Book Read Free


Page 15

by Evelyn Dar

  Reggie pulled out his gun and stared directly into the camera. He cocked it, then calmly placed it against Avery’s temple. Avery whimpered.

  “If I don’t get my money in two days,” Reggie said. “She’s dead. Do you understand…son?”

  A pause.

  “I understand.”

  “Then we ain’t got shit else to talk about,” Reggie said.

  “Wait,” Teddy said, “will you keep the live stream up, so I know she’s still alive?”

  “Fuck you,” Reggie said and hung up.

  Maddy took the phone from Kendrick and inspected it. “It’s off.”

  Stacy let go of Laylah and although she was primed to kick Reggie’s ass, or more likely, die trying, she walked past Reggie and rushed to Avery.

  “Leave her alone, Legs,” Reggie said.

  Laylah turned around. “What?”

  “She’s fine,” Reggie insisted.

  “You just backhanded someone who probably already has a concussion.”

  “Yep.” Reggie smirked. “And she’s still breathing.”

  Laylah looked at Stacy, who turned away.

  “Besides…” Reggie grinned. “My boys just got here.”

  Laylah glanced at Avery. Her head was bowed, and blood dripped from the cut on her lip.

  Maddy wrapped an arm around Laylah and whispered, “Don’t be stupid.”

  Laylah forced herself to turn her back on Avery and walk out the door.


  One of Reggie’s three goons, whose name Laylah hadn’t bothered to learn, walked into the lounge. “Yo, Reg did y’all check out the basement?”

  Reggie clenched his jaw. “No, dumbass, why would we? It’s already cold as shit up here.”

  “Yo, I swear it’s like an episode of Power down there.”

  “What are you talking about?” Reggie asked.

  Goon #1 smiled. “There’s a bunch of nice ass couches and booths. They even got a champagne room.”

  “You lying.”

  “He’s not,” Maddy said. “The school used to moonlight as a strip club/casino.”

  Everyone looked at her.

  “What?” Maddy shrugged. “It was a trending topic on twitter for like two days.”

  “Well, shit.” Reggie stood. “I think it’s about time we moved headquarters.”

  “What about the heat?” Stacy asked. “It’s gonna be even colder down there.”

  Reggie nodded at the largest and ugliest of his three goons. “Aye, Juice?”

  Juice raised his massive head.

  “Go get like ten space heaters, man.”

  Juice grunted and left without further instruction.

  “Aight kids.” Reggie clapped. “It’s moving day.”


  Avery wrinkled her nose as the scent of stale smoke and alcohol grew stronger. A door creaked shut somewhere behind her, and she tightened her grip on Laylah’s arm as they descended a short flight of stairs.

  “Last step,” Laylah whispered.

  Wherever they were, the air felt considerably warmer and Avery said a prayer of thanks.

  “I told y’all,” Goon #1 said. “It’s just like Power.”

  “Calm down,” Reggie said. “Just because there’s a couple of couches, and a bar don’t make it Power.” He laughed. “Y’all young bloods so easily impressed.”

  Avery flinched at the sound of Reggie’s voice, the metallic taste of her own blood filling her mouth still fresh in her mind.

  “I call the couch shaped like a pair of lips!” One of the goons yelled.

  “What about Avery?” Laylah asked.

  A yawn. “I don’t care. Put her in the champagne room for now. It’s got a door.”

  Laylah squeezed Avery’s hand, then let go.

  “What are you doing, Legs?”

  “What does it look like?”

  Reggie laughed. “Put the heater down.”

  “You have ten of them,” Laylah said. “Besides you won’t get a ransom if she freezes to death.”

  Avery’s heart lurched when she realized what Laylah was doing.

  Reggie sighed. “What is it with you and her?”

  “I’m trying to keep her alive,” Laylah replied.

  “Oh? Is that what you ‘tryna’ do?” Reggie snorted. “Could have fooled me.” He clapped twice. “Juice, please retrieve my heater.”

  Avery heard footsteps lumbering toward them, and her heart leapt in her throat. “Please don’t, Laylah,” she whispered. “I need you more than I need a heater.”

  “Aww,” Reggie said. “Ain’t that some sweet shit?”

  Unsure of where Laylah stood, Avery held her arm out and several seconds later, Laylah grasped it and guided Avery to what she assumed was the champagne room. A door clicked shut behind her, and moments later her blindfold was removed.

  Laylah’s eyes were ablaze.

  “Thanks for trying,” Avery said.

  “I hate this.” Laylah crossed her arms. “I feel so...”

  “So what?” Avery asked softly.

  “Like I can’t help you. And not just the heater but earlier, when Reggie hit you…” Laylah’s nostrils flared. “I wanted to kill him, but I couldn’t do anything. I just felt so–”

  “Helpless?” Avery asked.

  Laylah nodded.

  “Hey?” Avery tugged on Laylah’s arm. “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not,” Laylah replied.

  “He didn’t hit me that hard,” Avery lied. “I think it was mostly for Teddy’s benefit.”

  Laylah nodded, but the dejected look on her face was too similar to the wounded look

  Avery had caused earlier.

  Yielding to her old coping mechanism, Avery clenched her fist until her nails bit into her palm and the beginning of nothingness enveloped her. She stuffed down any remaining traces of guilt and surveyed her new holding cell. The room was only slightly larger than a walk-in closet. A royal blue chaise lounge occupied the right side of the room and on the left, a crushed velvet chair of the same color.

  “Champagne room?” Avery said, trying to lighten the mood. “More like a champagne cubicle.”

  Laylah smirked. “It’s bigger than my bedroom.”

  As Avery took in the room, she realized Laylah was right. “Oh, I didn’t mean–”

  “It’s okay. My bedroom is a cubicle. You’ve been in it.”

  “Right,” Avery said and sat on the lounge. “So, what is this place? Did we leave the school via an underground tunnel or something?”

  Laylah chuckled. “Not exactly.” She explained the school’s shady double life.

  Avery grimaced at the chaise lounge and wiped her hands on her coat. “I think I’ll pretend you never told me that, if that’s okay?”

  “Probably for the best,” Laylah said and handed Avery her blindfold. “You should keep it tied around your neck.”

  Avery’s fingertips brushed Laylah’s palm and her stomach did a backflip. She swallowed. “You’re not tying me up?”

  “Reggie didn’t tell me to.”

  “Guess he forgot.” Avery rolled her eyes. “Lucky me.”

  Laylah smirked. “Also, someone may have thrown out the zip ties when he wasn’t looking.”

  Avery was about to thank Laylah for the covert help when the doorknob to the champagne room rattled. She raised her blindfold, but it was too late.

  Maddy stepped inside and tsked. “You’ll have to be quicker than that.” She collapsed on the chair and groaned loudly. “I know I’m sitting in the DNA of like a thousand men, but this is the most comfortable chair in the world. I don’t care if I get pregnant.”

  Avery scooted over to make room for Laylah on the lounge, but Laylah leaned against the arm of Maddy’s chair and crossed her arms.

  “What are Reggie and his goons up to?” Laylah asked.

  “Searching for alcohol,” Maddy replied.

  “You’re joking.”

  Maddy gave her a look.

“Guns and alcohol.” Laylah rubbed her forehead. “We’re all going to die, aren’t we?”

  Avery snorted. “At least I won’t have to go to Harvard.”

  The smile on Laylah’s face froze, and Maddy eyebrows jumped.

  Avery squeezed her eyes shut.

  What in the hell is wrong with you?

  She opened her eyes.

  The wounded look was back on Laylah’s face and Avery dug her nails into her palm, but it was too late.

  Laylah’s eyes clouded over, and Avery could see the animosity slowly seeping into them. She had to do something. Anything.

  “I need a shower,” Avery blurted.

  Laylah and Maddy looked at her like she was insane.

  Maddy scoffed. “Sure thing. I think there’s still a noon appointment open at the day spa. Can I interest you in a mani and pedi as well?”

  Avery sighed. “This place is a school, right?”

  Laylah nodded.

  “Which means it has a gym, and probably showers,” Avery said.

  Laylah clenched her jaw. “In case you haven’t noticed, Reggie isn’t the most compassionate of kidnappers.”

  Avery shrugged. “Tell him my period started.”

  Maddy and Laylah exchanged looks.

  “Could work,” Maddy said. “Ninety-seven percent of men are grossed out by anything menstrual-related.”

  Avery looked at Laylah. “Will you come with me?”

  “Oh, uh–”

  “If you don’t mind,” Avery said quickly. “Maddy could always–”

  “I’ll do it,” Laylah said. “I mean, whatever.”


  Reggie upturned a bright orange bottle of Alize, while Goon #1 rolled a joint beside him. The two shared a VIP booth with a brooding Stacy and two boxes of liquor. Apparently, the alcohol hunt had been successful.

  Laylah tightened her grip on Avery’s arm and made a beeline for Reggie. They wordlessly passed by Kendrick, who sat alone at the bar, but the moment he saw them, he jumped to his feet. A few feet away at a blackjack table, Juice and Goon #2 were in the middle of a spades game. Juice didn’t move, but his eyes locked onto Kendrick.

  Laylah led Avery up to the rope blocking off the VIP booth.

  Without looking up, Reggie asked, “What now, Legs?”

  “Avery needs to shower.”

  Reggie raised his head, his bloodshot eyes slowly raking over Avery.

  Laylah was about to step in front of her when Goon #1 nudged Reggie and handed him a freshly rolled, pre-lit joint. Reggie finally tore his eyes away from Avery, drained the rest of the Alize and took a hit. After what felt like ages, he slugged Stacy on the arm.

  “Take ‘em to the showers.”

  Stacy made a face. “I’m not taking a female to the shower, bro.”

  Reggie rolled his eyes. “Juice, take them to the showers.”

  Juice dropped his cards and stood.

  Laylah coughed loudly and stared at Stacy with wide eyes. Stacy glanced at Juice, then sighed.

  “Forget it, man,” Stacy stood. “I’ll take ‘em.”

  Reggie imitated a high-pitched mocking voice. “I thought you ain’t want to take a female to the shower?”

  Stacy ignored him and gestured for Laylah to follow him up the stairs, and when the three stepped into the hallway, the drop in temperature made Laylah gasp.

  Avery shivered and leaned closer. “Hope the hot water works.”

  Although the hallway was well-lit, they took several wrong turns and hit two dead ends before locating the gym. While Stacy searched for a light switch, Laylah removed Avery’s blindfold.

  Avery smiled, her cheeks an adorable shade of red. She stood on her toes and whispered in Laylah’s ear, “Thank you.”

  Laylah’s pulse jumped.

  ‘At least I won’t have to go to Harvard.’

  The words were like a bucket of ice water, dousing Laylah with an inconvenient truth.

  She nodded stiffly. “You’re welcome.”

  “Found them,” Stacy called from across the pitch-black gym.

  The lights slowly flickered on, revealing a surprisingly clean basketball court. Stacy stood

  beside a set of double doors. “Yo, the locker rooms are on this side.”

  As they crossed the gym, Laylah waited for Avery to let go of her arm, but as they drew closer to Stacy, Avery’s grip remained.

  Stacy held open the double doors. “The girl’s locker room is down the hall to the right. I turned on the lights.”

  “Thank you, Stacy,” Avery said.

  Stacy grunted. “Hope you don’t mind slumming it, rich girl. I’ll be in the gym.”

  Stacy’s ‘slumming it’ comment looped through Laylah’s mind and when they stepped inside the locker room and Avery exclaimed, “Wow, he wasn’t joking. This place looks like it was modeled after Carrie…the one from the 70s,” Laylah’s irritation bubbled to the surface.

  “Not every school is Lovett Academy,” she snapped, noting with dissatisfaction the charter school’s locker room was identical to North Clayton High’s locker room – the community shower setup, the tiny metal lockers, and the cracked pink tile that covered every inch of the floor and walls.

  Avery blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Of course you didn’t,” Laylah said. “Just like you didn’t mean anything about the champagne room being the size of a cubicle.”

  “I, uh…”

  Avery looked as confused as Laylah felt. It was obvious Avery hadn’t meant anything by her comment, but it still triggered Laylah.

  Avery triggered Laylah.

  Laylah gritted her teeth, unable to back down from the ridiculous fight she’d started. “Look around.” She kicked a wood-rotted bench and picked up a broken locker door. “This is life outside of Buckhead. It’s old, dirty and hanging by a thread.” She dropped the rusty door. “And it’s always broken.”


  “When people like you look down their noses on this,” Laylah continued. “How do you think it makes people like me feel?”

  “People like you?” Avery said. She pointed at the discarded locker. “That isn’t you.” She stepped closer. “You’re not like them, Laylah.” She raised a hand to Laylah’s face, but Laylah stepped back.

  “Yes,” Laylah replied. “I am.”

  Avery dropped her hand, and a tense silence followed. She crossed her arms and looked away, but not before Laylah saw a tear roll down her cheek.

  Resisting the urge to apologize, Laylah cleared her throat. “Maybe some of the girls left their gym clothes behind. I’ll look through the lockers while you shower.”

  Avery mumbled a thanks.

  Laylah turned around and began rummaging through a nearby locker. She pulled out a large pair of sweats and frowned. “Hey, what size are– oh!”

  In those few seconds, Avery had shed her dress and bra and now stood in front of Laylah naked from the waist up. Laylah knew she shouldn’t stare but couldn’t tear her eyes away from Avery’s breasts which, just like the rest of her, were perfect.

  Laylah’s lower abdomen contracted pleasurably, and her neck burned. She yelled at herself to stop staring, but herself didn’t listen.

  Instead of shielding her breasts from Laylah’s slack-jawed gaze, Avery’s arms remained by her sides. She took a shuddering breath and stepped forward.

  The movement awoke Laylah from her stupor, and she spun around so fast she got dizzy.

  Laylah squeezed her eyes shut. “Sorry.”

  Avery sighed. “I’m usually a small, but whatever you find is fine.”

  “Okay,” Laylah squeaked, not daring to look again. A few moments later, she heard running water and let out a ragged breath. If Reggie didn’t kill her, Avery would.

  Laylah spent the next ten minutes rummaging through lockers. She’d found a pair of sweatpants that looked small enough to fit Avery, and a long-sleeved black t-shirt. She assumed Avery could wear her own bra, and as for underwear…
Laylah’s cheeks warmed at the idea of Avery going commando and her head spun at how quickly she’d gone from giving Avery a piece of her mind to wanting to give her a piece of something else.

  Laylah gathered the clothes, along with a towel she’d found that passed the sniff test, and cautiously approached the shower entrance.

  Thankfully, the water was still running, and Laylah quickly dumped the clothes and towel on a nearby bench. She was about to retreat into the hallway when the water stopped. Laylah turned her back just as a naked, dripping wet Avery stepped into her peripheral vision.

  “I-I found some clothes that should fit,” Laylah said, her voice still embarrassingly squeaky. “And a towel that’s mostly clean.”

  “Thank you,” Avery said.

  “I’ll uh, wait in the gym while you get dressed.”

  “Laylah?” Avery stepped in front of her, clad in only a towel.

  “I owe you an apology,” Avery said.

  “You don’t,” Laylah said. “I think I’m just hangry or something.”

  Avery touched her upper arm. “Yes, I do.”

  Laylah’s arm burned, and she forced a smile. “Really, you don’t. I was being a brat.”

  “Brat or not,” Avery said. “You were right. I’m sorry. And not just for my thoughtless comments and cringeworthy advances, but Teddy–”

  Laylah’s chest tightened. “We don’t have to talk about that.”

  “I know, but I want to. It’s just–” Avery’s teeth suddenly chattered, and she shivered.

  Without thinking, Laylah rubbed Avery’s arms. “You need to get dressed before you freeze to death.”

  “I need to say this first,” Avery insisted, leaning into Laylah’s warmth. “I won’t pretend my father is a good man because he isn’t.”

  Laylah wrapped her arms around Avery, her mother’s words echoing in her head. “I know you’re not your father.”

  “Then why do you hate me?” Avery asked.

  Laylah snorted. “I’m holding your shivering, semi-nude body. Is that something someone who hated you would do?”

  “You can hate someone and…still be attracted to them.”

  Laylah swallowed. “Who says I’m attracted to you?”

  “No one,” Avery said quickly. “But I can feel your heartbeat…” She reached for Laylah’s face, and this time Laylah stayed put.


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