Book Read Free

Finding You

Page 18

by Kelly Elliott

  “Bullshit,” Meagan said as I opened my eyes and leaned up on my elbows.

  “What did you say, Meg?” I asked as I narrowed my eye at her.

  Giving me a smirk smile, Meagan flopped on the chair from my desk and said, “You heard me. If that was me sitting on that bed, you’d be telling me to get my damn ass up and make the most of it. Well, I’m telling you, it’s bullshit that you’re giving up on your wedding day. Noah isn’t.”

  My mouth hung open as I stared at her. “He’s not even here! He left!” I shouted as Alex jumped with Taylor over at the window. “What?” I asked, jumping up and pushing them out of the way. All I saw was Libby with the baby. It looked like she was directing someone over to the altar.

  I let out a frustrated exhale and went to turn away from the window when I saw Noah and Grayson carrying a bench from Wild Flower. Tilting my head, I whispered, “What in the hell is he doing? Does he plan on napping or something?”

  Alex spun around and pushed me away from the window, causing me to stumble backward. Trying to catch myself, I moved at an awkward angle and twisted my foot and went down hard.

  “Holy son-of-a-bitch, fuck the mother living duck, crack head jerk off, shit that hurts!” I screamed as I grabbed my ankle.

  Alex’s face turned white as Taylor dropped down and took my ankle in her hand. “Oh no. Grace, I think you sprained your ankle.”

  “Crack head jerk off? Where in the hell did that come from?” Meagan asked as I shot her a dirty look.

  My heart fell. That was it. I was done. The heavens were telling me that I wasn’t supposed to marry Noah. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Glancing at my ankle, I watched as it grew bigger and bigger. “Holy hell. Who knew it could swell up that fast?” I whispered as I felt the throbbing in my ankle.

  Alex was by my side as Taylor yelled out she was going to get ice. “Oh my God, Grace. I didn’t mean to push you so hard. Oh no! Oh shit! This is all my fault.”

  Tears began building in her eyes as I gave her a warm smile. “Alex, it’s not your fault. Clearly Noah was trying to set something up for the wedding and you didn’t want me to see it. You didn’t know I was going to twist my ankle.”

  Hearing Meagan let out a chuckle, I slowly turned my head to see her sitting on the end of my bed. “You know what this is? This is karma for putting me on the same damn flight as stripper boy.”

  Rolling my eyes, I tried to ignore the fact that my heartbeat was now residing in my ankle and pounding so hard that I could feel my ankle grow bigger with each beat.

  “Stop calling him that. Did you know Gray is now a detective for the Durango Police Department? That’s kind of sexy don’t you think?” I asked as I wagged my eyebrows.

  A look passed over Meagan’s face as she glanced away. “So what, he’ll always be a stripper to me.”

  Taylor came running in with ice. “I’ve got ice!”

  Alex motioned for Taylor to sit next to her. Alex lifted my ankle and moved it some as I yelled out, “Ouch!”

  “That hurts?” Alex asked as concern wore heavy on her face while she motioned for Taylor to put the ice on my ankle.

  “No Alex, I just felt like screaming out ouch for the hell of it.” Dropping down onto the floor, I covered my face as I let out a scream. Letting my hands down to my sides, I said, “Just tell Noah the weddings off. It’s no use in trying anymore.”

  “That would really suck considering I had the most amazing wedding day planned for us.”

  His voice moved over my body like a silk blanket. I’d never tire of hearing it. Turning my head, I looked up at Noah towering over me. His smile lit up the entire room and I instantly forgot about my ankle. And the flowers. And the cake. Oh let’s not forget the pastor, the sick band and whatever else went wrong because I could see it in Alex’s eyes there was more.

  Okay, maybe I hadn’t forgotten about my ankle, considering it hurt so bad I wanted nothing more than to rock in a fetal position and cry out why!

  “Hey,” I said as I smiled.

  “Baby, why are you on the floor?”

  “Alex pushed me and I twisted my ankle,” I said with a pout.

  Alex jumped up and said, “No. No that’s not how it happened. You and Gray were bringing in some stuff from Wild Flower and I didn’t want to ruin it so I gave her a little . . . shove.”

  Letting out a laugh, I looked at Alex and said, “Push. It was a push and sure as hell wasn’t little.” Lifting my head, I pointed to Meagan and said, “Meg, tell Noah how hard Alex pushed me.

  Meagan shrugged her shoulders and said, “Honestly, Grace you did a very over exaggerated twist of your body. It wasn’t that big of a push.”

  Sitting up, I shot Meagan daggers from my eyes as I shook my head and said, “You wait. Pay back is a bitch, Meg.”

  Letting out a roar of laughter, Meagan stood up and gave me a go to hell look. “Oh, you’ve already done the worst possible thing to me this weekend, nothing could top it.”

  Lifting an eyebrow I asked, “Are you sure you’re willing to bet on that?”

  Meagan’s smile dropped as a look of horror crossed over her face. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh. Oh, yes I would.”

  Noah looked between the two of us, as he finally reached down and picked me up. “Hey, Alex, would you mind helping Libby out downstairs? I’m sure Taylor and Meg can help my beautiful bride here with her wedding dress.”

  Confused and wondering what was going on, I looked at Noah. “But—”

  Placing his finger over my lips, Noah slowly shook his head. “I need you to put your dress on, baby. The pastor is ready and waiting.”

  A bubble of happiness began to build inside of me. “Pastor?”

  Giving me a smile that made my insides tremble, I said, “He showed up?”

  “Colt found one and he’s ready and able to marry us. I just need you to finish getting ready.”

  Nodding my head, I smiled. “I love you,” I whispered as he held me tighter.

  Setting me on my feet, I grimaced in pain. “Damn it, Grace. What do we do about your ankle?” Taylor asked.

  Noah pushed a loose curl behind my ear and said, “Leave it to me. I’ll take care of it. Get ready, baby.”

  Kissing me quickly on the lips, Noah turned to Meagan and Taylor and winked at them as he said, “Let’s have a wedding, ladies.”

  Taylor jumped as Meagan tried to hold back her excitement and lost out. Soon both her and Taylor were acting like idiots.

  “All right, all right. Let’s save the jumping celebrations for when Taylor pops her cherry,” I said as I hopped over to the bed.

  “Hey!” Taylor said as she placed her hands on her hips.

  Meagan and I both let out a giggle as Taylor spun around and took my dress from where it had been hanging up.

  I had no idea what Noah was up to, but I sure as hell couldn’t wait to find out.

  Meagan had touched up my makeup as Taylor and Libby took my hair down and started all over again. Libby kept wiping her tears away every time she looked at me.

  “Why are you crying so much Libby?” I asked as she shrugged her shoulders and chewed on her lip.

  Meagan stood directly in front of me and said, “Lips.”

  Jetting my lips out, Meagan applied a light pink lipstick to them. Taking a step back, she smiled and said, “Damn. I should be in Hollywood doing all the actors’ makeup.”

  Taylor rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah. Dad would love that.”

  Meagan let out a gruff laugh and agreed.

  Libby added another piece of babies breath to my hair and then stood back to look at me. “Well? How does it look?” I asked.

  Covering her mouth with her hand she said, “You look b-b-beautiful!” And busted out into tears . . . again.

  “Jesus H. Christ. What in the hell is wrong with you?” I asked as I stared at Libby.

  Meagan and I both looked at Libby as Meagan said, “Shit, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were�

  Meagan’s voice cut off as she sucked in a breath of air. That’s when it hit me.

  “Oh. My. God,” I said as I stood up and tried to balance on one foot.

  “Libby?” I asked as my eyes fell to her stomach and then back up to her face.

  Smiling from ear to ear, Libby’s cheeks blushed.

  “Libby!” I screamed as Alex and Taylor both screamed.

  “What? What’s happening?” Alex asked as she walked up to me and then looked at Libby.

  “Libby’s pregnant.” I yelled out as I pointed to her.

  Alex’s mouth dropped open as Taylor quickly wrapped Libby up in a hug. “Oh Libby! Are you really? How far along are you?”

  Libby’s face glowed. I couldn’t believe none of us noticed it until now. “Luke and I didn’t want to say anything just yet. We were waiting to say anything, but . . . well . . . my emotions are all over the place!”

  Taking her hands in mine, I tried to push away the ping of jealousy I was feeling. I wasn’t sure why I was so bothered by this news. I mean, I wasn’t bothered, I was happy for Libby and my brother. Very happy. But a part of me was envious and that bothered me.

  Plastering on a smile, I prayed like hell it didn’t look fake as I attempted to push away my sadness as I said, “Libby, you have to tell us. That’s my little niece or nephew in there!”

  Chewing on her lip, she finally said, “I’m almost three months along. My due date is actually New Year’s Day!” Libby said, as happiness spilled from her body.

  Everyone took turns giving Libby a hug. Once everything was settled, Libby walked up to me and said, “Grace, I didn’t want to say anything until after your wedding. I’m so sorry.”

  Shaking my head, I instantly felt guilty for how I was feeling earlier. “Oh, Libby. Don’t be silly. This is the best news I’ve heard all day!”

  Giggling, Libby pulled me to her. “I’m so glad you found love. And I’m so glad you stood and fought for that love.”

  Holding her tighter, I whispered, “Thank you, Libby.”

  A light knock on the door caused me to take a step back and say, “Come in.”

  My mother walked in and tears immediately filled her eyes. “Girls, it’s time. Grace darling, we need to put your dress on. Your father is waiting outside.”

  “What about my ankle?” I asked as I held up my expensive ass high heel shoes I’d never get to slip my feet into. I guess I could put one on.

  My mother winked. “Noah has it covered.”

  Alex and Libby picked my wedding dress up from the bed and made their way over to me as all four of my best friends helped me get dressed.

  The tears in all their eyes as well as my mother’s told me I looked good as I stood before them in my wedding gown.

  “Noah’s going to shit his pants,” my mother said as I let out a laugh while trying to hold my own tears back.


  After my dress and the veil were on, I asked to spend a couple minutes alone. There was a light tap on the door and it slowly opened. Attempting to turn toward the door, I lifted my dress and did a couple of hops on my good foot. My father stood before me as his watery eyes took me in.

  “Oh, Grace Hope. I’ve never seen such a beautiful sight.”

  My mother stood to his side and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “I told you,” she said to my father.

  They both approached me and I took their hands in mine as I rubbed my thumb across their skin. “Thank you for loving, Noah. And for welcoming him into our family like you both have.”

  My mother smiled and nodded her head as she whispered, “Of course, Grace. You’d have to be a fool not to see how much that boy loves you.”

  My father cracked his neck and looked out the window. “I never said I loved the little bastard.”

  Hitting my father on the chest at the same time my mother hit his arm, I said, “Daddy! Stop that. You know you like him.”

  My father’s eyes captured mine as they built with tears. “After seeing what the two of you have been through together, and what that boy did today, yes . . . yes, Grace. I like Noah very much.”

  Joy swept across my body. “Oh, Daddy. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

  Placing his hand on the side of my face, I gently leaned into it. “God, do you have any idea how much you look like your mother?”

  Peeking over at my mother, I took her in. Her long brown hair was up in a French twist and her green eyes stood out as they sparkled with joy. My mother was breathtaking. Her beauty was flawless and I was blessed to have anyone say I looked like her.

  Standing next to my father, my mother gazed upon me with the most adoring eyes. “Grace, I can’t believe my sweet little girl is getting married. It seems like it was just yesterday we were in the barn in one of the stalls having a tea party.”

  Smiling, I shook my head. “Leave it to me to have a tea party in the barn!”

  My father and mother both started laughing. “You always did love your horses,” Daddy said with a sweet smile.

  Exhaling slowly, I asked, “May I ask y’all a question?”

  “Of course, Grace. You never have to ask if you can ask us something.”

  Pressing my lips together tightly, I looked between the two of them. “With all the stuff that’s happened today, you don’t think it’s a bad sign do you?”

  My mother slowly shook her head and reached out for me as I fought to hold back my tears. Meagan would kick my ass if I ruined my makeup.

  “Grace, sweetheart. Push that right out of your mind. So you ran into a few problems today. It’s not the end to the beginning.”

  “A few?” I asked as I heard my father chuckle. Pulling back, I glanced over and gave him a dirty look.

  “Daddy, seriously. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong.”

  My father’s face turned serious as he pushed out a quick breath. “Grace, this is the way I see it. Yes, some things went wrong, did I enjoy seeing Noah freak out like he has, yes, but—”

  Dropping my mouth open, I hit him on the shoulder hard as my mother attempted to hide her chuckle.

  “Dad!” I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

  Holding up his hands to calm me down, he kept talking. “Like I was saying, but, I think it all happened for a reason. Every day is some sort of struggle with Noah. Last night, when he and I were . . . bonding.” My father lifted his eyebrows and smirked as I rolled my eyes. My father had insisted on Noah and him going for drinks alone. I honestly was scared for Noah’s well-being.

  “Yes, bonding; don’t look at me like that, Grace Hope. Anyway, Noah shared something with me.”

  My interest piqued beyond belief, I whispered, “What?”

  “He told me every day when he wakes up, he thinks back to when he was going through the withdrawals and the desire he had to take a pill just so his body could relax and he could go to that place where there were was no pain. No thinking about anything. The pain and hurt that he put you through when all of that was going on kills him, Grace. He told me he made a promise to God that he would live this life making sure he never saw that look in your eyes again.”

  A single tear escaped and descended down my cheek. My father reached up and gently wiped it away. “Grace, today wasn’t a bad sign. Today was about Noah finding his strength.”

  Pinching my eyebrows together, I asked, “What do you mean, Daddy?”

  Nodding his head, my father said, “If ever this was a day to test his strength, today was it. Instead of wanting to run away and take a pill, Noah did something else. He stayed in the game and followed his heart to make this the best day of your life. I truly see how much that boy loves you, Grace. And I’ve never been so happy for you, sweetheart.”

  My body trembled as I felt the onslaught of emotions. Launching myself at my father the best I could on one foot, he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. “Just know, you’ll always be my little girl and I know someone who knows someone who will take Noah o
ut if need be.”

  Laughing, I reached over his shoulder and wiped my tears away.

  “Oh lord. You ruined her makeup,” my mother said.

  Stepping away, I gently attempted to dab the tears away as my mother grabbed my hand and pulled me over and sat me down. “Really quick, let’s fix this. Thank goodness, Meagan used waterproof mascara.”

  Smiling, I watched my mother’s face as she touched up my makeup. Nothing in this world would ever top this day.

  Standing up straight, my mother smiled. “All right. Let’s do this shall we?”

  Nodding my head, I stood up and adjusted my dress. My mother kissed me gently on the cheek. “Deep breaths. You look beautiful.”

  Barely finding the words to speak, I managed to push out three words. “Thank you, Mom.”

  Giving me a small nod, my mother turned and kissed my father gently on the cheek.

  When the door shut, my father and I stood staring at each other. “Now I know how your Grandpa Mark felt the day he had to give your mother away to me.”

  Feeling my stomach dip, I pressed my lips together.

  “I don’t want to let you go, Grace.”

  Reaching for my father’s hands, I squeezed them. “You’re not. You’re just letting Noah borrow me.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, he nodded his head. “I do have a surprise for you.”

  Lifting my eyebrows, I said, “I do love surprises.”

  “Grandma and Philip were able to catch another flight and they’re here for the wedding.”

  Feeling like a bubble of happiness busted inside of me, I let out a scream as I covered my mouth. “Oh, Daddy! This is perfect! Everyone is here!”

  My father’s parents had been divorced for many years. Philip was my father’s step dad. His real dad, Brian, had fought a long and hard battle with lung cancer and won. He now lived in Alaska running a hunting tour guide company with his wife of ten years, Jessica. They flew in three days ago to spend some time with everyone. It had been wonderful having everyone there.

  “And waiting!” Daddy said with a chortle.

  Picking up my dress, I showed my father my one foot that had my expensive ass shoe on it. Laughing, he shook his head. “I get to do one thing I haven’t done in a very long time, sweetheart. Let’s just get you downstairs; everyone is waiting on us.”


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