His Wolf's Choice
Page 32
“What wish?” Jaime asked while Garin merely stared at Bryan who laughed.
“That Daya would meet a man who would want her for who she was, and Jared would be sorry the day that he let her go,” Bryan remarked watching Jaime start to laugh while Garin’s eyes went dark.
“I’m thankful to him for letting her go,” Garin said solemnly turning to the window and peering in at Daya who was escorting Bethea to a chair. “Daya is the best thing that happened to me and the cub she carries is a miracle since I gave up a long time ago about having a family of my own besides the pack.”
Bryan patted the back of the baby he carried who was drifting off to sleep. “Jordan was on cloud nine when Daya called to tell him although it saddened him to know that he wouldn’t be able to meet them.”
The three men shared brief understanding looks before as one they turned back to the yard which empty, and Bryan shook his head in resignation.
“If we were attacked right now, then I don’t know if we would be able to hold our own,” Bryan commented in a low knowing voice.
“He hasn’t had any mandatory training sessions,” Jaime asked when they turned to go back inside.
Bryan gave a single shake of his head. “He believes that no one would dare touch us since everyone knows how strong we are.”
“Only if you continue to train and nourish your members,” Garin remarked entering the kitchen behind Jaime. “When the training slacks, the members get slow. Just because the pack has a reputation of being strong, doesn’t mean that you slack off on training.”
“That’s what Tobias argued, but no one wanted to hear him,” Bethea intervened catching Garin’s words. “Jared got pissed and put him on patrol duty while the others sit around doing nothing.”
“How many on the patrol duty?” Garin asked eyes going to Daya and searching her face seeing the anger she was hiding from the others.
“Five,” Bryan answered walking over to lay the baby in Bethea’s arms. “All of them along with Tobias spoke up against Jared’s practices.”
Before anyone could say another words, a member came walking into the kitchen. “Where are our drinks?” She demanded stopping briefly when she saw Jaime and Garin giving both a slow seductive smiles.
Kelsey’s eyes narrowed although Jaime ignored the woman sipping his drink that Daya had placed at the table for them while Garin never looked in the woman’s direction making her bristle.
“Bethea, bring the drinks out now,” the woman snapped turning to leave the room, but Daya’s words stopped her.
“Is there something wrong with your hands?” Daya’s words were polite, but the touch of frost wasn’t to be ignored.
The woman turned back slowly to Daya who nodded her head to the tray which sat on the counter. “I’m sure you can see the tray is ready,” Daya drawled raising one eyebrow.
“Who the hell do you think…?” The woman’s eyes widened before a smirk settled on her face. “Oh, the human Jordan adopted.”
She glanced over her before giving a sniff and then disappeared from the room without picking up the tray.
Bethea sighed kissing her baby’s cheek before going to get up from her chair only to be stopped when Daya walked over putting her hands on her shoulders.
“If they wanted something to drink, then she would’ve grabbed the tray,” Daya remarked meeting Bethea’s eyes. “You are not the only female here. Besides, you are not the Alpha Female and it is the Alpha Female’s place to make sure that the pack members are fed properly.”
“Daya’s right,” Bryan agreed when Bethea turned to look at him. “It is what Daya’s aunt did along with Jordan’s mother.”
“It’s what our Alpha Female does,” Kelsey shared while Jaime and Garin nodded their heads in agreement.
Bethea gave her a weary smile. “But our Alpha Female is different.”
Daya rolled her eyes taking a seat next to Bethea while Garin came up behind her putting his hands on her shoulders.
“I’ll be good and won’t say anything about your Alpha Female,” Daya uttered drily making everyone laugh.
No one else came to the kitchen and Daya merely lifted an eyebrow when Bethea glanced over at the drinks before shrugging her shoulders. She went back to the conversation she was having with Kelsey and Daya grinned leaning back against Garin who was rubbing her shoulders.
It was getting close to the time of the ceremony when Tobias walked into the kitchen his face set in an angry scowl which lifted seeing Bethea smiling, and laughing, at the table.
“Hi, Tobias,” Daya greeted in a lilting voice standing by the stove stirring something in a pot.
“Daya,” he exclaimed with delight immediately going to her and wrapping her up into a hug. “I’m glad you are here although I wish it was under better circumstances.”
“So do I,” Daya agreed her lips turning down at the corners. “Although to be honest, if Uncle Jordan was still alive, I wouldn’t be back here at all.”
Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them back giving Tobias a smile. “You’ve met my friends,” Daya remarked throwing Garin and the others smiles.
Tobias grinned going over to greet them and meeting Kelsey who grinned and nodded her head.
They were talking and chatting when the sound of heels echoed through the house, and Bethea grimaced while Tobias gritted his teeth.
“I haven’t been out to the living room in a while,” Bethea told him, and he merely shrugged his shoulders taking a sip of his drink.
“They know how to come get what they want,” Tobias replied without hesitation reaching out to cover her hand. “You do enough without any help from them.”
A second later, Jasmine strolled into the kitchen her face filled with fury which changed seeing Garin and a sultry smile lifted her lips.
“Well, hello,” she purred starting toward him only to be stopped when Daya stepped out from behind the counter.
“Hello, Jasmine,” she greeted politely.
Jasmine’s eyes narrowed and her mouth pinched. “That is Alpha Female to you,” she reminded her in a snide, but smug, voice.
“No,” Daya said after a few seconds of thought, “not my Alpha Female and not much of one from what I can see.”
Jasmine’s hand came back and almost collided with Daya’s face when Garin caught it.
“I suggest you try to be an Alpha Female,” Garin told her one arm sliding around Daya’s waist and drawing her back against him before releasing Jasmine’s hand. “Yet, I doubt you are capable of such an important task.”
Jasmine’s face took on an ugly hue and her eyes shifted down to the arm around Daya’s waist before she stormed out of the room.
“It’s a good think that the ceremony will be starting in twenty minutes,” Bryan said getting up from the table, and Garin gave him an evil grin.
“I was actually in the mood to meet him, too.”
“Day isn’t over yet,” Tobias conveyed with a cryptic look at Garin who studied him briefly before nodding his head.
“Let’s go outside,” Bethea suggested nuzzling her baby closer before getting up and heading for the door.
The others followed, and a few minutes later, Daya watched the rest of the pack members filed out from the house although they looked reluctant and bored.
“Disrespectful mutts,” she muttered, and Garin standing close to her side laugh out loud while the others snickered next to them.
Daya lowered her head a frown coming to her face thinking about how disrespectful she just had been.
“They are being more disrespectful,” Garin whispered, and Daya’s head swung up to meet his eyes a shimmer of tears making the brown almost black.
Garin leaned down and gave her a light kiss while his hand came up to stroke her back.
Your uncle would understand.
Daya gave a lingering sigh which slid from her into Garin’s mouth, and he lifted his head with a grin blue eyes dark with emotion.
“The ceremony is abo
ut to begin,” Bryan said softly, and Daya closed her eyes feeling Garin’s arms slip around her body bringing it close to him.
Opening her eyes, she watched Bryan step up to the pillar that had been erected for her uncle’s ceremony and set it on fire the smoke billowing up into the air.
Daya’s breath came out in soft gasps even though she knew that her uncle had been cremated a few days before, but still, it unnerved her watching smoke drift up into the sky.
Garin tightened his arms around her even as he tipped his head back and howled into the sky followed by a few others out of respect for the Alpha who was gone.
A few words were spoken although it was mainly by Bryan who glanced over at Daya, but she knew that no one would listen to her.
Shifting her eyes to her uncle’s members, she stifled a frown seeing how they clustered around gossiping no one paying attention to the person who was speaking in remembrance of her uncle.
Her jaw tightened and she lowered her lashes feeling anger well up in her, but a caress of Garin’s callused hand on the curve of her hip and the swell of her belly, Daya felt herself relax although the anger was still inside her.
Daya had only attended one ceremony with her uncle and she remembered standing by his side while he stood until the moon was high in the sky. To respect the one who had passed on, pack members were supposed to be vigilant and wait until the fire died down before leaving.
The sun hadn’t even gone down when Jared and the others went back into the house, and Daya gave them a hooded look before turning back to the smoke. No one else moved until the moon was a giant orb in the sky and Bryan turned to meet the eyes of the pack lawyer who stood behind them.
“It’s time,” Bryan uttered quietly, and Daya nodded her head although she didn’t glance at him.
“I’ll be in a minute,” she whispered huskily letting her eyes shift to Garin. “I’m all right, Garin, I just need a few minutes.”
Garin nodded his head although worry filled his face and Daya reached out to touch his arm lightly stroking his bicep. “I’m all right,” she assured him with a soft smile although tears lingered on her eyelashes.
“Ten minutes,” Garin uttered reaching over and folding his hand over hers pressing it against his arm before shifting it to his chest.
Daya nodded her head. “All right,” she agreed standing on tiptoe to give him a kiss. She could feel his worry and concern, and she found herself shivering with the knowledge he loved her enough to have those feelings.
“And so much more,” Garin whispered against her lips.
Daya stared at him with brown eyes that were still filled with astonishment at how much they could feel from each other and Garin shook his head leaning down to give her a kiss.
“I’ll be waiting inside for you.”
Garin stepped back nodding his head to Daya who gave a shaky sigh before turning back to the dying fire smoke drifting high into the sky.
Garin retreated back to the porch keeping his eyes on Daya who stood still not moving eyes on the dying fire occasionally shifting them to the smoke.
Garin heard the door open, but he didn’t turn around although his wolf identified the scent.
“The lawyer wants to see us in the office,” Bryan remarked quietly his eyes going to Daya. “How is she doing?”
“Sad, angry,” Garin replied in a clip voice. “It doesn’t help that the pack broke tradition and walked away before the ceremony was over.”
Bryan growled low in his throat. “The lawyer will allow you in the office, but your friends…” his voice was filled with fury, but he was in control even though what he wanted to do was go inside and tear everyone who walked away into shreds.
Garin heard the fury and could understand it, but his primary concern was Daya and he knew that Alpha Jordan would approve.
A few minutes later, Daya turned and made her way over to the porch where Garin and Bryan stood waiting for her.
“Once the lawyer is done, Uncle Bryan, we are leaving,” Daya spoke quietly her brown eyes meeting Garin’s who nodded his head without her asking.
Bryan opened his mouth, but he closed it just as quickly. “I understand,” he admitted with a ghost of a smile. “And to be honest, I don’t blame you.”
Daya nodded her head going into Garin’s arms which folded around her and nestled her close into his body heat.
“I’m sure that you, and a few others, won’t be far behind us.” It was murmured, but it was clear and Bryan gave her a hooded look guilt on his face. “Don’t feel guilty, Uncle Bryan, I’m sure Uncle Jordan understands. I just wish it had ended the way he wanted.”
“So do I.” Bryan turned and headed back inside, and after a few seconds so did Garin and Daya.
Twenty minutes later, they were in Jordan’s office and Daya scowled at Jared who sat in her uncle’s chair a smug smile on his face while Jasmine leaned back at the corner of the desk in her skimpy outfit.
The lawyer who Daya knew although she hadn’t seen him in years turned to her with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry, Daya, for us to have to meet again under these circumstances.” He offered his condolences, and Daya nodded her head tears gleaming in her eyes.
“Let’s get to it.” Jasmine ordered, but it was Jared who growled eyes on Garin.
“What in the hell is he doing here?”
Garin opened his mouth to respond when Daya intervened her voice calm. “He is with me.”
Jared scowled, but the lawyer cleared his throat getting their attention.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Jared uttered in contempt eyes sweeping over Daya and Garin before dismissing them.
Jasmine, though, allowed her eyes to rest on Garin. “Oh, you poor shifter,” she cooed shaking her head. “Having to watch over Daya, but now that Alpha Jordan is gone your job is done.”
Garin gave her a narrowed look, but the lawyer shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Alpha Female, but Fighter wolf Garin wasn’t hired to protect Daya,” he spoke respectfully although the flash of his eyes hinted at his feelings for the woman before he blanked them.
Jasmine’s face filled with confusion, but Jared scowled heavily. “Just read us Jordan’s Will.”
Daya opened her mouth fury vibrating through her, but Garin reached out and slipped an arm around her waist and Daya closed her eyes slowly taking a deep breath.
“Of course,” the lawyer replied with a frown. Opening his briefcase, he pulled out an envelope which he opened after setting aside his case.
“As already settled, Jared is Alpha which includes the pack territory and the pack funds,” the lawyer began, and Daya caught the smirk that shifted across Jared’s face.
“There was no doubt of that outcome,” he replied snidely eyes narrowing on Tobias and Bryan. “Although others had believed to challenge me for it.”
“In the previous will, Alpha Jordan had given Tobias permission to challenge you for the Alpha position,” the lawyer revealed lifting his eyes to see the shock on Jared, and Jasmine’s, faces.
“As he wouldn’t be here, then it would’ve never happened,” Jared replied sitting back in Jordan’s chair.
“True,” the lawyer agreed lowering his eyes back to the papers in his hands a smile shifting across his face, “but if his living relative agreed, then Tobias could challenge you.”
Jared snorted while Jasmine laughed. “He didn’t have any living relatives besides the pack,” she replied mockingly. “I don’t think his adopted daughter would be considered.”
“No, not if she was adopted,” the lawyer admitted. “But as his niece through his mating, she would have the authority.”
“Niece,” Jared and Jasmine uttered in shock.
“My aunt was Uncle Jordan’s mate,” Daya revealed leaning against Garin’s side.
Jared’s jaw dropped eyes widening in dismay. “But you’re human,” he muttered.
“So was my mom,” Daya retorted with narrowed eyes. “My aunt was a half
-breed as you, and the others, knew.”
Jared was staring at her, though, a thoughtful look on his face.
“But you don’t have to worry, Jared,” the lawyer continued catching his look. “Alpha Jordan decided he wasn’t going to put his niece in that predicament, so he rewrote his Will.”
Jared let out a breath nodding his head leaning back in his chair. “Go on,” he ordered getting a narrowed look from the lawyer.
“Tobias,” the lawyer turned to the younger man. “Jordan gave Jared leadership early to see how the pack reacted, and when they did so in a matter he hadn’t expected, he was disappointed and yet…”
Tobias stared at him questioningly. “I talked to him about…” he began hesitatingly glancing at his father and mate.
The lawyer nodded his head. “I know, and he heard you. Since the pack decided to back Jared, he decided to give you permission to leave the pack along with any others who wanted to follow you.”
The lawyer glanced over to Bryan. “Along with you, Beta Bryan, so he left you and Tobias five hundred thousand dollars to help you in forming your own pack.”
Jared shot to his feet. “What?” He shouted eyes almost black in rage.
The lawyer ignored him. “But since he is gone,” the lawyer turned to Daya giving her a smile. “Daya?”
“Permission given,” Daya answered with a nod of her head.
Tobias grinned while Bethea let out a cry of delight ignoring the look Jasmine gave her.
“Daya can’t give permission,” Jared suddenly remarked walking around the desk a grin on his face. “As my mate, she will side with me.”
His hands went out to Daya even as Jasmine stood up from the desk anger flashing across her face.
“Touch her,” Garin growled his blue eyes dark. “Then you will be sorry.”
“Remember your place, Fighter wolf,” Jared commanded eyes narrowing. “You don’t have any say about her…”
“As my mate, he does,” Daya intervened wearily although her brown eyes stared at him without hesitation. “You broke our bond, remember, and marked another.” She shook her head at how those words seemed to reverberate in her head as if they had been spoken before.