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The Vampire and the Demon Prince

Page 6

by Mina Carter

  She wriggled her hips. “How about now? Seen enough yet?"

  "Witch,” he growled and strained against his silken bonds. All he wanted to do was grab her, place hands on either side of those wonderfully curvy hips and plunge his tongue as far as he could into her delicious pussy. “Come here.” His voice was hoarse. “I want to taste you, run my tongue over your clit. Suck and nibble on it until you come screaming. I want to make you scream, let me make you scream,” he begged.

  Pretending to think, she “absently” slid a finger deep into her pussy. He lost the ability to breathe, watching as she worked her cunt with first one, then two fingers. “Well… I guess you've been a good boy and good boys deserve treats."

  She pulled her fingers out with a wet pop and crawled onto the bed. Instead of straddling his face as Tiny expected she turned the other way and faced down his body.

  Tiny closed his eyes and counted to ten as her pussy waved tantalizingly just inches from his face and her mouth hovered over his cock. Bloody hell, he'd just died and gone to heaven.

  * * *

  Cass held her breath as she sat astride him. Her whole body tightened in anticipation as his hot breath fanned over her exposed pussy. She'd been fantasizing about this since the night at the club, wanting to taste him and have him taste her in return.

  He didn't disappoint. Before Cass could take another breath, his warm tongue explored, sweeping from her clit to the soaked entrance to her body and back again. Unerringly he located her clit, nibbled and sucked on it, not letting up as Cass shuddered and moaned above him.

  Dipping her own head, she ran her tongue over him, wetting him from root to tip before sliding her lips around the swollen head. She sucked him in, feeling the surge of blood in his cock as she took him as deeply as she could, the tip pressing into the back of her throat. A groan against her clit was his only response, the sound more a vibration against her sensitized flesh. Cass gasped, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head.

  Using her hands, lips and tongue, she worked his cock and relished every helpless jerk of his hips, each moan and muffled curse from between her thighs. The tension in her body wound tighter as he upped the ante, teasing her with quick sweeps against her clit then plunging deep into her body and fucking her with his tongue. He played her body with frightening ease until she was hanging on the very precipice, just one more move threatening to push her over and into her climax.

  "Stop.” Pulling away from him with a gasp, she rested her forehead against his hipbone. “I want you to be inside me when I come."

  She felt rather than saw his smile, and a second later he laid a gentle kiss on her clit. “Okay, honey, you take what you need. You're in charge, remember?"

  Cass lifted off him, unable to resist a last slow lick along his cock before she did. He tasted fantastic, far better than any other man she'd had, a message in itself. Her mate would be compatible in all ways. Even taste.

  Impatient as the needs of her body made themselves known, Cass swung her leg over his hips and settled herself into his lap. His rigid shaft was trapped between them, settling into the cradle of her thighs. Biting her lower lip, she rocked, rubbed against him, and chuckled when his back arched in response. So she did it again, her eyes half closing in pleasure at the delicious friction.

  "Are you going to screw me, or do I have to rip these scarves off, turn you over and fuck you from behind again?” he demanded, passion flaring bright in his eyes as he looked up at her as though she was the only thing that mattered in the world.

  Cass shook her head. Her hair danced over her shoulders as she leaned forwards to brush her leather-covered breasts against his naked chest. “Oh no, lover-boy, this time is all mine,” she whispered in his ear, “but next time you can take me any way and any how you want."

  With that tantalizing promise she reached between them, positioned herself and slowly sank down onto his rigid cock…

  Chapter 6

  "Ugh, do you demons actually need to eat or…” Cass asked the next evening, her disgust at the prospect of eating apparent as she popped her head around the door whilst Tiny showered. Catching sight of him naked and soaped up, her expression changed. A sparkle of interest in her eyes had Tiny rising to half-mast automatically. “Naked man. If we weren't on a deadline here, I'd be tempted to join you."

  Tiny grinned and opened his arms. “Plenty of room for two; give you a replay of last night,” he offered her, his grin widening as her cheeks flushed pink. She'd been insatiable last night, but to be fair, so had he. After the first time on the bed, they'd done the round tour of the apartment—the bedroom, the bathroom, the shower, the lounge, the kitchen. They hadn't missed a room in the “christening."

  "You are an evil man,” she told him and disappeared from the doorway. Tiny chuckled out loud as the sounds of muttering filtered through the open door. Something about “damn teases of men who got a woman all worked up and then let her down."

  He wrapped a towel around his lean waist as he walked through into the bedroom, and snagged her around the waist as she tried to bustle by him. “We can always leave a little later,” he suggested, nuzzling the sensitive spot behind her ear.

  She sighed in pleasure and stretched against him, catlike and lazy, but her voice filled with regret as she disengaged his hands and turned in his embrace. “I'd love to but…"

  She wouldn't meet his eyes. Her gaze dropped down to his shoulder instead. At first he thought it was the usual female emotional kickback. Most women needed to be reassured after a night of mad, passionate sex. Needed to be reassured it meant more than two people fucking like bunnies.

  Usually Tiny didn't have the patience for it. He tended to leave as soon as possible and avoid it all. Leaving wasn't an option with Cassia, though. Without the apparent intervention of his brain, he found his arms tightening around her and never-before-uttered words of comfort on his tongue.

  Then he realized her attention was fixed on the pulse beating strongly in his neck. The flush he'd taken to be shyness—although why she should come off as shy after all they'd shared—was revealed to be hunger when she lifted worried eyes to his. Tiny didn't need any mystical abilities to read her mind. The worry that she'd disgust him was written all over her face. Without thinking, he tilted his head to the side and offered her his throat.

  "Feed if you need to,” he said in a quiet voice, something which shocked him. Where the impulse came from, he had no idea, but it was a no-brainer. She needed to feed so he would provide.

  "No!” Cass recoiled, putting the distance of the bedroom between them. She sounded horrified, her eyes wide in her face as she stared at him. Even from this distance, he could see the trembling in her limbs and the stark longing in her eyes. “I—I'm sorry. I can't."

  Frustration raced through him as she turned away to finish getting dressed, sitting down on the side of the bed to slide her feet into more sensible boots than she'd worn in bed last night. It was frustration laced with puzzlement as he pulled his own clothes on. Why had he offered to let her feed from him? In all his long life he'd never offered his throat, or his blood, to anyone. Apart from the fact nice demons didn't do that sort of thing there was the whole darker side of domination he'd never been comfortable exploring with anyone before.

  But with Cassia it seemed natural, seemed right, to take care of her and her needs, all her needs. This was something else that was new, like his sensitivity to the smell of blood and the marks on their palms.

  Pulling his jeans over his hips, he left them unbuttoned to look at the symbols etched on his palm again. They seemed deeper and more defined than they had last night. It was probably a trick of the light. Surely they couldn't be getting deeper?

  Realization hit him hard and fast, like a full broadside from a galleon's cannons. He loved her. Somewhere between their night in the club and this morning, the sassy, awkward vampire with the killer figure had grown on him. He'd fallen for her, and when a demon fell, they really fell—hard and fast like
an angel from the heavens.

  He'd offered her his throat—his blood—for no other reason than she needed to feed. She hadn't coerced him; she hadn't used mental manipulation—she didn't think that was possible with Tiny—or even the physical force some vampires resorted to. He'd offered of his own accord, and Cass was still in shock an hour later when it came time to leave.

  "Ready?” she asked, picking up her purse and going to check the belt on her jeans where her warded chains usually hung.

  "Mind still on the job?” Tiny asked, a half smile on his lips as he caught her movement. “Remember, tonight you're all mine.” The expression in his eyes was a sensuous promise of long nights spent in pleasure.

  Cass swallowed as her heart fluttered madly again, distracting her for a moment from the hunger gnawing at her gut. “Yeah, old habits die hard."

  Like not going in even though it was her day off. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a day off. She'd had a bad run-in with a Keres demon a couple of years ago and been off her feet for a week or two healing up.

  Wrapping strong arms around her, he pulled her into an embrace. Cass sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. She closed her eyes, relaxed, and let his touch soothe her, absorbing his quiet strength.

  They were bonded. Finally Cass accepted the fact and gave into the tugging on her heart she'd been ignoring. Released, the denied bond settled into every fiber of her being. Echoing her own response, his heavily muscled chest expanded in a sigh of relief, but he didn't say anything, just carried on stroking her hair gently.

  She had no idea how this was going to work but she didn't care. Somehow they would make it work, even if he was a demon.

  A chill ran the length of her spine. She'd have to tell the city court she'd bonded. If she didn't give too many details and said her mate wasn't local then they wouldn't realize. Bonding was rare anyway and she'd never heard of anyone bonding with a demon. Ever.

  In fact, if anyone had mentioned the idea even a week ago, she'd have laughed at them. Now though, with the bonding marks on his palm and him displaying all the possessiveness of a bonded male already…there was no other explanation for it.

  Reluctantly, she eased away from him. A loud growl from her stomach signaled other needs and without a word the pair headed for the door.

  "You gonna last until we reach my place or do we need to stop for…um, drive through?” Tiny asked as they emerged from the double doors at the front of the building and into the night. On instinct Cass took a deep breath, letting the cool air filter over her tongue, tasting it awash with scents. She could tell a group of humans had passed this way not long ago. Female, heavy on the perfume and hairspray. Girls’ night out.

  Cass's lips quirked in amusement as she searched for the right term to use. “Drive through would be perfect.” Better than stalking the girls’ night out group. Besides, Cass preferred male donors, which wasn't such a good idea with a newly bonded male in tow. Possessive would be the understatement of the year. Bonded males had been known to half kill another male for even looking at their mate. She dreaded to think what one would do seeing his woman sink fang into another guy's neck. “There's a blood bank just outside the city limits I can use."

  A chuckle escaped her at his startled look. “Surprised? Oh, we're all organized around here. Hunters can have trouble getting time to feed, so rather than have us rush a feeding and potentially brutalize a donor, we can pick up blood pack —” She cut off mid-sentence as three figures materialized out of the darkness around them. “What the hell?"

  The figures took on a more defined shape as she watched. Within seconds shadow became substance which turned into texture and color until three men stood in front of them. In business suits and clean cut, they reminded Cass of lawyers. Apart from the smell of fire and brimstone surrounding them, this impression was reinforced when one of them stepped forwards and offered a card.

  "Good evening. I trust we're interrupting something,” he said, smoothly offering Cass the card when Tiny waved it away. Curious, she took it. There was no logo, no fancy design someone with far too much education and a tendency to talk about complementary colors and “white space” had slaved over for hours. No, this card was plain and simple. Just three lines of text which read:

  * * *

  Josiah Jhinks & Sons

  Legal Representatives

  House of Telosa

  * * *

  "You're lawyers? Demon lawyers?"

  The guy who'd given her the card inclined his head and offered a small professional smile. “I'm afraid so, Miss…"

  "None of your business,” Tiny broke in, an unmistakable edge of threat in his voice as he glared at the three men. “Your business is with me, not with her. You can let her go."

  Cass gasped in surprise as he shoved her behind him with a rough hand. Rough she could do. In bed it was kinky. Being pushed about out of it wasn't. She opened her mouth to tell him she'd fight her own battles, but stopped as something tugged at her memory. She looked down at the card in her hand again.


  There was something familiar about the name, something she should be remembering. Her brow furrowed as she rooted through her memory. A year or so ago, there had been something in the press about a missing prince, and there had been a picture. Cass blinked and looked up at Tiny. He didn't look the same. The gorgeous long hair had been shaved off and the ring through his brow was new but…

  "You're the missing prince."

  Tiny groaned. “Fuck, Cass, you shouldn't have said that."

  The demon lawyer smiled. “If you would both please step this way."

  "Why didn't you tell me you were a prince?” Cass whispered as they were marched down corridor after corridor, each more impressive than the last. Cass felt like she'd stepped into a history book. It was quite easy to forget they were in hell rather than a European palace other than the heat.

  It was as hot as a sauna, and within seconds of stepping out of the magic circle they'd been brought through, Cass's thin shirt had cleaved to her back. It made her feel hot and grubby, especially as no one else seemed to be bothered.

  A small muscle jumped in Tiny—no, Seren's jaw as they turned another corner. Cass rolled the name around in her mind a little. She'd have to get used to it. It was strange, knowing his real name after thinking of him as Tiny since she'd met him.

  This corridor was different from the others. Not a thoroughfare, it ended in double doors higher than three men, dwarfing the guards on either side. A tremor of fear crawled up Cassia's spine. Nothing good was going to happen on the other side of those doors.

  "I was in hiding. Not much point being in hiding if you're going to tell everyone who you are, is there?"

  "But —” She'd been going to say “we're bonded,” but at that moment, the doors in front of them opened and cut off her response. A tall man—another demon—stepped through. Unlike Seren and the lawyers, who were at least doing half a job of concealing their true natures, this man made no effort to hide his demon heritage.

  Skin the color of molten copper stretched over a heavily muscled frame. Blue eyes blazed in the middle of an impossibly handsome face complete with two small horns set on his forehead.

  "Ah, Prince Seren, so good of you to join us.” His tone was smarmy and condescending. Cass eyed him with distaste, deciding she wouldn't turn her back on this one any time soon. It would be full of knives if she did. She'd seen enough of his type in the vampire courts.

  "Lord Zarek. The pleasure, as always, is all yours.” Tiny's reply was dry and implacable, the subtle insult wrapped up in a polite smile, his dislike for the other demon clear.

  Zarek beamed wider, as though winding people up was his favorite pastime, and transferred his attention to Cassia. “You brought your little pet. Excellent. Things have been so dull around here. An execution will really liven things up."

  "Huh? What? Execution?” Oh shit, that didn't sound good. “Tiny, what's he on about?” she demande
d, as they were shunted none too gently into the hall after Zarek.

  Tiny didn't answer, which worried Cass. He just reached for her hand, which worried her even more. Walking ahead of them, Zarek threw a smile over his shoulder. “Lover-boy didn't tell you? Tsk, tsk, Seren, that's naughty of you. It's illegal to bond a member of the royal family without the king's permission and to do so is —"

  "Punishable by death."

  * * *

  The deep voice was unmistakable. Tiny's heart sank in his chest as he turned to face his father. As always, Lakai looked little older than Tiny did himself. In fact, the two men could have been brothers except for the fact Lakai sported two small horns. Quite understated for a demon but there, nonetheless, and truthfully, the man was as twisted as demons came. Lakai the Corrupt, they called him, Tiny's revered father.

  "That's your dad?” The surprise in Cassia's voice matched the stunned look on her face as she stared at the lounging figure on the throne. Tiny nodded, lips compressing as he noticed her expression. She shouldn't be looking at any other man but him and definitely not his damn father. Not like that. Never like that.

  She was his, end of story. Jealousy rose hard and fast, almost choking him before he got it under control. But it was too late; already Lakai's eyes had filled with interest as they swept over the slender vampire.

  "Although, if you've brought a treat to share with the court, Seren, we might be persuaded to forgive you,” he drawled lazily, propping his chin on one hand as he watched the two. “And she is very pretty; she'll be entertaining to watch as she services the lords. A vampire, though…we might have to de-fang her first—just to be on the safe side."

  "Touch her and you're a dead demon,” Tiny snarled before the words were fully out of his father's mouth. Beside him Cass paled, a small sound of fear escaping her which wrenched his heartstrings. He knew enough about vampires to know the threat of rape was nothing at all to the threat of de-fanging. She might survive rape, even here, but losing her fangs would be a death sentence.


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