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Crest and Shield Book 2: an O R D E R mini

Page 5

by Dorsey Jackson, Jr

  Chapter Five

  Avahloh approached the new construction in progress. As usual, he was in full Grim Reaper regalia.

  “I am pleased the new construction was able to begin so soon,” Avahloh said. He stepped next to Commander Kiel, who was surveying the construction.

  “With the resources we already had available, Reik was able to pull together a construction team quickly,” Kiel informed him as they both stared up at the incomplete frame being constructed.

  “Efficient,” Avahloh said.

  “Demolition of the buildings that we will be harvesting the rest of the materials from has begun as well.”

  “How many buildings will we have to scavenge from?”

  “Three. Construction for the reinforcement of the gates themselves should actually be finished within twenty-four hours. Reik informed me extended construction will continue on from there over the next three days.”

  “I know the expected timeline is thin. We won’t sacrifice anything in the way of integrity of the wall for the sake of time, will we?”

  “No, actually. Reik informed me that we were lucky enough to have one of the engineers of the original build still enlisted and alive here. I spoke with him briefly and, from what he’s told me, the new wall will actually be stronger. He knows now how to improve on the original design.”

  “Lucky we are. Reik is overseeing the construction?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  Avahloh looked around the immediate construction sight. He didn't notice Reik anywhere.

  “Have him keep me informed of the status.”

  “I will,” Kiel said. “Do you mind if I walk with you, 1st Narce?”

  “By all means, Commander.”

  The two began a leisurely stroll back into the compound.

  “I was wondering, what were your other plans in preparing for the next assault?”

  “We were just looking at it, Commander.”

  “Nothing else? You think they would simply concentrate their next assault on the front walls again?”

  “I’m almost certain of it. As far as they know, it’s a vulnerable spot. Wouldn’t you?”

  “I know they would expect us to expect an attack there. It would be more strategic for them to devise a more unorthodox approach.”

  “That it would, but they have tried two other strategies. Tried and failed. I believe they would find it only smart to see how they can capitalize on what is obviously an easy target.”

  “I see your logic. And if they don’t attack the wall?”

  “Then we will adjust. Have you had Reik implement the new Heavy Weapons Division as I requested?”

  “Yes, sir. They are available at your request.”

  “I would like to meet the Commander of this division.”

  “I will arrange it, 1st Narce.”

  Avahloh stopped abruptly and then turned back to look at the construction again. Keil turned to Avahloh trying to gather what he was contemplating. The gears of that Grim Reaper mind were obviously at work again.

  "On second thought, belay that request Commander." Avahloh said.

  "Any particular reason why 1st Narce?" Keil asked.

  "Of course there is Commander." Avahloh simply stated then continued on in his stroll. Kiel stood there dumfounded for only a moment. He knew the 1st Narce would offer his reason when he was ready to - or not. Either way… Kiel continued to follow Avahloh.

  Avahloh stopped again and turned his head toward a commotion that caught his attention. Kiel followed his line of sight and noticed a group of Grim Reaper soldiers engaged in an argument with regular compound soldiers. The compound soldiers were backing down as the menacing Grim Reapers were advancing toward them. Avahloh began a stroll toward them. Kiel followed.

  As they approached, the forward most and biggest Grim Reaper grabbed a soldier by the collar and lifted him into the air. Holding him up with one hand, the Grim Reaper reached back and revealed a knife. He pointed the blade at the soldier and began to thrust it forward.

  “Reaper!” Avahloh’s yell stopped the forward thrust of the Grim Reaper’s blade. “What is the issue here?”

  “1st Narce, this soldier here refused a command,” the Reaper informed him.

  “You ain’t got no right to be giving commands to none of us, you maggot-making piece of shit!” The man being held in the air grunted out.

  “I would be careful in your choice of words, soldier, while in the grips of a Grim Reaper soldier, because while I may punish him afterward for killing you, his nature may cause him to do just that,” Avahloh informed.

  The Grim Reaper turned to Avahloh. The sense of confusion could be seen in his body language. “You may let him go, Reaper,” Avahloh commanded in his normal, even tone. The Grim Reaper did so immediately and the soldier dropped to the ground.

  “You ain’t going to push us around just because you feel like you can. We’ve got our own officers to report to,” another soldier in the crowd yelled at the Grim Reaper soldiers they were arguing with. The crowd of soldiers erupted in shouts of disapproval. The soldier that was previously being held in the air glanced over and locked eyes with Keil from the ground. No words were exchanged between the two men, but the question that glared from the soldier's eyes was; well what the hell are you going to do? Kiel’s normal, even, and hard stare back simply stated; there is nothing I can nor would do. It’s best you let this play itself out. With obvious contempt, the soldier turned his glare away from Kiel. They would get no compound officer support here.

  “We’ve earned the right, through blood, to command,” the Grim Reaper soldier answered.

  “What was the order?” Avahloh asked calmly.

  “We ordered these soldiers to clear that pile of ammunition and move it to the armory. Things must remain organized. Is that not a reasonable order?” The Reaper asked.

  “It’s not that the order mattered. No order you gave these men is valid if it hasn’t been ordered of you to give the order. I was just curious,” Avahloh educated the Reaper. “You soldiers can continue on with your detail.” Avahloh informed the Compound soldiers. The soldiers glared at the Reapers as they backed away and made their exit. Again, Kiel and the soldier locked eyes as they departed. Kiel gave no change in his expression or stance.

  Avahloh stepped up to the lead Grim Reaper. “Reaper, you don’t have the authority to shell out commands to anyone outside of Reaper ranks right now. It would make things less complicated if you didn’t assume you did.”

  “But 1st Narce, aren’t we the stronger, more disciplined, and elite division here?” The Reaper soldier asked.

  “That we are, but what does that have to do with posturing within these walls?” Avahloh asked.

  “To establish authority, prove who is in charge here. Don’t we need to show our power and strength?”

  “That is what a bully does. Let me explain this to you, Reaper, and make sure you understand this. One day I may die in battle, then Commander Kiel will be in charge. Then he may die and a Reaper will be in charge, and so on and so on until one day you may be in charge. I need effective leaders ready to take this helm. Bullies are not effective leaders. They are tyrants who lead men to slaughter. The soldiers here may one day have to fight to their deaths, but no Reaper, soldier, or anyone who follows after my command will be led to slaughter.”


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