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The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 50

by Michelle Love

  Isaac looked over at her. “Didn’t figure out where we were going on honeymoon, though, did you?”

  Sarah muttered, conceding he’d won that one. “Paris was like a dream. I can imagine living there, hanging out in one of the cafes until late at night, walking along the Seine on rainy Sunday mornings.”

  “There’s no reason why we can’t go live there, even if it’s just for a while. I can work from home.”

  Sarah smiled. “Whilst that might seem like heaven, you’d get bored of me.”

  “Would never happen.”

  Isaac pulled the car off the gangway to the ferry and headed to Main Street. Sarah felt strange coming back – she realized, that with her marriage, she’d said goodbye to this place in more ways than one.

  She frowned when she saw the shades of the Varsity drawn. “That’s weird. Is it closed?”

  Isaac peered out of the car window. “Nope, I see people moving around in there.”

  Sarah grinned. “Have you got x-ray vision?” But she got out of the car. Isaac held out his hand to her and together they went into the Varsity.

  “Surprise!” The cacophony of cheers made Sarah skitter backward into Isaac’s solid body, her hand clutched to her chest.

  “Holy fuck balls,” she exclaimed to the laughter of the gathered crowd. “What the hell is this?” She started to smile as she recognized her friends from the island, her family.

  Molly came forward to hug her. “It’s your surprise thank you party. For the Varsity.”

  Sarah was touched beyond words. “You shouldn’t have.” But Molly and Isaac shared a look – they knew she was delighted. Sarah looked around.

  “Where’s Finn?”

  Molly looked awkward. “He’s working, sweetie. Sends his love.”

  Sarah smiled, her heart aching for her absent friend but soon she was chatting to everybody, getting the gossip, enjoying herself. Isaac watched her with a smile on his face.

  Damn, you’re a lucky man, Quinn


  Molly gave him a friendly poke in the side and he turned to her, smiling. “Good honeymooning, soldier?”

  Isaac laughed. “The best. How have things been here?”

  Molly’s smile faded and she pulled him away from the throng of people. “Dan’s still hanging around…no, don’t worry, nothing’s happened, it’s just…he scares me. He just reminds me of someone who hasn’t finished what he came here to do, who hasn’t let go of the past…of Sarah.”

  She told him about the strange scene the night of the wedding; Dan screaming silently into the empty coffee house.

  Isaac frowned. “That’s messed up.”

  “Right? A part of me is so glad that Sarah’s going to live in the city with you and your very helpful security team. Although I’ll miss her, I’m happy that she’ll be away from him.”

  Isaac considered in silence. “Do you think it’s worth trying to pay him off? Getting him to leave? Would that work?”

  “I don’t think money is his end game.”

  Isaac looked over to Sarah. She looked so happy, so much more than in recent months. Isaac turned back to Molly. “I’ll have him followed. If he comes anywhere near her, I’ll deal with it.”

  Molly nodded unhappily. “Please,” she said in a low voice,” I don’t want any more violence but keep her safe. Whatever it takes.”

  It was when the party was in full swing when Caroline Jewell showed up. Sarah rolled her eyes but told Molly not to bother when she offered to throw her out. “I honestly don’t give a crap about her anymore. She made her own bed.”

  It was a quarter hour before Caroline made her way over to Sarah. She raked her red-rimmed eyes up and down Sarah’s body.

  “I try and try but I cannot see what everyone sees in you. Your billionaire, Dan, Finn – have you got a magnetic vagina? Do you fuck in seventy different positions?”

  Sarah suddenly noticed Isaac behind Caroline with a grim look on his face. She grinned at him then looked back at Caroline.

  “Eighty and yes, in fact, I do have a magnetic vagina.”

  Behind Caroline, Isaac grinned. Caroline narrowed her eyes at Sarah, clearly trying to figure out why she wasn’t rising to the bait.

  “You gone soft, Bailey?”

  Sarah sighed. “I don’t want to fight anymore, Caroline. Not with you, not with anyone. You got handed the poisoned chalice, Caroline. Finn didn’t love you, he told me that a long time ago. But you didn’t love him either, did you? You made each other unhappy; I had nothing to do with that. Let’s just call it quits.”

  Caroline smirked, running a hand over the growing bump in her belly. “Well, at least I have this to look forward too.” She met Sarah’s gaze. “Shame about you though. Can’t give your free ride a son and heir? Wow, that’s got to impact the prenup.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Sarah had paled and now Isaac stepped between the two women.

  “It’s time for you to leave, Caroline.”

  Shamelessly, Caroline grinned up at him. “What about you? Surely you want kids, Mr. Billionaire?”

  Isaac’s face was hard. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve never even considered it.”


  Isaac took hold of Caroline’s arm and propelled her towards the door. Caroline dug her heels in. “Tell her, Isaac.” Isaac ignored her so Caroline raised her voice above the noise of the party. “Tell her! Tell your barren wife about your son!”

  Her screech brought a halt to the party chatter. Isaac was looking at Caroline in abject horror. “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked in a low voice. Caroline looked directly at a frozen Sarah.

  “Your son, Isaac. The one you abandoned when you met Sarah.”

  Sarah gasped - a broken-hearted sound.

  Isaac closed his eyes. The room was utterly silent for a moment before Sarah finally spoke, her voice broken. “Isaac?”

  Before Isaac could answer her, Caroline, laughing, clapped her hands together. “You know what I’ve always loved? Reunions.”

  Isaac stepped towards her but Caroline darted to the door and pushed it open. “You can come in now.”

  Sarah’s heart was failing, her breath coming in short, shocked gasps. A blonde woman stepped into the coffee house carrying a baby boy, not older than a year. He had dark brown curls and wide, curious green eyes. There was no doubt whose son he was.

  Sarah looked, finally, at her husband, tried to formulate the questions she had whirling through her mind but nothing would come out. He’d said it had been years…and not once had he ever mentioned his child. His child.

  Isaac, barely acknowledging the blonde woman, turned to Sarah, desperation in his eyes. “Sarah…” He reached for her but she pushed his hands away.

  Finally, she spoke, a low growl filled with hurt, betrayal, pain. “You bastard. Get away from me.”

  She stumbled backward and pushed her way through the party guests, all standing around in awkward silence. Sarah almost threw herself into the back room and locked the door behind her. So many feelings swirled in her that she couldn’t process them all. Instead, she just concentrated on the one realization that was breaking her heart.

  Isaac was a liar.

  In the coffee house, Molly finally sprang into action. She pushed Isaac towards the blonde woman and his child. “You go. You deal with that, I’ll see to Sarah. Go.”

  Dumbly, pain etched on his face, Isaac obeyed, leading the blonde woman outside. Molly hesitated for a moment before turning on Caroline.

  “You fucking bitch,” she said, not caring what other people thought, “you low down piece of human scum. You couldn’t do it, could you, you couldn’t let her be happy. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Caroline smirked and Molly stepped towards her. Mike darted forward and locked his arms around his wife. “You,” he snarled at Caroline, “get out of here and don’t come back.”

  Caroline glanced around the room, her smile fading when she s
aw the hatred on the faces of Sarah’s loved ones and friends. Her chin lifted.

  “Bitch got what she deserved – at least for now.”

  The moment Caroline was gone, Molly darted to the kitchen. “Sarah? Sweetheart?”

  No answer. She turned to look at Mike. “Call Finn,” she said of her absent brother, “I’ll go around the back.”

  People were starting to drift out now, embarrassed by the way the party had ended. Molly pushed her way through them to the street outside. Isaac and the woman and child were nowhere to be seen. Molly went around the back of the Varsity to the back door and stopped. It was open. She instantly knew what she would find when she went into the back room.

  Sarah was gone.

  Sarah had run out into the rain, sobbing, blind with pain. She kept walking, not caring that she was soaked to the skin, not paying any attention to where she was going. She felt her reason, her peace of mind, her sanity slipping. A darkness came over her. If I keep walking, I can just disappear and then there won’t be any pain…

  After a few minutes, she heard a car approach from behind. Please, please don’t be Isaac, she prayed. She turned to face the car as it pulled alongside her, the window whirring down.

  “You’re soaked.” Dan got out of the car and pulled his jacket off. He wrapped it around her and she let him steer her into the passenger seat. He said nothing more as he drove to her home – their old home. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and opened the door. The house echoed with emptiness.

  Dan grabbed a blanket from the dryer and wrapped it around her. “Go upstairs and get out of those clothes. There’s a robe hanging in the bathroom. We’ll dry your clothes down here. I’ll make you some hot chocolate and we’ll sit and talk – like we used to, remember?”

  Like an automaton, she obeyed, almost catatonic with grief and shock. She barely registered that it was Dan looking after her, Dan being kind. She trudged upstairs, stripped down to her underwear and pulled the robe around herself. It smelled of pine soap.

  Dan met her at the bottom of the stairs. Now she tried focusing on his face, dragging her mind back from Isaac – god, even thinking his name was painful. Dan was smiling, his eyes kind, holding a mug of steaming chocolate.

  She let him tuck her into the corner of the couch, hand her the drink. The warm sweetness felt good in her hollow stomach. Dan sat opposite, not crowding her, not touching her. She wondered why he didn’t ask her what had happened then she remembered. Caroline must have called him to gloat.

  “Did you know she was going to do that?”

  Dan shook his head. “She called me after. When I saw you on the road, I knew I had to help. You looked so lost.”

  Sarah looked away from him, sipped her drink. How strange it was being back here, with Dan. It was as if the last few years had melted away. Except for the platinum wedding ring that shone on her finger.

  She was married. To Isaac, the man she loved, the man who had lied to her about something monumental, something so extraordinarily important, she couldn’t see past that lie.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  Dan raised his eyebrows. “About what?”

  She gave a short laugh. “About anything. Everything I was so sure about this morning has gone. Ended. I was so sure…” Her face crumpled and she turned away from him. He watched her shoulders shaking for a moment, then got up, sat down next to her and took her in his arms.

  “Ssh. It’s all right, baby girl.” He tightened his arms. She sobbed quietly into his chest and then took a deep breath in.

  “I’m sorry, Dan. I don’t mean to burden you with all of this. It’s not your job to listen to my problems anymore.”

  He smiled down at her. “We’ll always be family, Sarah, of course, it’s my job. It’s the least I could do after what I put you through.” He brushed her hair away from her face, swept the tears from her cheeks with his big thumbs. He gazed down at her and smiled. Sarah leaned against him for a moment. Dan bent his head and, for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her. Panic streamed through her. Please no, I don’t want this. She let out a breath when Dan merely brushed his lips against her forehead.

  “Okay now?” His voice was soft.

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  She pulled away from him and grabbed a tissue. Dan moved away again, sat back in his chair.

  “Tell me what you need, Sarah. Anything. I’m here now. Let me look after you.”

  A wave of exhaustion flooded over her. She looked out of the window. It was only early evening but the sky was dark with rain clouds. Her head swam and she closed her eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  So tired. So tired. “I think I…” Her voice drifted away. She felt him drape a blanket over her, settle her head on a pillow. From outside, she thought she heard a car roaring away down the dirt road to her house. Dan’s voice echoed in her ears.

  “Sleep, darling. You’ve had a terrible day. Just rest, baby girl, rest.”

  His voice sounded a million miles away…finally, Sarah let go and let the darkness come.

  Isaac drove until he was almost at her house and then killed the lights. He sat in the car for a moment, arguing with himself. This is so fucked up. He dropped his head into his hands but after a beat, got out of the car and walked the half mile or so to Sarah’s old house. When one of the coffee house regulars had told him that he saw Dan pick her up and drive off in the direction of the house, his heart had clenched with every emotion. There were no lights on at the front of the house but he could see light spilling out from the back door. The muscles in Isaac’s jaw clenched. He walked slowly around the side of the house but stopped when he saw the light in the living room. Dan was there, with Sarah. He couldn’t see her face but from Dan’s reaction, she was talking to him. About you, schmuck, he told himself. Isaac swallowed down the anger in him but couldn’t tear his eyes away. God…what he would give to turn back the clock, to tell Sarah about the kid right at the start. When Clare had told him she was pregnant, he had been straight with her. He would pay generously for the child’s support, give him a substantial trust fund – give Clare money for herself – but he didn’t want to be a part of her or the child’s life. When he saw the child – Billy - today, all he could think was – you should be Sarah’s child – Sarah’s and mine. The look on Sarah’s face when she realized the truth he would never forget. He’d broken her heart, her fragile trust. He gazed at her through the window, her back to him, the dark hair tangled down her back, the slumped shoulders telling him she was crying. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…

  Then Dan seemed to look straight at him. Isaac’s stomach lurched as he watched Sarah’s ex-husband smirk, reach out and stroke Sarah’s cheek tenderly, possessively. Isaac wanted to beat the shit out of him right there but the next moment his heart cracked open as Sarah lay down and Dan followed her, covering her body with his. Isaac lurched away from the scene but not before he saw Dan’s hands in her hair, his mouth against her skin. Isaac stumbled back to his car and sped back into town, blinded by pain. He stopped the car outside the Varsity and let the grief take over. He sobbed into his hands, not caring if anyone saw him

  Dan could have laughed out loud. The dumb billionaire had been sneaking around outside the window, watching them, and then the drug kicked in and Sarah had passed out into his arms. What it must have looked like! He’d played it up, kissing her, hiding the fact she was out cold. The anguish on Isaac’s face. Dan smiled. He listened to the faint sound of Isaac’s car starting and speeding away. Sarah was limp in his arms. He picked her up, kissing her gently and carried her up to his bed.

  For a time, he just sat with her, watching her then he returned to the living room. He picked up Sarah’s half empty mug of hot chocolate and took it into the kitchen. He washed it carefully, making sure the residue of the drug was gone. Ketamine. He smiled to himself. Everything had gone perfectly. It had been such a finely balanced plan but one he knew that if they pulled it off, it would feel victor
ious. It did. He grabbed his cell phone and texted Caroline. You did well. I won’t forget it.

  A second later. What now?

  So impatient but Dan grinned. Now I give you your greatest wish.

  He couldn’t wait for the next part.

  Caroline let the drape fall back over the window. She’d heard his car screech to a halt outside the Varsity. She watched Isaac Quinn sob and smiled. Enjoy your misery, you bastard. She rubbed her belly. The baby hadn’t been part of her plan but now it was coming. Caroline Jewell wasn’t used to feeling like this for someone else. Her baby. Dan’s baby. And the added bonus of the look on that bitch’s face when she’d announced her beloved husband’s love child to the whole coffee shop. The look on Quinn’s face. It had been almost as if she could hear his heart breaking. Caroline went into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the microwave. She put a kernel in her mouth, rolling her tongue around the salt, feeling the nausea of pregnancy fade. Walking back into the living room, she pulled the curtain back again, sat down on the sill and watched as Isaac Quinn wept for his lost love.

  The incessant beeping of her cell phone broke through the heavy veil of sleep. Sarah, eyes closed, pawed about the bed trying to locate it and closed her hand around her purse. She opened her eyes and stared up at the familiar ceiling. For a second, she was discombobulated then she remembered and the pain flooded back.

  To distract herself, she flicked her phone on. Big mistake. Every text was from either Isaac begging her to talk to him or Molly, frantic, asking her if she was okay. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and pulled the robe on over her underwear.

  Sarah went downstairs and into the kitchen. Her eyes were wary when she saw Dan sitting at the table, reading the paper. He looked up and smiled.

  “Hey, look who’s up.” He stood and kissed her cheek. “How are you feeling?”


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