  Bruno took several sips, finally waving the cup away. “A box. You have to get the box.”

  “What box?”

  “Secrets. She said they were secrets from her mother.”

  What the hell? The look on her face after the press conference. “Where did you go?”

  “UPS store.”

  “And what about the contents?”

  He shook his head slightly. “She never... opened it but I know it was important. She said... to... you.” Coughing again, his blood pressure had increased to the point of danger. I knew the nurses would arrive soon enough.

  “I’ll take care of it from here, my friend. Just get better. We’ll talk later.”

  “Boss. She loves you.” He tried to smile then his eyes closed.

  I resisted slamming the cup on the nightstand and jerked to a full standing position just as two nurses bolted into the room.

  “You shouldn’t be here!” one of the nurses barked.

  “Don’t worry. I’m leaving.” I took one last look at him, the gentle giant who’d protected me for so many years. The man would receive his dues soon enough.

  I moved down the hallway, finding the nurse’s station. “Caroline Hargrove.”

  The nurse glared at me in obvious recognition, taking a full minute before she reacted. The same wretched fear crossed her face as she typed on the keyboard. Everyone was terrified of my wrath. “She’s just out of surgery and in recovery.”

  “Her prognosis?”

  The nurse gave me a comforting smile. “She should be fine. The doctors were able to stop the bleeding, but she had her spleen removed. She did well in surgery.”


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