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A Luna's Curse

Page 18

by Kassie Cox

  The sea of darkness was unforgiving as it tore me from the surface of life and dragged me into a hell I was sure to spend eternity in. I’d expected nothing more than endless torture for the sins I had committed, but I refused to go down without a fight. I grabbed desperately for the surface, begging to find something to hold to keep me from being dragged down to the destination that nobody wants, but so many deserve.

  My back hit the surface of the sea hard, my eyes shutting as the water seemed to rush over me and drained from the ground that practically just broke me in half. I didn’t want to see the hell that surrounded me, not when I could spend the next few moments in peace and away from every responsibility I’d ever had. I kept the thought of my mate from my head, ignoring the guilt that would soon be tearing me apart for leaving the earth that I was going to roam with him.

  I hoped Draven was safe. I could only imagine the battle had continued and that no one was given mercy from either side. But the wolves would win; they had to.

  “Open those pretty eyes for me.” I rose at the sound of the woman’s voice, my eyes hurting as bright light blinded me for a few moments.

  My stance was wide, ready to take on whoever would be coming for me first. Never again would I go without a fight, no matter how horrible the consequences. The laughter hit me harder than the waves had, bringing my vision back and allowing me to meet the eyes of the most heavenly woman I’d ever encountered.

  The Moon. That’s who stood within feet of me, her eyes reminding me of stars as the goddess looked me over from head to toe. I was almost embarrassed to stand in front of her, looking like a beast preparing for battle as I stood in such a defensive position. I was quick to drop my shoulders and take a few steps back, amazed at the being before me.

  “Why am I…” My thought trailed off as I took in the surrounding area. I stood on pack-land. The layout was different from those I had been on, as there was no beginning nor end to the homes surrounding us. Wolves walked around peacefully; skin and fur were welcomed.

  I didn’t recognize any of those walking around, and I was confused as to why I’d been brought to a place meant for a species that was not my own. There had to have been a mistake, for I wasn’t meant to end up here. My actions were atrocious, my hands had carried out vicious things, unforgivable things.

  “We have a lot to discuss, My Dear. Take a walk?” Her hands stretched out to me, and I was quick to take it.

  The warmth gradually moved through me, bringing my stiff limbs back to life and allowing my cluttered mind to calm down for just a moment. The troubles of my past were washed away as I viewed the happiness of those around. The beauty of this place was one I could only pray to stay in. Would Elias be here with me one day?

  “I’m sure your curiosity is peaked, but the wonder of this land will be answered a very long time from now. You are not here to stay, for now.” I met her eyes once more, and the white hair that fell in perfect waves around her was mesmerizing as was her never ending smile. She squeezed my hand. “You are such a beautiful soul. I cannot wait for Elias to meet you once more!”

  “Is he coming here?” I questioned, my voice feeling lighter. The weight of the world no longer sat upon my shoulders, and I’d never felt better. There was still no happiness or anything to that effect, but this is peaceful, which is better than what I’d had before.

  “You will be going back to him, but we have a few minutes until the Witch is successful. How did you like Adelina? A character is she not?” Her laugh made me think that she either saw this situation all the time, or she is a lunatic. Did she expect me to believe I was not dead? “Oh, stop fretting, let’s talk about a few things and then you’ll be on your way. Life is going to be different once you get back. You’ll feel everything, so I’d like you to be prepared.”

  She pulled me along, my feet fighting to keep up with her easy strides. My calm mind began turning once more, trying to push through the words she spoke to find meaning and answers.

  “This was the breaking of my curse?” She was ecstatic with her nodding, a slight jump as she grinned even wider at me. It may have been a little selfish, but I hoped I was not like this when I got back to Earth. The never-ending energy seemed exhausting.

  “You’re going to make such a wonderful Luna and Queen.” Another laugh, and my limbs were rigid once more. I let go of her hand, moving away and ceasing our walk as the words sank in. Another person expected me to rule the Kingdom. She also put expectations on me that I didn’t care to have.

  “Once I’m back in that pack, I don’t plan on leaving again. This idea that I need to rule a Kingdom is getting a bit-“

  “I created you for this purpose, Keres.” The once kind eyes were now ablaze with her serious intent, and all I could do was stare as she circled me. Her eyes roamed over my body with precision. “We had a few unexpected bumps in the road, but your creation was for a purpose. When you feel the effects of what you’ve done in your past, you will not hesitate to lead a Kingdom out of a darkness that is about to ruin so many. Valor has retreated with his men back to the castle, but those riots that allowed your escape will only bring more hell upon those people. Your Kingdom will suffer until you step up and take it. Adjust to the role of Luna, and then when the time comes, you must help those you have hurt.”

  I stared at her for a long moment, trying to soak in the words and react in a reasonable manner. She was right. I’d done horrific things that can never be forgiven, but maybe I could help those that I’d wronged. The idea was intimidating, to imagine myself at such a high role with so many responsibilities and lives depending on me. I’d helped the King and been on the inside of the castle long enough to see the job requirements. This wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, that’s for sure.

  I found it hard to argue with a woman that seemed to control it all. The one in charge of my existence was telling me to do something, and I was not going to fight her on it. I may not have believed in myself, but the Moon had enough faith for both of us it seemed.

  “Why is this so important to you?” My question brought the smile back, her eyes no longer blazing but a light glow. She liked my submission to her will.

  “You may not understand peace for a very long time, but once you do, you will see why I want it restored so badly. I want the humans and wolves to be united, not divided. The hatred that leaks from both sides is sad and poisonous. Senseless murders have occurred on both sides, and you should know better than anyone the extremes both go to hurt the other.” She looked away, her strong frame wilting a bit as she hid her face from me.

  This woman has watched me burn entire packs, murder innocent wolves and humans, yet she still wanted me to do well. The Moon believed in me to be a change in the world that had become so dark.

  “I’ll do everything I can to create peace.” I’m embraced by the heavenly woman. Her happiness projected into me, and I noticed how much stronger it was than anything Elias had ever sent through me. It was overwhelming, but as I allowed it to settle, I realized how fantastic it was. Would I feel like this once I was with my mate again? Would I finally understand everything he’d spoken of, the feeling of the mate bond and how great it is?

  “You’re going to do so well, My Girl.” The words hit me hard, the encouragement and the motherly words made my eyes brim with tears.

  There was no feeling of sadness; in fact, her content emotions still poured into me as I cried on her shoulder. My eyes stared forward as I allowed the water to fall down my cheeks, and when they meet her skin she pulled back. Her hands gently moved upwards to wipe away the only indication I have that I am unhappy.

  “Am I upset?” I questioned, confused by the way my body was reacting. Her smile was sympathetic, but I saw something kind in her gaze. Warm hands pulled my face forward, and she pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead as I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

  “Those are happy tears.” The Moon let me go, taking a step back as I opened my eyes to see her once more. Things were diffe
rent, however, and the feeling of warmth was slowly fading. A coldness resonated in my bones as I felt the breath being taken from me. My eyes widened in horror as death took me all over again. “I’ll see you again, but until then…make me proud.”

  When she spoke those words, I felt myself drowning once more. My arms uselessly reached outwards for her to grab, because the ground beneath me was swallowing me up. Waves crashed upon me, twirling me beneath the surface in the endless sea once more. Every time my head broke the surface, I took a breath, but it was stolen away easily.

  Everything turned black. My vision faded, and my body sank. This was something I would gladly give in to, if it was leading me back to Elias. There was a chance I’d just imagined the meeting, the Moon a figment of my sick imagination. But as I faded into nothing, all I could do was hope I’d end up where I wanted to be, beside my mate.

  Chapter 30

  I screamed, my nails digging into the soil around me as my eyes met the full moon over head. A stare off ensued between me and the giver of life as the tears returned once more. I was unsure of the motive as they fall down my cheeks. The sounds of agony continued to spill from me as the burning in my chest increased. I searched for the dagger that was still imbedded in me, my hand gripping it as I clenched my teeth and began the process of removing it from my body.

  My pain was animalistic as is passed through my teeth, and my eyes were wide with horror and fascination as I saw the blooded blade. A large hand took it from me; someone was sitting right beside me that I had not noticed before.

  I had no time to worry about them as I watched the gaping hole in my chest begin to close, skin stitching together quickly right in front of me. The burning remained, but it was mixed with so many other things.

  Falling back, I tried to calm my breathing by taking deep inhales through my nose as I enjoyed the night sky. I felt when his hand took mine, the sparks moving through my body and calming any pain that remained. I was no longer underwater, and I no longer needed to fight. I lay before the man who was creating something strong within me and stirring my insides as everything fully settled.

  “Keres?” Elias kept his voice low, but I could hear the breaking behind his words. The desperation that flowed between his lips moved across me. My hand clenched his, letting my mate know that I could hear him. I felt him everywhere within me.

  His existence set me on fire. The need built as I tried to keep my eyes from him, because if I viewed him, I’d be unable to hold myself back. I would need him with everything in me. I already did, but at least I could have a few moments of peace as I felt for the first time.

  The sadness and guilt would come later I was sure, but for now I was basking in the glory of happiness. Relief. I was alive. After a sudden death, I had been revived with the weight of the world on my shoulders: this was my time to take a steady breath.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have a glass of scotch, would you?” The words left my mouth, and he immediately pulled me to him.

  A heavy head rested against my now closed chest. He seemed unaffected by the blood that still covered me. Elias gripped me tighter than one would clutch his last dollar. I was more than happy to be the one in his arms. My skin was alive with his touch, his hot breath hitting my neck while he prayed to the Moon. Elias thanked her and promised everything for giving me back to him.

  My fingers moved over his face, going through his thick hair as I finally met his golden eyes. I felt the smile take over, an expansion in my chest telling me just how important this male was. Sweet heavens--this was love, an endless flutter of wings in my belly as my core burned for him. Every inch craved to be touched by his hands and mouth, and my insides of molten lava begged for his cooling touch.

  “You’ve never looked at me like that.” He was still whispering, keeping this moment between the two of us. Our first true moments as mates, both of us understood that bond that would last until my next death. I didn’t think about that right then, however.

  “I’ve never felt this before.” I pressed a soft kiss to his plump lips; a low groan left his throat before he practically climbed onto me. His hard body pressed against mine as his lips forced mine open.

  The kiss was ravenous, full of passion and need as our teeth collided and our tongues battled. His hands went everywhere, and my own did the same. My only goal was to worship every inch of a male that was mine, that would always be mine.

  Each stroke of his tongue pulled him closer; every groan made my nails dig in deeper as he pressed his hardness into my core. I’d just come back from the dead, and this man was going to put me six feet under once more if we continued. The emotion inside of me built to impossible heights, a love I’d never understood flowed through me.

  “I see the ritual worked.” Adelina’s voice startled us both; instead of jumping away Elias covered my body completely with his. I giggled into his neck at the protective stance, and he growled with pleasure at the sound. Having him on top of me felt so right.

  “Maybe a little privacy, would that be too much to ask?” Elias bit out, his golden eyes turning black as he glared at the Witch. I should pay thanks to the woman who had helped bring me back, the one who’d ruined me but redeemed herself. My eyes didn’t stray, however, never wanting to let the wolf to leave my sights again.

  I adored him. A giddy, bubbly feeling erupted inside of me with every breath he took. The thought of him being farther than a few feet made me flinch, as he was mine and I was his. Forever. The bond was electric between us. Finally, it was me in its wicked grasps. And I was completely okay if it never let me go.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing you happy…” Draven’s voice dragged me out of my love drunk haze, my eyes finding the Guard.

  He was still beat up, swollen in every direction and bruised just as much. The man had a slight limp as he walked over, but the smile on his face almost made his wounds transparent. I grinned, the same feeling that happened when I saw Elias happened with Draven, just a little less. My heart wasn’t beating erratically with him near, and my hands didn’t ache to trail over him. The urge to hug him was there, however. This was a very different bond between the two of us, a friendship.

  I pushed the large man off me; his dissatisfied growl rumbled from his thick chest but I didn’t bother looking at him. It was difficult getting to my feet, feeling as though I hadn’t walked in years. My body felt weak, my vision blurring a bit with the effort. As soon as my legs were under me, I was embraced. Draven wrapped his arms around me and let out a long sigh that allowed his body to relax.

  Everything was incredibly unfamiliar, but I welcomed every action. Every emotion that would run through me from now on, I planned to enjoy. No matter the pain, I was lucky to get this much from life.

  “Everyone’s okay?” I questioned, my eyes going over the three people around me. All of them were different, yet I held something inside of each. Those feelings mingled with the forgiveness I had for the Witch, who brought me back to life—who used her power for my benefit. Perhaps she’d show me more of my mother one day.

  “Audra is a little shaken up. She got a few bones broken when she attacked the King.” Elias pried me from the arms of another male, enveloping me with his warmth and bringing me comfort. The Witch and Guard seemed happy for me, their soft expressions giving me a little hope that although the road ahead may be rough, I would be able to accomplish what I’d been instructed to do.

  How would they take my message from the Moon? Would they call me crazy and insist I’d lost my marbles after being dead for that long? They’d gotten me all the way to pack territory, so surely it had been a few hours since my death. It possibly could have even been days, but there was no telling. I thought over it for a few moments and decided to tell them later, after I’d checked on everyone and gotten used to my newfound emotions. The Moon had been right-- the constant feelings were overwhelming. The distracted me from every thought as I let them lead; I’d have to be careful.

  I’d alw
ays made decisions based on reason, or basic instincts. My heart had never led my actions, and I was scared of the trouble I could get in if I was not careful. In this moment, I believed it would be hard not to give up everything for the ones I cared for, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. Going above and beyond for those that would do the same felt right.

  “I’m sure we all have a lot to discuss, but why don’t we get to the pack house and rest? We can get to work tomorrow, after Keres is less dead looking.” I slapped Elias in his arm, my face a picture of shock at his words.

  What a thing to joke about! My mate gave a soft smile as he kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer. I sought his warmth, and the feel of his skin against mine widened my slightly drooping eyes.

  I was sure of his intentions. He felt a need inside to complete this bond that was a raging fire between us. I craved to put out the flames, to connect with him in every way imaginable, and to be his. I wanted to solidify our love so that he knew I felt it too, that I wanted nothing more than him.


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