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Demise of the Demon King

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by Utkarsh Srivastava

  'Either they will be in thousands or millions. 'Bhargav', the king of Balishthgadh will be surely dead today.' Bhanusen roared while pulling out his sword.

  Suddenly a snoop sent by Gajendra, came into court, he was scared of something.

  'My Lord, huge disaster has surrounded our kingdom. On one side, thousands of soldiers of Balishtgadh are making mischief in the village of Lahouli, and on the other side, through the passage of mountains, 'Markesh (The Demon Lord), approaching towards our border with the army of about two akshauhini to attack us.'

  Before King Vikramajit could reply to this, the clan mentor (kulguru) Kapish entered the court of Vidarbh. All the villagers, King and all other people in court stood up to respect him.

  'O sage, seen you three years later. You guide us today, in this time of crisis.' King Vikramajit requested the Sage.

  'O king, you have the power Divine Gem, even the divine gods could not defeat you in a war.'

  'But the impact of that Gem is within our castle, Acharya. We cannot risk of taking that Gem to the Battlefield.'

  'You have conquered the greatest evil army several times, Yo majesty. You have defeated Markesh several times in the past, probably you don't need that gem in war.'

  'But you know sage, no mortal weapon of this world could kill Markesh.'

  'But he could be captured, my Lord. O king, you go and face him. Your two brothers Veersen and Bhanusen, are undoubtedly capable enough to face the army of Balishthgadh.'

  'As you command, O Sage. But behind us who will protect our palace?'

  Suddenly a nineteen year old boy came in front of Vikaramajit with his mace. 'You don't worry tatshree (uncle). I am capable of protecting this palace, mothers and my all eight brothers.'

  This was eldest son of Bhanusen 'Akhand'.

  'I have complete faith on the mace andstrength of Akhand, my Lord. He is my disciple. From childhood his fist jab, crushes large rocks, of course he can face a huge army alone. And now I am equipped to join with you in this war.' said Sage Kapish.

  'As you command Acharya. Commander Gajendra, you take half of our army, Veersen and Bhanusen will be with you. Remember one thing, I want Bhargava (the king of Balishthgadh) alive. He should be in front of me, captivated.' Said Vikramajit, tightened his grip on his bow.

  'Then hurry up my Lord. As you have to lead half of the army of Vidarbh.'

  Then two armies left to face the armies of Markesh 'The Demon King' and of Balishthgadh.

  When they reached the village of Lahouli, Veersen and Bhanusen saw almost all of their security either mutilated bodies lying, or some soldier were in their last breaths. Subsequently Balishtgadh soldiers were lying down on the villagers, there were huge commotion spreaded among them, they were running for their life.That Balishthgadh troops got afraid, when they saw huge army of Vidarbh.

  'Where is your King Bhargav? You mercilessly slaughtered our great brave soldiers, now it's your turn, so be alert.' Veersen challengedthe enemy troops.

  'We don't have fear of death Prince Veersen, we are just the instruments of war. We just had to keep you on hold at this place, so that our King Bharagav could succeed in his mission. We are just Fifteen thousand, undoubtedly we would not be able to face you more than a prahar (1/8 th part of a day), but this much time will be enough for our king, that he can get that Divine Gem.' Said leader of Balishthgadh troops.

  'I told you prince, it seemed to be deceit. That villagers who came as a sufferer, were not as like ordinary villagers. Because time period of their journey from here to reach the palace of Vidarbh, was actually so less, which was actually impossible for any ordinary villager. Such a short span of time of their journey, was actually a question mark. This means that, millions of Balishthgadh troops may have reached our palace of Vidarbh.' Army chief Gajendra was worried.

  'Commander Gajendra, You face these soldier. We two brothers are enough to protect our castle, let's move towards the castle Bhanu.' On the command of Prince Veersen, Gajendra clashed with Balishthgadh troops along with his army. While on other side Veersen with his brother Bhanusen rushed towards the castle of Vidarbh.

  Soon Vikramajit and Sage Kapish faced Markesh 'The Demon King'. The Demon King Markesh was coming closer with his huge army.

  'O Sage, Markesh has returned after being defeated twice from me. Still he came today with about two akshauhini army, I think it's a conspiracy.'

  'I am partially agree with you my Lord, may be this deceit is to engage us in this war.' Sage Kapish somehow agreed with Vikramajit.

  The army of Markesh were now in position of attack. The Demon King stared at his opponent, 'Vikramajit ....., today my army is as vast as huge ocean, my four brothers are with me today, our combined power will lead to your death.' Markesh challenged Viramajit.

  'Five, or fifty. Neither you could face me earlier, nor you are capable enough to face me at present.' Vikramjit also challenged Markesh.

  'Wait, My Lord. All the five brothers of the Demon King are very elusive, and the greatest danger isthat serpent demon 'Danshak', whose Venom puffs can harm our troops widely. Be careful King, he is coming closer to our army.' Sage Kapish alerted Vikramajit.

  'We cannot leave the battlefield,Gurudev.The battleis on now, and regarding Danshak, I have a divine weapon to destroy the effect of his venom. Attack……'

  On the command of attack, Vikramajit's army rushed towards the Demons army. The Battle begins among the both armies.

  Meanwhile, in the palace of Vidarbh, the villagers who came as a sufferer, were lodged in the guest house. One of them hides himself from security guard's eyes, reached at a certain place, and produced a certain sound to indicate others. Listening to that secret voice, the soldiers who were hidden in the guise of villagers, took out their weapons and suddenly attacked the heedless security guards and killed them.

  'Our plan succeeded, elder brother.'

  'It was to be, as I am the Prince of Balishthgadh. Soldiers, go to the positions as decided, and keep watching that no one can could interrupt in our work. We are going to find the Divine Gem with my brother 'Vrishbhaan'.' Said the crown prince of Balishthgadh 'Rajveer' while addressing his brother.

  Meanwhile, when prince Akhand saw the dead bodies of his security guards, he raised his weapon with anger. He chased the dead bodies of his guards and came in front of Rajveer.

  'Where are you going killing our soldiers, villager? I am present here, and challenge you for duel.' He strikes the earth with his mace, and challenged Rajveer for duel.

  'Get out of our way kid, we don't want an unprovoked murder of a child.'

  'Who will kill whom, it will be known only after the duel, so be alert, and get ready.' Akhand's challenge forced Raajveer to raise his sword, he rushed towards him. But he wasn't able to face him more than few moments. Akhand swing the mace with tremendous speed and made a fierce blow on thigh of Rajveer. He falls on the ground and his mace was on his chest.

  Then only 'Bhargav', The King of Balishthgadh entered the palace of Vidarbh with his army. Akhand was standing alone in front of that huge army. But this could not let his grip lose on his mace, neither his courage got affected.

  'Get away, kid. We are not willing to kill you, we have come here only for the Divine Gem, just get out of our way.' King Bhargav's was voice was filled with compassion.

  'You have entered in this palace through a deceit, in absence of King of Vidarbh and my father, King Bharagav. But now one of your fierce warrior is groaning lying below my mace, this proves that I am capable enough to guard this palace and can protect it from you all.' Akhand challenged King Bhargav.

  'We don't need to fight with you, kid. We have one fierce warrior, who can singlehandedly destroy multiple warriors like you. 'Tejasvi'…..'

  On the command of King Bhargav, one sixteen year old boy came in front of Akhand with his bow.

  'I, Son of Army Chief of Balishthgadh 'Chakrsen', Tejasvi, challenge you for a duel young man.'

  'Warriors of Vidarbh are ready for each
and every challenge, so be alert.'

  As Akhand moved forward, Tejasvi started his rain of arrows on him, but Akhand resisted his arrows giddily.

  'Remember one thing Tejasvi, You don't have to kill him. Just captivate him, his life will be more profitable to us than his dead body.' King Bhargav commanded.

  'As you wish, my lord.'

  At last Tejasvi's arrow forced Akhand to throw off his mace, and after that he bounded him with the divine weapon Paashastra.

  On the other side in the battlefield, Vikramajit noticed that Serpent demon Danshak was coming nearer to his army, his venom puffs proved to be too disastrous for Vidarbh's army. Seeing this, Vikramajit raised his bow and evocated a divine weapon.

  'Vishkat Astra, It's my call to you.' On the evocation of King of Vidarbh, that divine weapon appeared, he shots that weapon towards Danshak.

  As a result that Serpent demon falls on the ground with an acute stroke. He then stood up from the ground and tried to spill out the venom. But his throat was jammed, venom could not come out of his throat.

  After defeating Danshak, Vikramajit and Kapish engaged in destroying demon's army. Markesh was worried to see that, he commanded his brother Adheem.

  'Adheem, you very well know that, we don't have to win this war. Our motive is to engage Vikramajit and his army in the battlefield, until King Bhargav could achieve his goal. Take one part of our army and go with your siblings Tribhuj and Hidimb to stop Sage Kapish, that Brahmin is one of the great disciple of Bhriguvanshi LordParshuram. He is destroying our army rapidly. You all three go and stop him, till then I'll face Vikramajit.'

  'As you wish, Elder.' Adheem took one part of demons army and stepped forward with his siblings to block the way of Sage Kapish.

  Soon Demon King Markesh, blocked the way of Vikramajit. Seeing him Vikramajit's blood was burned with anger, he warned Markesh.

  'Perhaps, you have forgotten about your last defeat, Markesh. That's why you came in front of me. You have performed some great Karmas in your past, that's why I always leave you alive. But it seems that, you don't deserve it.'

  'I have a boon with me Vikramajit, no mortal weapon of this world could kill me. My boon protects me, even God cannot harm me, and you are just a human.'

  'Don't challenge the Divine Gods Markesh, Otherwise soon anyone will find a way to kill you.Your demise is not possible with any weapon of this world, but my muscle power could surely take you to death.' Vikramajit jumped from his chariot and rushed towards Markesh.

  'So try this also, Vikramajit.I have the courage to accept your every challenge, and capability to defeat you too.' Markesh also disarmed himself and rushed towards Vikramajit.

  Both the warriors roared like a lion and clashed, The Mallyudh begins.

  On the other side Veersen and Bhanusen returned to the palace of Vidarbh. Seeing them, the troops of Balishthgadh rushed towards them. Bhanusen jumped from the horse with his mace and strikes on the land with all his strength, the ground shivered and one part of enemy troops lost their balance and falls over each other. Veersen also produced the rain of arrows to kill the enemy troops.

  'Just freeze Veersen, turn your eyes over here.' Crown Prince of Balishthgadh, Raajveer putted his sword on the throat of Akhand.

  'Just handover the Divine Gem to us, Veersen. Otherwise this child of your family will die causelessly.'

  Veersen's bow began to move downward.

  'No Uncle, don't think of my survival, don't be disarmed. He is not capable enough to kill me, I can defeat him in this condition also.' Akhand lead down and strikes on Raajveer's leg, at the very next moment he attacked on Raajveer's chest with his head and lead him down.

  Seeing this Tejasvi evocated Anjali Astra, and targeted it towards Akhand's neck. But at that moment only Veersen shots his arrows to disable his weapon.

  In the battle field on the other side, the fierce duel between Markesh and Vikramajit was still going on. Two prahar passed, but result was yet to come. Then only, the mentor of the demons 'Bhairavnath' reached there and tried to stop this duel.

  'Markesh, we don't need this war. Although you are fighting this for welfare of your grandson, but now you just have to stop this. King Bhargav might have succeeded in his motive till now, so it's better to escape now.'

  Listening this, Vikramajit grabbed Markesh's neck.

  'What type of deceit you all are going to do? Tell me.' Furious King of Vidarbh was overshadowing the Demon King.

  Seeing the situation, Bhairavnath used Sammohini Astra, due to which dense fog appeared in the battlefield.

  'Demons army, get back….' Markesh commanded the army of demons to get back.

  When fog disappeared, none of the demons were present there. Sage Kapish came closer to Vikramajit.

  'The Demon's army just wasted our time, Yo majesty. I am very sure that, something has happened in our palace, we should move for the palace now.'

  'You are right, Gurudev. This deceit by the Demon King was quite surprising, how King of Balishthgadh can join hand with that Demon?'

  'We shall reach our castle as soon as possible, My Lord. This conspiracy could be exposed only after reaching the palace.'

  Both the warriors ascended on their chariots and started for Vidarbh's royal palace.

  At outside the palace of Vidarbh, the war was on. Veersen freed Akhand with his arrows, Bhanusen encouraged his son.

  'Pick up your mace, son. We three, are sufficient enough to destroy the enemy troops.'

  Veins of Akhand was full of power, he picked his mace and rushed towards Tejasvi. But Veersen came between them.

  'You take care of other warriors, son. I'll face this young man.'

  'As you command, Uncle.' Akhand stared at Tejasvi, but following the command of Veersen he rushed towards the enemy troops of Balishthgadh.

  'You are a great Archer, I'll feel pride to face you, youngman. Bhanu, Akhand, You both resist the enemy troops of Balishthgadh. I will take care of this young man.'

  At the very next moment, Army Chief Gajendra returned after defeating the army which attacked the villagers of Lahouli.

  'Har Har Mahadev….' Gajendra roared.Both the army of Balishthgadh and Vidarbh clashed. King Bhargav was worried seeing this.

  'Raajveer, I think we are close to lose this battle.'

  'We have to trust the capability of Tejasvi, Father. Don't forget whose son he is, whole human race consider his father as a greatest warrior of this time period.'

  These statements of Raajveer seems to be true. Duel between Tejasvi and Veersen lasted till a prahar, Sunset was near. At last Tejasvi breaks the bow which was in Veersen's hand. The confidence level of Balishthgadh troops doubled, there strength increased. After that Tejasvi evocated Jihva Astra to kill Veersen, and shoots it targeting his neck. But then only Vikramajit reached there, and destroyed his weapon.

  'At last our plan failed, Father. Tejasvi is not capable enough to defeat Vikramajit.' Raajveer was frustrated.

  'Now surrender is only the option for us, the whole army of Balishthgadh could not face Vikramajit and Sage Kapish, who is disciple of Lord Parshuram.' Bhargav almost decided to surrender.

  Tejasvi was furious to see the failure of his weapon, he started throwing rain of arrows towards King of Vidarbh. But before sunset he was defeated, his bow was broken, he can feel his death approaching towards him.

  'We cannot kill a child. You are a great warrior, but on a wrong side. Capture them all, and bring them in my court.' Vikramajit declared, through which excitement of victory spreaded over whole army of Vidarbh. And the soldiers of Vidarbh captivated King Bhargav, Raajveer, Vrishbhaan, Tejasvi including other warriors.


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